Burke Shire Commons Apartments

Burke Shire Commons Apartments Reviews

Burke Shire Commons Apartments located in 5812 Chase Commons Court , Burke, Virginia 22015, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Burke Shire Commons Apartments
5812 Chase Commons Court , Burke, Virginia 22015, United States
Phone Number
Year Built
Total Units
Detailed Information for Burke Shire Commons Apartments

Exercise extreme caution when considering properties listed by the horrible company “AIR Communities” on rental platforms. While their promotional visuals might appear enticing, prospective tenants should be forewarned of a multitude of hidden fees. Beyond the baseline rent, there are significant charges for amenities such as parking, water, and mail services, which often require an additional subscription. The following are crucial observations derived from reviews by past tenants across multiple platforms. It is imperative that you review these insights meticulously to avoid potential regrettable experiences.

Here is 12 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into Burke Shire Commons Apartments:

  1. Unreliable Leasing and Move-In Process: Tenants have reported being notified at the last minute that their apartment was not available, despite having a signed lease. This resulted in unexpected additional costs and considerable stress due to having to find alternative housing quickly.
  2. Strict Rent Payment Policy: There is a lack of flexibility in the rent payment schedule, with a steep late fee charged if rent is not paid by the first of the month.
  3. Expensive and Inconvenient Parking: Parking is a significant issue, with high costs for reserved spots. The redesign of the parking lot has led to a shortage of convenient parking, forcing residents to either pay more or park far from their apartments.
  4. Excessive and Hidden Fees: Residents have reported that the actual cost of living is higher than advertised, with unexpected fees for trash, online rent payment, and utilities.
  5. Poor Sound Insulation: Many complaints about being able to hear neighbors’ conversations and other private noises due to thin walls and poor insulation.
  6. Substandard Apartment Conditions: Reports of poor “remodels” that involve minimal updates, mold issues, cracked tiles, leaky plumbing, and general disrepair.
  7. Maintenance and Cleanliness Issues: There is a noted lack of cleanliness in common areas, such as the pool bathrooms, and maintenance requests are handled poorly, with maintenance staff entering apartments without proper notice.
  8. Questionable Security: Residents have noted the presence of police dealing with issues on the property, suggesting possible safety concerns.
  9. Poor Management and Customer Service: The management team is described as unhelpful and unresponsive, particularly when dealing with complaints and maintenance issues.
  10. High Turnover and Rent Increases: Rent prices are reported to increase significantly year over year, prompting many residents to move out.
  11. Dishonest Marketing Practices: The parent company, Aimco, has been accused of false advertising and not living up to their stated “Core Values.”
  12. Infrastructure and Environmental Concerns: Issues with flooding, unsanitary gym and pool bathrooms, overflowing trash, and poorly maintained grounds and sidewalks have been reported.

It’s essential to keep these points in mind and possibly look for other rental options that provide not just a decent apartment but also a pleasant overall living experience.

Read these comments below with caution before you make your decision!

External Links for Burke Shire Commons Apartments
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Burke Shire Commons Apartments
Review Rating
5 stars
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3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Burke Shire Commons Apartments, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 40 of 40
I signed a lease almost two months before my scheduled move in date. I was called two weeks before my move in date and I was told that the apartment I was supposed to be moving into would not be available now for another two months. I was told there were no more of the same size apartments available for that move in date but that I could move into a different apartment for at least an extra $100 a month than what I was originally going to pay! I was put in a terrible situation because I could not afford that extra rent and needed to move out of my old apartment in two weeks like originally planned. I contacted the management company who said that that was not normal practice of the company and gave me several phone numbers of managers. I proceeded to contact these managers who were of no help and ended up just referring me back to the manager of the property (the lowest manager I talked to). I called Fairfax County and they even stated that this normally doesn't happen after you have already signed a lease but I would need to go through a long process to file a complaint and obviously time was not on my side. I ended up getting my deposit back and having to sign a lease a Lakeside Apartments in another town the week of my move in. Although this was a stressful situation I am so happy with the customer care at Lakeside Apartments and cannot imagine how bad it would be living at Burke Shire Commons when there was such poor service before I even moved in.
