Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes

Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes Reviews

Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes located in 7616 NW 5th St , Plantation, Florida 33324, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes
7616 NW 5th St , Plantation, Florida 33324, United States
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Year Built
Total Units
Detailed Information for Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes

Here is 20 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes:

  1. Unready Apartments: Apartments not ready on time and non-refundable deposits even after cancellation.
  2. Pest Infestations: Reports of mold, roaches, and rat infestations, with ineffective pest control measures.
  3. Unexpected Charges: Additional fees increasing living costs, including parking, pest control, and mandatory monthly trash service.
  4. Unreturned Deposits: Failure to return deposits and imposing excessive charges upon move-out.
  5. Poor Maintenance: Delayed responses to maintenance requests and issues like leaking AC units and broken appliances.
  6. Inadequate Security: Incidents of car theft, package theft, and vandalism within the community.
  7. Unprofessional Staff: Reports of unresponsive and rude office staff, with difficulties in communication.
  8. Exorbitant Fee Structures: Confusing fee structures with hidden costs, including non-refundable pet deposits and cleaning fees.
  9. Ineffective Trash Collection: Problems with valet trash service, including non-collection days leading to trash buildup.
  10. Noisy Environment: Complaints of noise from neighbors and lack of enforcement of community rules.
  11. Poor Quality Amenities: Amenities not as advertised, including malfunctioning laundry facilities and inadequate gym equipment.
  12. Unsafe Living Conditions: Reports of mold, structural issues, and unaddressed safety hazards.
  13. Deceptive Leasing Practices: Misleading information during the leasing process regarding fees and apartment readiness.
  14. Parking Issues: Insufficient guest parking and charges for parking spots without ensuring availability.
  15. Discriminatory Behavior: Allegations of discriminatory practices by staff towards residents and potential tenants.
  16. Failure to Address Complaints: Management’s disregard for tenant complaints and concerns, leading to unresolved issues.
  17. Legal Threats and Charges: Threats of legal action and unexpected legal fees imposed on tenants.
  18. Lack of Transparency: Lack of clarity and communication regarding charges, lease terms, and community policies.
  19. Unsanitary Conditions: Trash and pet waste not properly managed, leading to unsanitary living conditions.
  20. Financial Exploitation: Feeling of financial exploitation due to excessive fees, unreturned deposits, and charges for normal wear and tear.
Reported Hazards for Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes
Dog Poop
External Links for Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes
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1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Plantation Gardens Apartment Homes, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 100 of 160
Beware of this place adding fees after you move out. Apartment was in great shape when exited, they charged for nonsense. Nice place overall honestly, but they just act shady.
Never come to experience this, it's always terrible, there is a problem you always want to get rid of more, they don't accept the changes, no! They really are filthy, rude, very bad service
Out dated, it's infested with rats and roaches. There's no fans or lights, you'll have to buy your own. The management don't care when we first moved in we were told we would get the apartment repainted since there's spots everywhere of different paint.
My first impression of a place is very important. When I called the office, no one answered. I received this text message: Sorry I just missed your call. I am unable to make or receive phone calls on this line, but I am happy to answer your questions over text. 1st impression, they do not answer calls!!! So I thought if obtaining my business is not important to them, then once I become a tenant I wouldn't matter then either! And they advertise a 2/2 for $1474?!?! You gotta be kidding me! 850 sq ft AND NO WASHER & DRYER IN THE UNIT....I HAVE JUST 1 WORD......NEXT!!!!!!!
This place is horrible, when you come to lease the apartment they tell you one price a month later you get a bill with all this crazy charges you end up paying extra $150 ... $27 sewer $15valet waste ,$25 water $ 5 service provide $15 parking $15,insurance and believe me when they reply the reviews is only $15 is a lie I was supposed to pay 1,309 and now so far my rent is 1,525 and some more ,I paid my rent for firt time online I got a confirmation number, 5 days later they hit me with $200 late fees charges because the payment didn't go through ,I spoke with the main supervisor from all offices she was plain rude and didn't do anything at all to help me with this crazy fees,is just not worth the money and the stress they put you through, they don't care about their tenants at all .Ps the only good thing about this place is maribel,she try her best to go the extra mile for you,even if she can't she tries.,and that guy George who replied the reviews, he said email me we can chat, he reply the emails after they make you paid the rent,the crazy fees and $35 more to pay with debit card and they still haven't removed the fees, ofcourse all they want is your money,after you paid there is nothing they will do for you,this place is a nightmare.
Where do I even start! Let's just say this . the ghetto!!! Rats run the outside ! trash and piss outside . Trash piles up !! But wait we pay pest control and trash so we pay for these conditions apparently! Next the inside. Mold and roach infested. And guess what ? they do nothing about it! You Wanna hear a crazy experience!? maintenance went in my home while I wasn't there and folded my dirty laundry and rearrange my closet. Soo creepy. And when I told the office "maribel " ( office manager ) proceeds to tell me what do I want her to do about it !? lol please stay away from this place the worst place I've ever lived!
Wow you call back these place and the person didnt even say the name of the property she answered like if she was home, sounded like she was sleeping wth would want to rent here with tha kind of start of greeting. If the agenta are unprofessional best believe the PM is worst
the short time I lived there was very very uncomfortable. to do laundry is very frustrating because there are few washers and dryers for the number of people living in a building, and they hardly ever work. The worst thing was that the apartment had rats inside the walls and the office manager was very incompetent to give solutions. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT
Wouldn't recommend it to anyone . Overpriced they charge you for a parking spot yet it's not a gated community . Had a rat problems the moment we move then ! New York size rat by the way
Never move to this complex, they charge too much for the poor service they provide, however you do not have a private washing machine and dryer, it is shared and they are always damaged and when they work they steal your money they leave your clothes in the middle of the washing cycle, and you have to leave with your clothes all wet to another building to be able to finish washing, you file a complaint in the offices and on the Plantation Gardens portal and they do not fix anything, nor do they return your lost money, aaaaa but that's if you half take out the trash the wrong time and at once they want to fine you $50. In reality they want to fine you for everything, they want to take every last cent from you, here you pay the rent for nothing because the facilities are dirty, ugly and in poor condition, the dog park and everything that has grass has not been pruned since long before the hurricane, (right now it is pruned but look at all the Time what happened) if you walk through the complex you can see and hear the sound of rats and not to mention the garbage dump is always horrible with garbage even on the street. My recommendation stay away from PLANTATION GARDENS. Find another place to live
The service in this residential complex is useless, they never answer, there is never any staff, there is no responsibility, everything is a mess. never live there
This place is going downhill every day. I can't wait to move. Outside of being infested with cockroaches and charging you a pesticide fee that clearly doesn't work, the customer service is the worst I've ever seen. I have never seen lack of respect and interest in the customer in this way. Ismael Abdelaziz treated me today and he has been the worst of all so far.
