Emily R.

Renter beware! You absolutely do not want to rent in this apartment complex. There are two buildings, the low rise and the high rise. We used to live in the low rise, but have since moved (thank goodness!). This complex advertises luxury; however, it is not luxurious in the slightest. There is garbage EVERYWHERE. I mean everywhere. There is garbage on the steps, in the hallway, and after a particularly windy day, all over the yard. However, they charge you as if you were in luxury at almost 2,000 dollars for a pretty small one bedroom. The layout of the apartment was nice and felt spacious for the small square footage. That doesn't mean much when all the appliances and bones are cheaply made. Definitely plan on things breaking frequently and don't expect the management to answer. When you call. They never answer. Even in emergencies. Our upstairs neighbor had her washing machine break and leak into our apartment. We tried to call the "emergency number" but nothing went through. Thank goodness it was at a time when we were friends with the maintenance worker (who was fantastic by the way) and were able to text him directly. If it had happened after he left I think we would have had a hole in our ceiling because there was just no one coming to help. Then, to top it all off, the elevator broke our last month there. It was so bad initially because the A/C stopped working, so they had to send us to a hotel for a week without a kitchenette, meaning we were forced to go out or eat chips. There was a little mini fridge we kept stuff to drink, but it wasn't very good. Did they give us food vouchers for the restaurant in the hotel... no... Did they give us anything to offset food costs... no. In fact we got a bill for the wifi we used at the hotel... so they didn't pay for that either. The best part is by the time we got back to the apartment, the elevator still wasn't fixed. The elevator would go on to not work for 4 months. Luckily we were in the low rise which is only 5 floors, but god forbid you have an accident or couldn't take the stairs due to mobility. They certainly didn't care. In fact, we had to move while the elevators weren't working making everything more difficult since it is hard to maneuver furniture around a narrow staircase. So basically if you want to be treated like a dollar sign where they try to take the most money from you while giving the least to you, this is the place for you. You don't get customer service because I am not convinced anyone works there to help you, but you also live amongst the garbage that never seems to be picked up and have cheap appliances always breaking... But on a plus note they are very dog friendly!