The leasing staff is perfectly nice, but maintenance is ridiculous. They're terrified of dogs, I'm still baffled by the idea of being terrified of dogs and working for an apartment complex that is dog friendly, or hiring someone to work in your dog friendly complex that is afraid of dogs. They rekey your apartment when you move in, which was great but only if they rekey all the doors. Of the 5 locks that needed to be rekeyed, only one was when we moved in, and we're still fighting 3 months later to get this fixed.Within the first 2 weeks of moving in we lost power to an entire bedroom around 8pm. Had to call the emergency line twice before a request was even initiated. Then the maintenance person called and asked if it could wait til morning, why would we have called if it could have waited? Then proceeded to fumble around for an hour, get it fixed for all of 20 minutes then refused to come back to fix it, saying he'd be back first thing in the morning. Didn't show up until we went to leasing office to complain. On a Sunday Afternoon, during the leasing office's hours of operation my roommate got locked out. At another apartment I waited less than an hour for someone to let me in after calling after hours, on a holiday weekend. My roommate waited over 2 hours until I finally got home, because the leasing office still hadn't located a key to let her in. Not sure if they ever did find the key. Our breezeway flooded during a massive rainstorm, mud everywhere and a good 3/4" of standing water. No one came to do anything about it for weeks, and then just threw bleach water down resulting it becoming a muddy mess all over again.The new appliances and granite are nice, but the faucet is obviously very cheap, regularly sprays water in your face and all over the counter. TL;DR- be prepared to have to complain a LOT to get anything fixed, and there will be a lot of things that'll need to be fixed.
In short, I almost believed that you (signed Wendy on the comment section) might be taking my review for Burke Shire Commons Apartments seriously when you said you had someone contact me about 2 weeks ago. I haven't heard from your corporation. And this time, you said the community manager, Hailee tried to call me and left voice mails. I checked my phone for the call history to make sure that there might have been such attempts, but no, there wasn't a single call from her. My last call with her was on the move out day after 5 unanswered calls to the office to talk to a living person to get the move out inspection. It was very frustrating! Honestly, if she thinks that the charge for the painting was rightful as you said she did, I would like to refuse any calls from any of you to avoid unnecessary argument because I really don't think it was rightful to charge for painting that you will have to do anyway for the new residents. FYI, I have not hung a picture on the wall to avoid any possible charges for filling in the holes. I now live in an apartment that is managed by a very caring manager. A real person who actually cares about people and community makes a whole lot of difference and that's what I cannot find enough of in Burke Shire Commons where what they care about is just getting another lease contract.
noise issue with neighbors. The leasing office or community manager never take care of noise issue with neighbors. I contact to police 3times so far but still have issue with neighbors. I wanted to break the contract but they charge 3MONTH PENALTY. They don't have us out AT ALL.
I love living here, but I have to write this: do not come here as the management team here is rotten to the core, they will take the last bit of money from you and fine you a ton and refuse to give you any services that you are rightfully paying top dollar here for. Do not even bother come ask for help because it is going to land of deaf ears and you will receive "Unfortunately, after we reviewed your request we regret to say that we can not fulfill your request". 😉
I met with the management here before renting an apartment. They showed me a newly remodeled unit and promised that the unit we would be assigned (which was at the time occupied) would be EXACTLY the same.. Made arrangements to move about one week ago. When we showed up, the unit that we were assigned was VERY poor. Floor was not the same as was shown with us; floor is cloudy and has "ridges"; stove and oven are caked with grease and burn marks; tape on floor; poor paint job (my wife is still getting sick from the spray paint!); appliances are "nicked" grout is missing. We put in a work order and still have to hear from anyone. Neighbor told us they put in a work order a year ago and still waiting for a dishwasher. Rent is terribly high for what you get. They claim they have an exercise room, which they do, but of the three elliptical machines, two don't work and the third one squeaks like crazy. I could go on and on with the issues here. Would certainly have made a different choice if we knew what we were getting. Be warned. We are not "complainers", but what we were given was far different from what we were promised, and at close to $2000 for a two bedroom, we could have done better in nearby FAIRFAX. I will keep you posted to advise you if our workorder is filled. Not holding our breath. By the way, if you have VERIZON phone service, as we do, be aware that the reception is poor or not existent from our apartment. Others have mentioned the same thing. We all need to go outside to make a call.
