Samantha B.

I lived here for a little over 2 years, and while the townhouses are a nice draw they have become way too overpriced for the area. First, on top of rent you are charged each month for gas, hot water, trash, pest control, etc., which was a first for me. I have lived in many apartment complexes throughout college and after and have never had to pay out of pocket for these "amenities" as they are always included in the rent. Paying $10/month/space for open parking that isn't guaranteed in any way is ridiculous -- good luck if you come home after 8pm. I would imagine the $10/month/resident/space would go toward upkeep for the parking lots, but the only thing I ever witnessed in 2 years was repainting the lines (never filling the potholes or recovering the asphault). The fee would be acceptable each month if I wasn't being nickeled and dimed for every amenity and utility. Second, in 2+ years this complex has had at least 4 different managers. Whenever I have had to contact the management about anything it takes days for them to respond (I realize that they probably receive a lot of emails, but a courtesy email saying that you are looking into my question wouldn't hurt). I recently had a billing issue where they took significantly more money out of my bank account than was owed and it took over a week to get it resolved (and I ended up contacting the corporate office). Everyone in the office will give you a different answer to a question. The office hours are not convenient if you work. You are better off buying a house and building equity than wasting your money in this community.