Flamingo South Beach

Flamingo South Beach Reviews

Flamingo South Beach located in 1504 Bay Road , Miami Beach, Florida 33139, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Flamingo South Beach
1504 Bay Road , Miami Beach, Florida 33139, United States
Phone Number
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Year Built
Total Units
Detailed Information for Flamingo South Beach

Exercise extreme caution when considering properties listed by the horrible company “AIR Communities” on rental platforms. While their promotional visuals might appear enticing, prospective tenants should be forewarned of a multitude of hidden fees. Beyond the baseline rent, there are significant charges for amenities such as parking, water, and mail services, which often require an additional subscription. The following are crucial observations derived from reviews by past tenants across multiple platforms. It is imperative that you review these insights meticulously to avoid potential regrettable experiences.

Here is 20 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into Flamingo South Beach Apartments:

  1. Poor Building Construction: Complaints about thin walls leading to noise issues, hearing neighbors easily, and lacking basic amenities like garbage disposal and ventilation.
  2. Unjustified Fees: Residents are frustrated with additional charges for common areas and services not metered or directly used, leading to significantly higher monthly costs.
  3. Inadequate Security: Reports of inadequate security measures, with incidents of theft and vandalism in parking areas despite the presence of security personnel.
  4. Poorly Managed Maintenance Issues: Frequent complaints about malfunctioning appliances, flooding issues, and slow or ineffective maintenance responses.
  5. Ineffective Management: Many residents express dissatisfaction with the building’s management, citing unresponsiveness, rudeness, and lack of professionalism.
  6. Unsafe and Uncomfortable Living Environment: Accounts of drug-related activities, unregulated guest access, and general safety concerns impacting the quality of life.
  7. Unfair Rent and Deposit Practices: Stories of sudden rent increases, unfair eviction notices, and difficulties in getting security deposits back.
  8. Health and Sanitation Concerns: Issues with pest infestations, particularly roaches, and unclean common areas are frequently mentioned.
  9. Privacy and Safety Concerns: Instances of privacy invasion and safety concerns, including inappropriate behavior by staff and security personnel.
  10. Persistent Noise and Disturbance: Ongoing construction noise, loud neighbors, and general disturbances contribute to a stressful living environment.
  11. Inefficient Access and Facility Management: Problems with elevator functionality, parking access, and general facility maintenance impacting daily life.
  12. Deceptive Leasing Practices: Allegations of misleading information provided by the leasing office, including hidden fees and unfulfilled promises.
  13. Unethical Management Behavior: Claims of unethical practices by management, including lying to tenants and mismanaging tenant issues.
  14. Poor Quality Amenities: Dissatisfaction with the quality and maintenance of amenities like the gym, pool, and laundry facilities.
  15. Lack of Community Integrity: Negative experiences with the tenant community, describing it as disruptive and lacking a sense of responsibility or respect.
  16. Legal and Compliance Issues: Concerns about the building’s adherence to legal standards, including ADA compliance and fire safety regulations.
  17. Substandard Living Conditions: Complaints about the overall condition of apartments, including outdated features and lack of cleanliness.
  18. High Tenant Turnover: High turnover rates and a transient tenant population contributing to a lack of community stability and security.
  19. Disregard for Tenant Rights: Instances where tenant rights seem to be overlooked or ignored by the management.
  20. Mismanaged Emergency Situations: Inadequate handling of emergencies and critical situations, impacting tenant safety and comfort.

It’s essential to keep these points in mind and possibly look for other rental options that provide not just a decent apartment but also a pleasant overall living experience.

Read these comments below with caution before you make your decision!

Reported Hazards for Flamingo South Beach
Bed Bug
Dog Poop
External Links for Flamingo South Beach
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Flamingo South Beach
Review Rating
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Flamingo South Beach, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 100 of 159
The management there is horrible, super rude, very incompetent, instead of trying to fix your problem they make it worst and to top it off they only look for a way to get more money out of you; THIEVES!!!
* DO NOT LIVE HERE* I wish that my only complaint about this place was the party atmosphere.The fees are way too high for the mediocre amenities. The gym is nice but it is NOT included in your rent - it is an additional $50 a month. The only thing this place has to its advantage is the location. However, once they lock you in to a long-term lease in a decent apartment, you will rarely (if ever) hear from management again. Maintenance requests take an average of 3 weeks to a month to be filled, and this is after repeated phone calls, trips to the leasing office, and strongly worded emails. Our own apartment had to be fumigated three times in the first month we moved in - which of course meant having to move furniture, throw away all food that wasn't sealed and vacating the apartment for days at a time. The problem was only solved after multiple calls to the Aimco office (owners of the property itself) DO NOT LIVE HERE. The fact that the video shown in the leasing office appears to have been filmed in 1999 should have given me an indication that is outdated and uncared for. The management staff is rude and have no concept of customer service. It's no wonder they push so hard to get people to move in with long-term leases, I'm sure the retention rate for this place is awful. I am simply counting down the months until my lease is over. Again, DO NOT LIVE HERE!!
If you are thinking about moving to Flamingo South Beach.. DONT. Save yourself the time, Money, Headache and disappointment that is 100% guaranteed to come along with living there. Firstly, Security are extremely rude and certainly don't 'Secure' anything. Whilst sat on a chair playing on their phones they have forgotten how to open the gate for residents that may be carrying bags or heavy loads. When my small girlfriend was trying to pass through when the gate was clearly broken they said "Push It Lady" We also had issues with them allowing anyone and everyone to pass through onto the premises that were more than happy to come in our halls, steal our clothes out the dryers, steal our towels from around the pool & kick my front door causing it to crack which the "Maintenance" (A man with clearly no background in repair or social skills) kindly didn't replace and just glued and painted over the large cracks! Not very safe.Secondly, the Elevators. Prepare to have a good leg work out every other day because the stairs will be you're savior when the Elevators break down on a daily basis leaving hundreds of residents using the 1 only working Elevator out of 4. Of course the Flamingo don't rush to fix the problem instead find it easier to place a large flower pot in between the doors.. Real professional.I won't go into detail about neither Pools working for the last few weeks and the constant banging from the "work" they have apparently been doing on them. The fire alarms constantly going off at least once a week that of causes us to stop what we are doing even if that's sleeping to evacuate the building. They charge you for EVERYTHING and don't expect you're deposit back when you finally get the chance to escape.If you are looking to move to South Beach and you want water views with a great location there is so much available! Even check out some of the buildings next to the flamingo such as The Waverly.The Flamingo is a complete mess with no respect or concern for their current residence.Save yourself.
After the Money Grab Breaking my New Lease. Having me move , at a cost of $4000 plus . The Flaming Management returned My Security Deposits. It was instantaneous paid to them the Day I moved in Took 6 weeks to get back. The $1000 moving allowance I never received. I would not want to be in upper management if the Government gets involved
The worst place to live if you have children, and it is very very expensive. Very bad attention to the resident. I've edited my review to respond to Susan. I lived there from 2017 to 2018. The worst experience I have ever had.
Horrible. Just moved in and wish I never did.Overpriced.Nickel and dime you at every turn.Sign the lease and they have hidden monthly charges such as:Cooling for common areas,Processing fees,New account feeService feeAnd on and on.Outdated building yet they charge high rents and sneak in all sorts of petty fees.They can so they do.Contract says they "may" from time to time charge some fees, but this is horrible.I am subletting if I can and getting away from these scumbags.For the money I am spending, I could have done much better. Shame on me, shame on them for taking advantage.Aimco is smart to distance themselves from the nightmare. They setup third party billing company that charges residents additional fees, on top of Aimco's fees.I've never rented anywhere that charges residents a pro-rata share of common area cooling fees. Own a condo, yes, I understand, but renting is absurd.They suckered me once, never again.Good bye.
This company Aimco and the people that work at the. Flamingo towers are thieves. They changed my move in date meaning changed our lease signing. I decided to cancel because of all the aggravation they put us through and now they are keeping our deposit . Avoid dealing with Carmen she is a liar and and part of the scam they have there. We were approved and then they find any way to steal from you. Avoid them as much as possible.
Moved here from NYC in Feb 2018. Realized first week that construction doesnt stop. They actually jackhammering walls 5 floors below me - taking concrete samples so they can start full building remodeling. Also they have started a 4 phase renovation of the entire property. There is never ending construction trucks, escavators, dirt and lots of noise. I will be terminating my lease - as it impossible to do anything in this community anymore. Most of the amenities are closing down. Also be aware that this place is a prison - biometrics system they had installed here in May is so bad that people are constantly standed and cant get in or out of the building or use elevators when system brakes ( 3-4 times a week). Please stay away from this place!! Oh - almost forgot. Fire alarms are a refular occurance here, 2-3 times a week and you get it in your appartment waking you up. So yeah - im moving!!!
