Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes

Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes Reviews

Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes located in 8337 SW 107th Ave , Miami, Florida 33173, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes
8337 SW 107th Ave , Miami, Florida 33173, United States
Phone Number
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Year Built
Detailed Information for Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes

Here is 15 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes:

  1. Excessive and Unexplained Fees: Reports of hidden charges, including fees for trash, pest control, and parking, significantly increasing the overall cost of living.
  2. Poor Parking Management: Frequent complaints about inadequate parking, with residents’ vehicles being towed without warning, often involving high fees.
  3. Ineffective Management and Poor Customer Service: Numerous accounts of unhelpful and rude management staff, with a lack of resolution for resident complaints and concerns.
  4. Subpar Maintenance and Infrastructural Issues: Recurring maintenance problems, including issues with air conditioning, plumbing, and general wear and tear that are not adequately addressed.
  5. Unfair Deposit and Move-Out Charges: Many residents report losing their security deposits and facing additional unreasonable charges upon moving out.
  6. Lack of Amenities and Misleading Advertising: Disappointment with the quality and accessibility of amenities, such as the gym and clubhouse, which often require additional fees.
  7. Noise and Disturbance: Complaints about noise from neighboring units, maintenance work, and lack of effective soundproofing.
  8. Privacy Concerns: Instances of staff entering apartments without proper notice, raising concerns about residents’ privacy.
  9. Poor Living Conditions: Reports of issues like mold, pest infestations, and general uncleanliness within the apartment complex.
  10. Strict and Inflexible Rules: Frustrations over the strict enforcement of community rules, often leading to fines and penalties for residents.
  11. Legal and Ethical Concerns: Allegations of unethical practices by the management, including misleading lease terms and potential collusion with towing companies.
  12. Difficulties with Communication: Residents express frustration over the lack of response from management and difficulty in reaching the office for assistance.
  13. Unprofessional Behavior of Staff: Numerous accounts of rude and dismissive behavior by the staff towards residents, contributing to a negative living experience.
  14. Inconsistent Enforcement of Policies: Claims of selective enforcement of community rules and regulations, leading to a sense of unfair treatment.
  15. High Turnover and Instability: High tenant turnover and frequent changes in management contribute to a lack of community stability and consistency.
Reported Hazards for Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes
Dog Poop
External Links for Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes
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1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Four Quarters Apartments & Townhomes, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 100 of 111
I haven't lived there but I was ABOUT to go see a unit. Thank you all for your honest feedback. I won't be making that mistake.
This place is a SCAM! Towing and maintenance rules are made to make more money from people paying rent. Office managers are terrible.
I should have read the reviews before I went to this place. Those that give 2 or more stars are obviously still renting in this place. Once they move out, they will take out those good reviews that they gave. Now, on to the review. When you move to this place, everything is painted well, floors and balconies are clean. Well, that's the only good thing since when you move out, they expect the paint to be in the same shiny white color. How can that be possible after years of living there? Even if you are careful in not touching the paint, it will surely be dull after how many years. Well, they expect you to pay for the paint and brush that they use to paint the whole unit. You'll be surprised at how much they will charge you. And by the way, their monthly rent is the highest in Kendall. You can get a more spacious and secure (the gate is broken most of the time) place elsewhere. FYI, I was a resident here for 26 months. How can I possibly know these if I were not?
to who it may concern ( warning ) do not move into this place. I lived there for the last 3 year. they have over charged not just me but most of my neighbours for what ever they come up with examples the water bill, they add up what you and your neighbour use (so they say) and divide the amount equally. how does this make sense when you may not use as much as others. same with garbage. 50.00 per parking decal plus access cards , gym card . washer and dryer all additional fees. when u try to leave they will charge you for the carpet , paint and cleaning of unit ..and what ever else they come up with. it will be over 1200.00 additional on you way out. as for maintenance issues...all patch jobs. my advise if your thinking of becoming a tenant " don't do it...
Living in this condo is a headache. In this week when I had to pay the rent I did it and the system was down and I automatically canceled the payment I made two payments that were canceled and I made the third one that was effective but to my surprise I got up the day before and had the bank account the 3 payments of the rent in the reflected account causing an overdraft I call the bank to cancel two payments that were over and the next day came and I find a letter that says I have to pay 80 dollars to cancel the two payments when it was their mistake to want to charge two more when I madamas that I have to pay one
Worst community ever !! I'm pretty sure if they change the manager of this community it would be better ! .. I mean read all the reviews. Everybody is complaining about that Jenny ! I really don't know why AIMCO still giving her chances .. If they really concern about residents convenience.
I was baited into $220 in unexplained fees. I switched my auto-pay from one bank to another. I did my due diligence of double, triple checking the account/routing information. Payment typically being removed on the 1st, I called on the 2nd to see if everything was ok and to verify they had the correct numbers. For whatever reason, the payment company Aimco, claimed that they could not see the account number for verification, but just to call back Monday (the 5th) because it was probably just taking the weekend to process. Well Monday rolls around and they tell me that the payment was returned for Invalid Account Number Structure (along with a $40 fee), but they can't tell me what account number they used. And it was nice of them to suggest calling back on Monday, because now I owe them a $150 late fee, plus $30 to pay it back by card. Oh, and here's a nice ending to the letter: "This payment must be made within 48 hours. After the expiration of this period of time, this matter will be referred for legal action." They still won't tell me what account they charged, insist it's user error, but will provide nothing to substantiate that.
I wish that i rate this community 0 stars because they have bad welcoming and if they want to give you a warning they speak very bad to you. Also the parking spots are very limited and you can't park at night only in the handicapped which is empty all the time and the grass after that you will get towed ! So stupid.
I left a start because I had to. During my stay I had to deal with duck poop everywhere and black and red ants all over my apartment! I was able to deal with those things but what makes me most upset about this company is that I was forced to move out 3 days before my lease was over since it ended on Christmas Eve and they didn't want to do my walk-through on the weekend. Any company that is not insensitive would allow me to turn my key in a day late rather than 3 days early. Why would I have to pay for 3 extra days that I'm not even given the option to use. Anyway, I switched my schedule around to make sure I had everything out 3 days sooner, I watched the move out video and read all instructions. Regardless of how clean I left the aprtment, they charged be $500 to clean and paint the apartment. The wall had a small pencil mark that could have easily been erased but instead they charged me hundreds of dollars for painting. I will never live in any aimco community again.
They try to scam you out of your deposit when you move out and add extra charges on top of it (to the tune of hundreds of dollars). Be prepared. They'll charge you for painting which legally you are not responsible for. They know that you're not responsible for regular wear and tear to the apartment so make sure you push them on it and they will remove the charges.
God forbid you ever loose your job and have to move out before your lease is due, these apartments are very very old and falling apart, and so what these guys do is take advantage of people in these situations and charge them astronomical over exaggerated amounts to fix the apartments when they should actually be fixed at their addition the rent increases are out of this world, they wanted to charge me $400.00 extra per month to re-new my rent. Its like they do it purposely to force you into a situation not good for you.......horrible place and the management people are not all that friendly and parking is also very limited......don't do it..guaranteed if you do you will regret it.. .
Great value yeah if it were in order but im sure this guy works for them. after looking at all these reviews I hope rent at this place is like living in Hialeah dirt cheap and it smells as bad as it looks inside. I hope they do renovations this place is totally out dated! I did a walk through and its like living with termites as roomates! The whole management is just as out dated as the apartments. I wouldn't live here if it were 1000 a month... plus the fact that the security in this place is as easy as tail gating complete B.S great security! I'm contacting the Better Business Bureau!
VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ ALL CAREFULLY BEFORE RENT AT FOUR QUARTERS: We lived there for only 6 months, once the contract expired and it was time for them to return the deposit, which was initially delivered, exactly $750.00 dollars, incorrect figures and charges were invented so as not to return even $100.00 dollars. We are very dissatisfied and dissatisfied. The only solution will be to file a complaint through court. Remember that the day your contract ends it will happen to you.
I wish I had read this before moving, the administrative office is crap, the service is terrible, it turns out that you do the entire procedure with them and then you find out that you do not appear in the contract by magic and you have to pay again for something that It had to be done at the time of signing. The manager is rude, the garbage area is totally disgusting, cockroaches, lizards, ducks, cats, snakes, totally disgusting. Parking is a headache, if the neighbor drops a pin you hear it and I'm going to end up believing that they have cameras in their houses, because they find out things that I don't even know how they do it.
Horrible experience in this place, they are extremely rude, rude, they treat you as if they were doing you a favor, I have nothing positive to say, apart from the malfunction of everything inside the apt
They charge you for parking and it's not even assigned so there's never anywhere to park and when there is parking it's halfway across the complex and when you don't feel like walking a quarter mile because you have a bad ankle and you park in the grass they tow your vehicle ruining your birthday.
My husband and I rented here for a little over a year. While we lived there the townhouse/apartment completely fell apart. Before you move in they "repair" previous damages. They honestly just do horrible patch work, the plaster literally crumbles out of the holes they covered. They paint the walls right before you move in but the repainted walls have become so thick the paint continuously chips and smells for weeks after they are done. If you have a work order just be prepared because they enter your home with or without your permission, there have been a couple times I know people were in my home when we were not home I was not happy nor did I feel safe. Our fuse box was throwing out sparks to fix it they permanently left our outdoor lights on driving up our electrical bill. The gates are always broken and never closed. Had our rental car towed within 12 hours however there is no where to park because people who live there didn't claim there cars ( not wanting to pay the fee) so there are more cars than apartments and no assigned parking spaces. When you are pregnant like I was it became hard walking across the complex at night. Fees kept piling up with little explanation, your vehicle will acquire atleast one new dent/scratch a week. Oh the mold!!!! I was so sick I stayed at a friends why my husband had our apartment cleaned out. You will not get your deposit back! Just do yourself a favor and stay clear.
IF I COULD GIVE NEGATIVE STARS HERE I WOULD. We were scheduled to move in in the AM last Tuesday. We called and called for weeks and did not receive any official move in information OR OUR LEASE. NO ONE got back to us. We drove 12 hours to get to this apartment to find out that our apartment was not ready and our lease had the WRONG amount listed. They would not tell us if our apartment would be ready that day or not. So we sat and waited for hours while we baked in the hot sun. Additionally we had our dog with us, sitting in the car with the car running the whole time. Finally at 5:30pm we decided to leave and move in the next day. We had to find a place to park our Uhaul and spend the night because they would not allow us to leave the Uhaul parked there overnight. Again we had been contacting them for WEEKS about getting the lease and all necessary paperwork prior to move in. The management at this complex was so awful we ended up not signing the lease and living somewhere else. Now they are REFUSING to give back our security deposit! But we never even moved in and when we arrived we were told we could not move in due to negligence on their end !!!! DO NOT LIVE HERE !!!
Worst place to live, expensive and not worth it, really bad management not friendly at all. We lived there for 6 years and after spending thousands of dollars they didn't care about us at all basically you are just a number. For what they charge you can find way better palces we did..... If you move here good luck....
If there has zero star, I will give it zero, I paid parking fee every month, but I need to take more than 30 mins to find a parking area every day! Today, I even cannot find any parking space, and no one can help me. Especially when I back to my home, I found the two cars in front my door didn't have parking permits!!!
If you don't want to feel ripped off then don't move in here. They charge like 300 to 400 every three months for the water sewer which is ridiculous, if you have a pet they don't return the deposit and in top of that will charge you every month for your pet(most of the places usually do one or the other but they charge both) and parking isn't that great. We just moved out and the apt had been recently painted by them like 2 months ago due to a mold issue they re painted the whole apt and now that we moved out they are charging us 400 dollars for paint. I totally hate this place !!
I've been patient trying to schedule a appointment to see the 2/2 model. No one has EVER gotten back to me until today and via text because I texted them. Person who replied explains they can't show me anything until Sept 27. Over a month from now and I'm not even able to take a tour of the actual community? Not interested any longer sucks because I've been so patient with them and didn't want to leave the review but after the several attempts it got frustrating. P.s they don't answer ANY phones.
After they cut off your credit and look at your bank account, they approve you for not having the car in the owner's name, they keep the money and cancel the application. Very bad experience. There is very bad information for the customer.
Do not move here. I lived here for 3 years. Should have moved out sooner, but I was stubborn and really hate moving. I also never complain or write reviews about anything, but felt compelled here. I had at least 10 times where major leaks sprung from the ceiling; either from the rain (not hurricane rain, just regular Miami rain) or from what I was told was pipe leaks from the unit upstairs. This involved flooding in the kitchen and rooms, damage to my furniture, and of course damage to the walls. And again, this was several times. Guess who paid for painting the damaged walls after move out? In the contract, they put in the clause that the unit must be returned in the same condition it was received in. Apparently, that includes damages that resulted from the poor infrastructure of these units that were never properly repaired. The pictures I've attached are not the worst, but I don't have the time to find the others. Don't expect to get anything from your deposit back. I can see I'm not alone here reading these reviews. To add to complaints: management is never helpful, the office is impossible to contact by phone, and my car was towed. Regarding the car, I paid my parking fees the whole time I was there. One night coming home from work late, I drove around the lot for nearly an hour looking for a parking spot with no luck. I parked out of the way on the side of the road seeing no other options and being that I had to be up early the next morning. My car (again, with parking sticker on display) was towed. My front end was damaged in the process. Management's response about the whole event was to be better about finding a parking spot. Overall, happy to be done with this place. I'm surprised they made it up to 2 stars.
The apartments and townhouses look beautifully remolded, but not so much the staff. I am on a time crunch of moving and Michelle the leasing agent that I spoke to confirmed my appointment to view the townhome go over fees completely wasted my time. One hour! Before my appointment they notified me that they were unavailable to see me due to not having availability..I'm sorry but this is completely unprofessional on the condominium wasting peoples time like that. If you are looking for a place make sure to follow up every minute with this place because you can get cancelled on the spot.
