Palazzo West

Palazzo West Reviews

Palazzo West located in 6220 W 3rd St , Los Angeles, California 90036, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Palazzo West
6220 W 3rd St , Los Angeles, California 90036, United States
Phone Number
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Year Built
Total Units
Detailed Information for Palazzo West

Here is 20 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into Palazzo West:

  1. Construction Mismanagement: Undertaking major construction without proper notice or permits, endangering residents.
  2. Ineffective Security Measures: Reports of inadequate security leading to break-ins, thefts, and feeling unsafe.
  3. Unresponsive Management: Management’s failure to address concerns, including ignoring emails and calls about critical issues.
  4. Hidden and Unexpected Fees: Introduction of surprise charges and increases upon move-out, including for normal wear and tear.
  5. Poor Maintenance: Chronic issues with appliances, plumbing, and fixtures that are not addressed in a timely manner.
  6. Noise Complaints: Persistent noise issues from neighbors and construction, disrupting peace and quiet.
  7. Pest Infestations: Reports of rodent and insect infestations within units and common areas.
  8. Lack of Transparency: Instances of bait-and-switch tactics, where promised features of units do not match reality.
  9. Unfair Treatment and Discrimination: Allegations of discriminatory practices and unfair treatment by management.
  10. Inadequate Amenities: Mismanaged communal spaces, such as poorly maintained gyms, pools, and leisure areas.
  11. Package Theft and Mismanagement: Issues with package theft and an inefficient package management system.
  12. Poor Air Quality and Cleanliness: Complaints about smells of pet urine and lack of cleanliness in outdoor and common areas.
  13. Unprofessional Staff Behavior: Staff members being rude, dismissive, or unhelpful to residents and prospective tenants.
  14. Exorbitant Rent for Subpar Living Conditions: High rental costs not justified by the quality of living or management responsiveness.
  15. Rental Policy Issues: Strict and inflexible policies regarding lease terms, renewals, and notice periods.
  16. Privacy Concerns: Management entering apartments without adequate notice or permission.
  17. Lack of Emergency Response: No clear protocol or responsive communication during emergencies or safety threats.
  18. Legal and Ethical Violations: Allegations of illegal actions by management, such as operating without permits.
  19. Rental Scams and Misleading Practices: Potential renters being misled about unit conditions, pricing, and availability.
  20. General Disregard for Tenant Well-being: Overall lack of concern for the health, safety, and satisfaction of residents.
Reported Hazards for Palazzo West
Dog Poop
External Links for Palazzo West
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Palazzo West
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1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Palazzo West, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 89 of 89
I have been using the appropriate channels of communication for what seems like a year and nothing gets done, so let's see if a yelp review will solve this... I have been having horrible experiences with my neighbor. He thinks he is a musician, but quite honestly he is living in a dream world and has horrible music. He plays his crap music from anywhere from 11pm-4am almost nightly. He blasts it and is constantly screaming and yelling and smashing stuff in his room all while everyone else is asleep. I confronted him about it a while back and he responded ' F off' then I complained to the community many, many times but doing so has been useless. Whenever I make legitimate complaints about him he goes crying on his social media accounts saying how everyone is out to get him. This guy is the cockiest, rudest and most arrogant person I ever came in contact with. He lives a double life, he's nice in public and around others or in his case, when the camera watching, but in reality he's a cruel and nasty individual. This is the exact type of person that this community caters to, and they really don't seem to care. Worst community ever and worst neighbors ever.
Made an appointment on Thursday afternoon to view 1 bedroom apartments on Saturday morning. I show up Saturday morning only to find out that there are NO 1 bedrooms available. Someone should have contacted me to let me know instead of wasting my time.
After their attempt to save face on yelp, saying I should email them. It's all a lie! They still don't want to refund me. I have valid reason. Stay away from them and this place! Especially the manager "Chase" fake nice. He's trash. Don't trust him or the company as a whole.
They got me into a lease and failed to tell me they were going to do major construction. The electrical company they hired was incompetent. They said demolition would only take 3 day, ended up to be 3 weeks until they got busted for working without a permit. I asked the property manager Chase if I could get a refund on my lease and he said that I could be released from my lease but they would not pay to relocate me. Well here are some pictures of this hell hole that was abandoned after they had no permit.
My daughter just moved out of this nightmare housing development. It looked fantastic going in but the place reeks of pet urine on the turf even from the top floor. They closed the pool for 6 months with no alternate or rent return and then elevators were out for weeks. There were roaches and the place was NEVER HELPFUL. I advise you to look elsewhere. Now they have KEPT our damage and cleaning fee when we paid $350 to have it cleaned and there were NO DAMAGES on the walls!!!!!!!!!
Where to begin... I lived in this building for a year. The leasing agents Chase and Tyler were very helpful and welcoming at the beginning and i felt really good about the building and the move. My year here was decent at best but be warned the entire apartment complex reeks of dog urine. They have big turf areas for the dogs to use and they say it doesn't smell because it's hosed off but believe me, it ALWAYS smells. I had a bad gnat problem in my unit and i strongly believe it was from the urine/feces in the middle of the complex. There was also very aggressive and concerning yelling and screaming in my building every week or so followed by slamming doors. My unit (one of the "premier penthouses") had a horrible sound followed by a draining noise every single time my A/C came on but maintenance said it was normal... When it came time to move out was when all the big issues occurred. I knew my lease was coming to an end so i emailed both Chase and Tyler asking when i needed to give them notice to vacate or not. No response for days. So i messaged again. No response for days. I messaged them separately, no response.I was so over it at that point that i told them I'm moving out and i needed to notice to vacate form, of course they responded immediately. I sent in the form but it ended up being a week past the 60 day notice policy but had the leasing agents responded to one of my 4 emails, it wouldn't have been late so i tried to confirm with Chase that i wouldn't be charged for the 7 days since it was not my fault. He never responded to that email. It came time to move out and they hit me with a massive bill of a 7 day prorated rate AND $600 to repaint a TINY bathroom wall. I emailed them both trying to get answers and no one responded. I ended ho having to reach out to the maintenance manager directly and he corrected the $600 charge to the appropriate charge of $60. No apology or even acknowledgment from the leasing agents/community manager. I hadn't even heard back AT ALL from Chase or Tyler at this point. I had to call the Palazzo management company directly to get any answers at all. They were no help and essentially told me that the community manager and leasing agents would not be held accountable for not responding to my emails even though they were the only contacts i had at the building. I ended up losing my entire $1500 deposit ( i left zero damage in the apartment) and having to pay for 7 prorated days that i didn't even get at the end!! They made me pay for those days but still made me move out prior to those days??? This community is so awful if you need any help other than move in help. Also as a last note, they make the property seem very secure but the back gate is broken 95% of the time so anyone can drive in at any time and anyone can follow someone through the door with a gate code. I wish i had chosen somewhere else to live. Can't believe this community feels good about taking advantage of a 22yr old who never missed a payment even in the middle of a global pandemic with no work AND they don't hold their community manager and head leasing agent accountable for NOT RESPONDING TO ANY EMAILS.
