Flats 8300

Flats 8300 Reviews

Flats 8300 located in 8300 Wisconsin Ave , Bethesda, Maryland 20814, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Flats 8300
8300 Wisconsin Ave , Bethesda, Maryland 20814, United States
Phone Number
Website URL
Year Built
Total Units
Detailed Information for Flats 8300

Important Notice to Residents: Beware of Changes Under “Air Communities” Management

Following the recent takeover by “Air Communities,” we’re anticipating changes that may impact your living conditions. Here’s what you should prepare for:

  • Rent increases of up to 19%
  • Additional fees for common area utilities, Luxar Package delivery service, energy conservation, and pet rent
  • Higher parking fees, with most spots now assigned and costing significantly more

It’s clear that “Air Communities” prioritizes profit over resident satisfaction, Stay tuned for authentic reviews from fellow residents, coming soon to the Flats 8300 under Air Communities.

External Links for Flats 8300
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Flats 8300

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Flats 8300, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.