The is the most unprofessional and just ghetto fake "luxury building" in South Beach. The staff in the management office, Luisa Parache, Jashba Mugica, and Elvira Murphy are under qualified, incompetent, unprofessional, dismissive, and rude. Every "repair" or inconvenience is an "emergency" according to these unapologetic management staff. Right when you sign that lease, they ignore any and all concerns and complaints. Cigarette smell in the apartment for months coming from the bathroom, maintenance men walking in unannounced while I'm getting dressed out of the shower, false fire alarms along with regular fire alarm tests, consistent water shut off and water heater shut offs, consistently turning off power including AC, elevators, etc. **If anyone took the time to call Miami Beach's building and coding enforcement, this building would likely get shut down.
Its been a nightmare: - Deena was the worst experience, she charged me without my authorization almost 4 times the amount we agreed by phone and email. She was impolite and careless most of the times. Never gave us the resident tour or reserved the elevator when moving-in, beside we previously schedule it. - We had to wait more than a month for the mail keys and the worker was so impolite, impossible to talk with. - I got extra monthly charges over $300 per month plus FPL/internet so be aware of it, if you have budget. - THE PACKAGES: they have a worker that yells at you when you are not even interacting with him and kick other resident packages trough the hallway, I lost a lot of packages and no one in the administration cares, they hardly respond to your emails. - They do not answer the phone calls if you need assistant. - The floor plan is smaller, when I put it on scale I realized so I have to give up on furniture that did not fit on our unit. - We have insects on the unit and the thermostat was out of control so that increased our electricity bill. Despite I left instructions for the pest control worker to do not enter in our unit without letting us know first, he/she/they enter in my unit, I have a dog so fumigate is not the way to go or to enter to my unit out of the schedule we placed or without letting us know first. - My roommate got hurt because one of the cabinetry fall on her the first day of our moving. Steven Weber!!! is the only person now I can say he makes an effort to make things right, because of his efforts I was avoiding to leave this review. But I am so emotionally and mentally drained of this experiences at flamingo!!! The Pros: location is amazing, the gym is always clean and good service, the receptionists are always polite, the common are always clean. Cons: the administration is always giving me hard times and they do not care about you or your interests, and I am not the only one struggling with the administration. My advice if you are planing to move, ask to the residents, ask by writing about everything you have to pay... the place is beautiful but the administration so far is disappointing
I lived here for a year, the place is nice but the management is TERRIBLE, they are going to try to make you pay for everything. There is noise because of enhancements in the building all the time and there is a lot of humidity which causes mold problems. Avoid this place.
There is no jacuzzi and the pool closes at SIX PM. Unacceptable. Claims to close at 7:30pm in the summer; however, that's still not late enough. For a building like this and rent this high the EARLIEST it should close is 11:00pm but really we're all adults here and it should be 24 hours. Yes, it does smell like dog pee everywhere; however, the dogs are so cute you don't end up caring. Aside from that, it's gonna vary unit to unit.
This place is really messing with my health, I'm soooo depressed being here through this construction, CANNOT WAIT to LEAVE! I literally hate coming home at night to this place and my balcony view is of the courtyard (the construction site). The amount of dirt and dust is gross and is making my allergies insane. PS: there is a new security girl (been here about 2 months) at the south tower that asks me everyday if I'm a resident... like enough ... CLEARLY and UNFORTUNATELY I'm a resident! GET BETTER, FRIENDLY AND BRIGHTER SECURITY! DO BETTER JOB KEEPING THIS CONSTRUCTION SITE CLEAN! VACUUM THE GROSS HALLWAYS!
DO NOT RENT HERE! DO NOT RENT HERE! They dont treat you like human more like another sale they are trying to get.I want to start by saying "Wow" the worst experience I've ever received when it comes to tour an apartment.I was looking for 1/1 in Sobe since my wife works in south beach we decided to move to the beach. Started off with the manager and the leasing consultant, there is over 26 units available within out budget online when we get there the "Manager" "Joe Fischer" said they are only 2 available and straight up told my friend that was looking for a place as well. There isn't any available within her budget but 2 minutes later he had one available he already slammed the sale to begin with and that when I got sketch out. We toured two apartments construction on the building is incredible loud even inside the apartment imagine in the balcony. We come back to the office the "MANAGER" "JOE FISCHER" said we had two rent 2/2 since we have a kid thats 4 year old we can't share rooms! It's ridiculous we toured over 5 apartments building around south beach never told us "such rule" Joe Fischer is a sketchy, aggressive, dishonest behavior from this guy to begin with DO NOT RENT HERE!
I'm the resident of this building and trust me, there is no worst place to live in Miami Beach. When we moved in, half of the things was broken and the other half stopped working after one month. It's like the entire building is falling apart. The elevators don't work properly since we moved in which makes things very complicated for everyone who lives on the higher floors. People who live here are the robbers, prostitutes, they said it's a smoke free community but you can smell weed at 8 in the morning. This place is not SAFE and the management doesn't give a s*** for anything that is going on. Loud parties all the time, shootings, people are throwing a glasses over the balcony and nobody is getting suspended! There are always a secret charges! If you want to renew your lease they're going to INCREASE your monthly bill and charge you 200$ RENEWAL FEE! This is out of the mind. So seriously whoever is thinking about moving in, don't do that. It doesn't worth the price. The only thing you get are the empty rooms and broken appliances. For that money you can find a much better and SAFE place. Read the other comments and once again don't do this to yourself.
Flamingo is absolute disaster. If in here no staff it would be much nicer place, but staff working here makes flamingo worst place in whole Miami Beach! In the check in day I asked to change door lock, the technician say yes and dissapear. Since then he visited us again and again did nothing. Front desk does not know the way to the gym or parking, actually they know nothing. The elevator get my only to my floor and lobbi. To get to the parking everytime I have to ask front desk please send me to the second floor :0 I understand that they fight against illegal rbnb renting, but they made life for residents so difficult.
We were ready to move to this great building in Miami.. and decided to read reviews. OMG! Of course we will never even come close to this place! Not the only one person said the same things! It is really really sad.The Management MUST do a serious repair on ALL those issues, specially human behaviors, penalties to the dogs owners who do not clean after their dogs, etc..!!!If you want to be a classy building, you must train your stuff and work it out in the future, that you will have a waiting list to get into your building..
The employees act like prison guards they give you the worst greet you can ever get , the female employees give u the worst dirty looks and yelled at you , maybe because they can't afford to live in this place I don't know how they even get hired here , I pay their paycheck!! But act like I'm an intruder , I work too hard to come to this unwanted atmosphere , this place needs to re-evaluate their hiring of front gate employees and main entrance staff .
Where should i begin. First of all although the security at this place (North tower to be exact, south tower you guys were cool) is BEYOND ridiculous and over the top. I'm all for securing the premises for all tenants and guests but it was more like harassing and bullying whoever crossed paths with them or just whenever they felt like it. I don't know what the qualifications for being hired here are or what the training is like but i'm guessing if you know how to talk down to people, abuse authority that you do not have and confiscate guest passes then you are right for the job! One would think if you jump through all the hoops of entering the property and going through that first stage of security you would be good once you pass the gates...NOPE. i was there from a friday to friday and apparently on monday there was a change in rules that guests could no longer use the pool facilities. So you can imagine the embarrassment & look on my face when on Thursday we get rudely kicked out of the pool area with minimal rhyme or reason behind it due to this "new rule". we had been there multiple times before then, and saw other people being turned away for not having passes so when they asked for our guest pass we thought we were good but it wasn't good enough this time. They even went so far as threatening to kick us off the property because of this rule that they failed to inform the guests about. There were other incidents that occurred bc of untamed security but this was the icing on the cake that showed how they just wanted to be a$$holes whenever they felt like it. Mind u the pool area was not even close to being fully occupied so till this day i'm still wondering what bug crawled up inside them. An immediate change in security is necessary for this place bc the method of treating people who spent lots of money being there like criminals just isn't cutting it, I am truly still amazed by it.
This is the worst building i have ever lived in! I moved here 8 days ago , and got the apt not clean! To the point where i couldn't even shower there there were dead bugs all over the apt , dust, the toilet was leaking and i was told i have a new washer and dryer , in one week that washer and dryer messed up all my clothes and caused two huge water leaks in my kitchen , the elevators are two years pass due of inspection something i believe is illegal! The elevators got stuck few times over the weekend , when you live on the 14 floor you have no choice but to wait , takes forever to go down, the parking which they charge you of course extra is far far away from access to the apt , the the service elevator which i reserved for moving in i was told its mine for 3 hours guess what its bot programmed like normal building instead everyone uses it and it stops in every floor ... when you rent a unit consider it no washer and dryer cause you really done want to be using those !
