shilpi shrivastava

The worst experience of my life.I moved to the three bed property in April 2017 with my family. Son 4 years , daughter 9 years and husband who has walking difficult and under treatment. Below the sink there was bad smell coming on complaining the service team told," there is pipes running and that causes smell." I saw mold below the sink.Service team told,"the color of the sink is like that." Ants in the bed room.Service team told "What do you expect in a ground floor apartment." Spider in the house.Sevice team told," it cannot happen it newly painted. " My little one closest was smelling wired.I complained.The service team told," they can't smell anything."I have to take my little one to doctor to get him check beause of constant running nose.The closet was his.On request the service team manager after argument painted .Only the walls of the closet.I request saying that only 10 min it will take to paint the ceiling .His answer was ,"his 10 min is very important for him." After that my daughter 9 years old started using the closet and she ended up in severe iching all over her body.I had to consult her pediatrician her referred to dermatologist. I saw water marks on the living room wall .On complain the service team came and cleaned. They told," the don't know what is the source for it." One night after dinner saw lots of water under the table.Complained they told ,"we don't know the source." After few weeks again the same story. The service team manager instead of looking into the he matter started warning ,"if it is your mistake u will have to pay for everything." Left with no option went to the leasing office and complained about his behavior. I was assured they will take care. That evening when I was outside with the family.Got a call saying due to health and safety reasons we have to vacate the property temporary arrangement will be provided.But no clarification was given why they are doing . After five day they told they will provide a alternate arrangement that will be cost effective.Temporary arrangement was two bed room apartment.I was told," all this process will not take long just moved out with basic requirement.".Mover packer was provided for 4hr without porper packing material.Kitchen stuff could not be transferred which on my own I did for three consecutive days . The days turned into week and week into month . In between visited the property and saw mold on the walls. Request the service team to move rest of the stuff as it is not good for health.Reply I got was very sad."Mold is not life threatening."So slowly ,slowly on my own I moved all the clothes which they told can stay back in the closet . But Bigger and heavier thing r still in that property.On asking why was I not informed beause of molding we had to vacate the property."The answer was they did not want us to panic."When I asked for report. The answer was ,"we cannot disclose." This two bed room apartment is too small for my family .There is no three bedrooms flat available on the ground floor .We started looking for other options outside .The Leasing office told that," It is not a problem they will not charge us for lease braking and stuff will moved. " After all this yesterday we signed the lease and request them the move our stuff .The answer was shocking."We can move the suff only within the Willow Bend outside is not our responsibility because we r running a business.Once you stop business with you we cannot porvide any service." It's really shattering is there no business ethics. Because of this rented property with my family suffering mentally , physically and financially.My husband treatment has been delayed.My kids summer holidays have been ruined. Was choosing Willow Bend a crime for which I am paying with my family since April 2017 till date.