Angela Towns

Lived there for two years and would not recommend. Be cautious when it comes to move out as the "deposit" you paid will be taken from you and this is not stated within the lease. You also are required to get a cleaning company and provide receipt upon move out or use one that Willow Bend suggests, which none of this was mentioned when signing the lease or is even listed within the lease. When my husband and I moved out in the beginning of Aug 2023 we chose to pay an outside company, provided the receipt (per Willow Bends instruction) which was given to the team and yet we were still charged with no follow up explanation. We have been waiting for weeks to hear back as to why and have yet to have a follow up. All the remaining bills you would have when moving out you don't have a choice to use a card to pay they automatically take it out of the deposit. So out of $500 we got back $75. Not to mention, our neighbors to one side of us did nothing but harass my husband and I for the entire two years we lived three and constantly called the cops multiple times for " noise complaints" mid day. Cops would arrive and always tell us nothing was wrong and our ring camera footage captured it all. The staff would do nothing to rectify it from neighbors end and would assume it was always my husband and I. If it had anything to do with "loud sounds, music, tv" or my dog barking (which occurred from children standing in our window taunting the dog and cat by scratching the screen or putting their fact to the glass to look into our home) the office staffs solution was to "use ear buds, and keep my dog locked up in a cage all day". Not many people are friendly around here and staff isn't either. We hated having to argue with everyone and your voice is never heard. Thankful for the neighbors to the other side of us who were the only nice and respectful people we had during our two year stay.