This is probably the worst place we have ever lived in. Since we have moved in, there has been CONSTANT problems. The walls are so thin, there are ALWAYS, ALWAYS construction going on. The drilling noises can go on from noon to 5pm. I work from home most of the time and this is such a pain to deal with emotionally. I've been living here for 6 months and can already tell how cheap the whole construction of this architecture is.On top of that, since we have moved in there has been constant "maintenance" request and check ups. Which means random maintenance workers with a key can go up to your apartment without you being there. NO PRIVACY here, expect to walk in to your apartment with a stranger there..checking on your things from time to time.Definitely not a smoke free environment, we find cigarette butts on our balcony, empty cigarette boxes. People are disrespectful and trashy. Read other comments...if you are into partying..this is definitely your scene. If you are proper and are looking for a place that respects your privacy, handle tenant issues thoroughly THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU.However I do want to add that management has been very responsive to all the issues. But somehow problems are not always resolved thoroughly which can be very frustrating.
They basically ROB their tenants. Once you move in they keep adding additional fees to your rent bill every month(service fees, vacancy fees all kinds of fees that are unexplicable) when you call NWP (the company that does the billing) they are rude and unprofessional and tell you to call management who knows even less...Flamingo management is all about making extra money ON FEES that are NOT justified. However, The elevators have been under construction since I moved in November and they are finally open to the public and are terrible get stuck in every flloor, the elevetor floor level is uneven seen more than one person almost fall. Bottomline is if you can afford 1700 us for a small studio GO somewhere else Flamingo has horrible management. Everything IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION BUT NOTHING GETS DONE PROFESSIONALLY And will bill you an extra FEE every MONTH for something they can't even explain.Can't wait til my lease is over.
Review updated. If only we could have received an apology for our poor treatment during our nightmare. Imagine an aging dog needing four walks a day and not having been told before moving in that all but a small part of the dog walking areas would be closed with no end date set. And then, demanding we buy our way out. Yes, we are re-settled and learned a valuable lesson.
The want to charge and over charged you for everything!!!... parking $200, AC, Gym, you name it.... They will give you an ok price to move in then jump your rent on renew $400 over... Place is full of roaches, they supposedly exterminate but nothing happens. The units are super old and walls are super thin; forget sleeping if you have a normal life, most tenants are people that spend the night up and by then just talking you can hear it all. The tenants are the worst kind, it has been getting worst by the year. Now, management, they are just plain THIEVES and LIARS. They will lie at your face, plain simple. I lived there for 3 years, and moved out last year when I couldn't take it anymore. Even if at check-out, you return the property perfect, they will lie and tell you they needed to repaint or whatever, they will keep part of your deposit GUARANTEED and lie. I had the inspection guy tell me that a perfectly painted wall by a professional was not properly painted because they did not use "a spray painting machine" and a three years-old carpet (shampooed by a professional company) was not "AS NEW AS WHEN I MOVED IN"; after explaining to management that a carpet is subject to wear-and-tear, they literally reply and repeat without any understanding "WE EXPECT THE CARPET IN THE SAME LOOK AND CONDITION AS WHEN YOU MOVED IN"....Again, this is the place for careless people in vacation that want to drink, drugs, have fun and don't mind getting ripped off. If you are a decent person, this place is not for you!.... I totally hated my experience there the last two years. I am glad I m out...
Happily had a bad experience within 15 minutes of arriving. I for one appreciate it because I would never give this place my money. Here's why: 1. I took an Uber from Brickell for 30 min just for the agent to start to show me units on the computer in the lobby at $500 more than they are posting online. Deceiving to say the least. Then fumbles when I confronted him about it. If I wanted to look at cell phone videos uploaded to a laptop I can do that myself before I get there which I did. And saved myself a lot of time and money. I showed up to view apartments. Not your laptop screen. Complete waste of my time. I'm actually insulted by his attitude and that's pretty tough to do. He had a tone and approach as if he needed to screen me first before wasting time walking around with me. I feel like he honestly wasn't interested in showing me anything. 2. Agent attempts to belittle my budget for this apartment stating that some people pay $30,000 for apartments here. Nice. If you are spending $30,000/month to live here I invite you to learn how real estate works. I wouldn't pay anything to live here regardless. But definitely would not pay what they are (apparently) asking considering what some of the other buildings in Miami offer. 3. Everyone checking in to view apartments was either with a parent or said the appointment was in a parent's name. Younger crowd most with tattoos so if you are responsible adult and higher income this ain't it chief. 4. When I first arrived I got told by a woman and someone on the radio that leasing office was closed and it was impossible for me to view apartments at all today let alone 6pm. I called the number from the text thread but nobody answers when I'm trying to find where to go. And you can't text them back directly. Nice. 5. Automated system is super annoying and keeps asking the same questions that I already filled out online. Agents didn't take time to review and they keep texting you all day asking "one more thing before our appointment". Agent seemed annoyed that I wasn't looking for 2BR (I have no idea where he got that from) when I filled out a form and replied to their online post about 1BR apt. I've been to 10+ buildings in Brickell, Wynwood, Edgewater etc and not once did I have this kind of experience with any other company. "Hypebeast" tenants, rude agent. Lots of terrible reviews regarding build, construction, ongoing maintenance, and staff. It's a shame because the building looked really nice online. Although I will never know because we didn't get further than the lobby before I left. I knew from the start this place wasn't for me well before reading countless google reviews after I got home. Like I said, happy to have the experience so I know not to move in there, just wish I could get my $40 Uber fare and an hour and a half of my time back. Literally don't waste your time and read google reviews like I should have.
DO NOT move into the Flamingo!! They AIMCO management are a bunch of thieves. As a military reserve service member, I was called to active duty to deploy to Afghanistan. My orders where given to me with less than a 30 day notice. The AIMCO staff said that since I was a service member, it was ok that I did not give them a 30 day notice. We agreed that I move on the 30th of the month and not be charged 6 days of pro-rated rent from jan 1-6. Once I left the state, they went into my checking account and charged me 400 of rent when I moved out the 30th!! They went back to the "oh, sicne you didnt give a 30 day notice we had to do that". The sneaky bastards waited till i was out of the state to take my money, knowing I couldnt go back to fight it. They they took 700 dollars from my 1000 deposit for a BUCNH OF B.S.! DO NOT MOVE THERE THEY ARE THIEVES!! THE BUILDING IS FULL OF LOW LIFES AND ITS FULL OF DOG CRAP IN AND OUT OF THE ELEVATORS.
Rented a vacation apartment it was disgusting from the bad smell, very poor quality and in the complex everyone had a dog, they all took them outside to the little lawn for the bathroom it smelled so bad. the swimming pool was not clean and kept up. would never recommend it!
The worst experience ever!!! Do not let beautiful outside views trick you. The vents are full of mold. I had problem to breathe and sneeze all the time i was in the apartment. Roaches are everywhere. Super noisy, drunk people. Hidden fees!!! You will never get your deposit back. Make sure you take all pictures before moving out. I will be suing them 100%.
This place may have been nice at some point in time, but not lately. The Flamingo must be in a huge financial crisis to be cutting back the hours of operation for their already skeleton crew. Not acceptable at an Apartment complex of this size.Management: 1 starMaintenance: 1 starSecurity: 1 starA list of problems in a little over a year:* Rats in the ceiling* Air-condition unit flooding 3 times in the closet ruining hundreds of dollars of clothes* So bad an odor coming through the vents they had to put us in a Hotel* Dog feces everywhere inside the building* Fire alarm going off so many times between 2-5am that it was dangerous because everyone ignored it. Fire alarm Tentants with pets here have no respect for the place probably because they are upset with the management. So they let their animals poop and pee in the anywhere they please: main lobby floor, elevators, stairwells, sidewalks, doorways, main halls.Caution: Not the typical move out conditions that your used to. Upon moving out you have to return the apartment to *EXACT move in conditions (not just spotless clean and any nail holes filled, but RE-PAINTING ALL THE WALLS regardless of non use) or you will be charged. Really You Have To Re-Paint All The Walls? YES!! Carpet replacement will likely be charged as well regardless of move in condition of carpet.
I've been here for three years. Every years getting worse and worse. First of all YOU ARE NOT SAFE IN THIS PLACE!!! Almost every other month there is a shooting. Second of all the management is horrible. .They raise your rent every time you renew your lease(once a year).Is not clean,also always one of the elevators is always broken. Just stay away from this place. It looks amazing but actually is horrible
Worst management ever! Never consider this place! Merci (or whatever her name is) is the worst employee and extremely unhelpful. If I could give 0 stars I would!!!!!!!
