J Lee Maier

Think twice before you decide to call Waterways Village home. This complex has gone down hill, which is why, after three-years, I finally decided to get out. Waterways is extremely overpriced for what you get. My apartment was rundown the day I moved in, but I overlooked this because I liked the area- a HUGE mistake. Upon my recent departure, management decided to keep almost all of my security deposit to repaint and replace carpets, which I assure you were NOTHING beyond three years of light wear and tear. So now I assume this unit is in much better condition, at MY EXPENSE. And speaking of the management: What a joke! The manager is incompetent and unprofessional, and is also not at all committed to resident satisfaction. You will often return home to find a notice on your door- riddled with spelling and grammatical errors- from the manager, herself, describing some sort of change they are making to the community. More times than not, this will cost you money and provide absolutely no benefit to you. For example: The community used to provide basic cable to all residents. Not anymore. They've also decided to raise the pent rent from $20 per pet/month to $40 per pet/month. Why? For this money they provide you with "doggy poo bags" (which are frequently gone and not replaced) and a few rotting garbage cans throughout the property. I'm not even sure why they provide the bags at all, because it seems that most residents can't be bothered to clean up after their pets anyway. Oh, and you'll pay $5.00 a vehicle per month for a parking permit to park in the complex's own parking lot, which no one monitors, regardless of what they might tell you. What this greedy company does with this money, I can't imagine. If you have more than one car, forget the parking lot altogether- you'll end up parking at the plaza next door, because guest parking is minimal and is often taken up by motorcycles. It is also worth mentioning that the entire complex is very poorly lit at night. I know it's Aventura and all, but this complex has had its brushes with crime, so proper lighting would definitely be a safety feature. The only outstanding characteristic this community boasts is the marina, if you're able to land yourself a waterfront unit, like I did, but even though the marina itself is beautiful, it's very noisy. This is a spot where unattended kids hang out late into the night, screaming and roughhousing. Not so idyllic after all. Please heed my warning and look elsewhere. If you find a positive review of this place, you might consider that someone who works for the company wrote it.