Simon Charrier

I lived 12 months in this place, i had a great time, it is most of the time very clean. I had few issues with my fridge/plumbing and maintenance came very quickly. What disappoint me a lot on this place is the commercial aspect. The sale representative doesn't show any respect, chewing his gum with his mouth wide open in front of you when he speaks to you. As the studio i wanted to have wasn't available when i did the visit, he showed me a brand new renovated apartment, and claimed mine will be the same. I had to deposit 500$ and when i got the key, the apartment they gave me was 20 years older. As i was moving in in August, i asked him when the pool was closing and he told me end of September as it was closing on September 5. They also forced me to subscribe for their locker system for package, they will share your email adress and phone number WITHOUT YOUR APPROVAL and block your packages if you don't pay the subscription. And they say they can't unlock the lockers if you want to get the package, you need to see with the company owning the lockers but these people are administrators and can help you. Watch out with these sale people, they are not honest and i don't understand why direction is keeping them.