Worst Experience move-in this apartment. I moved in on April 18, 2023 with small kids - the apartment is full of cockroaches and other apartments as well. Sharing few snaps which was taken after 3 round of pest control and roaches are still around. My kids are frightened and not able to sleep, management is not addressing the situation and not providing alternate solutions. Strongly discourage moving into this apartment.
I wouldn't recommend anyone to rent from here! My stay was ok up until September 2015 when I started experiencing a MAJOR RAT infestation in my apartment unit in Bldg 14. I caught 1 rat and 2-3 weeks later there was another rat in my unit tearing up my furniture (brand new) and shredding the carpet apart, leaving rat feces all over the place even near my headboard in my bedroom. Pest control was notified & all they did was lay stick pads down with peanut butter which DIDNT work because the rat managed to get on the trap & escape off by biting through the sticky pad. Maintenance couldn't help because they're not trained to deal with pest control issues. I paid $1233 for the month of October and only was able to sleep in the untit a total of 4 nights due to the rat behavior scratching on the walls, above my head in the attic. A complete rip off right? You pay so much for rent and can't occupy your residence in peace! My neighbor next to me also said the same thing he was experiencing rat occurrences & stated that he had killed 13 so far! 13!! So gross! He also spoke with "regional manager" Jose & stated Jose told him that in fact he was the only tenant in building 14 that has been complaining about the rodent issue. Such a liar! I spoke with Jose the "regional" manager and voiced my concerns about the matter and he seemed very nonchalant about to situation! I even mentioned I was going to go to the Broward Health Department he told me I can go to them but they're in compliance with the health department! The health department told me in fact they're not because the property is suppose to be liveable and people don't live with rats on a day to day basis. I asked Jose if I had to pay for a hotel for a few nights so the issue could be addressed would I be re-compensated he stated "no, unfortunately that's something we don't do" I also mentioned to him how the rat was chewing up the carpet and he stated to me "that's pretty odd & dosent seem like rat behavior" well I asked him what is rat behavior because apparently he dosent know! I also have pictures & videos of everything the rat has been doing within my unit and offered to send it to Jose he never gave me his email so I can show him and prove him wrong on this rat behavior business. I am completely disgusted with Jose, plantation Gardens Aprtments etc. I wouldn't even consider renewing my lease of they offered me a unit in a different building for cheap! NOPE! Absolutely NOT! So consumers if you're looking for a warm home and would live to occupy your residence in peace without rodents chewing up your furniture, urinating on your carpets, chewing up carpet, leaving feces all over the place, this is NOT a place for you to stay/ pay your money to!!!!
The only thing that is good at about this place is the location. Where do I begin. So lets start of from the obvious issues that most garbage places tend to have. BED BUGS everywhere! And worst of all, they fall on the bed from the ceiling! And cockroaches everywhere. Since it was cheaper than most places in plantation, my neighbors were far from perfect. Cops routinely would monitor the area inside, since random guys who do not even live there, have a rendezvous at 3 am outside where I live. Complaints always would fall to deaf ears, which brings up the worst thing about this place-Todd Keslow was his name I think. When I was there, this place was run by Todd Keslow, an epitome of incompetence. Not only was he rude and absolutely stubborn, this guy fought and screamed when I asked for my deposit, but also was egregiously unethical. There were several families who complained about stuff getting stolen from their apartments. And Todd Keslow was in the center of this shit storm, turning a blind eye to his staff that would waltz into the apartments unannounced and take stuff like they were picking apples from a farm. I did end up getting 230 from my 750, but I was just relieved to get away from that place. Absolute insanity!
When I first moved here it was ok, so I thought ! I started seeing the problems after a few weeks,I heard something digging like in the roof or in the walls, which I thought it was the guy upstairs dog scratching on the floors or something .... come to find out it was rats!!!! I was sitting on my couch one night and saw a rat the size of a squirrel running under my son's bed (disgusting) I immediately went to the leasing office the next morning they act so shocked so I thought they would do something about the problem .... they sent out pest control to put down a few traps .... (like what is that suppose to do )??? A few days go by the traps caught about three rats again disgusting and unsanitary because we had to pick up traps and throw them out ourselves! days and weeks go by we still were seeing rats I ask my neighbors in my building were they having same problem ? They said they were, about three of my neighbors were ! I'm here almost a year and all they do is patch up work nothing is being done ! This is why I called the health department on them . Another problem mold! Mold ! Mold ! My husband and I and our two children are getting sick constantly because of the nasty mold they have in the apartment ! I cannot wait to get out of here ! They charge you all these fees they get you with the 1289 rent they were suppose to charge me yet we are paying close to 1500 per month in rent ! Stay away from this place ...... stay far away ! Another thing is the they painted over everything to make it look white and pure .... underneath it all it's a bunch of mold !!!! Run do not let them trick you!
Shit! Don't get in here! There are mice, cockroaches, the air has mold, the gym has to pay more if they don't use it, the manager is a jerk and the other is a fool in Spanish!!! There are cheaper options, don't come, you will regret it.
horrible service ! Dont GO ! RUNNNNN
This apartment is trash. They have no consideration what so ever . I wish I could report these people for robbery and they do not have empathy . I have a two bed two bath and the tubs are painted which I did not know until maybe a month and it started to peel. They are very rude and they leaving threatening voicemails . They are very impersonal . DO NOT MOVE THERE
I had to cancel my lease because this place is the worst
Worse apartment ever the staffs do not care I got robbed and they was telling me I had to finish my lease with them I paid for 1st month rent and didn't stay at the place for a whole month I was scared to go inside the place because I have a year old and I got robbed they charge me for the window briefing broken which the robberies did and a lot of unnecessary stuffs I didn't even get a refund for the 1st month they kept my $750 deposit and also made me pay $2600 for something I did nor do all the staffs care about is money and when I sign the paper the lady told me the window and dish washer was going to get removed and it did not get removed so I need my 1st month rent back because I did not stay there and also someone stole my neighbor car they let anybody in the community even junkies she kept saying she can't not help me out that I got robbed bur I have to finish the rest of my 2 years lease and the tub was not v clean all the way this apartment is ghetto and selfish do not think about other people but they self please don't stay here nor worth the money and bad community
The WORST CONDO ever, supposedly you can't smoke and it seems like it was a smoking condo, THEY STOLEN a package that UPS left me, and they even charge you to go ask questions at the office... expensive, bad and OLD...