Overall, the apartment itself is ok. HOWEVER, Have some issues with the washing machine and dishwasher. Have been here less then a year, so not sure why that is an issue. Also, can hear everything the neighbors above me are doing, especially when they wake up at 6 in the morning. If the trash machine is broken, expect a pile up of trash bags by the dumpster, which is very sanitary. PLUS a lot of insect infestation during the spring/summer. Ants and bugs would always find a way in through the windows. Always kept my room and kitchen clean. Insulation is garbage. Would always try to keep the A/C and heat off to save money, but the place would be freezing/Smoldering hot if I didn't run the thermostat. Very cheap living area. This place is overpriced. Not worth it. Better off finding anything else.
My friend and I applied and we have 80k in income betwen us, but we got a cosigner that has an additional 110k in income, but since his credit score isn't quite a 700 we can't rent. TLDR; Can't Rent Apartment Here With 190k in income
If I could give this place a zero, I would give them a zero.It honestly drives me insaneThe leasing office never ever take care of neighbor's issue.I have contact to the leasing office regarding noise issue but they never take care of it.I called police 3times for noise issue with neighbors but they still don't care.Worst leasing office entire my life!!!
I love living here, but I have to write this: do not come here as the management team here is rotten to the core, they will take the last bit of money from you and fine you a ton and refuse to give you any services that you are rightfully paying top dollar here for. Do not even bother come ask for help because it is going to land of deaf ears and you will receive "Unfortunately, after we reviewed your request we regret to say that we can not fulfill your request". 😉
The people that live there are very ignorant
Do not even think about to live at here!! Guys!!There is lot of hit and run action at the parking lot..If you are a resident, you would be the next
Bad valueCharge for everything. Parking utilities gym pool i dont use. Insect problem - been here 3 months and still havent taken care of the critters. Every 2 weeks I take a day off work waiting for the exterminator who does not show up. They dont bother to tell me he isnt coming.The maintenance is worthless - takes 3 service orders to get things fixed. I have to figure out what is wrong and tell them how to fix it. The office staff is grossly over worked.2 people for hundreds of apartments.These are old crummily built apartments that have been renovated. VERY noisy. Hear everythingSmoke free - yet have fireplaces - so have neighbors fireplace smoke.My front door doesnt fit right and looks like it is from a war zone. Repeated service calls - they say they cant do anything.Anxious to move out but know they will nickel and dime me when i leave.
They have bad maintenance and customer service. I'm care giver of the resident with disability living here in the Burkeshire Commons apartment I called maintenance to report Air Conditioner is not working in the residence apartment customer service they bully me and drive me crazy instead of helping for residents issues. They did not help their resident with disability very very bad customer service so I advice for those working with disability and elderly care if you have a job offer to work here please don't accept better work somewhere else. If you work here you will suffer from customer service and maintenance issues.
Don't deal with this people when moving out. They are so eager to take your money and leave you unsatisfied.
