1045 on the Park Apartment Homes

1045 on the Park Apartment Homes Reviews

1045 on the Park Apartment Homes located in 1045 Piedmont Avenue NE , Atlanta, Georgia 30309, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for 1045 on the Park Apartment Homes
1045 Piedmont Avenue NE , Atlanta, Georgia 30309, United States
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Year Built
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Detailed Information for 1045 on the Park Apartment Homes

Here is 6 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into 1045 on the Park Apartment Homes:

  1. Consistently Poor Customer Service: Multiple reviews mention that the service quality is below par. Having good customer service is crucial for tenants, as they need timely responses to issues and questions. At this place, poor service seems to be a consistent theme.
  2. Management Issues: Several reviews indicate issues with the management of the building. Proper building management is vital for a comfortable living experience. Without reliable management, simple problems can escalate, causing distress for the residents.
  3. Difficulty in Addressing Concerns: One reviewer mentioned having to escalate issues multiple times and still not receiving appropriate responses. This suggests that the management is not only unresponsive but may also lack the competence or willingness to handle tenant concerns adequately.
  4. Lack of Value for the Price: While the exact price is not mentioned, the analogy of a “useless warranty” suggests that residents are not getting the level of service and quality they are paying for. This can lead to feelings of being taken advantage of or not getting the value for one’s money.
  5. Deceptive First Impressions: The location and physical appearance of the apartments might be good, but that shouldn’t overshadow the significant operational issues. It’s crucial to consider the overall living experience, not just the aesthetics or location.
  6. Strong Warnings from Previous Tenants: One of the reviewers has not only shared their concerns but has gone to the extent of warning potential renters about the situation. Such strong sentiments coming from a previous tenant should be a significant red flag for anyone considering this place.
Reported Hazards for 1045 on the Park Apartment Homes
External Links for 1045 on the Park Apartment Homes
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for 1045 on the Park Apartment Homes
Review Rating
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on 1045 on the Park Apartment Homes, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 9 of 9
I would agree that the location is great. I lived there for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, the management and customer support/service makes this place extremely below par. I can’t count how many times I have had to escalate issues to get no reply or responses that would make government housing in a third world country look amazing. I summarize the situation as having a useless warranty, it gives you the warm and fuzzy but when it comes to needing it (the management in this case) is only worth as much as toilet paper. I implore anyone to seriously consider my feedback and feel free to reach out to me directly for specific examples to support all the points raised above. You can’t say I didn’t warn you!!!
Location is the only thing going for this place. Trash chute fills the hallways and smells horribly. Emailed management about a move out and did not respond until a month later, which was 8 days before my lease end. Gave a move out date and was told I would get instructions on process and never recieved. I had to email myself to get an answer. Management took responsibility for not responding yet charged us an extra day of rent for not turning in keys, yet we never knew what to do because of their poor managing I do not recommend. Worst run place and in my view pathetic
Current Resident- Terrible place to live. Noisy, smelly and not worth the money. During summer months the trash chute fills the hallways with a horrible smell. In addition gnats come with the smell. And no this has never "gotten better" Erin K. They put in glade plugins in the halls. That's not making it better. Also the walls and floors are so thin. I can hear my upstairs neighbor every time they take a step. The floors are laminate and do not absorb any of the sound. It just makes it worse. If you have ever walked on laminate you know how loud it is. Imagine living underneath it. The walls are so thin I can hear my neighbors talking and watching tv. Not to mention their dog barking all the time. The doors to your apt aren't sealed so you hear everything that goes on in the hallway - slamming doors, people shouting down the hall, parties in other peoples apts. if you walk by one of your neighbors doors you can hear every word they say. I hate to imagine what they have heard me say. It is terrible for privacy. More noise issues with the gym downstairs such as the trainers starting at 6AM and slamming the weights. This place is just poorly insulated all around. No cell phone service for AT&T in the building AT ALL. Poor reception for Verizon. Only Comcast TV service. The management isn't great. They've had 3 different property managers in the last year. The last just recently started. The leasing agents never email you back. Maintenance is nice, but they aren't the greatest. I've had mediocre to poor service fullfillments. They usually leave a mess when they are done or don't do it correct. They never change the air filters or spray like they say they will quarterly. You have to demand they do it. And when you have a pest control request they don't actually send anyone. Maintenance comes when they are here and not when you setup a preferred appointment. I've asked them to come when I'm here so I can explain the problems but they come when I'm not here, don't fix the issue because they don't get it, and just leave. They do replace light bulbs but they don't use the correct ones so the new one is sticking out of the pot lights looking jankie. Then they call you to "follow up" but instead ask you to give them a 5 star rating when they send you a survey. What maintenance actually asks the resident to rate them 5 stars and actually begs and says that they have been getting in trouble with management and need the good ratings? I think it's a joke they have a self rating on their website with no actual reviews. They give themselves 4 stars but have no link to the reviews. it must be for all of Aimco and not just 1045. So don't trust that.
Lets see...After signing the lease and told that we would be provided a washer and dryer, the leasing agent tried to say that we would not be getting it. After threatening to back out of the lease they finally gave in. On our move in day the apartment clearly wasnt cleaned. We had to get them to schedule professional cleaners to clean the blinds. For 1800 a month, i would expect better quality construction. The kitchen cabinets would come off and the kitchen sink faucet was constantly loose. The closet hangers fell. Then there was the time where my bike got stolen from the "secure" parking deck and management didnt do anything about it. Finally, at the time of move out after them telling me to get the apartment professionally cleaned, they try to charge me an additional $90 for cleaning. furthermore, when i scheduled the move out inspection for 9 am the guy didnt show up. What a joke. Overall, these company doesnt care about you and i would never lease with them again.
I'll agree with the previous reviewer in saying that the location of this building is unbeatable, but the positives end there. I just uploaded photos from a few of my nightmares at Park & 12th, which include 2 incidents of severe water damage, having my bike vandalized in the parking deck, and dealing with the most inconsiderate, uncaring management team I can imagine. Not only was I forced out of my apartment for nearly 2 months by mold and water damage, but the management team aggravated the situation by being unhelpful and insolent. When I went into the parking deck to find my bike vandalized and many others with wheels missing, management pointed to a line in the lease absolving them from responsibility, despite the parking deck gate and doors being left open.
Me and my part had the pleasure of moving to these beautiful apartments when try first opened a little over a year ago. Loved the location and loved the first management team. When the team changed heads that was the beginning of the end. The property manager Bettye is the worst! You can never get ahold of her or anyone in the office ever! We put in services request and it was ignored for a month. When the management team finally sent someone over the maintenance team left our front door unlocked while we were at work. We requested move out info but received nothing. They raised our rent which was fine but started charging an additional 200 dollars without warning! Said it was for the maintenance team! That's funny because every time you walked threw the hall ways the lights were out and signs were falling off in the stairwells! For the price you pay for no amenities at all it's not worth it. I really do not like the company managing this property and hated living there! If you want location then you will get it with this place but if you want a great place to live look else where and don't get trapped by the bullshit!
Great location, good apartment, poor service.
The apartments were decent that’s why I’m leaving 2 stars instead of 1, but the customer service was poor. Not a great experience looking for a home
Well I did finally received a call from the building management as a result of my review. They assured me that they were going to do something about the cars in the garage that do not belong there, but it's been two months and nothing has changed. They did plant some new flowers around the building and added logo door mats which are nice, but I'd rather they focus their efforts around the parking problems.