I am writing this review to warn everyone considering this dump as a home. This place is disgusting and infested with mold. My husband and myself had to break our lease because of how sick we were getting from the mold exposure. We let the office know about it and they did nothing. We even had to stay a few nights in a hotel because the apartment was inhabitable. They wanted to blame us for it and informed the manager we could not live in such conditions. We provided proper written notice and left. Two months later we received a call from a collections agency saying we owed 2,200$ to Plantation Gardens. This is illegal! These apartments are making people sick. If you value your life and health, please leave somewhere else.
Nasty staff nasty place to stay dog poop at every corner. Dog poop has been on the stairs for months and no one has bothered to clean it up. If you are looking to get charged multiple fees for trash, maintenance, pest control and more than this is the place for you.
I'd rate this place a zero if possible. I still live here and the experience has been terrible. The leasing office is racist and does nothing to protect their residents. A very sexual comment was made to me by one of the maintenance workers/ I called corporate the number they gave me to reach the man who manages all the plantation offices, doesn't answer nor call back. They are unprofessional. One of the office workers started yelling at my FOUR YEAR OLD SON when he opened the door to the pool. They are terrible. This entire complex is terrible. I'm finally grateful that there is a place to post this comment that can't be altered or taken down. Don't move here. Ever.
Stay away from thus apartments, I lived there around 15 months, you can hear everything from the other apartments,
DO NOT MOVE HERE! It looks well maintained on the outside but don't be fooled! I don't even know where to begin. When my A/C broke they never came to fix it. When you go into the office they act like you're top priority but, they never actually follow through. I finally just had the A/C fixed on my own because I had enough. God forbid your neighbors move because when they paint the apartments near you, your whole apartment smells of paint fumes for days! I called and asked the office if they could have the maintenance guys open windows and put fans so that I didn't have to breathe in harmful fumes. They told me they hire contractors to paint so they can't do anything and if I want them to open the windows on the apartments being painted that I should tell the contractors myself! At one point it was so bad I had to sleep at a family members house a couple nights. When I returned to my apartment I noticed some sort of substance had dripped out of my A/C vents. There are much more issues I could address but, I'd like to just talk about the apartments themselves while I still have your attention. First I noticed that nothing seemed to be cleaned but just painted over. You can clearly tell that instead of cleaning the bathrooms and showers they just painted over everything. It's hard to tell at first but after awhile the black scum under the paint starts to show through. The outlets in the apartment seem to be loose and my plugs constantly fall out. There are no ceiling fans in the entire apartment not to mention the bedrooms have no lights. You have to pay $1.50 per wash and per dry for your laundry and you have to load the money onto these special cards for their machines. It may not sound expensive but, the washer holds very little clothes and I tried to wash a comforter and when I pulled it out it was completely dry in the center. They also charge you $10 a month per car you have in your household. If you have guests over frequently there's very little guest parking spots and they are always full. I had a guest park in a regular spot (they aren't assigned but require a decal) because there were no guest spots available and her car was towed. I've also noticed there are lots of young adults living with their parents and they are always loitering in the parking lots smoking weed. It honestly wouldn't bother me but, they aren't the least bit friendly and make my guests feel uncomfortable about parking their cars near them. If it's raining you can expect these people to be jammed in the laundry rooms smoking. Recently there have been car break ins in the complex and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was from some of the "local talent." Believe me I could go on and on about how horrible this place is but, I doubt many people will read this far. Unfortunately I didn't realize until afterwards but, for the same price there is many other options in the area with in house washer/dryer and much better quality of living.
INFESTED with Cockroaches. Fees are incredibly high. Leasing office sucks along with their corporate office which is AIR communities. Expect an extra $200 a month in fees alone. Go elsewhere.
if u dont mind living with roaches and rats then this is the perfect place for u
Roaches infest the apartment and pest control does not come out even though you pay for it in monthly rent. The rent is not steady each month. For some reason or the other, it changes. Poor AC ventilation. Paint is used on top of paint and it bubbles or strips when you clean, especially of the tiles in the bathroom. Too much problems for the time I live there. The place is normally quiet, but that is not worth the discomfort of living in an apartment infested with roach and is not properly upgraded the way they project it in their gallery. Laundry rooms most times are dirty and the machines overcharged. The best part of this place is its location.
This place is a joke. Unfortunately I have to leave one star because yelp won't let you leave zero. Management changed a year ago and it's been down hill since then. The grounds have not been pressure cleaned in months and is filthy! I'm embarrassed every time I have guests over. Apartments have multi families living in them and throw parties all night long. Washer and dryers are broken often and not repaired for weeks. People sit at the pool after it is closed and smoke weed and drink and leave garbage all over the pool area. They nickel and dime you on everything. Every car you register is a $15 charge added to your bill every month. Two adults with two cars, that's $30 added to your rent bill every month. Garbage, that's $25 a month! Oh, but they don't pick up on the weekends. Want to use the gym(which is tiny) that's another $10 a month. Good luck getting a hold of the manager Maribel, she doesn't reply to emails or answer calls. I've had a leak since I've moved in and they have "repaired" it about 5 times. If there is any kind of leak, they just paint over it. I've taken pictures of everything and keep all documents since moving in because I've heard that they try to charge people crazy amounts of money when they move out. I'll update afterI have to bleach my bathroom every week because of mold. My lease can not end soon enough. Update: the front office is useless! Maribel the office manager NEVER! Returns calls! EVER! Today I tried to register a guest into parking, the site is saying the guest parking is suspended. I've revived no notification about this . My guests car better not get towed! Or the management will have to pay for it!