Leasing office,especially Chase Sherbert, has been rude and made micro-aggressions rude racial remarks. Offered me 200 dollars more for a renewal compared to what was offered to the general public. Chase no wonder this place has residents leaving in droves.
STAY AWAY! from Palazzo West LISET ELIAS from leasing and CHASE the community manager will RIP YOU OFF LISET lied, misled and manipulated me so she can keep the $1000 deposit for a unit that I never put on hold please believe all the bad reviews they're true they are scammers I will take them to court!
This is by far the the worst, most over priced place I have EVER LIVED. I knew it was expensive when I moved in, but I was expecting good security and a nice staff. To the contrary. I have never written a review in my life, but I felt at liberty to notify the public. The staff that work at the Palazzo west could care less about you as a resident. For 6k a month I would expect at least basic security. They have 1 rude women working the front gate, that doesn't want to be disturbed and refuses to leave the guard station. I had an incident where my "fob key" was not working, so I notified her and she was so rude to me. I couldn't get in the building without her, and she made me feel like a pest, and I was bothering her. The staff is not pleasant to deal with, although are initially when your moving in. I would STRONGLY suggest you look elsewhere. The only perk to the Palazzo West is the location. Save your money, and time.
This place is a joke. By far the worst apartment complex I've ever lived in. Noise, rat, & sewer problems!
woohooo my property refuses to sign for packages, AFTER MY LEASE STATES OFFICE WILL ACCEPT PACKAGES FOR RESIDENTS, so after 13 years I am now forced to visit Post Office every day to pick up packages, because NO ON IN THEIR RIGHT MIND, ships anything of value that doesn't require a signature. so basically I am spending an additional 2 to 300 dollars a week in cab fare to deal with this. management could care less about residents concerns or issues, only filling units with unsupecting new residents. THANKS PALAZZO for eliminating the concierge and almost every other amenity we had here...will follow up this review later when I have more time to go into further details...
I made a Yelp account just to write this review. I am currently resident at the Palazzo West Communities building 4. I moved from New York to Los Angeles 15 months ago. When I first came to check the apartments out, they made everything seem perfect. That security was great, That the apartment would be in the front near the pool. Once they got me to sign the lease, I was in for a treat. The security in this complex is the definition of HORRIBLE. The gates are always opened, the doormen are never looking at who's coming in or asking if they even live here, nor smiling. It is just awful. You pay the price you pay to get luxury service and this is opposite. I witnessed someone a few months ago on my floor getting handcuffed by cops for sleeping in an empty apartment!!!!!!!!!! STAYYYY AWAYYYYY!!! YOU WILL BE STUCK! Every door that has a fob is never working, horrible customer service too. I am moving out in two weeks and could not be happier.
My girlfriend and I moved in a few months ago and it has been very disappointing so far especially considering the price. Majority of the staff is very friendly and the location is a plus. The amenities provided on the property including the pool, gym, and spa are great during the week (Not on weekends though the pool becomes packed with visitors and kids in the hot tub). Unfortunately we have been dealing with the loudest neighbors for months now. We have contacted security multiple times and they have come out to listen and every time they have stated that the noise was excessive. One security guard said it sounded like they were having a party during the middle of the day. The neighbors now ignore the security guards when they go to ask them to be more respectful. The neighbors don't even answer the door even though they the guards hear them inside. We have contacted management about this issue numerous times. Management told us they cant do anything about it. They have you sign this good neighbor agreement when you sign your lease stating that you will be respectful etc. Obviously the agreement does not actually mean anything. I strongly recommend looking at other apartment complex especially if noise is a concern to you.
Caution: the Rep Liset Elias is very discriminatory and isn't an experienced leasing agent. Customer service would be expected for a high rent luxury building and there was none. Rather, she insulted myself and my partner. Run the other direction; this group is offensive. Had to involve legal counsel and file several complaints with the national association of realtors et al. Bad people. Lots of other choices out there. Be wise and learn from others' mistakes and don't make this your own.
DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE FACADE. DO NOT LIVE AT THE PALAZZO WEST... (Aimco is property owner / manager) I have lived here for the last 11 months - June '19 Terrible security measures and a poorly-responsive, unempathetic management team are the biggest problems with Palazzo West. The management team has transitioned from one broken security system to another. For access into the community and buildings, they used to use cheap fobs that could be copied across the street at The Farmers Market for a few dollars. They most recently transitioned to a keypad system, which has allowed people to freely give out their "unique, private" passcodes to friends, every delivery person and any Uber/Lyft driver who enters the premises and now also have their passcodes. The west gate, which is the only way vehicles can gain access to the rear buildings is a CONSTANT headache. They used to have a security guard station at the back, but to cut costs, they removed the security house and guard all together. The gate is constantly left open and unattended. Unfortunately, there is a significant homeless population around the area and we have seen people wander into the complex before. Instead of getting to the root problem and fixing it, management will attempt cheap patchwork (fixing the touchpad vs the software or control system) and take over a year to fix a motorized gate meanwhile jeopardizing the security of the residents. I have spoken to a number of other tenants (see Nextdoor App) who have reported numerous break-ins (even on upper floors!) and other safety concerns to management. Unsurprisingly, little to nothing has been done. My locked bike was stolen (just like many others) from within the "secure" garage and within another keypad gate. I figured the mgmt could at least supply the police with video footage of the person who cut the lock, but management informed me that the cameras were actually "not working the weekend" the bike was stolen, so they had no footage to supply. Numerous other people have had their bikes stolen. During your tour of the complex, management will highlight the "Spa, Gym, and Common Area". What they wont highlight is that for over a month (pre-covid), they closed the yoga room and stretching area (~40% of the gym space) without a single communication about why the space was closed off and for how long. Yet another example of a lack of communication, transparency and urgency. On your tour, they'll tell you that there is free internet in the common area. What they wont tell you is that the internet is so terrible that you often cant even listen to a podcast or browse the internet let alone stream Tiger king. Speed tests have shown ~2 Mb/sec for both uploads and downloads. Emails to management have been responded with "maybe in 2020..." We're not talking about new peloton bikes here. We're talking about more routers and a higher speed and bandwidth on the internet so people can actually use it.. There is no recycling; everything goes down one garbage chute. They recycle across the street at the Grove and all the neighborhoods have blue bins. Our friends had made a booking at one of the guest suites and mgmt had actually forgotten about their booking and the room was not cleaned.. After waiting several hours, they were instead offered a room with no wifi, missing light bulbs and not a single apology from management was offered. Lots of nice gardens = lots of bugs - you WILL have spiders. and if you leave out food, cockroaches and ants (luckily we have no roaches but others do...) Check the fittings of the screens / door gaps. There are some really nice people that work in concierge and maintenance but they're handcuffed from mgmt and Aimco and I do not blame them. The on site staff is often full of fake smiles and false promises and they just don't care It's not cheap to live here, and if you want to avoid constant frustrations and recurring fears of break-ins, look elsewhere.
