MillsCraft com2810cantoreNaperville,IL,60564

nice apartment, should be considered condo status, with no credit requirement, rent to keep % share or get % refund of timeshare use... factor in construction cost. factor in paper sql bank. did not get rent check back paid into for months. could use more attraction to common area stuff for population convergence plus sexual reproduction. swimming pool is ok, when I was there, few used it, and few used weight room, maybe convergence to main floor juice restaurant, as folk drink each day multi times a day, though do not swim or lift all day. I suppose one could drink pool water? a bus would make even more convergent. maybe even photo, name, sex, age, status on doors? prox to shopping mall, which less the value if a lot of flammable clothing spread there, and a lot of restaurants where meat of I don't know who is eaten. I suppose wall gardens could help, with timed sprinkler systems, and led lights, redundant water booster so no dry out and fires, poop to soil machinery in bathrooms, maybe load fruit into bank like thing for juice restaurant on main level? common area chairs or seating should be tightly situated at first, and then spread out as crowd increases. maybe sliding screens on wall gardens would retain "topsoil" and fruit until it is eaten or sent down to first floor for juice restaurant or similar. for good water supply, use retention pond, filtration, condensation filter? redundant or multi water boosting systems. could use local naked dancing club or dance floor?