The leasing company was extremely bossy and annoying. They give you tickets if you don't bring in your trash on time. The management company is rude and horrible. Run as fast and as far as u can away from here
I still live here and it's the worst place I've ever lived-in it feels as if I'm living in the HOOD. Their so many issues with this place it's unbelievable Mildew over the house and that's with the A/C on all day every day mildew covered the a/c filter now you know that's BAD. They have theses play play want to be maintenance I've had so many repair orders the they so called fixed. "still have a leaking tub" IF ANYONE THAT LIVED HERE WANT TO FILE A COMPLAINT WITH A LAWYER ON THE BAD CONDITIONS YOU CAN REACH OUT OR GO TO LEGAL AID. IF YOU HAVE PICTURES THEY'LL BE GREAT.....
Took two separate application 100 application fees and a 750 holding deposit that I have not received back after a week. If I did not physically go there I would think the place doesnt actually exist. I believe they had no intention of renting anything and just taking applications for cash flow. I have called the leasing office over 100 times and have only gotten someone once and have not talked to anyone since they took my money. Straight 100% scam
The worst place I have ever lived!!! I will never recommend this place to anyone. They two my 2nd car 3 times. They don't have many guest parking. The common area are beyond filthy! I had flood in my apartment so badly I stayed temporarily at a hotel because of allergies from Mold. They staff and the new management is the worst they will not help you. They will never give you your deposit no matter how clean your place is.
I am unsure as to where to even begin. DO NOT MOVE HERE! Very serious issues here and zero of any management cares. Not the current management on property or the big wigs off property. I can barely rate this a star as it doesn't deserve it. I have been here since Feb of 2013. In the 5 years I have been here there has been nothing but major maintenance issues inside my apt (wall and roof leaks, broken ac, broken appliances, door issues, etc) all the way to inside and outside with RATS. Yes. RATS. They have taken over my building and have affected every single tenant in this bldg. Read ALL reviews online friends. They are true! You do not want to live in this rat infested hell hole. There is a pile of rat shit that was just emptied above my neighbors apt. roof overhang as of TODAY 4/13/18 and still sits there as we speak. No one cares. We are all absolutely disgusted with having to go to hotels or friends homes to avoid rats and can't wait to get out of here. So sad what they have done to us. Each of us has been terribly inconvenienced with zero assistance from any management. The rats are STILL here and with no solution in sight. I submitted 72 service requests in the 5 years I have been here for tons of problems. My rent has been paid early, every month, for 5 years continuously and STILL not an ounce of customer service from ANY management whatsoever about all the insane inconveniences. And those 72 service requests do not include the dozen or so times pest control has had to enter my apt. to place pest control devices in my attic or plug holes throughout bldg. Apparently my attic was the only access to all attics in this bldg. What a joke! They truly do not care at all here. I have never experienced anything like this before. They charge you for parking each month and don't even monitor it nor is it gated. They add on other monthly charges as well that are not I included in rent. This place is absolutely disgusting and so are the people who run it. I will NEVER entertain the idea of EVER living in anything run by Aimco in any area ever again because of this horrible experience. Worst property management company I have ever dealt with. If you are disabled like myself, have children or just live on your own, DO NOT MOVE HERE. In 5 years we have gone through 3 community managers and a cpl of maintenance managers. They don't stay because this place is a huge dump. Terrible leasing agents that have no interest in helping. No one ever answers the phone or returns calls or emails. Do not waste your time visiting this property and whatever you do DO NOT live here. This place is an utter mess all around. I have already been in contact with my lawyer to avoid any problems upon move out. I have had SO many problems here that I just don't trust them to do what is right. BeingSo much more to share but not enough time. Please spare yourself, your children & family members as well as pets and don't move here. Update: 4/17/18 Completely failed to mention the disgusting brown water in my unit. Can't take baths here and all they did was slap water filter under my kitchen sink. Still brown. Pictures of everything on the way. Update: 4/29/18 Still listening to the rats inside the walls and STILL cannot get anyone to return my calls!
Terrible experience! They will keep your deposit and add over $1,000 crazy charges and if not paid they will report you to collections. We are elderly people and felt they can take advantage of us. I will be reporting them the better business bureau.
I was told about this place by a family member. I won't be stopping by to check anything out... the reviews are terrifying and making a huge impact on your business.
I lived here for about 4 years maintenance team doesn't do their job management in the leasing could care less if you're having an issue. No washer or dryer in the apartment and your spending money to live there and spending money to wash clothes when the machines barely work. Don't waste your money here.
I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. They are CROOKS! They fool you from the beginning. I only lived here one year and was promised a new fridge (never got one), in the middle of the year our stove broke and it took maintenance one month to fix it (couldn't cook for 1 month) , also our building elevator never worked. After move out they took our deposit and double charged us to replace the carpet (was perfectly clean other then normal wear & tear from the entry way) , told us our (already old fridge) wasn't clean and that our stove wasn't as well, charged us an outrageous cleaning fee. I am not the only one they have done this too and they are taking advantage of your money. My only positive note is they keep the buildings manicured and well maintained.
Office, model rooms and exterior is very pleasing to the eye. But The apartments themselves are not what they are cracked up to be. The bathrooms are put together cheap plastic doors, sliding glass doors don't lock, front door and locks are impossible to lock open and close. Kitchen drawers and oven are not functional. Stairwells smell like urine. Parking for your guests is a nightmare. They live to tow your friends cars, because their website system is always crashing. The list goes on... you have been warned
Well, really my worst experience in Florida. Since I started living in this place they have been charging me for things like parking my BMW and when I crashed it parked by the same people who work mowing the lawn, no one paid me and they said this: we are not responsible because you have no proof. When the coke was finished making, I stopped in the morning and saw it. My neighbor went to wake me up to let me know. WAO! This is WAO, they change the rules like the guesses and they towed me twice for stupid things like your car being parked backwards. And they don't even have a gate so because they charge so much... I put one star because you can't put zero and the deposit, guys, forget about that money and don't even waste time trying to get it back by cleaning before you move because they even swipe their fingers at the ceiling to see Make sure there is no dust and remove as much as you can before you leave. I lived there so I don't recommend it, it's fatal.