Once we moved in we could not get in touch via phone to manager or any staff members. Everything was done through email or had to go to the office during business hours. We paid our rent on time and very good tenants. I own a rental and know what tenants can be like. We had a short term lease which we needed to extend and each time our rent went up at least 20 percent. I complained of the water sprinkler system was on for at least 48 hours and management office replied this is a landscaper issue and they could do nothing about it. Los Angeles was in an extreme drought and they couldn't do anything about this!!!!!!! There are no keys to apartment doors, it is all computerized and they locked us out on a Saturday. They never apologized or explained what happened. We felt like we lived in someones compound. At night you could hear people talking outside, loud cars and music blasting from car or apartment. At night the only person to contact was the front gate person on Third St. who couldn't leave their post. There are to many other better places to live then here.
armed robbery in my building yesterday (May 29, 2022) and no notification to residents. Attempted break in May 12, still no notifications to residents. Cars broken into, cars 'stolen' no notifications. Cameras never working or places where needed. Doors to streets constantly broken. Back gate always open and not gaurded. elevators broken for multiple months! Working elevators stopping mid lift, no maintenance on them. Absolutely horrendous management of all times! Chase Sherbert is the manager and one of the worst you will encounter. The leasing agents just want to get you into an lie is too big for them to create to get you in....once you are in...forget they exists if you need anything or something happens to you or your apartments. The area is great, apartments are spacious....rents are crazy but thats not anything new. HOWEVER, there is absolutely no security or safety on the grounds. Just this year, cars have been broken into (in the residents closed off parking), apartments have been broken into, random people including homeless people walking around the complex. Armed robbers coming in and robbing. Unsafe is an understatement.
If you are a small business owner, don't consider this property. After we secured a place with a deposit, they added another $450 to the rent per month (well within their right to do so, by the way). They would not accept any proof of income because our income went to our businesses, not to personal accounts. They asked us to get letters from our accountants, who did not want to write letters because the American Institute of CPAs warns them not to write them. After 3 weeks of going back and forth, we walked away, made peace with it. I'm only writing this review for any small business owner who doesn't have time to waste. The people who work at this property are actually very very nice, try their best, but they are bound by the corporate dilemma of AIMCO, a corporate property management company.
Terrible management, slow service.
Aimco as usually failing in customer service and common sense. U see only money, not people! The pregnant resident lives in 1 bedroom apartment with total 4 people ( 2 adults, 2 kids), one more kid is on the way. Resident has a balance due to covid. Finally business getting better and they can pay full balance and asking to transfer them to 2 bd. They have the income for 2 BD. So office want they pay balance and wait 3 more months to see if they still continue pay and only than transfer them to 2 bedroom. But resident due day in December, they can not wait so long, my question where is ur soul? Where is ur customer service? This resident lived with u and payed rent for 5 years!!! Do u treat ur pregnant relatives the same? How they suppose to live in 1Bedroom? 5 of them? The worst company ever. Once u sign the lease they don't care what u experiencing at all!!
Whatever you do, do not live here. It is NOT worth the rent. It smells like dog pee. The water boiler burst a week after moving into the penthouse. I'd say a hard NO.
It's almost a year that the water dispenser at the Gym is not working. The water is warm because it's broken. During this hot days a cold water is needed after workout. After I sent an email to let them know is not fix it yet. With the amount of money that we pay for rent, Palazzo can afford to fix the water dispenser .
Truly terrible management. My car tires were slashed inside the private parking garage they offer, and they were unable to give me footage of the event. It is impossible to contact management as they never answer their phones. Due to their lack of professionalism I cannot sign a new lease now that I have moved out because they will not let me off the current one. Good luck trying to reach the leasing office for all the other things that are a mess at this complex.
For the price of rent here I expect better security and privacy. Lovely grounds keeping and walking distance to The Grove.
Don't be fooled by the "beautiful" appearances and amenities this place is a scam! The buildings are old and not insulated, the appliances are "new" yet break every week. Good luck getting maintenance to actually fix an issue so better get use to seeing them every week if you ever plan to use your dishwasher, fridge, or washer and dryer. Also say goodbye to hot water since it runs out even if you're living alone and not using it. You can hear all your neighbors, every door slam and every dog bark and baby cry, good luck trying to sleep. It's a "no smoking" community yet reeks of cigarettes and pot. There's dog poop everywhere and dog pee on every wall and door and in the hallways not to mention dog vomit on the hallway carpets. I've seen countless roaches and dead rats all around the property grounds. The reason they're able to charge so much is for the so called amazing amenities that were all closed cuz of the pandemic not to mention pre pandemic were out of service weekly and when the residents asked if rent would be compensated for the lack of amenities they said no since it's in the lease agreement that amenities are not included but we all know that's just their cop out to charge people more and under deliver. How can you get away with charging $3200+ for a 800 sqf apartment with no amenities? You wouldn't be able to. Moral of the story there's better places to live that won't scam you and charge you insane prices for low quality living.
There was literally an active shooter happening in the complex actively robbing someone at gunpoint in someone's apartment and management did NOTHING to notify residents what was happening and had no protocol in place. We all found out by word of mouth and saw it on the Citizen app.
If you like being evicted from your apartment 2 month after you moved in and furnished everything then by all means move here! The worst company ever! Constantly hiking prices and not by 3-5% try 20-30% for a "newly renovated" apartments and it just happens so after they make you move out due to renovation, the only ones availiable for you to move in are renovated ones.
I should have heeded the negative reviews from the start. It's beautiful on the outside and the units look nice, but that's where it ends. If you are looking to rent here, make sure to look at the actual unit. If they won't, don't rent it. This apartment complex is a business, and their primary motive is to sell this place to potential renters even if what they say is not always completely true. One more thing, the mailroom has secure boxes for packages that you can pay for, but it's not always used. Because of the occasional package overwhelm, sometimes your package will be left in bins that you have to dig through and hope it wasn't stolen. Definitely take what they tell you to sell this place with a grain of salt.
Update - I followed up with them and after back and forth on why the increase and possibly moving to another unit, I got my transfer denied and offered more expensive units than the cheaper price that my unit was relisted for. One representative tried to be helpful, but it was clear that they did not care to correct anything or keep me at the property. Expect your questions to be met with sarcastic responses and no real answers Location is great but there are some things you should consider when deciding to move here: - There will be rats and roaches running around, so I would not recommend a 1st floor apartment - When it came time to renew, they quoted me a renewal rate within the 10% increased that is allowed (no problem there). However, the price on the website was close to $1K less than the quoted renewal rate. If I had known the market rate was $1K less, then I would have decided to renew. There were multiple instances where management was unhelpful and rude, and this incident is a sign that you will not be viewed as a tenant they care to keep
I do not know if you now allow airbnb, but the palazzo has become mainly airbnb and the key system to open the apartment has only made things easier. There are people who pack valises every night. People we do not know roam every evening the halls looking for their apartment number. Initially it was not planned that we cohabit with people passing through our residence. My wife no longer feels safe in the building. Thank you for keeping me informed if the Palazzo is turning towards an airbnb solution, so we are going to rent also our apartment and look for a new residence.