Wow, they really nickel and dime you for everything especially when moving out here at Burkeshire Commons. Avoid AIMCO properties at all cost if you can. This is the first apartment in my 15 years of living where I was charged a cleaning fee ($100), also ($230) for painting the walls and ($170) for water and sewage. You're better off not doing any cleaning and just take the $100 hit, save some time. I highly recommend you read the 1 start reviews before considering moving here. I had three neighbors move out at the same time as I was moving out, yea, no one wants to stay here. Rent here goes up on average $100 to $150 per month each year. Last year, they tried to increase my rent from $2400 to $3200, so that prompted for me to move, really bizarre, it was not until that I told them that I was moving that they changed their tune and offered to keep the same rent. The so called 'hardwood' floors are actually laminate and not real hardwood and not even so have to put something underneath the furniture to prevent from not rocking due to the unevenness. The 'stainless steel' oven and refrigerator aren't really stainless steel appliances, just the doors are stainless steel. Normal unreserved parking in the parking lot is $25 while reserved parking is $50, both outdoor and uncovered. There are many trees here so impossible to keep your car clean from the debris from the trees or from the birds up in those trees. Water and sewage are about $70 per month, doesn't matter how much or how little you use. New manager changes every year. Walls are extremely thin, I often heard my neighbors below me talking so please be careful talking about confidential things unless you whisper.They also keep refinishing the bathtubs because they are too cheap to replace them so the bathtubs continuously keep cracking. Lastly, I hope you like bugs, especially, silverfish, spiders and beetles since there are many here. We had to remove the cobwebs each week from our door during the summer months. Too be honest, I didn't realize how mismanaged this community is. For paying 2500 for a 3 bedroom, I would at least expect dog and bird poop to be cleaned.Thanks for reading, I wish you all the best in your move.
They will nickle and dime you to death when you leave. Better leave that apartment spotless including the paint on the walls. Mine looked really nice and they still stacked a $150 for a painting. I've never heard of that. Specially when I didn't changed any colors or did any damage other than normal wear and tear for living somewhere for 18 months. Also better have off days during snow. They will absolutely wait until the storm has completely passed to remove any snow. Meaning if the storm last 3 days. Expect them to start removing snow in 4 days. See what happened to my $500 deposit. They charged me 237.86 in between, Trash removal, sewer, water, pest control, and those hidden "service fees." And obviously on top of that a $150 charge for them to repaint their own apartment to rent it to someone else. This is really unheard of. My account was paid off entirely as of the 1st of June. How can I accumulate $237.86 worth of charges in 12 days. I left on the 12th of June. Well: they said water is paid in 2-3 month cycles. Still, I never had a water/sewer bill for $237 EVER!!! Out of my $500 they only are returning $112.... UNREAL!!!OSP Credit Card Deposit (500.00)Total Deposits on hand (500.00)Additional charges/credits/payments after move-outPainting 150.00Total additional charges / credits / payments 150.00Final Account balanceBalance at move-out 237.86Total Deposits (500.00)Total additional charges / credits / payments 150.00Account balance - refund due (112.14)
I signed a lease almost two months before my scheduled move in date. I was called two weeks before my move in date and I was told that the apartment I was supposed to be moving into would not be available now for another two months. I was told there were no more of the same size apartments available for that move in date but that I could move into a different apartment for at least an extra $100 a month than what I was originally going to pay! I was put in a terrible situation because I could not afford that extra rent and needed to move out of my old apartment in two weeks like originally planned. I contacted the management company who said that that was not normal practice of the company and gave me several phone numbers of managers. I proceeded to contact these managers who were of no help and ended up just referring me back to the manager of the property (the lowest manager I talked to). I called Fairfax County and they even stated that this normally doesn't happen after you have already signed a lease but I would need to go through a long process to file a complaint and obviously time was not on my side. I ended up getting my deposit back and having to sign a lease a Lakeside Apartments in another town the week of my move in. Although this was a stressful situation I am so happy with the customer care at Lakeside Apartments and cannot imagine how bad it would be living at Burke Shire Commons when there was such poor service before I even moved in.