Scam. lied about available listing - and the poor agent clearly known they had lied, as when we asked them why they wasted our time, she looked at us dead eyed, and could say nothing - as she had been through this routine many times before and knew it was a waste.
Most of the elevators are down, the ones that aren't don't display what floor you're on, the doors to the N building don't open half of the time, and the poorly engineered building creates a wind tunnel when you walk in the main entrance. Terrible
If I could give 0'stars to this place I would..future tenants beware !!! Live anywhere else but here trust me this is not a joke...my cousin has lived here for the last two years and the horrendous things she has gone through omg!!!! Don't ever live here!! She had a water leak in her bathroom that caved in!! She then called maintenance dept where they came the next day and tore down that part of the ceiling in her bathroom...and guess what 9 months go by and they left the whole in the ceiling with nooo regards.. She kept calling and calling and all they did was they kept telling her we will be there...9 months later nooo one came!!! What bullcrap!!! Don't ever live at this place read the reviews and learn from these people's experience!!! Because it will happen to you!!! Don't do it!!!!
Thousands have to move out. Literally the rudest, management staff who takes joy out of making the residence feel dumb. The courtyard was closed for about 5 months and completely gutted for "renovations" inconveniencing all three buildings. Now I know they were JUST MAKING SPACE TO TEAR DOWN NORTH TOWER!!!! they knew about this for months and months. But still let people move in as of weeks ago. They will take a hit of angry people and lack of revenue for years and try to come back rebranded. They don't care about the lives they have affected.
Found this used condom right outside management office at the flamingo and Carlos, head of management and guest relations refused to address it and rolled his eyes like its normal.
The place is good, the pool too but the attention to the resident is lousy. Your packages don't arrive by post, there are thefts in the parking lot, the staff is unpleasant, the elevators don't work, the entrance smells like dog pee... and when you ask the staff to comply with their obligations they say yes to everything but do nothing. I do not recommend it to live. I'm very disappointed
DO NOT LIVE HERE!! The Flamingo is a hot mess. The management is a joke and the people are the absolute worst. The ones who are normal and classy leave after 7 months. Here's why the Flamingo is so awful: 1. inconsiderate people: if you don't mind trash everywhere, empty beer bottles in the elevator, awful laundry rooms then go for it, people do not pick up their pet poop 2. average age 25: although the flamingo requires proof of income at 78k annual usd, there are plenty of kids living here. KIDS! I'm talking college student and recent grads. Dirty entitled little brats.3. illegal pets: if you have a pet you have to pay an annual pet fee plus a monthly pet fee. since the management is a joke some people pay while others don't and this leads to non-approved breeds on property with leads to horrific dog fights (pit bull biting out a chihuahuas eye ball- yeah, no good). 4. SHADY SHADY: strippers and druglords and pot smell oh my!!! 5. PO PO: there's constant police activity, fights, domestics, drugs, noise complaints. This place is a joke and a dorm. I cannot wait to move out. Oh and the units are $1500 for formica cabinets, no washer dryer in unit, stained carpets low ceilings, popcorn walls, old bathroom. If the units were $900 maybe that would be acceptable. You can get way better in Brickell. And there are other buildings on the beach with classier people and better management. Keep hunting. This place is awful.
Can you give zero stars? I'm currently stuck in a lease here and I want to rip my hair out. I live in the south tower. The lobby staff are so rude and not helpful at all. The finger print scanner never works and then they don't even open the door for you. I literally just stood outside knocking...I'm sorry banging on the door and the girl in the lobby rolled her eyes at me and acted like she didn't see me. Oh yeah dog shit everywhere too.Don't let the beautiful exterior fool you, stay away. Unless your okay with being stuck outside and never being able to reach anyone in management.
Terrible, some tenants are sub-leasing and management wont do anything about it. This is a disaster made out of roomates, is like living in a grocery market.
Trash mangement , All the mangement employer are not professional they too loud, rude, disrespectful, i think they treat people the way they treat their family like trash. Not organized, even when you go to the office they dosnt ask you to sit, some answers while their back turn to you. Please dont tell me to email you and i contact 2 Mangers and they never answered my calles, the flamingo employees harassing me they come upstairs without me knowing knocking on my door this has to stop its illegal to do that so you will need to call me and solve this problem because email is not going to help. so far 6 people knock on my door
Everything is under construction. The front lobby. The entire courtyard is closed off with little to no progress. If you have dogs like 50% of all residents your limited to three extremely small "relief areas", which are patches of dead grass. The front is closed. The only place the dogs can really go is the "dog run" WHICH IS A JOKE!!!! It's complete DIRT and your dog will require a bath. They literally are remodeling EVERYTHING, but can't close the dog run for a week to throw down some grass, or at-least gravel? All other dog owners I have talked to have voiced their opinions on the dog run but no one cares.
I should have written this back when we stayed in the South Tower for two months, in summer 2010, but better late than never.The location is good, and the pools are great.But we really got screwed by the management company. I've never had such a terrible experience in all my years of short-term vacation apartment rentals. (And this included an apartment we leased without being told that one floor below, they were using jackhammers all day to build a restaurant.)Our lease specified a washer-dryer in the unit. On arrival, we discovered the machine was broken.When I brought this to management's attention, they said there had been an error in writing the lease: that it should not have included a washer-dryer.My response: That may be the case, but you signed the lease and we paid our rent in advance.Their response (I kid you not): If you don't like it, you can move out and we'll find someone else to take it.Now, mind you, we'd traveled 3,000 miles to spend time in this apartment, and had nowhere else to go except back home. We were stuck.I asked the management office to at least reimburse us for the cost of using the coin-operated machines down the hall. They refused!Then, adding insult to injury, they deducted $100 from our security deposit for a lamp that was already broken when we moved in.
In 20 years of renting and owning multiple homes, I have never dealt with any management company so incompetent. I was informed that I would get a refund from my application that was denied with a co-applicant in 3 to 5 business days and it never got processed. I've had to make multiple phone calls, emails, text and follow ups to get this processed. I was informed the building would not even allow visitors. Not understanding the reasoning behind any of this, I wanted to save at least one other person the trouble in dealing with such an unprofessional staff.
Don't do it. It's all beautiful and fancy, all dandy so you will sign a contract. It's nice outside but once you move in you will have construction noise beginning 7:30am. Simple! Ask any of your unit neighbors before making a decision! We signed for 3 years(way more affordable), and now are forced to move out early for their own profit as they're remodeling. Parking and gym IS EXPENSIVE and a RIP-OFF. We were also promised one unit and after packing everything they had to move us somewhere else. Please don't sign in a rush! I wish I read reviews before moving in, would've been more careful.