Apartment 2 bedroom full of Roches cucarachas every all that way, is discosting! The rent higher and higher I never recommended this place to any one
Aweful awful place I would give it no star my car got stolen here don't move here
Too good to be true at the beginning! Offered us a month free if we moved in within the month. Lots of minor damages and wear and tear in the APT. Nothing is included in rent. Parking sticker that you pay monthly for does absolutely NOTHING. So many random cars that park over night and stay for days taking up paid for spots. Complex does nothing about it. Roaches and mold is a big problem as well. We also pay a mandatory monthly pest control that does nothing. Outside of APT is an eye sore, stained side walks and bushes look a mess. Stairwells and courtyards smell like pee and always some sort of trash around. Laundry is $2 to wash and dry and is always full of someones clothes. Rent is insane for what we are paying for now.
Do not rent here! They are very nice when accepting your deposit however when you move out after cleaning the apartment, they do not send you back your deposit nor do they provide you with an update. They treat you like a criminal after you move out. Until I get an update I will continue to pay them a visit. I was warned about this place. I just thought former tenants were bitter. Not true at all.
Staff at this place is honestly a joke. They say they fumigate every month thats a lie. Cockroaches and ants everywhereee!!! Id clean every day because of the amount of cockroaches there are in these walls and apartment. After leaving im getting charged $250 for paint damage its such a joke because anyone that has lived here knows HOW CHEAP the paint on those walls are. They are like sandpaper (no joke) . The cabinets ate horrible looking and they are just super cheap the counter of the kitchen is cheap as well . Omg and the dishwasher something that would constantly break even though I ordered takeout everyday the one time out of the week we would use it it would just start flooding and smelling horrible .The ac unit is old and freezes constantly and you have to constantly be changing the filter.Neighbors are super nosy cant mind their business and the staff to always looking at you with some type of face. This place is trash and speaking about the trash. The trash is constantly piling up and outside if the dumpsters. Bags are constantly ripped opened and it looks and smells like a nasty sewer . I kid you not the trash stays like that for maybe about a week or so. So in conclusion don't move in here
08/06/2015 We moved out on aug 2nd(returned keys and everything) prior to moving out i cleaned that place for 5 hours better than I've clean any other apartment that I've rented(always got my full deposit back), I also made a lengthy video after cleaning. I did not clean the carpet because the manager suggested that we pay them $50 and they will clean the carpets for us after we move out. we asked about the final walk through as the girl kept saying they will do the walk through when we have time so we can try calling them the following day. Now today(aug 6th) i signed into their resident portal and saw that i was charged 450 for replacing entire carpet, 200 for painting the entire apartment and $50 for carpet cleaning and other charges for utility now after subtracting my deposit from the total i have a past due balance of $15 Ive read multiple reviews on this apartment complex and they all mentioned that YOU NEVER GET YOUR DEPOSIT BACK and they end up getting a bill. I regret the day I walked into that place and jot my name down on those dotted lines. I've rented apartments in multiple states and never have i seen someone charge for painting walls!! My husband and cousin(who were on the lease) went in to the office to speak with the manager there as soon as we saw the charges(I was on the phone while they were in his office) they said he took about 30 minutes to come out to speak with them and when he finally came he just basically tried to justify the charges. We asked him what were normal wear and tear and his definition of normal wear and tear is leaving the place in the exact shape as it was in when you moved in which mean no prints on the carpet and exceptionally cleaned walls he basically wasted our time and kicked them out of his office. This is not fear at all.. BAD BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE NEEDS TO LOOK INTO THE MANAGEMENT AT THE PLACE 06/26/2015 only one more month left--- cant wait to see what they have up their sleeves for move out day -_- just know ill be recording the inspection 06/2015 I made this post like 4 months ago but I had to come back and rant: NO WASHER OR DRYER INCLUDED IN UNIT (you have to pay $1.50 to use their tiny washers and dryers) its so annoying because you always have that person who washes and leaves their clothes in the dryer for hours but you can't get to them BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHO THEY ARE!! When I say that they charge you for everything i mean even a $0.95 every month for pest control (had to request for them to come) have only seen them once. $10 per vehicle per month for parking- basically everything u can think of we pay for it So my lease ends in exactly 2 months 02/15/2015 If I could put no stars i would. DO NOT MOVE HERE, I REPEAT DO NOT MOVE IN THIS ROACH INFESTED PLACE. They show you a model that looks nothing like most of the actual apartments that they rent. When you first move they charge you a small deposit that is eye catching but i guess they then make up for that with all the fees that are in addition to your rent monthly (i.e you pay 1200 for rent that is really 1400 when fees are added) and this does not include your electricity, you pay for absolutely everything up to garbage that i can take out myself that only gets picked up sun.-thurs, parking that you have to battle for because there are no assigned spots (this place should be a garage-broken down cars taking up parking space), the leasing office does not return calls because they are never available, pest control forget about it (almost a year and never saw them once), people constantly moving out after they get a dose of this place and couldn't wait for their lease to be up (many empty apartments, hope there are many more until they decide to make this rathole a real home for renters), mole on walls are covered over with paint, stairways reek with pet urine (i'm assuming), its a disgrace that apartments like this is located in such a nice area (fit to be in a place like the dangerous parts of lauderhill). What you are going to pay for rent here can get you a house.
Made an appointment to see these apartments and there was no one to show the apartment who spoke English. While I sat waiting for over 45mins I witness 3 different parties come in and be treated poorly by the front office, 2 of whom were black and blatantly ignored as I was, including current tenants! Place looked great from the outside but management is everything, and this place hasn't figured that situation out yet. Wait for the next round of management.
The list of complaints here could make a book. The trash is a constant eye sore every time you drive in or out. The had 2 trash compactors that were always over flowing and they never fixed the problem. Great idea lets build 2 more dumpster locations so we can have the trash spread out even more. They can't even empty the dumpster so now the smell is surrounding buildings that previously didn't have to deal with it. You have to pay for parking per vehicle even though there is no accountability. Half of the vehicles are here illegally but no one cares, nothing is every done. The office hours are ridiculous and not conducive to getting any thing fixed and the staff is always overwhelmed. Most of the time there is one agent to handle over 400 units which is ridiculous, wait times can be 2 hours sometimes or more. Because they maintenance staff is to busy picking up the trash all over the property everyday no one responds to work orders in a timely fashion. Issues remain for days and weeks and no one is in a hurry to fix anything. Complaining does nothing as they just ignore everyone and provide lip service just to get you to go away but no real progress is every made.