Where do I begin...I used to live in Burke Shire Commons about 2 years ago and I moved back here due to my daughter's school district before I purchase home. Back then, the unit was in pretty good shape and clean.Well... This time it was just amazingly horrible. Unit was not cleaned at all!!Bathroom tiles were cracked and in between the cracks, molds everywhere!Bathroom tub drain ring was rusted all the way.Hose from the toilet was leaking.Bathroom Cold water handle had mold inside.Bathroom spout and overflow cover plate was cracked.ALL cabinets in the unit were chipped and discolored-yellow! (if I didn't mention it, they definitely charged me with new cabinet cost which is about $4,000.00 per property manager)Wall paint was chipped.EVERY CORNER of the apartment had dust, hairs and other yucky stuff from previous tenant...Another issue, Parking, it is $50.00 for assigned parking, ok but leaves covers my car and leva stain. Wrote email to management. no reply yet.After I moved in, I got a survey email and of course, I rated them poor and that when I got a call from the property manager.If you want to move to this apartment, just don't!!
Do not live here. The try to make it look like they are improving but they are not. Large rent increases at time of renewal not to mention they nickle and dime you to death with fees! Mold and bugs especially on the 3rd floor. They don't have pet pick up stations by all the pet buildings and so there is poop everywhere. The apartment is dirty when you move in but they screw you on the move out and tell you things are dirty. Will make you pay the fee for carpet cleaning and then rip it out anyway. The new staff is full of people that don't know anything.
Very bad when leaving the apartment overcharging and lying
Management is inexperienced & petty. Warning - if you complain, manager is sensitive & will make you pay big time. On moving day, with movers waiting, Burke Shire changed key details about move-in. Also, we paid $300 pet fee but our dog died after 2 months yet no refund. To punish us for complaining, manager kept $330 of our $500 deposit & Aimco ultimately backed manager, at customer expense.
We are responsible tenants and have always pay on time and follow the community rules but Management is rude and inexperienced and not a help to any problems we came upon, overall apartment is ok at best but I can't wait to move out just because of the people running the place. If you want a place to stay without the headache, look somewhere else.
First, are we renters so blind to understand how out of control rent prices are? We must blame ourselves. We have become a society that just accepts these corporations to drain us from rent, health insurance, car insurance, the list goes on!!! I rarely complain about these issues. Burke Shire Commons Apartments is a huge Corporation "Aimco" main office located in Denver, Colorado. Aimco claims "Core Values" which are: Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, Customer Focus and Performance, for their communities. We researched Aimco Board of Directors and all their false Marketing, Advertising, and Dishonesty. Truth always Wins. Aimco Shame On You. In apartment #102 we experienced unacceptable outside Flooding, Mold, Water Leak, Digital Thermostat failure after installment, gym and pool bathrooms unsanitary, trash overload, grounds and sidewalks have cracks on landscape uneven ground levels and parking problems. We have not heard from one Aimco Corporation, nor Burke Shire Commons Apartments Management. My letter went out on March 24, 2019 to Board Members, VPs, Finance, Area Managers, Aimco Resident Support, Customer Service and Community Manager, as of today No one has responded. Renters start being Renter Pro Active and start standing your ground! If any renters need names of board of directors, or any other employees from this awful company, contact me and I would like to assist you. Leave me a message on Yelp or Google. DJ E.
First, are we renters so blind to understand how out of control rent prices are? We must blame ourselves. We have become a society that just accepts these corporations to drain us from rent, health insurance, car insurance, the list goes on!!! I rarely complain about these issues. Burke Shire Commons Apartments is a huge Corporation "Aimco" main office located in Denver, Colorado. Aimco claims "Core Values" which are: Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, Customer Focus and Performance, for their communities. We researched Aimco Board of Directors and all their false Marketing, Advertising, and Dishonesty. Truth always Wins. Aimco Shame On You. In apartment #102 we experienced unacceptable outside Flooding, Mold, Water Leak, Digital Thermostat failure after installment, gym and pool bathrooms unsanitary, trash overload, grounds and sidewalks have cracks on landscape uneven ground levels and parking problems. We have not heard from one Aimco Corporation, nor Burke Shire Commons Apartments Management. My letter went out on March 24, 2019 to Board Members, VPs, Finance, Area Managers, Aimco Resident Support, Customer Service and Community Manager, as of today No one has responded. Renters start being Renter Pro Active and start standing your ground! If any renters need names of board of directors, or any other employees from this awful company, contact me and I would like to assist you. Leave me a message on Yelp or Google. DJ E.