One of my life's regrets is moving into the Flamingo. I am writing this to help others avoid an extremely unpleasant living experience at the Flamingo.1. The 2nd week we moved in we had a leak in our walk-in closet from the air condition this water damaged most of our clothing and they had drying equipment installed for 3 days. The same issue occurred again 4 weeks later. Once again 5 months later there was a fire in the apt above, flooding the entire apartment again. My concern is mold and its health issues.2. On 7 different occasions between 1am and 3 am we were awoken the flamingo security staff at the door. The staff gave us a noise violations and eviction warnings for being too loud. After the first warring I used a decibel meter and tested the proper legal level for our TV volume. They continued to wake us up with warnings explanation was that we were talking to loud during a dinner party with 6 guests that ended at 9 pm. 3. The fire alarms are constantly going off all times. There is an average of 4 per week night and day. How can tenants feel safe?4. At two different occasions, there were "Police Crime Scene Investigation" vans parked outside entrance. 3 weeks before we moved out a "Miami Crime Scene Cleaning" van was at the front entrance.5. Friends they stated that the Flamingo is a well-known for drug sales. Later I confirmed I witnessed different people handing cash and being handed items from cars at the entrance.6. I love to grill and by my calculations there are 2 grills for 3,200 tenants. While I was grilling one night at 7:30 and security asked me to stop grilling and to leave. I was quietly listening to my headphone and grilling food to take back to my apartment. I said that I would finish in 10 minutes and the security guard returned with a local police officer to have me arrested. The police confirmed I lived at the Flamingo and he told the Flamingo security staff "to stop wasting his time" and left me to my grilling.7. There is mold and water damage in all hallways and a constant smell of urine in the stairwells thought the entire complex again a big health issue.8. We had our service animal certified by a well-known legally certified "PhD Psychiatrist". The Flamingo management team started putting eviction letters under our door at 2 am waking us up on 4 occasions. Were constantly threatened by management and charged a surprise $350 per month for damage pet fee. After a meeting with the General Manager of the property she told one of us to move out with the dogs in order to stop this harassment. This is an illegal act and a violation of our rights.9. The court yard has a standing water in the planters and communal areas for the mosquitos to ignoring the Zika virus issues in Miami. Also, the pet owners battle a major flea infestation on the untreated lawns. 10. Security in our hallway is bad, drunk people kept banging on our door and tried to force their way in to our apartment randomly. 11. The common residential balconies have underwear, towels, used condoms, and clothing discarded and left for months with no cleaning done by management. 12. Residents leave their garbage in the common hall way because they cannot find the trash shoot. 13. There were several vandalism incident's including in the parking garage. Cars were vandalized with spray paint. In an email from Flamingo Management they confirm it was a tenant doing the damage. 14. Drunk people sleeping in the lobby and courtyard are constant issue. Due to not having anyone manning each of the lobby desks.15. I was charged $319 for "paint and cleaning" move out charges after I painted the walls and had my place professionally cleaned.16. I only posted this after receiving my deposit which in their writing states I will receive within 10 business days of your move (I received 39 days after the allotted time) in which the check was shorted $319. (Based on several reviews stating that is a common practice for the Flamingo to not return deposits.)Mission and Vision statement from AIMCO the management company of the Flamingo. OUR MISSION:To consistently provide quality apartment homes in a respectful environment delivered by a team of people who care.OUR VISION:"To be the best owner and operator of apartment communities, inspired by a talented team committed to exceptional customer service, strong financial performance, and outstanding corporate citizenship."The Flamingo management did not "provide quality apartment homes in a respectful environment delivered by a team of people who care." And as for the vision, we can clearly see that the main concern for Flamingo management is to have a "strong financial performance" with disregard to the tenant's wellbeing. Mine is one of many critical reviews for the Flamingo and the purpose of this is to make sure that any new tenants are aware of discrimination, unethical practices, pour business acumen and general contempt for the residents that they may experience
Funny how the people who gave a good review NEVER lived there! Yeah maybe it's nice when you stay for a week-end to visit some friends but DO NOT make the mistake to get a lease at The flamingo! I lived there for a little over 18 months and I was so happy when I moved out. It's very pricey for what you get. Very old appliances, lots of ants everywhere in the apartment! I've had so many issues with neighbors partying the whole night . I must have called security 10 times and nothing was done. When I complained to management they said that I could move to a different apartment! why should I be penalized for tenants that are not following their policy! I guess they live up to their reputation of being a party town! Beware that your security deposit will most likely not be refunded to its entirety. They're a bunch of thieves! They decided to charge me for some damages that I had nothing to do about even after I did the inspection and received my deposit check. They canceled the check they sent me so I ended up with a charge from my bank for a bounced check!! I've never dealt with this kind of dishonesty my whole life. One more thing some people have fun with the fire alarm and it goes off in the middle of the night very often. I've seen so many people move in and out of this place. People usually don't stay more than 1 year. One of my neighbor actually stayed 1 week because of the fire alarm going off in the middle of the night.Do yourself a favor and don't make the mistake to live there!
The management don't care about people, ignore problems, make living there stressful. I'm saying that after living there for almost two years. Even after I moved out, I cannot get my deposit back on time because someone in the office made a mistake. Also, I had to experience living without drying machine for more then a month, because it was broken and they were ignoring this problem. I had to send requests multiple times, visit service department.Another thing, if you have a guest staying at your place, you have a limit of 1 week. For paying $2700 rent I couldn't have my parents who came to visit for only 3 weeks. Other buildings allow guests to stay few weeks.Every time an issue accrued, the management tried to ignore problem rather solving it.My neighbor had a problem with a dog living above her and pooping on her balcony. It took her long time to solve the issue as management was ignoring her, making her wait. If you move in there, maybe you would be lucky enough not to face any issue. Then you would enjoy living there. But as soon as a problem occurs and you need a help from the management - thats when it becomes stressful.
Don't live here if you're not into partying your whole life away. Construction wakes you up every damn morning and the fire alarm will go off at 2am. Honestly it's just a horrible place. Take your money elsewhere, I'm so happy to be moving next week
I moved to Flamingo on January 16th. Let me begin with the sales agent. The sales agent for some reason never showed me my "assigned" parking before moving. It was explained that it was just the garage "next" to the building with "easy" access to it. The sales representative took advantage of the fact that I was a little stressed about finding a new home. He guaranteed that the promotion they had in place of "one month rent free" was going to end that same month i was moving in. Turns out that it is March and the promotion is still in place. The sales agent knew I did not need the apartment until the following month. I was not allowed to "hold it". Furthermore, i was told that the rent for the apartment was $1400 when i get the first bill it is almost $1600 - $200 difference. Why? they charge for trash,electricity (separate from FPL),parking,pest control,gas.... basically, for breathing. This was NOT explained when I signed the contract. Parking is in another building. I have to take 2 elevators just to get to my parking. Please keep in mind that I am handicapped and this is a HUGE inconvenience for me, I complained... nothing was resolved. Handicapped spaces are always in use and one car will park in between 2 spaces. First floor handicaps are always available but i was told they were only for visitors and not residents.... ODD????Washer and Dryer - do not even count on washer and dryer. It does not wash/dry AT ALL. Basically, there's nothing the association will do. Lawn care - Lawn looks beautiful but DO NOT walk your dog around the building. My dog has gotten fleas 5 times already. my dog is 6 years old and has never gotten fleas in her life. It is a disaster. Noice - The building is old, expect to hear your neighbor get home and even take a shower. It is extremely annoying when they decide to play music at 3 am on a weekday and you have to work the next day at 7 am. Security guards - They are just there for decoration. They dont even know where the pool is located. The parking gate for north tower is always open and the security is just on her phone. Ive passed through it without my access card like nothing. The security guard in the main entrance DOES not call your home when you have a visitor. I only have my family over and people barely know where I live now but in the past ive had stalkers go to my house (different building) this is a big inconvenience for me. It is not SAFE. Conclusion, if you dont want to live in a college dorm do not move here. I feel lied to and the association does not care.
I lived at The Flamingo North tower for 6 years in 2 different apartments and this place declines every year. If your neighbors smoke guess what YOU now have ****free dangerous second hand smoke ****pouring into your apartment. Facilities and management can do nothing to prevent it even though they state this is a nonsmoking environment. The nonsmoking policy is not enforced anywhere on the premises. If your neighbors have a smelly dog or pet, guess what?...You also will have the privilege of sharing those disgusting unpleasant odors. The Flamingo has to keep a security guard in the management office to deal with irate customers; this how often it happens. I have witnessed tenants screaming at management in disgust of their habits. The Flamingo's management office has a reputation of being incompetent and rude throughout the south beach area. The Flamingo will try to steal your security deposit. They claimed I left the apartment in an unclean state and could provide photos. They never provided the photos because they knew it was left in a cleaner state than when I moved in. Luckily I had emails that I had sent to management and pictures of the apartment in terrible condition before I moved in. They reversed their position and had to send me the deposit. I strongly suggest you document (with photos and email) ANY imperfections or they will try to steal your deposit.Be prepared to be nickel and dimed for everything. You will be billed monthly for Water, Sewer, Trash Service, energy to heat the hot water, pest control, and an unexplained and mysterious service fee. in addition, AND the most aggravating thing is that they charge you monthly fee to bill you (a Bill fee)!!!!! Don't even try to pay in person because that's a higher fee too!!! (((Forehead slap))) Additionally you are required to purchase renters insurance.They charge 170.00 including tax for parking where other buildings have free valet or charge a lot less. The Flamingo parking garage is littered with crumbling concrete bumpers. My girlfriend stepped on one and injured her ankle because they are no longer at the end of the parking spaces. I destroyed a 300 dollar pair of shoes because of the rebar sticking out of a crumbling parking bumper.The Flamingo also charges everyone 20.00 dollars for air conditioning that barely cools the hallways and common areas. You can imagine how aggravating this is when it's 90+ degrees outside.Ever since the air handlers were replaced a few years ago the air conditioning in my apartment barely maintains a cool temperature. You have to keep the air conditioning on high for 24 hours just to maintain a semi cool state. Facilities said there is no fix. They recommended I get a fan. This occurred in both apartments.For the exorbitant amount they charge in rent nothing is reinvested into the community to improve it. The rugs in the hallways have NOT been replaced in 10 plus years and are stained with dog feces and urine, vomit, and god knows what else. I cringe when I see children playing in the hallways on their hands or with bare feet. The rugs are not even vacuumed anymore. They spot clean it with a dust pan and brush. If you haven't guessed it, this is NOT a child friendly environment.They will raise your rent 12% or more a year citing that they are at 97% capacity and "that's the market rate". One year they tried to raise my rent 500.00 dollars.The hot tub has a buzzer the goes off all times of the day and it's so loud it will wake you from a sound sleep. When people sneak in the hot tube at 6am in the morning and set it off you can imagine how annoying it can be.One or 2 of the elevators are constantly broken.The walls in each apartment are thin so if you can't handle noise this is not the ideal environment for you.The court yard and entrance area smells of dog feces especially on hot rainy days.The photos they post on yelp of the lobby are not at all what it looks like.The apartments are subleased out to tourist on weekly bases even though it's prohibited as stated in your lease. I know people would make a living off subleasing many of the apartments.The only positives about The Flamingo are that if you are bay facing the views are amazing, facilities is always fast to respond if they can fix a issue, and the location. To Bryan Kebrdle: Please visit this facility and retrain your staff with proper customer service skills. It's a shame they have let this property go. It could have been a real gem.
