Brittanie H (Breedstyle)

The first 8 days of my stay here I gave my review and although the staff at the time were great, they left shortly after we moved in. After a year living here...this is my full and honest review: My experience at the Willard has been a nightmare to say the least and it has only gotten progressively worse since living here. THE A/C ISSUES- The week after we moved in the A/c went out and it was nearly 100 degrees outside. Subsequent to that it went out 8 total times. ELEVATOR ISSUES- Ok so it doesn't seem like a big deal right? They are doing elevator repairs what could be the worst you would have to deal with. Since I moved in in August there has been at least one elevator broken AT ALL TIMES. With THOUSANDS of residents in your community this causes major delays getting to work and getting out of the complex. I live on an upper floor so I can take the stairs down but coming up is a SERIOUS work out- all while pregnant . Add two dogs to the load and its unbearable! THE FLOOD- so within the first 3 weeks of me and my finance moving in our apartment was flooded. A pipe burst and flooded our unit. We had water coming in from the ceilings and from the left and right of our apartment. Luckily we were home and were on our hands and knees using every towel we had to mop up the water, not even knowing what the hell was going on. Management took over a month to make all the repairs despite our efforts. We had a contractor in our home every day for a month. When the floors were completed we noticed they put in a completely different FLOOR! The flooring is not the same texture, color, or shine. It looks a hot ass mess and is very rough. BROWN WATER & SEWAGE- So when we moved in we noticed that we had brown water coming into our bathroom faucet. The smell coming from the bathroom was a gassy sewage smell. I won't bore you with all the details but I put in 3 service request and it took nearly two months for them to realize we were not crazy, and this was a major issue. MANAGEMENT- There were 3 managers in this community within the year we stayed here. Bran new leasing staff every mont. I contacted the second manager regarding the brown sewage water and she never responded. I had to physical go DOWN to her office. We had a discussion, she said she would come up the next day to see for herself. My husband waited all day, she never came. I had to contact the REGIONAL to get clear water again. She has chosen to "update the unsightly wall paper" and "clean the garage" instead of handling major concerns with the community. The Regional solved the issues albeit nearly two months after the initial request- they gave is a $300 credit towards our $2200 rent. CONSTRUCTION- It is now October and they are STILL rehabbing the damage in the apartment above and below us. We are awakened in the early hours of the morning with drilling, hammering, and constant noise. it was MISERABLE.. NOISE- They now have successfully made our lives a living hell by moving in the most howling obnoxious dog I have ever heard above us. The dog barks from 6:00AM to 7:00PM when his owners FINALLY return. My husband works from home and has to wear earplugs to get anything done. HOWLING is the best adjective I can use, it's miserable. STRUCTURAL ISSUES- Ceiling leaks in the GYM and throughout the entire building. This building is OLD and it shows. If this sounds like somewhere you want to live then be my guest, but as soon as my lease is up I am RUNNING for the hills! We spend over $2,000 a month to live here.. Plus utilities. SO MUCH MONEY WASTED, DON'T DO IT!