Rich N.

I will preface this review by saying that the current maintenance staff and most of the current immediate leasing staff are nice people. I think these folks are doing the best job they can with the cards AIMCO has dealt them. Let me be clear, you do not want to live here. I stayed at Yorktown Apartments from February of 2016 to May of 2018. Because the previous on-site leasing management staff directed that all units be renovated within the time frame of a few years, many residents, including myself, were booted from their unit. Many of us were told we had to leave before our lease was up. I was one of very few, fortunate individuals, who was offered a comparable unit at a comparable price, when booted. Some folks who were told they had to leave with the notice of 60 days were residents of the high rise building for more than 10 years. Additionally, because of the renovations, the construction in the building was non-stop. I was told, point blank, when I was signing my lease, that construction was done. To put it another way, I was lied to by the previous leasing staff. It was next to impossible to sleep beyond 7am or take a nap because of the relentless construction. If someone tells you the construction is done, refer them to this review, where a previous resident can assure you that he was lied to about construction being finished when he moved in. The building, is admittedly, falling apart from the inside out. The pipe under my sink leaked a tremendous amount in both units I lived in. The water from my kitchen sink tasted like it was hooked up directly to a fish tank (I got my drinking water from the bathroom sink). The elevators frequently were broken. There were at least a total of six days in the time I lived there that ALL THREE elevators were broken. Before you sign a lease for a 16th floor apartment, think if you, or your elderly relatives, or your young children, want to make that trek. I was told when I moved in that the telecom at the parking garage was going to be fixed. It never was. There were at least 90 days where I couldn't even re-load the card for the laundry service in my own building. The washers are not well maintained and there is mold build-up in all of them. The leasing staff accidentally gave my parking spot to someone else at one point. Also, I had $125 taken out of my $500 deposit for cleaning costs, even though I left my apartment in great condition, save for the streak marks left on the walls from condensation due to a poor ventilation system and grease marks left on the walls by construction crews that needed access to my unit for a air conditioning unit replacement that took an entire week. Also, please take into account, that Yorktown Mall is allowing the building of new condos right down the street. I can tell you from personal experience that that construction also hindered my ability to get to and from Yorktown Apartments. I have to say that the current leasing staff was helpful in extending my lease for a short amount of time when the closing on my house was pushed back. Having said that, upper management of AIMCO is doing a really poor job with this property, which is marketed as a "luxury apartment complex." I am telling any potential future-resident, you DO NOT want to live here. DO NOT fall for a lie to get your name on that lease. Also, I do not want a half-hearted apology from AIMCO following up this review. I want a cut of my money back for the perpetual inconvenience it was living in what was supposed to be my own home. I can't imagine, if you really wanted to make this better, it would take much for you to do that - but you won't, because you already have my money. Follow up: Notice the response to my review by AIMCO, that these are necessary improvements. What that really means is, if you live here, you will be inconvenienced by endless construction.