They charge for everything, I'm paying $400 more than I suppose to pay with all extra monthly charges they add. I have to pay $80 monthly for the common areas AC! Bugs everywhere in my apartment. Poo and pee all hallways and corridors. Can you imagine the smell? I moved 6 months ago, there were works everywhere but same status as when I moved. Now they send a letter saying they have to vacant all north tower and I have to move in one month. Terrible place to live for a considerable monthly rent.
The unit and building are outdated, but ok. What's not ok is the people. Drunk 20 year olds everywhere. I am in my 20s and I don't even think this is ok. If anyone living here is reading this - turn your shit down!!!!! No one wants to hear someone else's tv or music blaring 24/7. Nor do we want to hear u getting stoned and coughing up a lung. Or having a domestic argument. Seriously. My walls and ceiling vibrate day and night from music and tv. The guy in the studio unit next to me always has 10 people over, partying. In a studio?! I left college years ago, yet I feel I'm right back in a dorm at the flamingo.
Lived here for 3 years, the staff was terrible. Kept making up noise complaints and sending people to tell me to quiet down even when I was SLEEPING! Then they kicked an entire FLOORS of people to remodel without much notice... Stole my deposit and then tried to come after me for more money and when I refused to pay the $300 of bogus smoking fees (I never smoked in my life) they sent me to collections. Things were always broken as well. Moved here as it was a good budget option and now they're a "luxury building", yeah right.
Let me save you the trouble - don't live here. From rude and unhelpful staff, to constant maintenance problems, to dog shit outside your bedroom door, to fire alarms going off twice a week.... it would be in your best interest to find another place to live. South beach is a great experience but NOT for the price you pay here. They don't even deserve the 1 star rating. But don't just take my word for it, ask any current resident and they would say the same.
I lived at flamingo for around 5 years and every year gets worst. I'm moving out by the end of the year. No more volleyball courts. Basketball court hasn't been fix for about 3 years. It's like they dont want people doing sports in the community. New unfriendly stuff members at front desk and gate almost everyday that dont know the residents . Way too overprice and people doing drugs everywhere.
Don't get what you pay for. Elevator frequently stuck, hot water issues, no security. Never received a return phone call from management when issues needed addressed
m just writing this because i really wish i had checked those reviews before signing this fukin contract, for sure i wouldn't have fell on this trapschemebe carefful before moving here , worst experience ever !!!!from 1 to 10 the experience im having is below zero.the living room window fell for the second time(the same window i requested repair in the first day i moved-in , i' ve submitted a request and a call 2 days ago since the window fell again but thistime with no reply at all), broken laundry/dryer, broken elevator, brokenmicrowave and illegaly charging me for electricity altough i have been payingfpl since august 1.worst experience ever.and much much more(dog's shit everywhere, no security at all, swat team/police in and out one day i had to sleep in a hotel since they said that because of investigations nobody could get in or out.)....... and no one cares, very sad i really dislike this condominium and will look to move out as soon as possible. avoid this pain in your life.if anybody is concerned with this please reach me at 786-262-9653!i hope no other human being has to pass trough this kind of experience very stressfull. ;(
Let me just say the views and sunsets here are amazing..However, has to be the most stressful and poorly managed place I have ever lived in.. Management is TERRIBLE and need to be replaced or drastically reformed .. no customer service mindset and no efforts to improve, all the way up to the area VP.. as an example .. they have a "set daily lunch time " for the ENTIRE management office (5-6 people) and if you need help you get attitude or ignored.With all the feedback and ratings here you would think AIMCO would want to step in and fix, right? But no ... don't be fooled! they are more concerned with their bottom line.. than your experience of living there.They continued to let people sign leases and move in to a building they KNEW they were going to have to kick them out 6-7 months prior and not give the tenants the heads up. When I initially found out and asked why? One of the management team members said the final plans have not been approved and they did not want to impact their rental revenue ... but it's ok to inconvenience the resident by giving us 2 months to vacate the building?!? Moving in miami you need 3months of rent up front not including moving costs if you're not doing it yourself... Just a terrible model for a company that supposedly is "customer experience" focused.
Waisted 2 years in this building !!! Horrible !!!! They always keep your deposit !! Pfff yes the pool is nice but the carpet gets dirty really fast and the kitchen is so old the bathroom is so small !
Such a terrible place to live. Roaches everywhere. Mold in the closets. Dubious business practices meant to extract more money from you. Never stay here
Parcel Pending lockers move , not yet working Attempted to ask lobby security 2 girls totally ignored me they would not stop with their personal conversation Same Security girl would not pay attention to a Question. She was on a Personel phone call A couple of days prior It amazes me you could be so poor at your job. So Rude
I strongly recomend you be very careful when you deal with the people managing these apartments.They are rude, unprofessional and constantly trying to take advantage of you.My list goes on and on but just to name a few...1st day apt was not ready so I had to get a hotel (never got even an apology)Conditions were overall bad, and I had a major leak which took one week to fix and carpet has been since wet and smelly (mgmt refuses to replace it)I was late by half day one time and be aware because they will charge you $ 250 and will tell you "sue me" (unbeliavable...) if you try to reason with them.Best regardsVQ
A shame. 3 months ago they are remodeling the main entrance. the workers do not seem to work. They removed palm trees and have everything closed.
I moved in on December 1st, after renting the apartment online from Los Angeles... huge mistake. My unit is on the 6th floor facing the security gate. It's like living in a war zone. Nightly, people scream, fight and blow horns until (3:00 A.M. - 4:00 A.M.). Other than being rude, I'm not certain what security does at the Flamingo, nor am I certain anyone knows who lives there. Regardless of what management may say, a majority of the units are rented on Craigslist or Airbnb type websites, so lost, non-Engish speaking tourists are rolling suitcases everywhere. As I've stated I've only been in the apartment 30 days and the experience has been horrible. I asked to be relocated to a vacant unit away from chaos I witness every day and was told it would cost $8,000 to transfer (3 months rent and a transfer fee!! ) Again, realize I have never turned on an appliance in the apartment, nor have I unpacked so no damages have occurred. There is no justifiable reason for management to assess such a ridiculous amount of money. Especially to someone who would be a long-term resident. What you're reading about the Flamingo is pretty accurate. The drugs, police and "escorts" are verifiable. My suggestions to anyone considering leasing at the Flamingo is offered through experience... 1. Do not rent online 2. Visit the property at night and note the noise and hoards of people 3. Management will not assist you if there is an issue 4. There are alternatives to the Flamingo in the neighborhood that are safer and cheaper. message me on Facebook and I'll let you know about my experience and whether or not management allows me to transfer to an apartment in a quieter location without being extorted out of $1,000s !!
Run as far away as possible from this trashy racket.Hidden fees galore, charging fees for an appliance that broke 2 weeks into moving in at no fault of my own, and took a MONTH to replace, your security deposit will be more of a fee you'll never get back regardless of the condition of your unit, security is rude and disrespectful, staff has no idea what the hell their own rules are, and good luck getting anyone on the phone if you have any issues.the community attracts the riffraff of the world, don't let them fool you into thinking the center tower is any nicer, it might look it but it's the same quality as the other 2 buildings which are only a level up from hostels but just as dirty, rats and dog crap everywhere is a regular sight. You like sleep? Say goodbye to that too, with people fighting on balconies and on occasion trying to push each other off of them at freaking 4 am.Smoke free you say? Nope I can smell the smoke seeping into my apt, the fire alarms go off almost every day because someone is hotboxing their apt it's at a point where no one takes it seriously, should there be an actual fire and someone gets injuried aimco has a liability lawsuit on their hands.Oh also you can't receive packages unless you pay a monthly subscription for a lockbox.Aimco don't bother replying to this (not like you would have done anything in the first place) i already handed my notice to break my lease and even though it seems like it's going to cost me a fortune, i will happily pay it to get out of this massive motel, but i will make sure the building's reputation is accurate to any respective tenants.