The apartment complex is beautiful...I'll give it that much. It is also close to a lot of shopping centers and the VRE (which I don't use but I know that could be a draw for some). However, we have had a lot of problems since we moved here last summer and are happy to be moving back home to PA at the end of next month. Here's what we have experienced:1. The walls, ceilings, and floors are paper thin. You can hear people talking, walking, and worst of all, dogs barking. I say worst of all because right now, I am sitting here listening to my upstairs neighbor's dog bark and bark and bark. It usually barks for at least 8 hours straight and sometimes late into the night - like well past midnight. When I complained at the office, their response was "I'm sorry to hear that." So apparently they don't care that I'm paying almost $2,000 a month to listen to constant high pitched barking.2. When you put in a service request, they ignore when you say that they need to call for entry. They will just waltz right in. My husband works overnight and was in bed when he woke up to see a maintenance man staring at him. There have been other times where they have just walked in but thankfully did not catch anyone asleep or anything else.3. Parking sucks - unless you're willing to shell out $50 a month per car for special reserved spaces, you may very well end up parking very far away from your apartment. This causes problems when you have groceries to unload or get home late at night.4. When they send their maintenance people to do something, they will make a mess and leave it. A few weeks ago, they came to clean out the fireplace (once again letting themselves in when my husband was sleeping but they thankfully didn't go in the bedroom this time). They left soot all over the floor, our carpet, my computer, and the bookshelf. I came home from work to find my husband cleaning up the mess they made.I'm sure there's more I can write here but I'm sure you get the idea. There are probably nicer places you can rent in Burke.
I loved the apartment community when I first moved in, but Aimco- the owning company- has been showing increasing disregard of community needs. They have been unresponsive to needs for basic wheelchair ramps, do not provide handicap parking for all buildings, and recently took back the open parking arrangement that tenants had signed off on in our lease to move everyone further away from their buildings into company assigned specific spots. The only way to park closer is to pay their new 'premium' fee. The complex hid the fact that there was an armed robbery. Street lamps for safety have been out for months with only empty promises to fix them. And despite all this downfall, they've hacked up rent 30% for most tenants. I would not recommend moving in.
The management here has been so difficult to deal with at every turn. They recently decided to give everyone assigned parking spots when, at least in my experience, the previous first-come first-serve parking model presented no issues. I never had trouble finding a spot in front of my building, but my assigned spot put me all the way down the street, farther away than I've ever had to park. They gave me a new spot after we complained but "accidentally" gave me one that already belonged to someone. So now I'm back down the street until a new spot opens up or I pay double what I already pay for a reserved spot. From what I can tell, most people are not parked conveniently to their buildings. Our apartment also gets inundated with fruit flies every summer despite us doing nothing to attract them. We've asked for help with this multiple times and they've sent pest control to do a "spray treatment" but the bugs never go away. Apart from the location, this complex has given us much more trouble than it's been worth. If you're thinking about moving here, I'd advise you look for a place with a more competent leasing office.