I left the Palazzo about 6 months ago after living there for about two years, and I almost didn't write this review, but I feel like I have to. I would not recommend starting a new lease at the Palazzo. There were several issues when I lived there, including: - Noise: the walls are paper thin. I could hear my neighbor coughing at all hours of the night. I could also hear my upstairs neighbors walking all over the place. - Leasing Office: Tim, the property manager, is great and is probably the only one who cares. The rest of the staff in the leasing office are very rude / only focus on signing new leases as fast as they can. If you try to call the leasing office, good luck - they never once picked up the phone. They also regularly send very rude emails (to the point where Tim had to ask his staff that all communication go through him). Also if Parcel Pending ever breaks down, they act like giving you your package is some sort of favor. - Concierge: the concierge is managed by an external company, and the leasing office acts like it's not their problem, so there is 0 oversight. Things like packages, dry cleaning, etc. will go completely missing, they show up late so you can't pick up your things from them and they are super rude. Not to mention, when they are staffing the pool they are on a complete power trip. They enforce the "rules" only for people they don't like. Friends with the concierge? Then enjoy playing music at the pool at drinking out of glass bottles while you're swimming. Not friends? Enjoy getting yelled at for throwing out an empty bottle. - Parcel pending: one of the things that attracted me to the Palazzo was I thought packages would be secure. Parcel pending is constantly full, so packages just get left out in the open. - Fees: there are fees for everything from the moment you move in until the second you move out. Parcel pending has a $15 fee to join, parking is $25/month (insane given the price points of the apartments), and when you move out you have to pay to have the place professionally cleaned for the next resident. That is not normal - most places you leave it broom clean, then you're all good. Not so here. - Smoking: this is a smoke free community, but I constantly had cigarette butts on my balcony because my 4th floor neighbors were smokers. - Quality of Materials: the team who "renovated" the apartments must have never worked in construction before. None of my floors were level, my fireplace / mantel) wasn't level (so, when you hung a TV over it you had to either make the TV also not level or deal with a gap), there was a 3 inch gap between where my door ended and the floor. For apartments at this price point I'd expect better. It looks really nice at first glance when you're touring, but you'll start to notice these things when you move in. - parking lots: buildings 3 and 4 are a shit show ever since they took out the guard and installed the automated system. Anyone could have a fob and come right in, also deliveries could never figure out how to use it. Also, kids would ride bird scooters around the parking garage like it was a skating park. Net-net; each of these things individually is annoying but not really a big deal imo. However, taken all together it makes for a really unpleasant living experience that makes you question why you're paying the money that you are to live here.
They treat their residents very badly. They don't mind your pain. Current manager responds slower than the former manager. Things are very slow. They want to paint the wall sacrificing our life.
Palazzo West decided to paint their exterior during the pandemic, while we're quarantined. They thought it was smart to TAPE our balcony doors and Windows shut, and cover them so you can't even see outside, OR have any ventilation or fresh air what so ever. It's day FIVE, and we're still completely locked into our apartments. How can you think it's ok, that during a pandemic, to not allow residents to open windows for fresh air? There's people in the building who are sick, and we have no ventilation, which is just asking us to feel unhealthy. On top of that, we can't even look outside. It shows how corporate really doesn't care about the well-being of their residents what so ever. I'm not even sure this is legal to do right now given it's affecting mental health and germs circulating a building like this.
DO NOT MOVE HERE!!!! They try to RIP YOU OFF in every way possible, especially when you move out. The management is not responsive at all. You will NEVER hear a call back or even an email after multiple calls. They will not get back to you in days. After getting no where with management and you contact their customer support line, you will only get "there is nothing we can do". For your own convenience, do not live here.
Horrible managment never ever!!!!!!!!! We have been telling you so many times. What do you mean contact to you?? I know you are not doing anything.. You always saying this is standard noise.. worse and worse.. They run and throw on the floor at 2 am now. I know other neighbors have same issue too. We shared the issue together..
Not worth to pay that amount. Old with no sound proofs. You will not be tolerant hearing footsteps from upstair unit. I wish i can show you my record video. The management will not help you solve problem. Plus roughes..... Don't get fooled by fake reviews
Management has gone seriously downhill.. They do not take care of their tenants.. Smoke and mirrors!!
Keep in mind that Palazzo offer a whopping $ 500 to people whose reviews they like. Do not be fooled by the guard and front gate: this is not a secure community. Vehicles are vandalized and broken into in the parking garages, and apartments are burgled. The smiling faces will show you the exercise room, pool, manicured courtyards and remodeled apartments. However, they will deliberately conceal from you that W 3rd Street is a major route for Paramedics and Fire Trucks: if you move in, look forward to hearing loud sirens and horns at all hours of the day and night. This is complemented by police cars, police helicopters, and many, many cars, motorcycles and trucks with aftermarket exhaust systems which make lots and lots of noise. Carpets and carpet pads were replaced with very thin (1/16") vinyl flooring, and they saved themselves money by not installing sound absorbing materials, so look forward to hearing lots of noise from people walking quite normally in the apartment above you. Although they are fully aware of this, if you complain about it, you will be told that you must get "verification" from the "courtesy patrol", which may arrive promptly, or perhaps in 30 minutes, perhaps 60 minutes, or they may tell you that they are busy and cannot come. Despite this obstacle, the "courtesy patrol" "verified" excessive noise no less than six times from the apartment above me, which included multiple people jumping up and down on the floor, even causing the dishes to rattle in the kitchen cabinets. What did management do after that ? Absolutely nothing ! One person in my building bought a parrot which shrieks and squawks incessantly. After complaining to the "courtesy patrol" about this for more than a year, and even after the property manager saw and heard the bird himself, absolutely nothing was done. The genius property manager actually wrote this to me "I cannot continue to inconvenience this resident when we cannot verify the disturbance." Hmmmmm.......... He cannot "inconvenience" the person who is making all the noise ? This would be pretty strange anywhere else, but it is considered normal at Palazzo ! When I complained directly to the Vice President of Operations about this, guess what he did ? He told me to call the "courtesy patrol". Look forward to inflated water and sewer bills. Call the office to complain and they will tell you to call their billing company, Conservice. Guess how much cooperation you will get from Conservice ? If you refuse to pay the portion of the bill which is excessive and not actually due, you will incur a "late payment fee" of $ 150 every month. They increased the monthly trash collection fee by 600 %. When I asked about this, I was told that the City forced them to change trash collection to Athens Services, who increased collection costs substantially. (In fact, Athens Services had been collecting the trash all along. People who lie have to try and remember too many things). I was told that they were working with a "recycling consultant", that there is no charge to collect recyclables, and that the collection costs would be under control as soon as the recycling program was implemented. However, 1 1/2 years have passed, and the cost is higher than ever before. Even worse is that some people diligently separate recyclables and take them to recycling containers in the filthy, stinking trash room in the garage, which has never been cleaned. The reality is that there is no recycling: all of the trash and recycling bins are collected by Athens Services and emptied into the same trash collection truck. The courtyard lights in building 3 and the lights between buildings 3 and 4 have not worked for 4 months. I submitted repeated "service requests" after which the lights worked for a day or two, then stopped working again. If you have any problems here, do not count on them ever being addressed or resolved. It follows that not many people renew their leases, so management just string complaints out until the lease is up. I call this company a culture of misrepresentation, dishonesty, lies, and thieves. Run, don't walk !