lived there about 15 months and honestly they don't care about customer service. They never answer the phone and at move out they over charge you for everything even though you hire a cleaning service and painting service with them. I am being charged about 945 dollars at move out. All the reviews i read here are all right, haven't heard one lie except the supposedly AIMCO trying to reach out to everyone to resolve an issue. At the time i was living there they were remodeling units and there was no parking space. I had my car towed that month 3 times. When i went to the office and explained the situation they said you should've parked in a right spot and i told them i was going around in circles for almost an hour and they just said take it up with the tow company. SHOULD'VE READ THE REVIEWS
HORRIBLE!!!! If you are thinking about moving in DON"T! I saw the website and it looked nice, went in for a visit and their model home made me think there was potential. I let the leasing agent know that my four year old son had allergies to roaches among other things so the carpet also was a cause for concern. She then reassured my girlfriend and I that the carpet was pretty much brand new and they fumigated regularly. However after moving in I started noticing droppings here and there, we would hear noises in the night. The carpet was ok but I later found that they had cut up a hole in it and replaced the patch. So I contacted them about the roaches and few other minor things, they told me I would have to go through a website to put in a maintenance request. (which is an absolute pain) So I did this and a few days later I received an email saying that they had completed the job. This happened a few times for many different things. After getting the run around I called the office, angry that no one had come by my place, my son was breaking out on his arms and legs so this carpet had to have been dirty and there are roaches everywhere now. The leasing agent then told me that she would send in someone that day. Which they did, he came and sprayed and laid a few traps...the result NOTHING AT ALL Aside from the infestation of roaches I lived in for two months, that place was sooo poorly designed. It flooded whenever it rained, they have a nice exterior but shabby interior. They make it look nice by patching up the holes and painting over it. By the time I left I had three holes in my walls; one from me walking and placing my hand on the wall and my thumb literally fell through and created a hole. Another from my son who opened the bathroom door and the wall crumbled when the doorknob touched it. And another then I wanted to mount a picture, hammer the nail in, and a two finger gap gives way... I waited no more than three months to leave that place and I ran. The cherry on the cake is that they are charging me the following 100 for cleaning (when I cleaned and scrubbed everything) 280 for patching holes 1000 for REPLACING THE CARPET DUE TO STAINS (now you see how they claim the carpet is new) 2500 for short notice 2600 for cancellation fee Hear me, turn around now while you still can. They charge a high price to seem nice an luxurious, but its nothing more than a nicely painted piece of garbage
Horrible experience on moving out. Very similar to other reviews where we were slammed with more than a grand of costs for whatever they thought they could get away with. The so called move out specialist was awful. He actually told me one of the reasons we were being charged is due to paint on the shower floor and rust in the bathtub. We did NOT paint nor are we liable for RUST, that's ridiculous! We also are going to be charged for pen on the walls which we told them about after a maintenance job was done. They told us not worry about it since they would have to paint anyways. HA! We were told we had to get a professional cleaning service or pay to have them do it. We thought it might be better to pay 4Q to do it but according to reviews, it doesn't matter which you choose, they will still charge you ridiculous fees. Not great to live there either, way too overpriced for what you get, rundown apartments. Bugs are awful, all of the cabinets were flaking off sawdust constantly since it was so old and crumbling The landscaping is the only thing that looks nice.
Terrible attention in this condominium you have no privacy and that is without counting the poor attention of the managers and employees towards the guests
Jenny the office manager is the rudest person I have ever encountered. I have no idea how this association has permitted this woman to have this position representing Four Quarters Habitat. You walk in as a PAYING customer, to file a complaint on an issue your having as a resident, and she accuses you of raising your voice, when IN REALITY your just trying to finish your sentence before she interrupts you and doesn't let you finish. She is extremely rude, offers no real explanations and beats around the bush a lot. Further more you walk out of their feeling like your issue WILL NEVER be solved (and it won't). I HAVE NO IDEA how AIMCO, allows these this woman to manage the property that we would otherwise be really happy with if it wasn't for her bad attitude and closed door type policy. TERRRIBLE!!!!!!
Go absolutely anywhere else before here. Looks nice but is an absolute disaster of a rental community. Horrible office staff that is never in the office during business hours when you need them. Very selective about who gets warnings and violations. Charged 300$ to paint the very minor wall damages that I patched. I left the apartment very clean and they charged me a $280 cleaning fee. Told me and my roommate to leave our parking passes or we would be fined for them, so we left them, and we were still charged. I made sure to take pictures prior to leaving to prove how clean I left it and how there were no damages. They kept the $750 security deposit and charged more. Contacted rental agency for help and have been ignored for weeks. Go literally anywhere else.
Horrible management. Horrible place, Do not ever live here. Please "Owner" Do not message me trying to "damage control" my comments. When you have many reviewers saying the same thing, there is a grave and obvious problem. The place you own is crap.
I am sad to report that we had to cancel the lease at Four Quarters apt homes. There were multiple red flags dealing with them since April 2022 to get an apt in July. The staff never returned our calls or emails in a timely manner. We communicated with office staff Mariela & district manager Greg Rice who returned calls and emails after a week. After multiple attempts we were given a new link to apply for a waiver program they advertise in their website which link does not work. We got approved and now they refuse to refund the security deposit-$750. *BE AWARE of this business and its management co. OP Property management- Thomas O Cowdrey III.** I recommend you POST your feedback here if anything happen to you. It is NOT fair they get away treating residents and future customers so poorly and unethical. Thanks for listening!
This is the worst community management EVER!!! The only reason why I have lived there for the past 5 years, it was ONLY not to move my kids' from a great school. But I have had it, and thank God I'm moving out next month. I moved to Four Quarters since 2008 and I have had nothing but headaches with the leasing office and all the maintenance issues. They are not helpful at all. If I would type all the problems I have had since the beginning, I would have to be here all day long. But I can tell you that the office staff is a joke. The "Managers" and "Assistant Managers" do absolutely nothing to help.They tend to give you the run around and refer you to the Corporate office, and when you contact Corporate they refer you back to the property's leasing office. When I went to see the apartments before I moved in, they showed me a very nice unit which was only a "model". After paying my rent and deposit, I asked to see the actual unit where I would move into, but they said they could not show it since it was still being worked on and it was not yet available to view until the move in date.When I moved in to the actual unit, it was not even finished or clean. I asked the manager to take a look at the way the apartment was being given to me, and she did not do much to help and gave me the run around. So I was disappointed from day 1. The community looks nice and well maintained on the OUTSIDE. However, INSIDE the units it's TERRIBLE. The blinds are so cheap that they fall off on their own, and when you request a replacement, the maintenance staff is instructed to replace only the specific blind that is defective by taking it from a vacant apartment, sometimes the color tones are different so you can tell which blind was replaced. I have heard from some of the maintenance staff that the leasing office is so cheap that they do not want to spend money in materials. There are plastic tiles on the roof of the kitchen and bathrooms, and they are always falling apart. They charge a ridiculous monthly leasing fee for the washer/dryer which you have no choice but to pay. I have spent $1800 so far since I moved in for an old washer/dryer combo machine worth $200.00. Plus they make you pay for renter's insurance that does not even cover any of your belongings inside the apartments. Only the building. Since last year, rent HAS to be set up on automatic payments. So there is no "grace period" per say, like most landlords that grant a 3-5 day period. Every 1st of the month, the rent is automatically charged to your bank account. Oh, and there are no options to decline because it is stipulated on the lease. I dont mind paying on the 1st, but as a loyal paying tenant, I would expect that if my rent is paid on time, I expect my maintenance problems to be fixed as fast too. But it's obviously not the case. The AC Units are old and they freeze every two months. Therefore, every two months I have to call for them to come and fix it. Every time this happens, the AC leaks water and makes a mess on the carpet from the room upstairs. I have requested several times to have a touch up painting inside the unit as a courtesy each time I renew the lease, but they have told me that the most they can do is give me some paint so I can do it myself. If you are thinking about renting here, I would suggest you stay as far as you can from this community. Don't be deceived by the pretty landscaping and the way the community looks outside. There are many unhappy tenants there and I wouldn't like anyone to go through what I have gone through. There are many other apartments in the area with much better administration who really care about customer satisfaction. Tenant turnover rate is unbelievable.Four Quarters culture is "If you don't like it, too bad! You can leave, because we can replace you anytime"! Dont say I didn't warn you...
Worst possible place to live. The A/C broke and they took almost a month to fix it. The leak caused the TV to short and we payed out of pocket after we were told we would be reimbursed. Never saw the money. They kept brushing us off. Then the AC leak stained the carpet and we are getting charged an extra fee for that. ITS NOT OUR FAULT!! Very disrespectful faculty as well. They try and get away with things since they are staff. They make it seem all nice and whatnot before you move in but then they dont care about you at all. Horrible people that work there and horrible community to live in. Stay away.
