Naram Brikha

This place was possibly the worst experience for the money I've ever had. Let's be clear, the sign out front says luxury apartment living, but there is absolutely nothing luxury about our townhouse. Very cheap vinyl flooring causes our feet to blacken after a few steps barefoot. Twice a month there was a really strong stench that would come from the washer dryer unit. No one could figure that one out. The folding door to the washer dryer unit collapsed on my girlfriend one day and then 8 months into our lease fell off completely. When I put a service request in to fix it, they just kind of set it back into place, but the original problem never left so it kept falling out. The townhouse clearly had carpet before as evidenced by the risen doors and trim around the floor but they didn't bother to fix that when they took the carpet out, leaving a very tacky open space. Appliances worked but I don't consider a single coil oven range "luxury". Within the first 4 months we caught 6 mice and caught 2 more the months following until we had put everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, into tupperware and even then we smelled a dead mouse for weeks, so we still had mice and upon moving out discovered a lot more mouse droppings. The mice had even torn a hole into our couch. This was after fighting with management for 2 months and having exterminators come out and all anyone could do was give us two sticky traps. We had to buy more sticky traps ourselves and it wasn't the thing I wanted to do because we had a puppy. Then after three times, the exterminator finally told us to tell the management that there was a whole to the outside that needed patched. There was a 3 foot pot hole from the day we moved in until two months before we moved out. It's move in season now though, so the grounds look good. But the other 300 days in the year, scavenger service was no where to be found 5/7 days of the week. I know this because there was always a steaming pile of dog feces somewhere on our yard, usually by the front door. Even though the property provides doggie bags, half of the people there don't pick up after their dogs and the excrement would stay on the yard for most of the week. This all being said, when I was moving out, I had a nice mirror and a fire pit that I left by the garbage so if anyone wanted it, they could take it. Five minutes later scavenger service put it in dumpster because THAT looked trashy...but the poop all around the grounds was acceptable. By the time I moved out, no one at the leasing office was there that was there when I moved in. On top of all of that, when planning to move out they said they would clean the unit for me for a fee of $75. Reasonable. When I got my final statement however, the total cleaning fee was $195. $25 was added for damaged walls, which there were pictures and a mounted TV so I thought that was fair, but there was a $110 carpet cleaning fee. As I explained before, there is no carpet, except for those on the 10 stairs. So for ten stairs of carpet, it cost $110 to clean that. Carpet that looked to be as old as the building itself so I'm pretty sure I paid for new carpet. If I had renewed my lease, they gave me the very competitive option of raising my monthly rent by 200 dollars. Happy to be gone.