This place is a dump! They're living off the image they used to have. They never update any of the old appliances. The walls are paper thin. If you have a room near the laundry room, the apartment will be 85-90 degrees in the summer. Have fun running your a/c all day. It was so hot we had the windows open in the winter. Whenever you bring these problems to Nancy (manager) she chooses to avoid the problem as opposed to actually fixing them. They talk out the problems and claim to be working on them, but they're not. They just say what you want to hear. They don't care about the residents at all. The security gate was up 15% of the time we lived there. Then they wonder why a person was murdered there. Wouldn't happen with a gate up, then again the gate was barely secure as it was. All you had to do was wait until somebody drove in and follow them. They claim to be smoke free, but all you smell is cigarettes and weed anywhere there. We got our place with a stained tub and a crusty carpet. Then they won't to charge us for it to be replaced, we mentioned it before but they didn't care and made an excuse for it. Its a joke we have to pay for that. This place loves pinching every penny out of you. Honestly the maintenance people are the only positive of this place, they have to paint over rust and make more with less. Hope your paying attention Aimco because this place sucks. I'll be happy to hear from corporate if they would like to hear more.