Jessica Fountain

I really loved living at Wexford Village. It was quiet and safe, and plowing in the winter months was excellent (apart from the really steep hill coming into the complex that sometimes got really dicey). It was moving out that was the trouble. Everything went fine and after our move, I received an email indicating we would be getting our $500 deposit back in full. They had my new address, no problem. When I didn't get my deposit back after a few weeks, I emailed the team. They checked and assured me it had been sent out, and provided me with the date of the check's mailing (July 26th, 2021). They advised it could take up to 14 business days for me to receive my deposit in the mail. After this time, I emailed them again when I didn't have the check in hand. And... they ghosted me. This email was sent on August 19th, 2021. Thinking it might have gotten lost in the shuffle, I emailed again on August 26th asking for a follow up. I got no response. My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in September, so I didn't get back around to emailing them again until late October (Oct 20th, 2021). I explained I had tried to email them multiple times. I CCed the community manager. And was ghosted AGAIN. It's March 9th, 2022 and I have not heard from Wexford. I have tried calling. I've left a voicemail. I would have recommended this as a nice place to live, but frankly-- No. Absolutely not. This is ridiculous. When I was moving into my new place and my new landlords needed to get in touch with Wexford, they had a really difficult time getting hold of anyone for a reference. It's poor customer service at best and sketchy at worst. Where is my money, Wexford?