There has been car stolen, packages have been stolen they need better security, I know someone lives there and that person is moved out because of the security and how this person said it was stressful living there and when the person went to the manager she commented on the lady's nail and not focusing on the real issue which is the security.
BEWARE OF BAIT AND SWITCH SCAMS! I recently had an unfortunate experience with Palazzo West and feel compelled to share my concerns in the hopes that no one else gets scammed by this apartment. I was given a tour by the leasing agent named Yesenia, and she showed me multiple different units that were newly renovated. I ended up signing a lease for a unit that was occupied during my tour, so I did not get to see the actual unit, but Yesenia assured me that the unit I would be leasing would have the same updates as the ones showcased during our visit. However, three days before my move in date, I was informed that the floors would be different from the ones I had seen. This inconsistency was a major disappointment and left me questioning the transparency of the entire process. Furthermore, upon viewing the unit I had leased, I discovered that the lights and bathtub tiles were not updated either. The condition of the apartment played a significant role in my decision to sign the lease, and it is unacceptable to lie about three major fixtures in the unit. Such inconsistencies raised concerns and led me to question the integrity of Palazzo West and their employees. In an effort to reach a resolution, I requested that the landlord make the necessary updates to the floors, lights, and bathtub tiles before my move-in date. Unfortunately, Yesenia gave me an attitude, refused to meet the standards that I was promised, and even had the audacity to tell me that I would have to pay an extra $250 per month for these updates. What Yesenia did to me is absolutely horrendous, shameful and illegal, and she needs to be fired immediately. It's obvious that Yesenia waited until the very last minute to disclose the condition of the apartment because she wanted to trap me in the lease and didn't think I would challenge her. Fortunately, I know my legal rights and I'm not afraid to stand up for myself. The moment I threatened to sue Palazzo West for a bait and switch scam, the managers immediately offered to cancel my lease and refund my security deposit. They knew they were in the wrong, and it's disgusting that they thought they could get away with scamming me like this. I was almost left homeless because of this scam, and I lost money from having to take off extra days from work to figure out my moving situation in such a short timeframe. Luckily, I was able to find a way better apartment with a trustworthy management team. I truly dodged a bullet by deciding not to live at Palazzo West. To anyone considering living at Palazzo West, I would advise you not to waste your time here because this apartment complex is a dump and it is run by scammers.
Palazzo West was an absolute nightmare to live in. Never live here. My car was broken into with thousands of dollars worth of damage despite being in the locked garage. The management team is impossible to get ahold of and will refuse to return any calls or emails if you have any issues. I tried to dispute a charge and the management wouldn't talk to me and essentially threatened to send me to collections and bullied me into paying it despite the previous management team saying they would remove the charge. I never post negative or positive reviews, but I felt it was important because if I had read any reviews like this, I would never have moved here. It is billed as resort living and that's accurate in the sense that all of the extra fees hit you as you're leaving. There's fees for everything when you're moving out- beware!
Without a doubt would never live here again. There's no way to emergency maintenance or security, no phone number to call that connects you to your landlord. Their emergency lines hang up on you before you can leave a message. Palazzo incorrectly installed our stove during a routine repair and had gas pumping into the house for over a day, when we noticed the smell ended up having to call SoCal Gas since no one here would pick up. People that live here will constantly park in your assigned spot despite the ludicrous price tag to live and park at the Palazzo West, nothing will be done about it, there is no one to reach out to. For a place that costs over $4000 a month to live in, they deliver garbage quality if they deliver at all.
Leasing office is a huge waste of time. They don't answer their phone AT ALL, they don't respond to voicemails or emails, and they don't answer any questions at all. Instead, they waste your time with a chat bot who doesn't give any specifics, and only wait until you drive all the way there to tell you they only are doing 24 month leases. No 12 month leases etc. A gigantic waste of time if you're looking for a normal length lease. Look elsewhere.
RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!! this place is so so scary and SO unsafe. first things first - I've lived here almost 4 years...3 weeks ago my BRIGHT ORANGE LAMBORGHINI was stolen right out the "secured" parking garage and my pink Mercedes was smashed into. we looked at security footage, the female manager did not seem concerned and told me she liked my nails while I was shaking in panic and fear. the security guard at the front who showed us the footage literally blamed me and said I "probably knew him" which I 1000% did not. mind you, he said this in front of the cops - who thought it was an odd response all around from management and security. that was the final straw - we have since moved while living there, there was a male older tenant harassing multiple women in my building - we complained, and they did absolutely nothing. this man threatened me multiple times and they still did nothing. management is new every few months - so good luck following up with anyone. cockroaches, rusty showers, horrible plumbing. I moved in with top notch security guards in the back, they replaced a person with an electronic arm that is never secure. all this for a whopping $9,000. oh and don't forget this is all basically air bnb now, a new tenant every couple days on the penthouse floor. I was constantly harassed at all hours of the night with ding dong ditchers. also - management told me they don't let people know about the crimes there because they 'don't want to worry''s so insane. the police refer to this place as an "Indian burial ground" - do not move in here. aside from it being WAY overpriced, its extremely dangerous.
DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE FAÇADE. DO NOT LIVE AT THE PALAZZO WEST (Aimco is property owner / manager) I have lived here for the last 11 months - June '19 Terrible security measures and a poorly-responsive, unempathetic management team are the biggest problems with Palazzo West. The management team has transitioned from one broken security system to another. For access into the community and buildings, they used to use cheap fobs that could be copied across the street at The Farmers Market for a few dollars - you'll hear countless stories of non-residents and homeless people accessing the complex. They most recently transitioned to a keypad system, which has allowed people to freely give out their "unique, private" passcodes to friends, every delivery person and any Uber/Lyft driver who enters the premises and now also have their passcodes. The west gate, which is the only way vehicles can gain access to the rear buildings is a CONSTANT headache. They used to have a security guard station at the back, but to cut costs, they removed the security house and guard all together. The gate has been broken more times than I can count and as a solution, they have often kept the gate freely open to the community on many occasions because a traffic jam forms and people have gotten very heated waiting to enter or having their tired popped by the spikes. Unfortunately, there is a significant homeless population around the area and we have seen people wander into the complex before. Instead of getting to the root problem and fixing it, management will attempt cheap patchwork (fixing the touchpad vs the software or control system) and take over a year to fix a motorized gate meanwhile jeopardizing the security of the residents. I have spoken to a number of other tenants (and you can find a lengthy thread on the Nextdoor App) who have reported numerous break-ins (even on upper floors!) and other safety concerns to management. Unsurprisingly, little to nothing has been done. My locked bike was stolen (just like many others) from within the "secure" garage and within another keypad gate. I figured the mgmt could at least supply the police with video footage of the person who cut the lock, but management informed me that the cameras were actually "not working the weekend" the bike was stolen, so they had no footage to supply. Numerous other people have had their bikes stolen. I would ask management to see if the cameras actually work and if you can access footage from a random prior date... During your tour of the complex, management will highlight the "Spa, Gym, and Common Area". What they wont highlight is that for over a month (pre-covid), they closed the yoga room and stretching area (~40% of the gym space) without a single communication about why the space was closed off and for how long. Yet another example of a lack of communication, transparency and urgency. On your tour, they'll tell you that there is free internet in the common area. What they wont tell you is that the internet is so terrible that you often cant even listen to a podcast or browse the internet let alone stream Tiger king. Speed tests have shown ~2 Mb/sec for both uploads and downloads. Of course emails to management have been met with vague responses and unclear plans for repairs "maybe in 2020..." We're not talking about new treadmills here. We're talking about more routers and a higher speed and bandwidth on the internet so people can actually use it... There is no composting or recycling; everything goes down one garbage chute. They recycle across the street at the Grove and all the neighborhoods have blue bins. If you want to provide visiting guests with somewhere to stay in the Palazzo's guest suites, look elsewhere. Our friends had made a booking months prior. Upon arrival to Palazzo, management had actually forgotten about their booking and our friends were told their room was unfortunately not cleaned and cleaning staff had gone home. After waiting several hours, they were instead offered a room with no wifi, missing light bulbs and not a single apology from management was offered. Lots of nice gardens = lots of bugs - you WILL have spiders. and if you leave out food, cockroaches and ants (luckily we have no roaches but others do...) Check the fittings of the screens / door gaps. There are some really nice people that work in concierge and maintenance but they're handcuffed from mgmt and Aimco and I do not blame them. The on site staff is often full of fake smiles and false promises and they just don't care It's not cheap to live here, and if you want to avoid constant frustrations and recurring fears of break-ins, look elsewhere.
The female staff were unhelpful. If you are lucky to even find one in their office they make you wait with a dismissive air as if they have more important things to do even for simple tasks or questions.
I can't speak for the palazzo west because I lived at the palazzo east. But since it's the same corporation, and they under the same management you should expect the same service. So here is what I have to say: FYI I was never disappointed enough to ever leave a bad review for any business, so you can only imagine how disappointed I am. DO NOT LIVE HERE!!!!! PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE! If you're going to pay such high rent you would expect amazing service! Wrong! I had roaches in my apt., I literally went to get a water bottle one night and there was a roach on my foot. My balcony was full of them, I couldn't even step outside. I am pregnant and all they offered was to come fumigate. I had to leave my apt for a week so I wouldn't breathe in the chemicals. After endless back and forth's they finally agreed to find a new a tenant, because they were not livable conditions for me. I left the apt spotless, the roaches weren't due to my cleanliness, the apt was immaculate. THESE PEOPLE ARE CROOKS, YOU WILL NOT SEE YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT. THEY WILL FIND RANDOM CHARGES AND TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF YOU. Again, PLEASE STAY AWAY!! Just some friendly advice from a pregnant lady who is very disappointed by the customer service at the Palazzo. Good luck with your search!
Worst apartment in the world!!!! Management here is horrible ! Please do not even contemplate living here ! You will be paying close to 2,700$ for 800 sq feet and will receive nothing but an old apartment unit, terrible kitchen cabinets (slams when you close them), old bathroom etc Countless times I had ROACHES in the unit and had to vacant for over one week (lost all of my food in my fridge and pantry) given they had to fumigate the premise. Once I had the fire alarm go off and the help line asked me to answer a survey after the call when I was panicking. We had to terminate our lease early and management made sure to screw us of every dollar from our security deposit! Do not expect to see a penny of it after you move out ! They will charge for paint, cleaning and the person doing the inspection will grind you for everything and say the apartment is not to Palazzo standards (BS) - the apt is in terrible condition! Luckily i took pictures of when i moved in !!!! Stay away !!!!
My girl Trish got her car stolen. Horrible complex with very unprofessional staff. It's crazy to be paying $10,000 per month for a complex with no human security.
If you like being evicted from your apartment 2 month after you moved in and furnished everything then by all means move here! The worst company ever! Constantly hiking prices and not by 3-5% try 20-30% for a "newly renovated" apartments and it just happens so after they make you move out due to renovation, the only ones availiable for you to move in are renovated ones.
THEFT, BREAK INS, UNSAFE, NO SECURITY, DIRTY, BROKEN DOWN, BAD MANAGER. Chase is a bad manager who does not know how to deal with customers. Do not move here if he is still working there. He will be the main reason you'll regret moving there. He is unfair and dishonest. The gates in the back of the apartments are wide open most of the time and anyone can drive in. Theft is very common because there is no security. There is one gate opening person. Nothing is open in the community. Everything is closed down and they will still not lower rents. People here pay more for the pool and the gym. Gym is closed and has been. Read the 1 star reviews those are real. Nicer apartments can be found all over LA. You will pay a lot a be treated poorly.
save yourself! do not live here please we got scammed and played out of our apartment we got taxed over market value for a apartment and than they added on a ton of uneeded charges like pest control, sewer charges and a bunch of other bs on top of that they tried to kick us out and make us homeless!
There is no Cleanliness tap in water closets. It is very bad. How are you cleaning your bottoms ?
First of all, let me start by saying that the previous review about Yesenia must've been bribed off by someone there because one of my colleagues called about a unit over a year ago, and she refused to call him or her back because she thought they wanted a Low Income apartment but they were inquiring about builders such as for example Garden Communities as well as Ava/Avalon properties to name a couple who offer moderate income units on occasion which would mean that you earn between $100,000 - $200,000 a year, so a $7000 a month apartment might be $5500. She wouldn't call them back because she thought they were asking for Low Income property and short term rentals, which was not the case! Someone called back and got Yesenia again and she started shouting saying oh you were the one that called about Low Income or short term housing? Caller said no you must have the wrong person. This place used to be so wonderful. I've known people who have lived here for decades. What is going on with Palazzo?
Hi there I'm a currently resident at the palazzo west communities building 2 on the pin house floor at a generation 3 unit that supposed to be TOP remodeling!!! This place has became a nightmare to live in !!!! I have rats in my balcony daily and the management do not want to use exterminators and they put some traps instead. The gym has became ridiculous since there is no more management. There are 4 buildings in that complex and only 4 treadmills for so many people and two of them are not even working. Also a lot of people that doesn't live here are coming daily to the gym and spa since there is no one at the entrance. For such a high rent do urself a favor and DO NOT move here even if u need to find a place ASAP!!!! I feel like I live in the GHETTO this place is getting disgusting every day more and more . I'm going to call the health department and cancel my lease after I will show them the rat in the trap !!!