I was a lease holder for 3 years. Throughout these three years I was extremely disappointed. Level of service and engagement or lack thereof is embarrassingly bad. Raising issues and concerns to Management personnel is non holistic and close minded. No opportunity for dialogue. Their way or the highway. At the time when signing my lease of what became my last year there I decided to change to a month to month agreement as every year the rent rate kept going up without any additional benefits towards tenured lease holders. Additionally they kept coming up with ludicrous charges on amenities that should be included. Gate access key fob (gate always broken) Gym access Parking (yes, they charge a fee) Obligatory renters insurance Service calls were never addressed on a timely basis. (24hrs). The recurrent one was the A/C unit had to be serviced 8 times. Hot Miami summer. No A/C for days. The last straw was when mold was literally pouring out of the A/C vents. I called for service. The maintenance employee PAINTED on top of the A/C vents and called it a day... Found a new place. Moved out. Here's the kick: A YEAR LATER I received a letter stating I was being sued by them claiming I left without giving sufficient notice therefore I owed them a month's rent...bear in mind, I was on a month to month agreement. Disgusting. To add insult to injury they also had a laundry list of charges owed to them. From faded paint to bug control to overgrown grass in between the patio concrete (I'm not kidding) to cracked wood on stairwell. The units are not in the best condition when you move in yet they expect for them to miraculously be in better conditions when you move out. I kept the place in tip top shape. That's who I am. That's how I was brought up. It was my home. I even hired a steam cleaning service to take care of the carpets. Luckily for me I took pictures before I moved out. I spent more money on hiring an attorney than what they claimed I owe them and it was all well worth it. I was not going to let them get away with outlandish deception and lies. Word to the wise.... if you value being treated with dignity and respect look elsewhere.
DO NOT RENT IN THIS PLACE the people who run this rental community are dishonest people, they charge you $ 200 application plus $ 300 deposit to apply they tell you that if they do not approve you they return the $ 300 but it is a lie and the application is approved according to their personal criteria Not based on financial evidence they are not professional at all.
Don't make the same mistake so many before you have made - including me. RENT IS OVERPRICED AND IGNORANT. This place is a dump, office staff are rude and absent, trash area is disgusting ALL the time, duck poop everywhere and no security. Concerns by management - ZERO.
Parking lot is the worst thing about this compound.
Been living there for almost 3 years everything was great in the beginning now i find my spouses car and myself being towed when we have the proper decals and such, they added a new code lock system and we've had random strangers walk into our home without any prior knowledge of them coming, the leasing office is completely useless and never picks up the phone. Extremely expensive place for a 2/2, terrible customer service i glad my lease ends this may
this four quarters management office not helping the tenant ,The office staff is rude, not helpful ,whit any need. the parking is very bead ,the towed my son car a 4 am in the morning and charge $454.06 to get my car back ,the a/c in the appartement has very bead bacteria ,my son cannot breed ,my son car is in repair shop for 2 weeks is using my car the office not giving him A PARKING permit, i call the manager and head quarter no one got back to me , i believe the towing company is working whit someone in the management office
January 2018. They don't respect our privacy they just sent people to fumigate your apartment without any notice. I really regret to rented here. We don't have any privacy. We have the right to be notify that someone is going to come to the apartment to fumigate. I hate this place. September . 2017. place ever . We are in red alert about Huracain Irma and they dont care about our lives. They told us that we can not put any protection in The Windows no plywood no type no nothing. And if we do that they will charge us for it- terrible place I regret terribly having rented in this place. They have terrible policies in case of Huracains for their occupants threatening our lives.
Really tricky publicity, houses are really old, a panel from the bathroom sealing had fallen on my head, paint on the stairs falls too with the slighty touch and they take months to paint it again. Their request takes really long to be solved and maintenance has a lot of issues. It is a quiet community. Employees are educated and nice.
My husband and I moved from NY to Miami last year and Four Quarters Habitat was our home for that first year. In that year we were very disappointed. We had a leak in the sliding door in our living room that had a puddle every time it rained! It was "fixed" many times throughout the year but it would still leak into the house. The phone in the leasing office is NEVER answered unless you call constantly for 30 minutes. The best of all of it was after we moved. Due to a job change my husband and I moved out of Miami and what we got hit with after moving out was astonishing. Not only were we not getting our deposit back but they were charging us MORE money. In their move out paperwork it states that professional cleaning is RECOMMENDED but yet they charged us over $100 for it after we scrubbed the entire place spotless. Then they charged us for someone to paint and for the materials, when they said NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR will not be held against the deposit. They are complete thieves. We also received a long itemized bill with charges that were never discussed with us and that we not in our lease. All of this adds up to $900 for moving out of a place that had NO damages as stated by them except it needed to be painted. After all of this my husband and I both called on separate occasions to speak to a supervisor. We both left messages and then were told there is no record of you wanting to speak to a supervisor. We are still going though this nightmare weeks later because they are giving us the run around. I don't recommend moving there or at least don't move out because they will charge you an arm and a leg to leave. Especially during a pandemic while people are out of work! BEWARE!
Edit: I should point out that the response from the owner is completely false, so you can add publicly lying to the list of issues. The community itself was nice. It's well kept and in a quiet location. However, the management staff are completely incompetent. I had two major maintenance issues while living there: an AC unit leaking water through the ceiling, and a malfunctioning/leaking dishwasher. The AC unit took three separate visits to get fixed, and I had to give up completely on the dishwasher after four failed attempts by them to fix it. My issue is that after each visit I was assured that the problems were fixed, when clearly this was not the case. I was also threatened eviction by the office staff on two different occasions because they had the incorrect apartment. Once for my neighbor's satellite dish and once for having an "illegal female resident". I understand that mixups happen, but this happened twice and both times the staff were incredibly rude and accusatory until they realized they were dealing with the wrong apartment. I was given no apology in either case. After moving out I was charged for not returning a key and a parking permit, which were both returned to staff at move out. Now I'm stuck fighting with the parent company two weeks after moving out because the Four Quarters staff are too incompetent to keep track of their own move out process. Bottom line: avoid this place like the plague.
Horrible experience! I started paying $1,600 2 years ago for a 1-room apartment, and now my rent was increased from last year to $1,800 plus services, now they tell me that if I want to renew my next rent it will cost me $2,300, this is absurd, it is a robbery In addition, the services are lousy, people are obnoxious when serving you, the office is always closed, there are only 10 visitor parking spaces for the entire complex, once my toilet was damaged and they charged me $700 for the repair, I really do not recommend it no one who rents in this place
This place is the worst i went to visit my gf for not even for an hour and i came out my car was towed for no reason. If you live here and u have guest advise them not to park there because they will tow your car. I think they have a coercion with the tow company. A few tenates that live there that i spoke to all experienced the same thing numerous times. I never went to visit someone to have that happen as i am preparing to sue this complex. Be advised that they will play dumb an act as if they aren't aware when they are
I think the overwhelming negative reviews speak for themselves. The office staff is rude, not helpful, and NEVER there. They never not once have answered the phone when I have called, but they do make sure to make demands. The trash dump is disgustingly overflowing more often than not. There was mold in my apartment and several ants that would enter my apartment constantly. Not to mention their move out protocols are a disaster. I have adequate notice to vacate through email and received an email in response that they received my notice. Upon moving out I received the last statement and they want to charge me over $300+ for supposedly not giving them notice because "the office staff did not attach it to my account" -INCOMPETENT it's their business protocol and they can't find the email I have to provide it for them. Thankfully I kept the email so let's see if they have the decency to remove it. In addition, they want to charge me for cleaning the balcony and stairs and when I moved in the balcony had mold on it. Unfortunately I didn't take picture of this, but I guess this is their business practice. So now Susan is going to reply to my review with a useless "we understand..." or "thank you...." Response. Please save it, unless you're actually going to provide solutions and treat your tenants fairly don't even waste your time, and I should add the numerous and countless complaints about the office staff, you would think they would fire and replace the staff with people more competent and that actually know about customer service but they do not, which sends the clear message that they do not care about their tenants or our complaints.