My experience from start to finish. Move in was a nightmare! I was told 20 minutes for the paperwork, I was 2 hours late for work..only for me to go back a month later and resign the lease!. (Mind you working I was 40 hrs a week.) Also being told inaccurate info about charges and," I did not see the "actual apartment" until," after signing" the lease! (The agents told me the apartment was not ready yet, and got me going on paperwork) the one they show is a model, was nothing like the one I got, which, made my blood boil. Moving in, the sockets had to all, but a few, be redone upon move in as well as the AC. I had so many maintenance calls in the first week then I had my entire 40 yrs times 10. I noticed after move in, they just paint over all the dirt and grime even in the tub. They should have to tell you about the roaches. Which you will leave with no matter how much, they spray or, you spray. Its a problem that is why there is a monthly pest fee. People put their tvs, furniture outside, it will be there for days. Kids drag it all over which is a hazard. They are pretty good responding to maintenence calls except for structural damage which I have seen for months and still not repaired, like rain gutters falling off. After move out they try to charge you 1000s this is to make up for all the new remodeling. If this happens to u dont pay, contact a lawyer. If they dont take u to court you don't owe notta. If the collection agency calls you ask for proof of damage by mail photos etc. Tell them you will sue if they put it on your credit report. Also report the creditor and Plantation gardens to consumer service, BBB
The administration staff does not comply with you and it is always a problem with the maintenance
Please stay away from this property, the Property Manager(Todd) is the worst, all I've gotten is empty promises I am breaking my lease and I don't care. I pay $1,500.00 a month for a place that really looks like nothing has ever been repaired since it was built. I am still waiting for a new refrigerator, it's been 2 months. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE AND SPECIALLY THE PROPERTY MANAGER, HE IS A CROOK!!!!!!
I lived in this place for a little over a year, I couldn't take it anymore and had to move. My experience at Plantation Gardens: 1. Excess Garbage, poor disposal and NO TO RECYCLING, when it rains the smell is horrible and liquids are washed away with the water. Garbage everywhere. 2. Shared laundry, 80% of the time the machines are bad and you lose your money because you have to return with wet clothes to your unit and see how you dry them or look for a good machine in another building. 3. Anyone can live here, I don't think they check criminal records because I saw a man hit his wife in the street, another couple screaming with terrible words in the early morning, poorly educated people, young people smoking marijuana in the gardens and pool from behind, men drinking alcohol on the common stairs. Feeling of marginality. DO NOT MOVE HERE WITH CHILDREN BECAUSE THERE IS A LOT OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND MARIJUANA SMOKING. 4. They increase annual income despite all the deterioration that is observed. 5. They took $445 from me: for painting (370) and cleaning (75) upon delivery, I thought $370 for painting was exaggerated when the apartment only had certain paint details because we tried to take good care of it. (Not worth it) 6. The Valet trash does not work, they almost always left the trash at the door and we had to take it ourselves to the dumpster, it was still mandatory to pay for this service so they would almost never pick up your trash. I hope this place improves because it has an excellent location and large green areas. If all these things improve it would be a good place one day!
Horrible set of people. Maribel and her team have no type of professionalism. How do you remove someone off of a lease and stick it on one person? I asked what can be done prior and maribel told me I cannot remove anyone from the lease. How sway. Don't waste your time here. Roaches so exist and ANTS galore. You pay for trash, water and sewage. Quiet and beautiful area but horrible management. Just take heed when leasing here and oh they don't like answering the phone either!
I don't rent from aimco anymore so I can finally leave this place a review. This is the single worst Aimco property I've ever been to and the worst one I rented from out of 5 different properties. There is constantly trash outside units for their "valet trash" which means you get bugs, rodents and nasty smells every day as people just leave trash out all the time. People who live here also dump trash in front of the building. Management does absolutely nothing about it. When I moved into my unit my sliding door didn't close and mutiple doors were damaged because of the humidity in the unit, the sliding door was never fixed. When they replaced all the sliding doors in the complex my door leaked water into my apartment. Don't rent from this place, it's run by a bunch of inept people who only care if you pay the rent. If you're a terrible person who likes to leave trash outside, smoke all the time and just generally be allowed to do whatever illegal or shady things people at this community do then this is by far the place for you to be.
worst place to ever move in . please do not set yourself up for disappointment . moving in they are the most helpful & friendly staff as soon as your a resident they could give two craps about you .even worst is when you move out . they will charge you for everything I was billed $1500 when I moved out for the carpet but also forced to pay a carpet clean up fee? you are way better off somewhere else even if its $100 more a month please do it because in the long run you will be unhappy I hear mice in walls cockroaches everywhere
The biggest mistake of my life, They hack on all these fees, Parking fee, trash fee, water fee, sewer fee, pest fee "which i dont know why" i have complained about the ants and nothing has done. They tell you you're rent is one amt but when it's time to pay it's 450 -500 dollars more do to all the fees.. I wouldn't refer anyone to move here. PLEASE LOOK ELSE WHERE... OH and management SUCKS no one answers the phone. They need a whole new STUFF
Roaches are everywhere in my apartment. Management collects for pest control monthly but they only came once when it got so bad, I had to submit a service request. For the winter season, they have increased and I am so scared because now they have reached the bedrooms. My children are scared to go into the kitchen because it is that bad. It doesn't matter what time of day, they are all over. The worst place I have ever lived. I wanted to upload pictures for proof and as soon as I find out how, I will. One of my biggest mistake in choosing to live here.
DON'T RENT HERE - IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO BUY A HOUSE!! - Theses people have no consideration. Early Lease termination is 2 months rent + you have to give 2 months notice to move. Even though I'm buying a house they required all the termination fees. I also believe this is for older folks, don't live here with kids, neighbors will call the cops for every little noise coming from your apartment.
This place is a dump, not worth the price they're asking for
Terrible Terrible Terrible place to rent. Walls are SUPER THIN , Management doesn't care about anything.
If I could give no stars i would. This place is absolutely disgusting!! DO NOT MOVE HERE!!! All they do is charge money for everything and don't fix anything. They charge $10 for parking, $25 for valet trash and $25 for something else. They charge you for pest control and don't even do it. The staff promises you everything once you move in and don't stick to anything. I had the worst time living here. My apartment went six months without them fixing anything. My AC was broken for three weeks! There was mold in my bathroom and all they did was paint over it! This is the worst complex to live in. Save your time and money!!!
