stacy nickles

What a Scam! After living there for just 1 year, my son and his wife had to move out because of their job relocating them. Although they followed the move-out instructions (don't patch small holes, just remove nails) and even paid the extra fee to Willow Bend for their "deep clean", they were socked with over $1000 in fees (including a brand new stove cooktop because they didn't know how to use a razor on a cooktop to remove the burned on residue AND $90 for "major drywall repair" for the above mentioned millimeter holes from the curtain rods.) Every person we talked to had a different story or excuse for the charges. We were even initially told that the $90 drywall fee would be reversed because the instructions were given were old and they don't do it "that way" any more, but would honor it if that's what was given. Guess what, Kaila told us today that she can't do anything about the fees and that the charge was for painting, not the holes themselves (funny, Kaila, the invoices and pictures mention drywall repair, not painting. I'm pretty sure that you paint in between each tenant anyway...but, nice try!). After arguing with them for the first 4+weeks, they finally found the evidence of the security deposit that hadn't been shown on any invoices prior. But, only 4 weeks after Finally providing the invoice that shows the credit from the security deposit, they are now threatening to send to collections! (Yet, the $90 is still on there, not to mention the charge for a brand new cooktop of over $500). Shame on You, Willow Bend Apartments. Why send an email with customer service contact info if there really is NO CUSTOMER SERVICE?