I'm not sure where to begin with my experience here, but let me just say that Steve and the maintenance team are helpful and kind. Now onto the unpleasant things: Walls are paper thin. I can hear full conversations from people next door, the dialogue from whatever tv show they're watching, and every single step the tenants above us take, including their dogs. Speaking of dogs, there are clearly no breed restrictions here as I have seen some extremely large and aggressive dogs all over the place, along with incompetent owners who don't clean up after them, and keep them trapped in small apartments where they bark (all hours of the night) There's stray cats all over the property, especially near the "Luxor" delivery boxes. Luxor delivery. The property forces you to pay a $50 annual charge to use the Luxor delivery system which is supposed to hold packages. I've had packages lost, sent back, and straight up not delivered with this system. Id seriously consider other places to live in the area.