Slammy E.

I lived at the Willow Bend apartments in Rolling Meadows for 3 years. At first they are friendly, but it doesnt take long to see that none of the "on campus" rules: smoking, picking up after your dogs, no unattended children, etc. are actually enforced. The other tenants are mostly respectful and friendly, but like all other apartment complexes, the rule breakers ruin it for everyone as the rules are not at all enforced. This is also true about parking, which is disrespectful to everyone who does pay for parking. After 15+ sound complaints and several calls to the police department, Willow Bend has taken no action against noise violations that have been constant for over a year now. Drunken neighbors and both, supervised and unsupervised children, are regularly peeing on the dumpster, between the fences, on the laundry rooms, etc. All of that being said, the apartment itself is nice. The air conditioning was great in the summer, the dish washer and in-unit laundry is always a plus. The maintenance crew was efficient and friendly enough. The online portal and paying rent is easy. But... all of those things are par for the course. That is the bare minimum when you pay so much for rent. I constantly feel like I am living on a college campus. I am almost always ignored. Willow Bend is corporate America at it's finest, you are income to them and nothing more. Join at your own risk, watch where you step!