Davis-Vondell B.

So I moved into this place in September of 2016 and it was my first apartment. It's not what it's all marked up to be. First let me start by they get you to sign a lease knowing they are going to kick you out to renovate the unit at a closer than later date. I had to be out by May first at the latest. So about 7.5 months. I was not planning to move or look for an apartment that soon. So if you're planning on moving here DONT I guess unless it's a renovated unit. Which reminds me of a conversation I had with a tenet who was moving out at the same time. She had a renovated unit and she said she's moving because the people that did the renovations were toddlers nothing was right. This place is all a hype... Lastly they lie and scheme ALWAYS! One example my security deposit....... I was told several time I will get my full deposit back since I have to move due to renovations... well I got my check in the mail and it was half of what I was told I was getting. I have them a call and Jake (who is just like Stephanie [irritating]) tells me it's for backdated utilities. Listen you tell me I'm getting my full refund then guess what I should have my full refund. I will then pay whatever I need to pay when you send me a ledger... These people are crooked. Don't move here if you have a choice. There are OTHER amazing places in Lombard and surrounding areas to live and they give you many deals. Oh one lady that works here her name is Rose. She is fantastic. Wonderful person, she'll give you honest feedback. Unlike Stephanie and jake ...