Ashley C.

I truly thought I would enjoy living at this property when I visited it and even after I moved in. The longer I was there the less appealing it became. They do not accept check/cash payments, it must be electronic which is fine, but when their system refused our bank's payment (twice) they hounded us with late fees and it took us a month to get it straightened out only for it to happen again. We finally get our payments straightened out and it wasn't too bad until the lease renewals came. They raised our rent prices (which we expected) but doubled our parking costs which raised our rate to more than I currently pay in Chicago now. They also send you umpteen million lease renewal requests but conveniently leave out the fact that you have to give notice at least 60 days (which seems a bit much to me) or you will get bombarded with fees of up to $400 (which is your entire deposit after cleaning charges). Yes this is a stipulation in our lease, however I consider it bad business when a detail like that is left unmentioned. This upset me the most because before closing out our account we spoke with someone in the office regarding cleaning fees and all that jazz and he never once mentioned that our account had been flagged with a $350 fee. On top of the outrageous fee (mind you we gave 54 days notice) we were also charged over $100 dollars in gas charges (for April) and another $15-20 in "closing fees". Are the apartments nice, yes. The area is nice as well. The leasing office and company in general are incredibly deceiving and nickel and dime you every chance they get for a glorified "high rise" in Lombard. I lived in many apartments throughout college and afterwards and I can say without a doubt this has been my most disappointing experience from a professional business.