Diana Karavida

I wish I could say better things about this apartment complex but I just can't. The only positive of living at Willow Bend is it looks nice. It's way too expensive for the area that it's in though. Your rent will go up $100 every time you want to renew. The worst part about this complex though is the management staff. We have neighbors that consistently smoke (it's a smoke free community) and let their cats roam out of their apartment and in turn come on to our balcony making our dog go nuts at all hours of the day (even 1 am). We've reported these neighbors to the management staff 10 times...10 TIMES! And all that supposedly gets done is an email to them and nothing more. The previous manager told us we should report them to animal control because the neighbor gets to hostile and they would prefer to have us take legal action so they don't have to deal with a threatening resident. This guy lives right next door to me so that makes me feel real safe to live here? The current property manager hasn't even responded to our last communication about the problem. The "pet policy" of the apartment states that all animals must be contained at all times and if they show any form of aggressive (which the cat does, it launches itself at our screen door to try and attack our little dog) the owners will be forced to no longer have the pets on the property. We've spent hundreds of dollars on plants and such to line our balcony wall to try to keep the cat from coming over to our side but it still finds a way over. We cannot wait until our lease is up so we can move out of this awful place and find some peace.