Our sink flooded and i had to through away many of my personal things. This happened after 2 weeks i moved here. Same thing happened to my neighbor. They didn't reimburse any of the many peronal items i had to through away.
Palazzo West was an absolute nightmare to live in. Never live here. My car was broken into with thousands of dollars worth of damage despite being in the locked garage. The management team is impossible to get ahold of and will refuse to return any calls or emails if you have any issues. I tried to dispute a charge and the management wouldn't talk to me and essentially threatened to send me to collections and bullied me into paying it despite the previous management team saying they would remove the charge. I never post negative or positive reviews, but I felt it was important because if I had read any reviews like this, I would never have moved here!
Palazzo West, non-livable and overall, terrible experience. The noise between the units is the worst of the worst apartment grade, the alarms constantly go off all hours of the night and the leasing office- awful, just awful. The girls wouldn't look at you or even smile when you saw them and they ignore all emails and phone calls. I moved in and completed an inspection report... crickets. I had to file noise complaints that were completely ignored. They didn't talk or respond throughout the lease term but then blew me up when I was moving out- wanting to know what color floors I have and where is my parking space, etc. I even got a notice on my door they were checking the "cracks on the patio" and needed access..All to help them rent to the next victim to have the same problems and noise complaints that I had and the one before me had. Yeah, I found out directly from tenant before me but too late, I had already moved in. FYI- The penthouse kitchen is directly above bedroom if you live in a 1 bedroom on 3rd floor..the unit above was old and never updated so the cabinets, drawers and doors slam closed. Easy, and inexpensive fix and they promised they would fix, but never did...they never addressed the issue but instead they just keep putting new people in the same unit with the same problems . I would NOT recommend anyone live here. Save your money for a home in a building with integrity who gives a damn.
Trisha Paytas lives here y'all
Don't rent from them. They violate your tenant rights. While signing the lease they never disclose that they were going to do major construction for 3 weeks of using a little jackhammer with maximum decibels right after I signed. So basically they omitted letting us know that piece of information that would have change my entire decision to live here. So yeah they took my ability to make an informed decision. 1st lie. 2nd lie while they are doing a major electrical distribution wiring, I asked if they had a PERMIT they did'nt. So basically they are putting the building and the people living there lives in danger of having an electrical fire because the Palazzo or AIR Communities failed to get a permit. I asked if I can have concessions for the problems, they said I could move out but they would not pay to relocate us after moving from Sacramento. Then after the construction gets shut down for months. Then they send a very vague notice out that they were going to start construction again. Again I email them and request the Permit and they stop communication with me altogether. So I go to their office and talk with the leasing agent and ask for the permit and they could not produce a permit. Leaving all or some of the residents wondering about their safety living at the Palazzo. After having a talk with them in their office I figured they produce a Permit but no. Then the Office posts an Eviction Notice on my door. They violated the 2nd rule of fair housing, retaliation for reporting a problem. Don't rent here. They treat you like trash, disposable and they don't value your life as a tenant. Read Grace Choung's Review as well. I have her unit 2-228 lucky she got out before construction. Also read their comments to the bad reviews, I find them to be disingenuous and ring hollow. I find it difficult for them to have 5 stars and probably are fabricated reviews. If you look at there bad reviews they say the most disingenuous responses or they can not find you as a tenant but if they have a good review they sing their praises for this review but for some odd reason good reviews don't have a "sorry I couldn't find you in the system".
I'm only here writing this review because I was encouraged by the Palazzo with a large gift card amount drawing (that I'm sure I won't get after this), but if they want my honest review- they're about to receive it. I've lived in this complex for 6 years now and my biggest complaint has always been the security of the building. They finally installed a new security feature which included spikes and lights to the gates but people still just "piggyback" on the cars before them so it's hopeless. Cars in the parking garage get broken into and it's the norm. They even have signs up to let you know that they're not responsible even though their promise is a "safe and loving" community. There's nothing safe about this place. I was just recently threatened in the parking garage (where there is zero phone reception or emergency phones!) by another resident simply because he didn't like me pulling over to the side to set my gps before I went on my long road trip... I expressed my fears about this violent attack on my car (he banged on my windows, threatened to f me up then chased and followed me before police had to intervene). I now have to fear for my safety every time I park my car and look over my shoulder for him. I received ZERO calls backs from the palazzo team or management. The police are called here often actually. Mail gets stolen from our "secure lockers"... the list goes on and on...the Maintence team disregards any special notes left for them so idk why it's even an option to leave them. "Call before entering" I guess means busting in when I'm exiting the shower with nothing on but a towel wrapped around my hair. Honestly, how violating! They let you get settled in here then increase the rent by high increments to where it's so expensive to live here but also expensive to move. I can't wait to get out of here.
Just moved in within the last two months, so far I would say this apartment as not held up to the expectations that I originally had for this property. When I did a site visit I was impressed and excited to move to this property. So far, sadly I have regretting picking this complex as my final choice. When we moved in, the apartment had many things wrong inside. No hot water, light bulbs out, freezer door broken, dryer didn't get hot, washer didn't turn on, lights flicker in the apartment (which they say is normal for the building), and patio was closed off due to exterior painting. (I feel like maybe a walk through on their part could of eliminated most of those problems and saved the new movers, me, some hassle) After a few weeks I got home late in the evening very tired and ready to go to bed and when I tried to get into my apartment the keypad would not work. It took me about an hour to even get in contact with maintenance since it was after hours, and then took about another hour before he could get to the property to help me. After fixing the lock, which I do appreciate, he then went on to tell me it was my fault why the lock would not open in the first place. Cool thanks for the help and the blame?? I have my dad visiting this weekend and I went to go use my oven to cook some cookies before I picked him up from the airport and I went to use my oven and guess what it doesn't work..... Now I have to find time in my dads and mine schedule this weekend which is already limited to schedule maintenance to come into my apartment when I am there.
Moved in during the pandemic. Concierge office is responsive but leasing and admin office was always a mess especially if there was ever an issue. Once had an incident with another resident getting in my face about masks and reported it to the office. It took over a week to even hear back.
I lived here for 17 months. The Good: It's great for families who just moved to the US and need time finding a home, for 'aspiring' Instagram influencers, and for older people on a fixed-income. The Bad: Not good for 20's-40's working adults. Management is completely absent and unengaged (maintenance staff is great though); gym is run down and a lot of the equipment literally has rust on it. Pool is cold, typically covered with a layer of slime/body oil. Dog poop and urine everywhere! At nights it reaks of marijuana odor. And all of the protests and rioting seems to start across the street at Pan Pacific Park. Oh and the gate in the back is impossible to find and your Doordash/Postmates etc will never ever find you or be able to get to you. And the walls are paper thin. You can hear every step above you - the community itself is really old and I think once they removed the carpeting the walls/flooring wasn't designed for sound-proofing. I moved to a newer-built community, smaller but definitely more higher-end in every aspect. So much happier. So much. My 2 cents. Hope it helps. Happy apartment hunting!