Have been living here for almost 6months. The ppl are nice and the neighborhood feels safe! You get what you pay for and nothing else. However, mold build up is common, especially because of the humidity of the dryer when its on. Also noise travels, can hear heavy steps and music often from upstairs and next door neighbors. Also doctor recommended no longer using their gym. Got a case of mild ringworm because of the christmas break when no one from the office was showing up to refill disinfectant wipes. Nice ppl, mediocre living environment
We wrote an initial review in regards to our security deposit but that was addressed. We viewed the community with Dakena. She was amazing. She was kind, courteous, and professional.The community is very clean and quiet. It has been maintained and kept up well. The renovations are very nice. Our application was denied which is why I have bumped them down two stars. There system in place for "screening" residents is terrible. In this day and age very few people have good credit. Finding a place to live...to RENT...should not be determined by your credit if you provide the community with a deposit...a larger deposit than normally required. The only thing that should be taken into consideration when screening a resident is their tenant and rent history...mine and my husband's are impeccable. People have to have a place to live and after viewing the community and seeing the type of tenants they have, I would say this is very similar in nature to red-lining. It is in fact the red-lining for renting. By screening this way, the management company is almost ensuring very low populations of minorities. Credit card debt (On credit cards that were paid off monthly for years) that was accumulated after a work injury pushed us down to one income should not be used in determining one's worthiness to live in a community.
I've lived at Burke Shire Commons Apartments for 3 years now and overall it isn't a bad place to live. Leasing office staff is nice and helpful and it's a quiet, welcoming neighborhood. My main complaint is that you HAVE to pay rent on the first of every month or you will have a $75 late fee on the second of the month. Usually, you're allowed a 5 day grace period to pay rent and this place does not offer that option. There is no smoking on the property, but residents blatantly break that rule. My second complaint is that within the past year, the management redid the parking lot to make more reserved spaces available priced $50 per car per month. I find that price to be ridiculous for a parking spot that is just 10 feet closer to where I live. The regular parking charge is $22 a month, but because of the change I'm now finding it hard to find a place to park by my apartment. I refuse to pay extra for a spot because I feel they redid the parking lot to force residents to pay for the higher priced reserved spots. I shouldn't have to hunt for a parking spot in Burke, VA, but I find myself having to. It's quite annoying. I re-signed my lease for another year, but will consider moving if the parking remains an issue.
Friendly staff, but numerous things were wrong with the unit we moved into. Two of the doors do not close completely, one of which is the front door. Additionally, when we arrived to move in a circuit was blown so all the lights in the living area and kitchen were out. The string on the lights in a closet was not attached properly so it tore off on day one and the kitchen sink does not have properly functioning hot water. Overall the apartment is nice and the staff is kind and friendly but this is far too many issues that slipped through the cracks that I do not have the time to deal with and ultimately should not have to deal with, since it is not my job. While I am confident these issues will be dealt with when I have the time to bring them up with the office, the point is that these are all things that should have been discovered and handled before I stepped foot in the apartment.
My wife and I lived here for 2 years and overall it was a pretty positive experience. Its a great community for people with dogs and has a great dog park. The gym is pretty good as well even though they recently decreased its size to install package storage lockers. My one big complaint came when moving out. We had an all hard floor 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment for which the security deposit was $500. We also paid an additional $600 pet fee ($300 per dog) plus a monthly $100 ($50 per dog) pet rent. My wife and I are very clean people and took excellent care of the apartment. Being that the floors were all hard, there was no carpet for the dogs to ruin. When it came time for our preliminary walk through, the apartment management stated that they always repaint the walls and repair any holes smaller than a quarter caused by hanging pictures. This was also communicated to us during the move in process. However, when it came time to turn in the keys, we were told the walls were "too dirty" and would require an additional $100 to repaint. When I protested and said that we had already agreed to pay the management provided cleaning service of $100 to have the apartment cleaned we were told this would not be enough. I also said that I had not even attempted to clean the walls because the apartment uses flat paint (rather than a paint with gloss like satin) and the paint literally wipes right off when attempting to clean as one would expect. Long story short, they nickeled and dimed the security deposit even though it was effectively $1100 if you include the non-refundable pet fee with the security deposit. All said, we got $144 back after they took out more charges for things like final sewer fees, trash fees, and water fees. See attached notice sheet for more detail.
Decent quality for how old the buildings are. Friendly staff too.