Alicia F.

do not move here. This place is absolutely disgusting. We have been living with roaches for six months and they just seem to keep getting bigger and bigger. Mind you we don't even cook. leave food out or dishes in the sink! the sent pest control twice management nor pest control ever came back to check up. The elevators take forever. You can expect a five minute wait to get on the elevator. The people that live here have no common decency to pick up after their own dog shit, so you and your pet are constantly walking in dog shit. The people that live here also let their dogs piss and shit in the main entrance. so you are always welcomed home with a nice big wiff of dog piss. when we moved into this unit, there were multiple things that were broken from the previous tenant, and when we asked for them to be fixed, we got attitude. so we fixed what we could ourself. I've had packages go missing. and there's cameras but supposedly they don't work? we are also not on the call system for the front door to let ppl in. I've asked multiple times to be added. very disappointed and definitely not renewing