Mike Feece

My roommate and I moved out in August of 2014 and about 1-2 weeks after move-out, we received a final cleaning bill of $120. After I disputed the cleaning bill, stating that the apartment was clean and Yorktown Apartments was replacing the carpet flooring with wood vinyl flooring, I didn't receive their next response till May of 2015 (nine months later). Yorktown stated the final cleaning fee was still valid after their final review and I had one week to pay it if I didn't want my contact info to go a collection agency. And the reason why we moved out was due to the rent increasing by $100 each year. After the second year of living there and the second proposed rent increase of $100, we decided to kick rocks. Don't get me wrong, the place had great balcony views, nice amenities in the summer, but my roomate and I definitely felt taken advantage in more than one instance at this place.