Pretty much whatever you read here is true. You think your moving into a great place but it ends up turning into the movie the money pit. Well at least when it come to management that is. Good luck trying to ever find anyone. They all don't work weekends and when u need them there no where to be found. Usually hiding in there office avoiding people's complaints which is all the time. Kids are super rowdy and tend to vandalize the property. Be careful when you take your dog into the dog park. Kids throw trash and objects in there so watch you dog closely. Also a lot of people don't take care of there dogs so there's fleas in there which they DO NOT spray for at all. If you start getting sick constantly it's probably mold growing in you apartment. A resident who used to live their was hospitalized with pneumonia and almost died. They like to cover things up and send "there" people out to inspect but literally are a bunch of idiots who act like they know what they are doing. When I lived there I had my blinds replaced THREE times and they still never worked. And the pet fee! What a joke. The guy below is right. Where does it go to? Probably there bonus who knows but it won't be included into your move out fees. You WON'T get you deposit back if you have a pet that's a fact. They give you the whole it's a pet friendly environment bull crap story but will still charge you to replace your carpet even if you're a clean freak! They will tell you they will charge $50 to clean your carpet but once someone comes out to do the inspection will tell you right away that they will regardless rip the carpet out. Even if it's perfectly brand new, because of the fact you have a dog. Dog/Cat= carpet replaced no matter what! You try not to paint the apartment a color because of you do you have to repaint the walls white. Never painted my walls EVER...and they charged me to paint my WHITE walls WHITE again...what a joke. They talk about breed restriction not aloud. You can throw that rule book out the window. They allow pitbulls, huskeys, Great Danes you name it and don't say nothing to no one. Nothing but pot smokers there, and police show up often to walk the grounds. Don't fall for the cheap security deposit they throw at you... That's a way to sucker you in to the lies and deceit they have to offer. Bugs infest this place, look like hard shell black worms.. Had them for 6 months prior to moving in and they will tell you it's a seasonal big...also if you leave your trash out at certain times of the day wayyyy before the trash guys come and get it you will be charged $50 for leaving it out that's the excuse they use to get rid of the GIANT rats that infest the buildings. Simply disgusting... The laundry rooms... Forget about that... You can never get your laundry done ever because someone is always tying up BOTH washers and dryers and leave them in there for hours... Your clothes ALWAYS smell like straight ass! From washing your clothes with someone's ball and vagina juice. Simply nasty! I wouldn't write a review unless I ABSOLUTELY had to. But I'm just clarifying that what you read here it what you get there... And everyone's hit the nail right on the head with this one.
Never rent with this landlord. Apartments smell like a rat, it would take months for you to get a maintenance issue solved. They inflate your debt if you break your lease adding charges for damages you never did to the apartment and of course then they will send you to collections. Management never explains the terms of the contract as is. Prices are ridiculously high.
STAY AWAY Model rooms and exterior is very pleasing to the eye. But The apartments themselves are not what they are cracked up to be. The plumping is horrible. Once or twice a month they would shut off the water without warning. The water would turn brown due to the rusting of the pipes. Washer and dryers are broken often and not repaired for weeks. Every car you register is a $15 charge added to your bill every month. There are no security but they charge $15 per car to park; makes no sense. The move-out fee are outrageous & ridiculous. The cabinets are outdated and falling apart. Rat infested, but they do response quickly in handling the problem. Stairwells smell like urine. Getting office manager is difficult. You have a better chance of getting in touch with head office in Denver, Colorado. STAY AWAY
Smells like pot everywhere. You can hear everything from the top floor. Can't enjoy the pool at night because there's always people smoking weed at the pool. The mail box is always a disaster. Trash everywhere.
Where to start... I have lived here for almost two years. Management changed about a year ago and it's been down hill ever since. There is definitely a mold problem and leaks everywhere. The showers are painted and the paint starts to peel after one cleaning. The paint on the walls also peels off if you touch it. The blinds are old and broken. Every time I open them at least three fall off. Walls and windows are paper thin, you can hear conversations clear as if the people are in the same room as you. People sit out at the pool after it's closed and smoke pot and drink. They leave it a complete mess. You pay $25 for your trash to be picked up at your door, only they never come at the times they say they will come. They also don't pick up on the weekends. You don't have an opinion not to participate in the trash service. Recently, a note was left on my door informing me that a $50 charge would be added to my rent if I left garbage where I wasn't supposed to again.... I left it in the can provided and outside my door where I'm supposed to! When I questioned the maintenance "manager " he was extremely rude and showed me a picture from a garbage bag that he opened that had mail he said was mine. NOT MY NAME! I have no idea who's mail it was but it most certainly wasn't mine! The fact that they are going through the garbage bags is beyond crazy. I tried many times over the past year to get in contact with Maribel the manager with never a reply to an email or call back. They recently painted the buildings after not pressuring cleaning in months and without any notice to the residents. I received a note on my door to inform me about the painting after it was already completed. Do yourself a favor and don't rent here. You can find much better for less. After reading other reviews, I'm glad I've kept all correspondence and letter I've received and take pictures and videos of everything since I've moved in. Update 2/15/19: No George, I never sent in a service request for the building and surrounding area to be cleaned. That seems like a routine maintenance. I guess I'm stupid . Today I went to take a shower and had zero water. When I called, the person on phone informed me that there was an emergency plumbing issues in my building and the water was turned off. Ok, I understand things happen... but maybe you can inform the residents. I asked how long he thinks it will be turned off and his response was "I don't know, it's off right now". Alrighty, thanks for the great customer service . How long is shortly? Never heard from "Tanner". Not surprised! Update 5/4/2019: Tried to register a guest for parking. Yes, you have to register every guest you have over into parking. The site is saying that registration is supposed. I pray my guests car doesn't get towed! I have checked my mail box and email and have not received any notice about parking changes.
I am a current tenant here and management is not proactive in handling tenant issues. I am completely unhappy living in this apartment complex . I have been dealing with false noise complaints being filed against me since I moved in August; we are now in March and I still have not been able to get the leasing office to resolve this issue. To top it off, the complex is completely over priced for what they're offering. Many amenities offered do not compensate their asking price for rent. Their appliances seldom function properly. It's just a sad community. I do not recommend renting here.
