Crystal Kirsch

Do not live here! I have known multiple people who have chosen to live here and the place and their people are awful. Elevators constantly broken, obscene charge amounts for holding packages, "hardwood floors" that are just vinyl over cement and NO leniency on move out dates. To summarize, if you need to leave a lease early and are not a domestic abuse victim or military personnel, it will cost you 5 MONTHS RENT TO LEAVE! That's 60 days notice and three months additional rent after you leave. Lost your job, need to move for work, doesn't matter, you're stuck there with their ridiculous rent costs. You'll see George's comments below and can note he wont argue any of this. In fact, I see he went back and changed his comments about offering flexibility on this after less than 24 hours. And if they were being honest, the only reason they allow the two they do is bc they are required to by law. After one look at the contract, I turned and ran. And the pictures on the sites? Not at all what is available. If you want those models, you'll pay at least 50% more than the "starts at" price and what's more, no monthly cost controls all the noise. It's like they didnt even bother to put in insulation bc you will hear EVERYTHING except your neighbors breathing (unless they're a snorer, you'll hear that too). And for what, to be next to a mall? Not at all worth the expenses they charge.