Don't live here. Just moved to Miami and thought that the location and views were ideal. Dont be tricked! The North tower doesn't have heat!!!!! I've went the past 3 days that were extremely cold without heat in my apartment. Not only that, but the wiring in the walls of my apartment for internet are out of date so I receive 1/4th of the speed of internet than I pay for because of my building. They tell you a price you will pay every month, but it's at least $200 more than what the original quote is. The ceiling leaks in the lobby every time it rains. The fingerprint system breaks a lot. The gates to enter the building via car always break down. The leasing agent never told me the gym wasn't included in my rent and now I found out its $60 per month and $25 annual fee. They charge you a one time fee of $50 to receive packages through the mailroom. I've heard rumors that they keep your move on deposit. If you live on a floor that you have to use the move in elevator, they charge you $500. When I moved in, they told me I couldn't park in front of the building (even for a bit) so I had to unpack everything and move it using a hotel luggage rack and the first floor has no elevator so I had to carry everything up 2 flights of stairs. I've had nothing but problems since moving in. WORST RENTAL EXPERIENCE.
Lying leasing agents. Make sure you have everything in written and that you read thru every letter they type in the contract! Our leasing agent Gabriel told us our community fees are gonna be 25-35$ and they ended up being over 120$. Other than that, he failed to mention there is a redevelopment plan for the year we are leasing and instead he told us that all the work currently being done will be finished in April (which is a month after our move in date) and that turned out to be a big lie! DO NOT TRUST AIMCO or agent Gabriel. Dog pee and poop everywhere, even in the hallways of the building. Very old AC unit, can't regulate temperature on it's own. Parking garage is expensive for what they offer, very tight lots and no security, so the other day kids were skateboarding through the floors, and u can see that they don't control it at all cause some cars take 2 lots and get away with it. Management is not very polite. But the location is great and the approval process is very quick.
My bicycle just got stolen INSIDE the parking lot of the Flamingo, and the security just said that he couldn't do nothing, just call the police. If you want to be in DANGER, get KILLED or ROBBED, and see with DRUGS all over the place, go to the flamingo. The people smoke so much MARIJUANA, that the hall corridor of my floor are just full of smoke, and my daughter start to have breathing problems Just to remember, this is the most dangerous place in Miami, people got sttabed and killed all the time.. The management people are most RUDE person EVER, they deal with you like CRAP, always with bad humor, aggressive voice and behavior, and the person on the leasing office lie about the place. Get out of this place
This is the most awful place I have ever lived. No one knows what is going on here. Do not rent here no matter what! I rented my unit sight unseen. The landlord did not disclose there was construction going on in the complex. I moved here from out of state and walked into a complete disaster! This is not the Flamingo I remember from years ago that was beautiful and luxurious and slightly crazy. This is like living at Ground Zero but with way more toxic debris in the air, giving you asthma, sinusitis or some other allergy infinitely and endlessly. The walls and windows are paper thin, not hurricane safe. I feel like a caged animal, walking through the property. I can't even enter my building where the entrance is because it's blocked from construction. They are violating all codes including ADA. I have no idea how or who they're paying locally to pull off this out of code construction. It's the most horrific living experience of my life and I've only been here less than a week. Do not believe anyone's fantasy that this is a safe or healthy place. It is not! No one that works here knows anything about anything! Their goal is to make everything as difficult as possible for anyone stupid enough to live here. So don't be stupid and don't live here. Learn from my mistake!
Expensive Parking . It is far from everything..it takes 30 minutes to get the car .
I currently reside in north tower since March 11th, 2016. For almost a month a half I have had severe troubles with the flooring due to a washing machine malfunction which led to a severe flood. Because of this situation, the kitchen is not usable which has become a big inconvenience. The kitchen floor is saturated with water and humidity. I've made many appointments to fix the problem. Only after 10 days from the first appointment floor got fixed but the washer wasn't fixed even if I asked to fix it. After that the same problem happened again but worse: the floor is now expanded, sticky and smells very bad the washer was fixed, but nobody wants to fix the floor. Water is still on the floor, it can cause mold.
monday 1/14/19 - 7:55 pmnone of the four elevators are working.i am once again forced to walk 9 floors to my apartment.not worth a single penny, let alone the $1700 dollars i pay per month.
I was so excited to move in here, 2 pools, dog friendly. Beautiful scenery and more. But after almost a month I'm seeing what it truly is. Don't let them fool you. If I could get out of this lease I would. For the past week I've been trying to get them to come check my apartment for mold, I can't breath. There is an air purifier in each room, I've been sick ever sense I moved in. The dirty hallways and cockroaches don't help. Save your self the trouble here... it's been nothing but a disappointment from the jump.
Stayed at the Flamingo for a weekend and had the worst experience ever. Security was rude and took forever to allow me on the premises. On my last day my luggage was thrown out into trash chute half of the belongings inside of it missing and when a staff members they all looked lost. Do not stay there it smells bad and it's cockroach-infested
I have been with my family for almost 4 years. In this last renovation they threw everything at us, the increase in rent ($1,300) is too much, with the increase in rent the price reaches $3,700 plus the services will be around $4,000, very expensive for our budget. We sent an email asking for a reduction and they told us to take it or leave, that it is the market offer that prevails, they are very considerate.
This building has always been under construction. They will never stop working on in, and the tenants will never stop suffering. If you live here, expect to hear jackhammers, banging, saws, and every other type of machinery running all day, every day. It's impossible to work from home, get on a video meeting, or even take a phone call. They start bright and early, so expect to get woken up by the sound of construction every morning. And if there's ever a break in the construction noise, they will fill that with a fire alarm test. Many of the amenities we pay for are frequently shut down due to repairs or another redevelopment project. Your balcony will be covered in dust from the construction, and you will frequently be walking though common areas that are a mess and under construction. The past few years have been especially bad here and there is no end in sight. People used to put up with all this headache because rents here were very reasonable, but now they are charging top dollar and tenants shouldn't have to endure all this torture for what we pay now.
The worst alarm system ever..it goes on and off anytime of day or night it can last hours buzzing in the house you cant sleep or if you sleep you ll jump out of the bed for no reason it happends so often that no one believes that is for real and if some time will be for real no one will go off the apts and that is becouse it happends all the time
Very bad management, never got my deposit back after trying to contact them for few months. they steal my money for no reason
WORST PLACE TO LIVE! They nickel and dime you to death. I've lived here off and on for 5 years and here are the cold hard facts about the Flamingo. They will Nickel & dime you to death. The policies are always changing and they notify you always 1 day before the new change. They WILL TAKE 90% of your deposit. I've always left my place 100% perfect, paid for carpet shampooing etc. and they ALWAYS take your deposit. Most apartments have mold problems, You can smell the mold in the hallways, and all the vents have block mold spores all over them. I also got pretty sick the past year, and I think this is to blame. They charge $200 per car if you want to park there, They charge you for bs insurance each month, they now charge for water, $1000 non refundable pet deposit plus $600 extra in rent per dog per year. They have NO guest parking anywhere so if your friend stops by they have to pay high prices for valet. One day late on rent is $200 late fee. If you lose your Flamingo card yup that's $150, The buildings gym is not free either, it's $150 to sign up and $50 per month extra. It's also always very loud, in the hallways, and outside, the paper thin walls and hallow doors don't help either. If you live in the front all you hear all day and night is the gate slamming shut and taxi drivers honking and yelling, seriously allllll day and night. The fire alarm going off in the whole building once every week too. My rent for a 2 bedroom was $2,100/mo when my lease was up they raised my rent to $2600 per mo. if I wanted to renew. Every year you extend your lease your rent sky rockets because they think now they got you, you'd think they'd want to keep you right...nope. The South pool has been closed for a year, and everyone says that the south tower is sinking. There's all construction machines all over the place after the company went bankrupt. They once lost my check and then charged me $200 that THEY lost it. They also now do not accept checks you have to sign up for auto pay. That is the only method they allow to pay rent. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT MOVE HERE! I only wish I read a review like this before I moved there.This place is nothing but con artists and scammers, always out to get a buck from you. Flamingo charged me to replace the sinks and cabinets in my apartment, (which i left in perfect condition. Odd thing is that flamingo maintance came in 2 months beforee i left to measure them because they said they were going to upgrade the bathrooms, so essentially Flamingo is charging their old tennants when they leave to upgrade their old 80's style bathrooms, nice huh? and one more note. Flamingo gives you a new broiling pan when you move in... if you use it don't leave them a brand new pan when you vacate, they will charge you $80-$100 for this stupid $10 pan that they make you think they gave it to you for free, so if you leave, go out and buy a new pan to leave them. Once again horrible building to live and and huge miss management going on over there, I would avoid at ALL costs!