Terrible place to live the neighbors get involved in everything you can't even talk because everything is annoying those in the office are arrogant that looks like the Castros condominium that's Cuba they have a regime that at first they don't tell you not even in your own home you can feel Well, you can't play music, you can't smoke, you can't sing or invite anyone to your house. We're totally prisoners, the parking lots are terrible and they even fight for them. I got a new car. I asked for the stiker for a while and nothing arrived. In the end, they towed my car. and the neighbors tell you that they called on the phone, go, they are all rude and those from the office are the first without shame
DONT MOVE HERE. They will sell you a pretty picture but the truth hits you after you sign the contract. They force you to sign a 15 month deal for a reason. All cheap materials were used to remodel these apartments. Floors are impossible to keep up with and the kitchen counters are so cheap even a spoon with scratch it. The walls and windows are PAPER thin so you hear everything even with black out curtains. Maintenance guys are really nice but there are so many issues they are overwhelmed. There's been a leak in my living room when it rains since i moved in and they've attempted to repair it several times with no success. The patio area is poorly constructed so weeds and grass grow through the bricks adding an extra weeding job unless you want to live in a jungle. And the bricks are not sealed so they grow mold from all the Miami rain. Complex flood so if you live in the back you're doomed. They are pet friendly but the neighbors are all inconsiderate and leave their dogs in the patio area so barking is an all day event starting at day break. Don't even get me started on the duck infestation that they refuse to help with. The neighbors constantly feed the ducks so they keep coming back and poop all over the side walks and destroy the grass areas. Parking is an absolute nightmare. There's never any parking and no regulation of parking. They added visitor parking and ONE day towed cars but since then nothing. No matter how many times you try to report this nothing ever gets done. Moving out is an extra fun time too when they basically tell you to pay $350 to repaint the apartment when it was never changed from the original paint and in my move out contract it says it is not necessary and small decor holes would be taken care of. Their response "oh we know but that's wrong we have to have a meeting with aimco to change it". Not my problem and they shouldn't tell residents upon moving in that as long as they don't change the paint they won't be responsible for painting at the end of the lease.
The place is very nice... but the worst customer service in the world!!!!! Plus there are charges that are not clear until you leave. The manager is very rude: I had an accident and my car was under repair for months: they didn't let me use a borrowed car even though I paid for my parking and the visitors (of which there are only 12) stay for a maximum of 7 days or they will tow your car, I spent a lot of work even paying my parking. The manager never understood and everything stayed like that. It hurts the truth.
I would like to contact the Main Office. I have only been living here for 2 months, I thought it was an excellent place to live. I come from King Colony with excellent Customers Service and maintenance. The manager of this complex in Kendall Florida, is very unpleasant is what you have touched me. The washing machine in Apartment 8343 H, It does not work, I only put five pieces, the water does not discharge, the dryer makes a noise, I think everyone knows that I am washing, I have a lyoque in the sink, they gave me an apartment without painting (the entrance door looks dirty). I believe that we deserve a treatment that respects our expectations of a good lifestyle. They have never told me how to use the gym, I do not know the way or the schedule, keys to enter the gym and pool. Two days ago we sent the application request, not even a courtesy call from the office that is inside the residential, nor do I blame the maintenance staff, I imagine they cannot access to repair what does not work, if they do not have one order of office staff. I am very upset and not even my paintings have wanted to put them and arrange my things as usual. This is not a LOW INCOME RESIDENTIAL, to receive this unworthy treatment, I don't think I have to put up with these faults. I would like to contact the Main Office. I have only lived here for 2 months, I thought it was an excellent place to live. I come from King Colony with excellent Customers Service and maintenance. The manager of this complex in Kendall Florida, is very unpleasant, that is what I have had of her. The Washing Machine in Apartment 8343 H, It doesn't work, I only put five pieces, the water doesn't drain, the dryer makes a noise, which I think everyone knows I'm washing. I have a mess in the sink, they gave me an unpainted apartment (the door entered looks dirty). I believe we deserve a treatment of respect for our expectations of a good lifestyle. They have never told me how to use the Gym, I don't know the way or the schedule, keys to enter the Gym and pool. Two days ago we sent the request request, not even a courtesy call from the office that is inside the residential, I don't blame the maintenance staff either, I imagine they can't agree to repair what doesn't work, if they don't have one office staff order. I am very upset and I have not even wanted to put my paintings and arrange my things as usual. This is not a LOW INCOME RESIDENTIAL, to receive this unworthy treatment, I don't think I have to put up with these faults.
Nasty place to leave the raise the rents ever year they charge for car parking the people that work in the office very nasty they have a scam going on
Horrible please to live. The office management couldn't careless. It took the management and maintenance team over half a year to clean up my damages and to repair my apartments after the hurricane. There is dog and duck feces pretty much everywhere. Neighbors are always blasting music and the kids are on the streets making a lot of noise at all hours of the night. Save your money and don't live here. Also the move out process is a joke, no one showed up to do the exit process with me and later they charge me for every little thing just to keep every cent of my security deposit they never account for normal wear and tear even though I in the same unit for two years
The people who work at the office are the least empathetic people I have ever met. I had my car towed without any warning and once I spoke to a person at the office they just recited rules off the top of their head. They claim they need to assure there are spots for "paying residents" yet those same "paying residents" leave their cars in guest parking to avoid paying the monthly fee. They only have around 15 guest parking spots and there are over 200 people living there. Apart from that they just have terrible customer service and are not the least bit helpful. If you are gonna tow peoples cars out without warning at least be logical and helpful about it. Do better.
Rip off, especially when moving out. You will not get any of your deposit back, but will be charged more!! Worst experience i have made in my life. They charge you $95 for cleaning the apartment, when you are going to do that anyways. Another $200 for PAINT, when the paint they use is the cheap one and my husband and i left the apartment perfectly fine, not worth of charging $200! Another $53 for painting supplies? Are you not supposed to have them? Why charge? They sent you the bill via email and don't even show PROOF of the alleged painting damages. Save your money and headache with the apartments as they are in bad condition. I have made the experience of having mold on my clothes and shoes, even though the temperature in the apartment was kept low to prevent it. When we handed in the keys, the leasing consultants didn't even say THANK YOU, nor did the property manager. Please do not expect them to explain anything in the lease, they will forward you videos, even though this is intended for general knowledge instead of specific information on you OWN lease.
This condominium is a terrible place to live, the owners treat people very badly, they mistreat people, the neighbors are terrible, they call the police, they tow your cars, there is no privacy, the owners are very badly treated, they are rude, the apartments are an old woman with rouge, no It's useless, don't ever rent here, this place is very bad, this place is lousy, lousy place
This is NOT a good place to live. Just a simple example: If you sign your lease agreement with 2 cars, you pay for 2 parking spots. Which is fine, but if you no longer have one of those cars you are obligated to pay for that parking spot for the remaining of your term agreement. Once you call the leasing office even speaking to a "manager" their only response is "you sign the lease agreement. It is on it" So... make sure to read the entire agreement before you commit in this place. But I warn you... this is not a good place to live.
Don't move in, please. Save yourself so many troubles. NOT SAFE to live here, specially if you have kids. Very expensive! Doors are open almost always because they break down and management doesn't care. You have to pay for parking monthly and there is NONE when you get home! Air conditioners are 15 years old and the electricity bill comes really high. You can hear everything that's happening outside, dogs barking, people talking, birds singing .... No isolation. Not good at all for such high price. I wish I had read all those reviews before coming to live here.
