For those of you who do not wish to read a long review, I'll summarize it up here. Do NOT MOVE INTO WEXFORD VILLAGE! The people are nice and maintenance does its I can't stress this point enough. While the community managers may seem friendly--and many genuinely are--don't get swept away by the seemingly well-kept grounds or exterior façade of this "gated" community. In the year I leased with them, I have been disgusted, ignored, and have honestly feared for my safety on a number of occasions. Wexford Village not only nickel and dimes its renters half to death, it ignores legitimate concerns and makes every interaction as unpleasant as pulling teeth. When I first moved into Wexford Village, I let a lot slide that I should have seen as red flags. First off, the gate at the beginning of the complex didn't work half of the time. It was constantly refusing to read my card or allow me to buzz people in. A couple of times, I had to drive down to the gate in order to manually admit a guest because the buzzing function wasn't working. Okay, this is a minor annoyance, I thought. Ultimately, I decided it was better to have a gate that occasionally glitched out for security. Fine. Then a couple months later, the gate closed on a leaving car. It. Just. Closed. There was a ton of damage and the gate was opened. A notice was sent out, saying that it would no longer be used. This didn't sit well with me. I had chosen this apartment complex, in part, because of said gate. When I went to talk to the community manager she told me that the gate was considered an amenity and that they could remove it whenever they wanted. Basically, she told me "tough titties, deal with it". But of course, she did it with a plastered on smile and a story of how all of the other tenants were happy the gate was gone. Of course they were. It didn't work! I'm sure they would have also been satisfied with you, I dunno...fixing it. Shortly after the gate was decommissioned, three unknown, non-resident individuals entered the compound. One of them was shot during an altercation and passed. Now, I know this could happen anywhere. This news would be distressing, no matter where it occurred. But this isn't a review about gun control or the sadness I feel about needless violence. This is a review about a living arrangement that was supposed to make me feel safe and secure and fell apart so quickly I could hardly keep track. This is a review about the supposed "smoke free" environment that is not even close. I can smell smoke RIGHT NOW. There are bags of trash that are left for days outside the doors and the fire alarm is CONSTANTLY going off--something I complained about after a particularly snowy 2am encounter. The CM told me it was because of the snow, however, the snow has melted and it's still happening. Last month the front door to my building was broken for five days. It took them five days to fix a doorknob. We had to go through a different building to get into my apartment. Which, okay, a little bit of exercise isn't the end of the world but the response time is so slow when there is need for a repair. On two different occasions, I made a service request that just didn't happen. The maintenance crew is very nice but it's clear they're overwhelmed. If there isn't a ton of firetrucks and police outside of a building, it's something else. Be it the company disabling the buzzing system at the doors (because tenants complained that they were broken and disabling them is easier than fixing them) of the company refusing to fix flickering lights, there's always something. And did I mention that the office has lost not one but two of my packages? Yeah. And the price. Let's talk about the prices. I'm sure there are complexes that charge you for parking on top of your rent. They may even charge you a monthly surcharge for pets. Is it also normal for them to charge you for changing locks and cleaning your carpets after you move out? I feel like those costs should be paid by the company that owns the building. Why am I paying for the upkeep of YOUR apartment complex? In addition, the cost of laundry is laughable. More than $4 to do a load of laundry is too much. Not to mention, you have to buy their laundry card to begin with. All in all, Wexford Village is too expensive for what you're getting back. I pay almost $1000 for a 750 square foot apartment. And that was last year's rate. They've upped the base price for this shithole to $1149. That's the BASE PRICE. You could do so much better. This place isn't worth it. Save yourself some stress and aggravation. Find an apartment complex you can feel safe and comfortable in. Please note, I have no commented about any of my sketchy neighbors. While I was off put by this (I had three different people try to walk into my apartment), this isn't necessarily Wexford's fault. Sketchy people are everywhere. Here they are loud, they smoke, and they have fights with their girlfriends in the hallway. It happens.