Isaac Strauch

My girlfriend and myself have been living here for a year now. When we moved in, I was rather pleased with the unit. Until we actually started living in it! Two weeks or so into living here my car got broken into. My neighbor's dogs never shut the f*** up! Way to be a smoke free environment, but I see cigarette Butta and people smoking all the time! I send my friends to the street to do that, but yet my neighbor across the lot just totally smokes on his front step! Our dishwasher has never fully worked, even though we've put in multiple service orders for it. Although I could also be talking about our dryer, cause it's the exact same situation. I'm pretty sure all of my building can clearly hear when my dryer is running. The doors for all of the rooms were put in wrong. I was told that I could use an electric Grill, but after reading my lease I find out I was lied to, but after I bought the Grill. This until is over priced, under maintained, and now if I'm gonna resign my lease it's going up 400 dollars! My parents pay less for the mortgage on their second home! Stay away everybody! If this isn't gonna be your first apartment, don't live here! Also, if it is you're first place, don't! It's too expensive and cheap for first timers on their own.