Let me begin by saying, the first few months of my residence here, A BOMB WAS FOUND BY THE DUMPSTER. Now let's keep in mind that the dumpsters are right by the pool. Where many children spend time. Now to move onto the apartment. Several of the sockets do not work. Often, there is nowhere to park! Despite being charged monthly in order to park. The apartments are INFESTED with roaches. When you call management to come and do "pest control," all they do is put a couple of sticky papers around your apt. But the worst part of all, this association robs you blind upon moving out. I had a professional cleaning service come out to my unit the day prior to turning in the keys. Nevertheless, a month later, Four Quarters Habitat slammed me with a $1,700 cleaning bill. DO NOT MOVE HERE!
awful place! over price, unites smell, they calculate the water usage themselves, and if you are late to pay they charge you 150$ fee....unheard of....Miami Water does not charge that incredible should be illegal
Living here was the worst decision I have ever made in my life. I lived there from Oct 2013 to Oct 2014 and my experience was horrible. It is very poorly managed; maintenance, pest control, amenities and the office staff are bad. As if my stay there wasn't bad enough, when I moved out they charged me over $1200 in unjustified fees. I told them I would not pay those fees and requested to speak to someone who could help and I never heard back. Now they sent me to collections. Worst decision ever.
Terrible treatment, the worst place to live.
In this condominium they never go to rent, they have terrible attention, you cannot have privacy in your apt, the washing machines do not work, the managers are super rude and the neighbors do not let you live because of everything they call you for the police It is disgusting to live there, ahhh and the carts tow it to you, I think they have business with the cranes
Terrible service, everything is annoying, they have restrictions as if the place were free, for me it is not worth living in a place like this
Unbelievably terrible. I've been living here for a year and a half and it has been awful in almost every way. My first warning came when they walked me through the apartment. It was not in great shape to begin with, and every time I pointed out an issue or something of that nature they said it was fine and working. During the walk through I said that the vent fan above the oven range was broken and she turned it on and it made a noise and she literally goes, "See it works," even though there's literally no air flow. When I said that she put her hand under it and pretended to feel air flow. I was not amused. Along the way we had to call the main office several times. They never answer. Sometimes the voicemail is full. Sometimes the phone simply doesn't work. When it finally does, they're usually rude and unhelpful. Their office hours and inconvenient and when you do finally make it there you end up sitting around for hours waiting because their staff just doesn't care. And those hours are in the middle of a work day because they're not open at any other time. On top of this, they always mow the lawn or use several leaf blowers right outside your door in the early hours. The trash bin, which is pretty far away from most of the apartments, is so full all the time it's disgusting. Mail gets lost, dropped off at the wrong place, and all sorts of weirdness all the time. Management never helps when you call them. Now let's talk about maintenance. We had an a/c leak, it was pretty bad and it was doing damage. We contacted the emergency maintenance hotline, they answered, I gave them all our info and everything. Ten minutes later I get a call from a guy who barely speaks English and asks for all my information again and what the problem is. What's the point of me telling the first person if I then have to tell the guy again. I had to repeat this process four separate times before they finally fixed the a/c unit. It leaked every day until they fixed it. Our dryer has never worked either. Even a small load takes three full runs in the dryer. And a load of towels? Forget it, you're hang drying that. And don't even bother trying to ask them to fix it or replace it, because you'll spend more time and effort doing that than you would to just buy a new one. Flash forward to now, they have raised the price of rent on us twice, and every maintenance request has taken multiple attempts at fixing. I got locked out of my apartment on a Sunday afternoon and had to call them to let me in. The main office isn't open, so they send someone out after I'm sitting around for four and a half hours. Yes, four and a half hours! I called several times before the guy finally showed up. The guy is extremely rude, opens the door and leaves right away. I get charged an $100 after hours lockout fee. I go to pay the fee, and then it bounces back with a message that says they couldn't find my bank account. I look at my account, my saved payment info is gone, but I'm always super careful with this stuff so I know I entered it right. It's a red flag that my info is gone though, because it should be saved. I try calling, their phone doesn't work. I call the main office and they tell me they can't access my payment information due to privacy laws. So there's no one that can confirm or deny what happens. The woman is extremely rude and continually says I made a clerical error and it's all my fault. There's nobody I can talk to and nothing I can do to prove that I entered my info correctly. So they charge me a $40 bounced check fee. They tell me to contact my bank, but I doubt my bank has any idea about this because it likely never made it to my bank. So I'm just screwed. If I pay again I'll probably get hit with another fee again. If I try to use my credit card, they actually will charge me a $40 fee just to use that. I'm so done with this place. It's beyond terrible. I can't wait for all the stuff they'll make up about fees when I move out.
The WORST place you could ever live in. I would not recommend anybody to move in here, the office staff is the worst specially the manager, and if you have an issue forget about it been solve on time, or easily not to mention that the apartments are very old and almost falling apart. Worst of the worst!
Renters beware! They will find any little excuse to suck money out of you. We have already lost around 1000 dollars in fines and charges! 1. I remember very well when I asked Marianella about what happens if I bring a car that is without a sticker for a few day (I was afraid that they would tow it, and that's why I asked). She assured me that nothing would happen to my car if it was without a sticker for a maximum of 7 days. I got the sticker for my car on the 6th day, and nothing happened. A few months later, my car broke, so I rented a car for a few days. Take into account that we are rule abiding tennats, but none of that matters to them anyways. The car being repaired is the one with the sticker, whereas the car I rented has no sticker. Having remembered the conversation with Marianella, I kept the rented car parked for a few days. On the 4th day, they towed my rented car!! and now I have no transportation + they will charge me hundreds of dollars in towing fees... I am fuming!! they don't give a damn about their residents!! and we already pay for 2 CAR STICKERS every month!! None of that matters to them, if you rent a car and do not tell them about it, or forget to report to them, they will tow it away, even if you are a rule-abiding renter that already pays more than 30 dollars a month in parking stickers!!! This place is like being in a detention center, where they are continuously punishing even if you are innocent. These people are the most unreasonable and the worst in the business. I am not going to be staying here for longer than the required contract. Oh, but that is not all.... 2. The first month we paid for the rent we made a stupid mistake when we entered the information of the checking account number. Long story short, one of us is technologically impaired and put the wrong quanity of numbers of the checking account. That mistake costed us 300 dollars!! Whether you believe their lies and act upon them or you are purposedly breaking their rules, you will pay dearly for it. I understand if you punish people who make this kind of stuff on purpose and avoid paying for their parking stickers, but rule-abiding residents who already pay you and are never late on their rent??? I mean, come on!! There is no way I will come back to this place. Their disgusting administration is reason enough not to stay here any longer. I will not forget about this.
One week ago I found a threatening letter on behalf of Four Quarters from a Law firm, saying that a "new male tennant was living in our premises without having applied or reported to the Four Quarters administration". They sent it by mistake to our address, it clearly stated a different apartment letter from ours and we don't have any "unreported male resident". It is unbelievable how careless, sloppy and disorganized the administration is. They just go throwing around threatening letters to whomever happens to be living in any apartment. How nice!
I'm a CURRENT resident and if I can give you all a piece of advice, DO NOT MOVE HERE. The staff is disgustingly disrespectful and RUDE. I went in to ask questions on my rent bill and the girl who originally helped me Marianella jumped in my conversation with the other staff to basically tell her not to help me. We don't stay here free, I'm a store manager and was livid when she dared to get into my conversation with someone else and then proceed to tell her to send me to call instead. That's not how you deal with the people who are paying to live there. I will make sure the email I plan on writing gets to everyone with all the details of the horrendous experiences I've had. Do not rent here, the ONLY reason I will not renew my lease is due solely on the lack of respect and attention the staff gives their PAYING RESIDENTS.
Zero rate for the parking lot! I have to stay up all the night just to secure my car from towing because there is no parking at all until i find some one who could move his/her car! Why should i pay 15$ for no having a spot? This is a nightmare mare! I really disappointed that I choose to live here! EVERY DAY THIS HAPPEN AND I CAN'T GO AND COME LATE LIKE A GROUNDED!
