Shawn V.

Been living here for 2 years (Oct 2016 - Nov 2018) and I can agree with many reviews. The staff (office and maintenance) is great however there are too many issues that bring down what could have been a great place. Lets start with the big items about the unit and price. For the 2 years I was able to negotiate a good enough price/contract to offset the issues but now no more deals. At the current rate of $1350/mnth for 1bd you would actually be paying close/over $1500/mnth in what you have to pay which includes rent, parking, water and appliance electric bills (yes you get 2 electric bills). The water bill is the worse because you have no control over it, it is a shared bill meaning even if you use no water, you have to pay what other people use (currently around $60-$70/mnth). The parking is not free, you have to pay or you have no where to park, I never heard of paying to park in the suburbs at your residence; plus residences allow their friends entry into the parking building to take up what little public residence space is at the top - no regulations or monitoring. Now lets get to all the medium level issues; was lied about the individual unit water heater so hot water is shared and sometime unavailable, hot water in my kitchen takes 5+mins of constant flow for hot water to come on (aka water bill), my unit is one of the old ones and it is old meaning spotty wall paint, old outlets which doesn't hold the plugs, missing ceiling light covers, out dated appliances and bathroom equipment, its either AC or heat depending on the scheduled time, yes meaning that it could be really hot in your unit and there is no AC until the schedule time they turn it on - vice versa, 3 elevators (1 freight + 2 normal) and the 2 normal are constantly in repair meaning 1 elevator to service the entire tall building and the freight can be reserved for moving, unit ventilation is non existence meaning and odor or noise from other units can fill your unit - in addition when using the oven if you don't turn on your stove fan which just blows back into the kitchen, the fire alarm goes off; residences invite all their family and friends every weekend to the pool area so it is always packed with non-residences - no regulations or monitoring; at signing the person (different staff back then) lied about how the unit was cable and DSL ready; 1 month into the unit and after many back and fourth conversation with Comcast and AT&T, the unit had no cable or phone line wired to the unit, I had to pay out of my own pocket to wire the apartment for Aimco and as of today, there is still no DSL/Phone lines but I plan to complete disconnect the cable line when I move out. There are some good points though, again the staff is great, pool area is nice, workout gym is above average for a apartment building, mail boxes and package area is nice, the higher level apartments have a nice view depending on which direction you are facing. To close, the amount I pay here exceeds my house payment and comes close to my downtown condo, definitely not what I expect from a suburb apartment. Update 9/17/2018 - up to a 3 star, not the best but not the worst