It's average. Not managed very well. It looks immaculate and the grounds are well kept. There's no security for buildings 3 and 4. There was a homeless person living on top of bldg 4. They replaced a live guard with a mechanical gate and often it's broken down so the gate stays open for several days. And if the gate is working, the call box doesn't work. Often there is a jam because the call box doesn't work and those who live here can't get in until the jam is cleared. The back gate from the Ross parking lot doesn't work so anyone can come in. The garage gate works some times, but the call box doesn't always work. Recently, I had two neighbors who filed police reports because the cars were broken into, and over heard others staring the same. If you're not worried about security, it's an okay place. If security is important to you, try to get a unit in building 1.
Went on a tour recently. Hallways are stained everywhere. Door frames are chipped and need repainting. Does not appear to be on-site Maintenance.leasing agent not dressed for the role and was late for our appt. Luxury -NO! Dont waste your time coming here.
Me and my Girlfriend planned on moving here. NOT ANYMORE. We were shown two apartments both were nice but the guy Patric seemed like he had no respect for us whatsoever. I take care of a friends kid here because I get paid very well and work from home. I asked to see a pent house apartment like his and was refused to be shown one simply because of the way I was dressed and I was "too young to afford it". I was thinking of giving it a second chance and asked for him to get back to us on opening of any vacancy closer to our move in date and I was never contacted. Me and my kid got stuck in the elevator twice in a month for literally half hour before a resident went to get maintenance for us. Stuffy and hot with a two year old was not pleasant. The pricing isn't at all bad but it is a huge rip off for what you'd be dealing with. I asked workers if they can hold off on working for my sleeping kid and they laughed working louder. Not to mention woken up at 5:30am by a couple having loud intercourse and then another couple yelling all the time. REAKED OF MARIJUANA ALL ON THE TOO FLOOR OF PH. The gardeners and cleaning ladies are SUPER NICE. The maintenance young men are however very rude with being on the phone, cursing, and speaking in spanish thinking I wouldn't understand them calling me stupid. My friend and his family are moving out for all these reasons and I for one will never live here.
It's ok. Not all that. Can't even get phone signal at my own place
COCKROACHES, RATS AND NO SECURITY My partner and I just moved in and it was such a mistake. While the complex looks nice from the outside, don't let this fool you!! The complex has cockroaches, rats and there is basically no security at all. The "security" gate to the complex is either broken and even if not, anyone can slip though it. They don't have professional security employed and there have been a couple of break ins and stolen cars. We wish we had known all this before. Now we are stuck here until our lease expires.
ALERT! Palazzo is doing construction until the Spring. Right now it is very loud - and Adam Shultz from Aimco isn't concerned about anybody as it relates to any type of make good for tennnats whatsoever. He actually said he can- but he won't at all. Palazo basically is telling us to deal with it. i would not move in.
I don't understand their price policy. I've been searching for an apartment for quite some time and everywhere the price that is listed matches the actual price. Here they have 3650 listed and when you come in it's a minimum of 4200 if you move in right away and sign a year lease. I'm not talking about fees added, it's extra of course, but the base price is $500 more than is listed :/ And it's for any floorplan. When I asked how can I get the price that is on your website, the manager told me it's not possible. What?... Why do you list it for this price then? Maybe in the comments someone would clarify that. But I just think it's a dishonest practice and a waste of time for us, renters. The complex itself is nice, i Loved the pool area and the gym. The units are ok, but for this price it is definitely possible to find something newer and more spacious. So I guess it's worth it only if you're going to use amenities a lot. Or if you just must live next to the grove. If not, there are many better options.
Just a footnote. George from Palazzo really missed the point with his comment here. The leasing office personnel here are really the worst at customer service. Have been trying to add my son for months to the lease but they keep failing to send the necessary documents. Then they managed to eject my son from the pool area because he's not on the lease. ‍ Every interaction with the office is WAY less than satisfactory and they manage to turn even the most simple request into drama of some kind. The apartments are amazing otherwise, but the leasing office is a huge drag. I don't know why George from the Palazzo office thinks that's something to be proud of but it's totally in line with their staple of work not to actually read the review and just declare victory when they have actually been criticized heavily. Good luck dealing with them. Once you are in here you will not get decent support.
The community is quite nice as well as the facilities. The units themselves could be a bit more insulated and the front gate attendants could be a bit more professional but all in all it's a decent place to live
I didn't totally hate living here for a year... the place looks nice, is kept clean, staff is responsive and professional... but I didn't think it was worth the high price tag even with The Grove across the street. Things to know: - Access to buildings 3 and 4 is not through the guarded main gate on 3rd Street, and is less secure. - Building 3 elevator broke down several times during the year, anywhere from 2 weeks to over 2 months at a time. ETAs for fixing were usually not accurate/delayed. - Rodents this past fall/winter... my walls were opened up at least 4 times to plug holes to address the creepy gnawing and scratching sounds in the walls at night. - There's one package room in the entire complex, and it's a long walk outside to retrieve them if you live in buildings 3 and 4. Same with the gym. - Carpets in the hallways are old and stained everywhere, and from inside the unit you can hear every little thing that goes on in the hallway and every footstep from above. - Probably also worth mentioning that the trash fee alone fluctuates between $40-$50/month, which seems high for a 1BR. Overall it's mostly fine but I expected to encounter less issues and inconveniences for the high rent/fees I was being charged. Now I see my unit is being listed for $400 less than the renewal rate I was quoted..... oof. *Edit* To the response: Initials are for privacy, obviously you can't immediately verify my residency based on that alone.
Have been living here for almost 1,5 years. I really enjoy the location, everything I need is close by- the grove, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and etc. A very nice and safe place, a beautiful swimming pool, gym, nice yards with the fountains, coffee in the lobby twice a day. OFFICE: the only person who's been always super helpful and attentive is Olga Kononova, resident relation manager. Everything I ever asked her to help me with she would do asap and would take it under her control until it's done so I've always been relaxed and sure I'll get what I need. I wish all the managers in palazzo were that way. BAD: I have moved to another apartment where I got no phone reception at all. And all the wires were cut down after the renovation so I had no chance to even use the wifi. I asked the property manager to help me with this question but it took them 2 WEEKS to come and fix it. Again if Olga hadn't taken it under her control I wouldn't have got my internet at all. Also be ready- when you move out of palazzo they'll charge you for every single spot or hole on the wall in your apartment and it's gonna cost you quite a lot.
Lived their in a corporate apartment through oakwood...te place is vibrant, super nicely located. I liked that part. What I didn't like is that the units did not hide any noises and lots of the other tenants were loud and certainly not high end... overall they can do much better...some units are great but overall it's so so