DO NOT MOVE HERE - DO NOT MOVE HERE First off, the latest reviews are a scam. Filter those out and you'll find the real story. Can't express this enough. Your "rent" may be what they post on their site, but they compound so many charges on top, it doesn't make much sense. I've attached a photo for reference. Trash fee but trash is constantly thrown on the ground. Pest control fee when they don't actually perform pest control. Smart home fee, since the units don't have standard deadbolt locks ( giving them access to enter whenever they please ).Parking is $20 or $30 to park near your apartment. Rent 2255 Trash 93 Parking 40 Water 15 Other utilities 15 Sewer 35 Sewer 6 Pest control 12 Smart home 23 Totaling 2500 for this month Now come to find out we have to scrub the building because "we're held liable" for wear and tear of the establishment. This place has the ability to be great, but far from it. I haven't moved out yet but dreading the day of having to battle them for my security deposit. This place is the typical Miami association that will renovate their building on your dime. STAY AWAY
Disgusting these complex is a joke looking for rentals and after reading theses comments im not sure where to move these apartments are scam artists now take pictures before and after get receipts for everything and have them signature everything for verification i will spend the money to take these apartments to court
The worst place to live, management is awful my 15 months of living there was the worst experience the security is poor ,my place was robbed and management didn't even care. this a warning I hope this message will be helpful to everyone.
lived here for 15 years, old staff and members were amazing. new staff not so much not worth the cost.
This place deserves negative stars! Future tenants and current tenants, beware of them keeping your deposit and additional charges when you move out. They'll charge you for paint, cleaning apartment & carpet, no matter the condition you leave it in. A/Cs & water heaters that should've been replaced years ago so your power bill is sky high. Water heater in my unit was so bad that it would run out of hot water in minutes and an A/C that struggles to keep cool day or night. A few of the Maintenance people try, but overall full of excuses. If your choices are limited and have to move here, take pictures & videos before you move in & after. But even then they'll still find something to charge you on top of keeping your entire deposit.
In reference and response to the below review i wrote last weeK and to the owner amico. I am.even more unhappy now that Jenny the property manger has reached out to me. She called while I was at work and I was unable to answer the phone. The voicemail message she left that I saved went like this. Yo. Danielle I'm calling about the review you wrote and we need to set up a meeting...... really!@?? Yo ?? Then to come home I have a email from her. I email Jenny back stating I am more then happy to have a meeting in regards to having my 20+ year old a.c. fixed. But I am very busy and will not be having a meeting to discuss my review seeing how I have a 8 week old baby and work full time. I will attach below part of her actual email back to me. The issues that have occurred with your unit have been different issues that have been recorded on each occasion as our operating standard requires. Please see below the history of your unit and the work completed for each of your request. This information should also be available on your resident portal as well. 8/05/17 - #130640-1 Cleaned drain, replaced filter, replaced a capacitor, and added Freon 3/13/17 - #129021-1 Changed board 2/11/17 - #128797-1 Change capacitor fan 2/10/17 - #128735-1 Cleaned handler, replaced A/C filter 12/05/17 -#128206-1 Reset breaker 11/25/17 - #128107-1 Reset breaker, replaced A/C filter 5/25/15 - #12551-1 Replace A/C filter 8/24/14 - #10226-1 Cleaned vents/ducts #10221-1 Cleaned handler and replaced A/C filter 3/3/14 - #8604-1 Clean coil 11/17/13 - #7977-1 Replaced contactor and transformer 10/02/13 - #7654-1 Clean drain it was clogged At this time we would like to schedule an appointment for one of the service techs to stop by and visit with you so that they can explain to you how to maintain the air handler area so that it does not continue to clog. Please tell us a date and time that you is convenient for you so that we can schedule accordingly in order to avoid this from continuing to happen. You're A/C unit is not in need of replacement at this time, however it is recommended that the A/C filter always be replaced anywhere between every 15 to 30 days. Courtesy A/C filters are available for you to pick up in our office at your own convenience. ........ so basically she is trying to blame the a.c. issues on me??? And thinks I need training on how to maintain a a.c.???!! ..... I didn't even respond after this..... I'm so upset that I literally just signed my renewal for the year. I guarantee I will not be renewing next year if I even make it that long. I can't believe that she would even suggest that not changing a air filter would be the issue. And just a fyi 70% of the time that I've gone to the office to get a free air filter they say they are all out. ... anyways this was my experience. Do not move here, ya, sure they are remodeling everything, but trust me it's all a cover up. In reality everything in these apartments don't work properly, I'll start with my biggest complaint, my a.c. constantly breaks, it is a 20+ years old but they refuse to replace it, instead every few months it breaks and they put a bandaid on it. The manger Jenny is so incredibly rude it's unbelievable. I have a 7 week new born and a 1 year old and today it was 105 degrees with the news warning of heat stroke and I am left with my newborn and 1 year old sweating in this heat tonight, praying the issue will be fixed tomorrow. I have posted another review on here about 3 years ago with the same issue, and it's still not resolved. The only reason I stayed so long here is I have either been pregnant or had a newborn the last few years. Don't be fouled with the lies a of a remodeled and new apt. The only thing new is the external. What you can't see is 20+ years old. And like I said you won't get anywhere with Jenny the manger. It's like once you move in they couldn't care less about you.
They tow people left and right, including their residents. No warnings, even for their residents.
Horrible place to live, very rude customer service and your paying for amenities that you never see working like, gates, sprinklers, gym, etc. The maintenance crew was the best part.
This place is awful to live. They make everything look clean and nice when you first move in but you will soon see everything start to fall apart. In less then a year that I've lived here I've had to call maintenance more times then I can remember. The ac breaking every 2 months, they refuse to replace it instead do a quickand cheap patch job (and I was told I can't put my ac lower then 73deg I'm in Miami!!!) like all the other maintenance issues. So far my stove has broke 3x (still isn't working correctly) ,my ac more x then I can remember( still doesn't work properly) my kitchen and bathroom are both leaking as I type this, both 3x , my front door lock has jammed up supposedly due to the weather so I wasn't able to lock my front door for 2 days. The list goes on and on, I won't even get started on the washer and dryer because I will be here forever. My advice move somewhere else.
The best part about this place was the parking scenario. I've lived in places where it's impossible to find parking, and currently moved to a place that's has very little parking, but that was maybe one of two positive things ahead while living there. The toilet is an economy toilet so your tank fills up with about a third of the water, this means you have to flush your toilet about 3 times just to push down toilet paper. My electric box caught fire one time and when I asked my neighbor if I should call the emergency hotline, he told me to please not do so he would take care of it tomorrow (he was maintenance ). Being that I didn't think it a good idea to have an electric box I was smoking and on fire we called the emergency hotline, who in turn called the maintenance guy who was very upset to have been bothered on his day off. We hadn't realized how poorly and conditions apartment was until after the ceiling tiles fell along with the AC vent dripping. Apparently there had been some sort of leak or Flooding at some point because the ceiling was covered in water stains once we remove the remaining ceiling tiles. A water spot later forms in another area of our ceiling and supposedly the complex fixed it, but somehow the spot looked even bigger after the fact. Plus side, they have a washer and dryer, downside it fits about half the load of clothes of a typical washer and dryer. Also God forbid you don't wake up at 7 a.m. every day naturally because every time tenants around you move out, no notice of maintenance will be given. You will just wake up to regular hammering, drilling, sanding, Etc. This will happen regularly because only two of my neighbors have stayed in their apartment for more than one year. Add to that the smell of the pesticides and chemicals they use, that you will have no warning about, that will literally encompass your entire apt. And hopefully you have moved in after the renovations, because your rent will continue to go up yearly even if you live in the oldest model apartment, you know so they can fund the renovations for the other apartments that no one is living in.
