Will Smith

We applied for a townhome in May2022 and according to them, we were "denied based on credit". They had reports saying our credit report was 579 when in fact our scores were well over 650. All you need to get in the complex is a 600. We sent them reports from experian to show them what they had was wrong and was told they are having problems with their system. Fine, just give our deposit back. Well not only are we still waiting on our deposit money of 500, no one in the office is picking up the phone during business hours. The main agent Michelle D isn't answering her cell nor responding to emails. It's been two weeks and counting. If you really want to apply, ask them (if they pick up the phone) is there system fixed. Because we got a hit on our credit for nothing and they haven't returned the deposit. Beware beware beware of fraudulent practices. Disappointed