Puja Mukherjee

DO NOT LIVE HERE. This place has horrible expectations and demands on the residents. They have sent out 2 LAST MINUTE emails notifying the residents of a full day water shut down, during which you cannot even get drinking water in the entire building. While the staff have been very nice and offer to bring up bottles of water if you call them ans complain, shutting off drinking water to a family with an infant as my own without any notification is inhumane. I received the notification for today's water shut down beginning at 11:30 am, at 11:25 am. 5 minutes. That's all the warning I received. No time to prepare by filling up water in bottles for the day. This the second time this has happened in one month. The management expects the residents who are paying expensive rents to accommodate for the construction and these water shut down, but the truth is that a last minute water shut is a HEALTH HAZARD, and they really have NO SOLUTION when you approach the management. Go find another apartment complex. Do not live here.