Dan P.

The apartments themselves are pretty good -- they're well-maintained, relatively up-to-date, and low maintenance. I think the floorplans are efficient and spacious, with some offering large balconies. You'll get a lot of natural light no matter what side of the building you face. Compared to some other nearby apartment complexes, this property has the best units. Sound deadening is generally good, but conversations oddly carry through the ventilation system, as do some maintenance tasks (replacing flooring, for example, which seems to be happening very often). Unfortunately, it's the common area stuff that needs better care and policing. It's often disrespectful/entitled residents that the staff are totally indifferent to. The elevators routinely have problems that will take one of them out of commission, making for some very long waits in the morning or around dinner time. I've nearly been stuck in them twice but managed to force the doors open. The staff shrugs their shoulders at this. Might be worth mentioning that the inspection certificates have been expired since last year. The new parking garage does indeed provide plenty of resident and guest parking, but has constant problems with the entry gates getting stuck in both the up and down positions. My car was trapped in the garage one evening because the gate system lost power, and stuck outside the garage another time. On a weekly basis I notice that the gates get stuck in the up position, which doesn't make feel great about security especially considering that you pay up to $100/month extra for that garage space. Supposedly some parts were replaced but they're still quite unreliable. The workout room is a great perk, but it is rarely (if ever) cleaned. When it is cleaned, the sanitizing wipes are almost always empty or have dried out to become no better than a dry paper towel. I'm not sure if there are OSHA or health laws about this but I'd guess that there are. Lazy residents routinely leave trash strewn throughout the room, and I'd say that only 1 in 4 people actually cleans the machines when finished. The workout room seems to be a place for people to have obnoxious phone conversations more than anything else. Also, I hope you or your guests do not require handicapped parking. The complex does have handicapped spaces, but inconsiderate people without handicapped plates/placards routinely use them as their own personal spaces. Clearly they believe the rule doesn't apply to them. What makes this even worse is that the office staff could care less and makes no effort to police this or have cars towed. I've spoken up about this several times since I have a family member recovering from surgery who actually has a handicapped placard. This has been going on since the day I moved in so clearly it's ingrained into some residents' minds that they can do whatever they want. These same jerkoffs also leave their cars in the fire lanes for 2 or 3 days straight. By the way, the whole "no smoking on the property" thing is bogus. People smoke outside and even in the apartments all the time and nobody polices it. Don't move here thinking it's smoke-free...it isn't. After two years of putting up with these shenanigans, I decided not to renew my lease. My rent was going up about 10% year-after-year, though I really wonder what the money is used for. I suggest not leasing here unless you will do nothing but stay inside your unit and never use the elevators, parking, or common areas (unlikely). I think the management of this complex has changed a few times recently, if you care to know. There are a lot of new faces in the office on a regular basis. The new property manager seems like a cool dude, so maybe he can improve things. His office staff is infuriating since it always takes three visits to get help with something, however. I've waited to post this review until after I moved out and got my security deposit back, for those wondering...didn't want to face any repercussions from a bad review. Needless to say, I will never rent from Aimco again.