So I'm trying to move into this place, but they have been very difficult to deal with the leasing center. I applied, or so I thought, paid my $500 fee for their "administrative fees" and background checks. I still can't apply for an apartment. I called them today and they tell me that I never applied. I fear that my $500 is gone and that I'll have to take them to small claims court.
I recently moved to Florida with my family to attend graduate school here in Miami. I am retired from the US military and have lived in apartments all over the country as well as in other countries for more than 20 years. I have seen good communities and bad communities and Four Quarters Habitat definitely falls among the worst. I am also a small business owner and have worked in upper management for the past five years and I will say that in terms of value, the problems that come with the cost of living here do not create value for the residents as our lives are constantly interrupted by negative issues. -The Good Great location with many dining options nearby and reasonably fast access to the turnpike. If you get the right maintenance worker for a maintenance issue, he will do a thorough job and be quick about it. The grounds are always clean and maintenance staff do a great job with landscaping and maintaining the overall cleanliness of the community. The Bad -Towing In mid-March, we called and asked for the paperwork to pay out of our lease, that same evening, the community managers attempted to tow our vehicle. One of our vehicles had a tag from another state replaced with a temporary Florida tag a few days prior. The vehicle had the issued parking decal that we pay for monthly displayed in the correct location. The vehicle was the vehicle listed on the lease and matched it in every way. At approximately 3:30am one morning we heard a tow truck and my wife looked outside to see our car being pulled up on the truck about to be towed. We went outside and spoke with the tow truck driver and he called the "Parking enforcer." The parking enforcer explained that this wasn't the vehicle on our lease and that we had switched the decal which was illegal. He said that the car on our lease was a Jeep Renegade, not a Jeep Latitude. The gentlemen in charge of towing vehicles on the property clearly did not understand the difference in a model names and trim packages, so I explained the unfamiliar concept to him, but he was still adamant about towing our vehicle despite knowing that he had made a mistake. The tow truck driver was very polite and professional and eventually had to tell the parking enforcer in so many words that he isn't going to tow this vehicle. Essentially, the vehicle was clearly the vehicle on our lease, based on at least five factors and it was parked in front of our home. Any reasonable person would understand that the towing attempt was a violation of the lease agreement on behalf of the property managers and it should not have occurred. This community tows many vehicles weekly without due diligence. The tow truck driver told me that he does not know how they get away with this. Instead of a simple apology or any attempt at consolation, the property managers make excuses and avoid any admittance of fault. -Parking. If you get home past 8:00pm you are going to have a difficult time finding a parking spot. I always find one, but it's usually about 100 to 300 yards walk from my home. -Constant Maintenance Issues with shotty patchwork and plumbing. -Poor to non-existent communication with property managers. No one in the office answers the phone, ever. Voice mail messages are not responded to. The only time we have been able to speak to the management team on the phone was when my wife left a one-star review after the towing incident. The property manager called the next day. We have brought the compilation of the aforementioned issues to management lately and have been met with defensive diplomatic exchanges with the managers providing disingenuous responses to concerns.
I wish Aimco would actually care about resident complaints, instead of replying to us with these generic replies. We don't need a call from the regional manager, we need you to rethink your management & maintenance teams! But keep the landscapers, they do a great job 😉
The only good thing about Four Quarters is the location. It's close to lots of eateries, entertainment and shopping. The landscape is well kept also. HOWEVER, living in this community has been nothing but headaches since we moved here in August. There's constant maintenance issues and a majority of the time they are only "half-fixed" when addressed. We had flooding through the bathroom pipes which cause any water used on the top floor to run straight through to the bottom floor through the 1st level bathroom vent and all over everything. This was on the very first day we moved in and should have been a clue. Again on the first day during the walkthrough I HAD to request that they have an exterminator come to deal with all of the ants on the first floor and second floor. The rep who did the walkthrough with me acted like she couldn't see them EVERYWHERE! When I returned there was white powder all over every floor in the house and no documentation on what it was or directions regarding children and animal safety. This should have been a warning sign for us. So for the past 7 months that we've been here there's been constant maintenance issues which include, reoccurring plumbing issues (kitchen and both bathrooms), electrical issues, paint issues (paint is literally peeling off the banisters due to the 100 coats it has on it, it's like semi dried glue and with a pet and small child these paint flakes all over are dangerous), and several AC issues. None of these issues have been resolved 100 percent. They are patched and end up causing another new issue all together. Finding parking and it's "enforcement" company is a joke. We pay for parking but can't ever find any after 8:00pm. I called management on 3/12/18 about a maintenance issue that wasn't completed correctly and requested information about early lease termination. They didn't send the information I requested and attempted to tow my car that morning at almost 4am. Seemed coincidental that I call about an issue and early termination and now my vehicle is about to get towed away for "apparently" a mistake that their guy was making. I think it was sheer luck for me to hear the tow truck making noise and look out to see what was happening and find my Jeep off the ground. It took over 20 min of arguing with the parking enforcement rep on the phone for them to realize that my vehicle was allowed here and they were at fault. Since this incident there's been numerous emails between management and my spouse. The current management severely lacks proper tools in communication and customer service. They will go to great lengths to try to prove they are right but when proven wrong they will not admit the fault and just try to patch it up like their shotty maintenance work and act like it's ok. Do not waste your time and money renting here. You'll have unexplainable charges and daily headaches dealing with the office manager. If I could leave negative stars I would!
Stay away from this community at all cost. They promised you the Moon and all you get is a dirty Rock. Management is pathetic, they could care less about you. All they want is your money. They've got a Thousand Rules and only enforce the ones that they can make money off of. Parking is atrocious, the garbage is disgusting. Illegal aggressive dogs live there, and they claim that emotional helping dogs can live there. Anybody can get that type of license so any type of dog can live there. the playground always has unsupervised children that makes a lot of noise at all hours of the night and the list goes on and on. Don't expect any of your security deposit back. And God forbid you complain to management, they really could care less about you. The entry gate is always open or broken. The maintenance crew just put Band-Aids on things, instead of actually fixing or replacing anyting. They koisell you on a security guard only patrols the pool area. They have only 10 guest parking spots total. I would not recommend anybody live at four quarters or an Aimco property. There is also dog and duck feces all over the property. They charge you 4 bug Exterminators which they don't tell you. I'm so much happier that I moved out four quarters. When you live at four quarters, The grass really is greener on the other side of the fence. Stay away, far away from four quarters. Remember to read your contract with them thoroughly. It is not a standard contract. There are so many loopholes in their contract, they can charge you for about anything. The management company Aimco runs the property. This is the worst property management company hands down. They give you false feedback to cover their own behinds. The happiest part about living there was leaving there.
DON'T LIVE HERE. My husband and I lived here for 15 months. It was our first place and IT SUCKED. First off your cars are not safe. We got our stuff stolen TWICE. They won't let you put lock on the gates, so anyone can enter your porch. And when you move out? They charge you for paint cleaning ect. And end up eating up your deposit.
Im here for the bad reviews. Power to the people !
Nice neighbors and maintenance staff. Maintenance always on time friendly and professional. Front office is horrible. The office is always locked, you have to knock and hope someone is there. They insist on masks or no service to this day, to each they're own but it's time to get over it. Horrible attitude and extremely unprofessional. They will not work with you at all, I had an incredible job opportunity a year into my 23 month lease and they would not work anything out with me insisting I pay the 3 month penalty. I lived there my entire lease and was never late on any payments or had any issues with neighbors and when my lease was up I was looking at a $700 increase where I has to move out for 2 weeks and then move back in with a new down payment. A tree fell my car during a storm and they waived all responsibility and told me to go thru my insurance. Would not recommend. To many options in kendall.