Shihang Wang

I am regret that I should read the reviews before we choose a place to stay. Section 1, About TOS. Review readers, please be very careful about the TOS. We inform them after we decided to move as quickly as we can, but still got charged $160 noticing fee! Read the TOS!!! 60 days prior moving out. The earliest time making the decision is the time before you choose here to stay. That's right, while you read this review, you should make your decision. Section 2, About appliance. We found the problems of refrigerator door(sealing problem), and reported to the management team, they agree to change for a new one. The maintenance guy came and check the refrigerator, claimed it's no problem with the unit. But the sealing problem is getting worse and worse. We tried several times to fix it replace it, all failed. We don't have infinite time to call and argue, but guess what, at the time we move out. it became our fault. We got charged $350 for the refrigerator. Keep in mind, regular usage of glass stove top will damage it, that worth $180 for our situation. Section 3, Cleaning. We spend two whole days cleaning after moving all things out. To be honest, I really don't know how much it's worth. Fortunately, except $170 general and carpet cleaning fee, we got no penalty! Yeah!!!!! Section 4, Ants and rats Never...stopped. We didn't prepare cookies for them, they helped themselves, always. Stay a year, pay 13 months, that's how I define "luxury". Regret, regret, regret. Now I finally understand why people move out every month! To be honest, the elementary school behind the house has a lower chance of winning compared to the surrounding areas. If you are like me and speak Chinese and raise your children, you must not choose this place. If you are not short of money and don't have children, don't choose this one. The real estate service is really terrible. I have never seen such a thieving neighborhood like theirs. The refrigerator broke and I reported it for repair. The management company has already agreed to replace it with a new one. The maintenance man came to check and said there was no problem. It was because we set it up incorrectly. Which refrigerator can I buy? No matter how I set it up, frost will form when freezing. If it's not a broken seal, what else? After we moved, it was damaged by us. Guess how much it was charged? $350 Regardless of Chinese or Western cooking style, the glass stove top will wear out. For us, the fine for cooking this year because of the stove top is 180 knives. You need to give 60 days' notice before moving. If you don't want to read the TOS word for word, then be prepared to be fined. If you want to buy a house, giving advance notice will cause a later closing date. Whether you can win the offer depends on luck. It took two days to clean up, but apart from the stipulated cleaning fee of $170, nothing else was charged, which is gratifying! Whether money or time is more important, you decide for yourself. What else have you forgotten? Rats and ants! There is a fee to keep a cat, but mice and ants are free. The mice may have punched holes in the wall long ago, and they may be driven out today and come back tomorrow. 13 months rent and enjoy a full year of handicap services! Important things have to be said three times: don't live here, don't live here, don't live here. (The Trisolarans will destroy the earth)