Vince S.

All i can say is you can do much better. Lets start at number 1, When i went in to sign the paperwork after all the info they gave me about the building not once did they ever mention that this was a smoke free building. Well guess what... i am a smoker. 2 weeks later i was smoking outside and i got a tap on my shoulder and said well this is a non smoking property ! I said WHAT??? yes and i told him I had no idea and he said well we have a little notice by the door. Well i think this is something you should tell EVERYONE before you let anyone sign a lease. After talking to many others the same thing happened to them as well. This was a huge deal going forward.. HUGE. OVER PRICED- They try to have a image that is all fake. they do all this work around the building but nothing is done to the units. its just to help rent more units. they had the building under major construction for over a year and it was horrible to live through. I was sick most of the time because of the dust and guess what, they thanked all there renters with a $200 rent hike! $80 PARK??- thats right you have to pay to park in your new over priced apartment! they dont mention it during the 1st walk through but when your ready to sign the lease they slide it in there that now your rent is a tad big more money. High School Rules- The rules they have are like being back in high school. Sorry if i am paying 2k a month for a apartment in LOMBARD I should not be treated like a child. All they do is tell you everything you can't do and it was really like being in school. Do you like AC??? Well if you do don't move here. This was the worst issue for me other then the no smoking rule. This building is run of a 1 pipe chiller. Which means you can not have the AC and heat on at the same time. So when building management feels like winter is over with which is around last week in May if your lucky they will turn the AC for the building well even if you have days in the 70s its staying off. It got so hot i had to go buy a AC for my apartment which still didn't cool it down. here is the best part, even with the ac on... you will never get the apartment cool. it doesn't matter if you want your ac on 70 or 68 everyone gets the same temp in the building and its gonna fall around d74 to 75 and guess what.. because its a chiller its also humid AC. Its HORRIBLE !!!!! I can go on and on, just stay away. just take a look at how they spent all this money on the new look they have now. Its butt ugly. There is a great place right across the street check it out its less money and 10 times better apartment.