I lived at Flamingo for 5 years only because my schedule is hectic and I travel constantly so, never had time to find a new place, pack, move, etc. It the worst experience of my life. Let's start with the management (they hired and fired 3 different management co.'s while I was there, each one worse than the last). They were hostile,dismissive, liars, and, worst of all, thieves - I was overbilled for some $70 whatever made-up fee, which I paid. Then they sent a second notice. Went to management, told them I wasn't paying this extra bill. This woman shrilly said "Fine, don't pay it, you're evicted!", crumpled up my paperwork and threw it in the garbage. I insisted she look at her computer records, which she reluctantly did and then she said "Oh, you already paid that.", fished my papers out of the garbage, and went back to sitting idly. No apology. Nothing. A guard hovering over me ready to strike. My A/C unit in the closet sprung a massive leak, not once, not twice, but 5 TIMES destroying thousands of dollars worth of clothing and belongings which of course they take no responsibility for. Went to the office, asked why they couldn't fix it for good, showed them pictures of my damaged items. A guard came over and violently shoved me against the wall. I just looked at him and said "You're now guilty of assault and battery." His tune changed as I left. "Sir, sir, where are you going?" "To call the police.", I replied. They were at my apartment in 5 minutes, clean up crew, a cop, and an idiot stooge with a perma-grin trying to keep me from filing charges, suing Flamingo, the management company, and AIMCO. When I finally got out of that pit, they added the biggest insult of all. They took $18,000.00 out of my bank account the last month I was there. I went to the manager of Chase Bank who called and inquired about the matter. The first words out of the woman's mouth were "I didn't do it!" BS. Once, when I went on vacation, I came home and realized things weren't quite right. My drawers had been gone through, items were missing. The door had been locked, meaning it was done by someone with a pass key. This is a just a few incidents. The place is dangerous, falling apart, smelly, and unfit for anyone who wants to live a peaceful life. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
Worst place I have ever lived. The management office treats you with no respect and gives you no assistance. Some tenants in the north tower were given an eviction notice without any foresight or heads up because they are going to be renovating, us included. In the mean time, they have for some reason listed that we are already out of our unit, when we aren't moving out until next month on the date the flamingo gave us for move out. Because they continually ignore this critical error, we haven't been able to pay our rent like we normally do, and had to pay in person at the office. We are not receiving packages or deliveries because security is telling couriers that our unit is unoccupied. We are losing money on lost items thanks to the flamingo. And lastly, today a prospective tenant was given a key by the leasing office and tried to come in to my apartment to view it, without any notification or approval from us. This is unsafe and now I live in a horrible place where I am constantly worried about my safety. Aimco is a useless company who despite multiple requests and communications with the Flamingo management office cannot update their own clerical error that we are (sadly) still here. I worry about my safety and the safety of my items and hope that someone, ANYONE at Aimco or the flamingo can help us figure this out and give us the respect any normal human being deserves. It feels like we are being kicked when we are down, having been evicted for no cause other than the flamingo wanting to make more money.This is only the beginning of my gripes about living here. But we are desperate to get someone to help us right now.
A/C goes out every two weeks... if it goes out on a Friday best of luck to all the tenants. Management/HOA/Maintenance is aware of the problem but won't have it corrected until the following week. Buy a dehumidifier because mold will begin growing in your cabinets due to the humid air. Your clothes will get musty and need to be rewashed every time it happens. Queue management's response saying the issue has been fixed because they replaced the chiller and installed new A/C. *Note the issue persists since they've "fixed" this issue and the A/C still goes out* Other issues with the South Tower as well - especially the plumbing in the 24 line. Possible tenants of a unit ending in 24 in the South Tower beware...
This review is from 2011-2012 while I rented there.DO NOT RENT HERE!!! This is by far the worst building I've ever rented from. I wish I could give it ZERO or negative stars.I saw the negative reviews but ignored them when the leasing office told me "The reviews are old, we are under new management now" - ya right.The Problems:- The management office is the WORST. These people have a HUGE attitude about everything and they will not help you!!- They overcharge you for everything. Your rent seems reasonable, but then they charge you $160 for car (+10 tax on your car fee), additional for pets, trash, electricity, water, sewer, everything. Oh and if you ever try to park somewhere else, they wont' take the charge off your rent without proof that your car was sold.- One of the worst parts: The venting in there is awful. We would smell cigarette smoke in our apartment from the apartment next door. And every time our neighbors cooked anything the smell was so strong in ours.- Strippers, drug dealers, the works. I got yelled at in the lobby once by some crazy man. The security here is a joke. I could go on...Also should note: That the first apartment we tried to rent was INFESTED WITH FLEES. And it was a huge problem to switch units. It took a week to process the transfer, during which we had to stay in hotels which we were never reimbursed for.They showed us similar unit so we thought it would be fine. DO NOT RENT A UNIT YOU HAVE NOT WALKED THRU!! Don't rent there at all!! Save yourself!!
Update. Two years later. One pool out of commish, other unheated. Unworkable for kids. Looks like nothing has changed and yet there are drills, saws and banging from the "work" being done. Does anyone know of other residences that are nearby who rent but the pools work?
My lease is ending in two months and I could not be more happy. At first I was excited to move to the beach but after the first month here I had regretted signing a lease for 12 months! This place is super dirty. I feel embarrassed to even tell people where I live. The building is infested with cockroaches! You see them in the hallways, outside, in the trash chute, even in your apartment sometimes. Also to get to your car you need to go through the "sky walk" which is so filthy! The carpets are soiled with dog piss and poop and trash all over the ground. Hope you don't mind the dead cockroaches on the carpets either! Please do yourself a favor and save your money! For the price that you're paying living here it is not worth it.
This place went down the drain.Two good things still remain- the view of the bay and the pool areasBut in all honesty,The Flamingo is more suitable for the occasional rowdy pool party, not residency or temporary vacationing.There were at least two break-ins during the one month I stayed there, and there were beer cans sitting in the elevator on numerous morning occasions.For the pretty penny you pay to stay here, you would expect at least better-looking apartments and more respectful neighbors.
This is an absolutely horrible place to rent; they're friendly when you move it but that is the last time you'll see that. They recently had to remove the outside balconies on our part of the South Tower as they were condemned by the City of Miami; they have been jackhammering now for 6-7 hrs a day now for two months with possible four months to go. The noise is insufferable. They don't care if you work out of your home; there is no way to get out of their 20 page lease contract (their lawyers have made sure of that). The walls are PAPER THIN; you can hear the neighbors conversations (and every other sound) as though they are in your apt with you. It's a lot of money for crap. Seriously, DO NOT RENT AT THE FLAMINGO...you will definitely regret it.
Horrible place to live!!!!! Management and security are clueless. Noisy, dirty, way over-priced for what they actually provide. Do not fall into the trap of seeing their gym and pool and getting wooed....you will regret it
Avoid living here at all costs. Unprofessional, careless, and unresponsive management.
The menagment doesnt care about the people. just about their money
Someone in this building is renting a flip key apartment in my name and I don't know where that place is. Today I made a report to the police and I am already contacting a lawyer.
I have been a resident at flamingo for about 7 months now, while the property is beautiful and has great amenities I feel like I have been discriminated against on more than one occasion. I am from NY and that's where i conduct business so im hardly ever in my apt in flamingo. This weekend i flew down to celebrate my birthday and a brought a few friends with me. I had the cops called on me because i was playing music from a portable speaker in MY apt. NO it wasnt loud and obnoxious but yet security came not knocking but banging on my door not once but 3 times one time the music wasn't even playing we were talking and they said they were complaining. I had to ask security did you come up here to tell me shut up. He said no I said because there's no music playing and haven't been for a while. He just was stuck. Today me and my guest were trying to go to the pool and couldn't get in because they said only 2 guest per resident which is something new to me because EVERY TIME I went to the pool i have seen residents with way more than 2 guest on many occasions but because i'm a young black female i get the hard time smh. There was times when i was walking in the building where 10 ppl walked in before me and i was the only one who was asked for a resort pass smh. Granted there's not many black professionals that live in flamingo but I am one and i feel like i am always getting singled out because of it. They say carry your resort pass at all times and i still have problems like i rented air bnb smh. I'm tired of the discriminatory acts and im ready to just move out because im embarrassed and also pissed off that i dont feel equal to everybody else that pay rent just like i do!!!!! i wish it was a way to get out my lease i because i am over Flamingo with their discrimination. i know im never their so my face my not be recognizable but i doubt these security know every single resident that lives in this large apt complex like really
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