Do not move in here, you will regret it!!! This is the worst place to rent. Very bad property management. When I first moved here 3 years ago the property was well kept and we were able to find someone in the office. Now the property is run down; termites, rats and roaches all over the place. Urine in the stairwell and they only power wash once a year. The laundry rooms are a mess, the machines do not work!!! The community grounds look terrible and there is no up keep, the buildings are falling a part!! They increase the rent $500- $800+ and the place is getting worst!!! Find somewhere else...Not Plantation Gardens Apartments in Plantation on North West 5th Street!!!!
If I could give this place a negative star I would! they are HORRIBLE! We had put up some window docoration for Halloween and to be honest we left it up because we didn't think much of it. In March we got a call saying it was disturbing and we had to take it down. I CAN'T believe they had the audacity to do this when we have been putting in maintenance requests since the day we moved in and nothing has been fixed, when the whole grounds looks and smells like crap. their priorities are so WRONG! Not to mention when we moved in the apartment was DISGUSTING!!!!!
Rat infested Community, horrible experience with the management you'll walk in the office and you feel like you're bothering them. You will sign a lease for 1300 but yet your bill will never be consistent. Just wait until you move out and see what ridiculous damage fees you're going to get. Management team is too afraid to confront their tenets so they send their assistance to speak to you, cowards that like to hide behind a desktop and put Fake information in order to help the bottom line. $300 fee for ¿cabinets ? Their in the same condition I receive them ! , $53 for notice fee per day wtf I told you in a month in advanced. 10 per car a month it's not even a gated community .. don't even get me started on the gym , take that shit down from your website it's an embarrassment. In my building alone I seen over five tenants move in less than a year take that to consideration when considering moving here. Ohhhh and good luck getting them on the phone.
Just.... Just don't move here. They charge you for everything & don't care about you. Plus we're seeing more roaches. You can find a much better place for the money....
Pros: kid friendly, prompt maintenance, location , not gated and friendly people. Updated laundry room , card reader on outside of office now ,new parking lot. Cons: Roaches, kids dragging garbage around apartment area like dangerous furniture and tvs left outside apartment doors. Gutters coming off buildings most staff members incompetent. Charges for parking, lies about leasing move in. small apartment, quality of people varies leaky faucets and plumbing. They Paint over everything including , dirt, tub. Will try to bill you for normal wear and tear or some other bogus fees. Look up on the Broward and Palm Beach website Court cases, look at the documents filed. Go to Court! You can also Invoke the rules , which means you can request for all documents presented against you look it up online it cost them more money and they usually don't have the documents to back up their claim anyway. FYI. """Don't believe the reviews on the Plantation gardens website because they offer $$$ and prizes for Surveys an ask why you like living at Plantation Gardens. Of course your going to say something good! LMAO especially when your in a lease, and then they use that as a review. Be prepared with a lawyer (Get legal shield 3 months before your lease is up for $25 a month no contract) document everything because they'll try to charge/sue you for thousands in illegal normal wear and tear fees" when you move out! They also at the end of your lease will make it so your payment will not post, so that they can make extra fees, a charge of $150. So make sure that your last payment posts by the first of the month no matter when your automatic payment was set up for. Check out the " Broward County court records" Plantation Gardens vs ..... you'll see what I'm talking about.
I came in to apply for a apartment, I paid the proper fees with the refundable deposite also. So I was not approved which is fine. So the lady told me you will receive your REFUNDABLE deposit in 48 hours. Ok that was a Tuesday . So I was like ok I will get the latest Friday. So now it is the following week Wednesday and nothing . I have called and left countless voice mail, voice mail to the property manager, called the main number and supposedly there was a email sent to management about my refund. But it seems that I am not even able to get a phone call back to at least let me know what is going on. I am depending on that money to pay my new place.
That places is the worst place to leave is better been a homeless. Any kind of bug rat they charge for everything. The staff is good is the only good in this place.
This place is awful, overpriced, and racist.
Leaf blowers every day!!! I wake up with a headache constantly!! Walls are thin, you hear everything from neighbors AND roommate. DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!! Oh, and let's not forget about all the power surges that cut off your power! Lovely! Never feel safe on a bright sunny day because it happens regardless.
They want to take you to court as soon as you miss one day after the 5th of each month, they overcharge for everything. The management woman Angel Vega was the only good thing there and she also left Maintenance guys are Great!!!
due to the bad reviews I won't consider moving here, screw this scumlord!
I've been living here with my roommate since July 2015. My best advice: if you can afford to pay more for a different community of apartments, DO IT. The apartment we're in is being returned to them cleaner than when we got it. Dead bugs in the showers, broken appliances... They didn't have our apartment ready when they told us they would and we had to wait two hours outside with the uhaul and exted the uhaul rent until they finished "cleaning" our apartment. Our A/C has been leaking since we started renting, and have had at least 5 maintenance people come in to "fix it", but what they don't understand is that it just needs to be replaced. We had a roach and ant problem for a whole month even though we pay for pest control every month and they don't actually do any pest control unless asked. We had to resolve the roach problem our selves and it cost us 60 bucks to get them out for good. We have to pay 10 bucks per car for parking spots every month, but there are never any available. We pay for "valet trash" pick up every month, but it doesn't operate during weekends, and on top of that we get a second trash charge every month for I don't know what. No one cleans up after their pets so it always smells like crap outside. People leave their trash everywhere outside in the community. Oh, and that deposit which is supposed to be refundable never really is, cause utilities and clean up charges come out of that, so you'll be lucky if you get the deposit back. DON'T RENT HERE.
WHY in God's name are these apartments so expensive. The square footage doesn't even have a reason.
Don't move here these people will rob you blind
Arrived to the leasing office. The woman at the front ignored me and three other African American gentleman. A young white man walked in and she approached him asking if he was a resident. When I asked her why she didn't approach the rest of us. She said she was only taking care of move in. I said the least you could have said is good morning. I guess your reviews are right. I had an appointment to lease.
I haven't lived here and I closely look at reviews to make a decision on my journey to find a home for the next year. I live in two states so my time is divided, which is why reviews mean so much to me. After reading all of these reviews its no wonder they have so many vacancies.. thanks to all the Google users, you guys save me from a headache. And to the management, I hope you are taking notes. Hope things get better for the residents living there....