Ammar Marashli

I don't recommend it. The good thing about it is the location to me since it is close from work but definitely not worth that much money. Rent is supposed to be $1319 for one bedroom, I am at $1500. If I had known this I would have not chosen this place that is for sure. You can't get mail unless you pay for it and it is $50 otherwise they ask you to mail it to your job. parking is $25 per vehicle which is ridiculous. Anyways, it is really not worth $1500 for one bedroom. It's my second month here and this is my feedback for you. Also, the noise in the apartment is ridiculous and we always think there is somebody in the apartment that's how loud it is. We also had wasps outside our balcony and we are terrified now to use it since it bit us and it was not fun at all. The apartment is also pretty old and you could tell. In conclusion, do your research before you move into these apartments. I moved from Indiana so it was very hard for me to keep looking so I had to go with the very few ones that we saw. Good luck!