Stephanie Lux

If you love headaches and dealing with constant issues due to carelessness, look no further! During our first month, we came home to see that a window in one bedroom had been removed and replaced by cardboard with a large noisy AC unit blocking the window, with no prior warning, apparently due to some leak in the wall. No one came to remove the cardboard until we called multiple times. For the leak, they started an enigmatic construction project in our living room. While the wall was wide open, cockroaches came out. We noticed ants all over our kitchen counter all year, which pest control did nothing about. Centipede-like insects regularly appeared in the master bedroom. We found several mice throughout the unit to which pest control did nothing but lay down sticky traps. One mouse ended up in our kitchen sink. We were only able to reach the concierge, who came up to our apartment and smashed the mouse with a hammer in our sink. This was unsanitary, traumatic, and completely ridiculous. There are systemic rodent and insect problems in this building that management refuses to address. The main elevators (of which there are only two) broke quite literally twice a week. Every Saturday morning for months, starting at 7 am, the apartment had construction done for a new cooling system. The cooling was never noticeably improved. The apartment only has old radiators, which simply don't work. We had days when Willard already switched over to AC, and our apartment was colder than 60 F. One radiator didn't work and led to severe moisture buildup, leading to mold on the floor. Despite constant reminders, the maintenance team didn't replace the damaged flooring until months later. Mold continued to be pervasive, with some bizarre moldy fluid leaking out of a sliding door frame. Maintenance continued to fail to help us, instead just leaving a bottle of Moldex in our unit. Four months in, we found dirty, brown-colored water pouring out from the ceiling around the area of the ceiling light fixture in the master bedroom. Despite immediately bringing up this issue to the front desk and maintenance team, they neglected to take care of it until several days later. Then, they made matters worse by opening up further holes, causing an even larger deluge of water to fall for days. No further help was given to control the flood created in the bathroom. This made the bathroom completely unusable during this time. They did not repair the ceiling until weeks later. While moving out, we decided to clean the apartment ourselves to save some money and declined the $150 cleaning service. As we were cleaning, we found out from a leasing agent that we should not waste our time. They warned that we would be charged the $150 cleaning service fee regardless of how spotless we left the apartment. Lastly, after giving enough notice, paying our rent in full, and moving out by our final lease date, we received a $15,000 bill statement with the wrong lease dates, wrong leaseholder names, and false charges for rent. Although we had hoped to be done, they still manage to harass us with careless errors leading to incorrect fees. We have reached out to correct these errors and are still receiving statements with incorrect charges stating we owe thousands of dollars. Trust me when I say you're better off looking absolutely anywhere else.