Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes

Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes Reviews

Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes located in 401 Briar Ridge Drive , San Jose, California 95123, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes
401 Briar Ridge Drive , San Jose, California 95123, United States
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Year Built
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Detailed Information for Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes

Here is 20 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes:

  1. Poor Management Response: Difficulties in getting issues addressed, with management being unresponsive to maintenance requests and emergencies.
  2. Security Concerns: Reports of frequent vehicle break-ins, theft, and inadequate security measures despite being a gated community.
  3. Noise Pollution: Persistent noise from landscaping work and loud neighbors, disrupting the peace of residents.
  4. Inflated Rent and Fees: Unjustifiable rent increases and additional charges for parking and other amenities.
  5. Inconsistent Office Hours: Management office often unattended during posted business hours, leading to poor resident support.
  6. Lack of Parking: Insufficient visitor parking and the need to pay extra for additional resident parking spots.
  7. Disorganized Package Handling: Issues with package delivery and retrieval due to disorganized management.
  8. Unfair Deposit and Fee Practices: Problems with deposit refunds and being charged for damages not caused by residents.
  9. Unreliable Renovation Notices: Residents being forced to move out or face steep rent increases due to renovations.
  10. Unsanitary Conditions: Dog parks full of waste and poorly maintained trash disposal areas.
  11. Unhelpful Staff: Staff members described as rude and lacking compassion for residents’ concerns.
  12. Poorly Handled Move-Outs: Management mismanaging lease terminations and move-out financials, leading to extra charges for residents.
  13. Deficient Upkeep of Amenities: Amenities such as grills and pools not maintained, despite high rent that includes these features.
  14. Maintenance Issues: Delayed or inadequate responses to maintenance requests, with some residents needing to repair issues themselves.
  15. Unsafe Neighborhood: Reports of surrounding areas being unsafe with instances of public disturbances and theft.
  16. Poor Quality Renovations: Use of low-quality materials in apartments, leading to issues like mold and inadequate insulation.
  17. Undisclosed Short-Term Leases: Misleading advertising of lease terms, with some units offered only for short-term without clear communication.
  18. Lack of Transparency: Management failing to communicate significant issues such as break-ins and vehicle theft to residents.
  19. Pest Infestations: Complaints about roaches, spiders, and other pests within the apartment complex.
  20. Difficulties with Online Payments: Residents experiencing problems with the online rent payment system and incurring unjust late fees.
Reported Hazards for Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes
Dog Poop
External Links for Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes
Review Rating
5 stars
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3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Saybrook Pointe Apartment Homes, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 70 of 70
Stay away! If you want to avoid a potential financial headache, I strongly advise steering clear of this place. To put it mildly, my experience here has been nothing short of a nightmare. They hit me with an exorbitant $10,000 move-out bill, and despite my earnest efforts to dispute it, they callously pushed it into collections. I deeply regret my decision to live in this apartment complex.
The apartments are nice, but unfortunately management has let in some very questionable tenants. Our complex used to be peaceful and quiet, now there are people that leave trash, beer bottles and cigarettes all over the place. They also have dozens of random people walking in and out of their place all day and night, every single day. Very loud and obnoxious, no common courtesy and nothing done by management.
Signed a lease in December 2015, forced to move due to "renovations" in March of 2016 (IE: decide to renovate and found breaking leases to make this happen as the best way to do it.) Too much uncertainty as maintenance seemed to know more than the management about the status of the complex and how tenants were going to be moved in order to support the upgrades. Elisa did help us out and put is in another unit....where I found out (through maintenance) that was scheduled to be renovated and that those in our building wouldn't be allowed to renew our leases in order to complete said renovations. I left after 10 months due to an internal transfer for work. If you're looking for a place to live in San Jose, stay away from this one.
The apartments and the location is nice but the staff is completely hands off. Moved in and they gave me and my roommate broken gate openers. Asked them over and over again for a replacement and they took 4 months to get us a replacement gate opener. There is also someone who lives at the complex who pulls the fire alarm in different buildings and this happens multiple times. So you can't really rely on getting a night of rest. There is a security guard, but they aren't a day under 65. So they aren't exactly chasing the kids away from the fire alarm. Kinda tired of the "we already have your money, so why would we do anything" mentality.
The apartment (lived 2 years at the apartment and it isn't safe, the gate to enter the apartment was broken for over a month, and the staff sent an email that the owner gave them permission to fix the, by the time I left at the end of October. Go to and see cars were broken into and stolen numerous times. Orion is the security they hired and when I called because we have door to door salesmen entering the complex, and by the time they showed up to tell me they couldn't find them; he was out of breath I lived on the third floor. I sent an email with a video letting them know the sprinklers were broken and water was gushing, and I didn't want my water bill to go up higher than it was when I lived in a 1100 sq ft apartment and only two people lived there. I had to send the email three times which was about two weeks before it was fixed. I sent an email to Jei (Manager) and gave my 30-day notice in writing per my contract and by the end of the month when we left I still hadn't heard from anyone in the office, so I sent another email letting them know we have vacated the property and what did they want me to do with the keys. He emailed back and stated he never received the email and for me to forward it otherwise, they were going to charge me rent. If you move in you will have to make numerous calls and emails to get anything done. It is not a safe environment.
We would happily give this zero stars if possible. Owing to job circumstances, we had to sever our lease early. We paid our required lease break fee of $5,000 and to our horror the office made an error. They don't have our payment recorded and believe we are still on the hook for our lease- a sum of $18,000. The worst part is they are completely unreachable- they're not in the office, they don't answer email or voice mails. The property is beautiful- don't get me wrong. But for the horrifying experience we've had and for the legal issues that we are facing- this property is not worth living at! You aren't in safe or responsive hands here. Also- don't reply and say you can't find me in your system. You have about 5 emails from me and a dozen messages- check them.
Crime Crime Crime. We lived here for two years and had both of our cars vandalized, our brand new double stroller stolen off our front porch, our mail stolen so consistently that they stopped delivering mail to us for a few months, and had two neighbors arrested in their homes. That doesn't include the homicide across the street and the assault of one of the people living at this complex right outside the gates. We got out of dodge. Positives- The maintenance crew was exceptional, they fixed every problem the apartment had promptly and effectively. The grounds are also maintained fairly well. Negatives- The aforementioned crime problem, other than that, the management company is the worst I've ever encountered. They bought out the old management company which wasn't that great, but they care nothing about their tenants, make it as inconvenient as possible to pay rent, and they try to squeeze every dollar they can out of you. The staff has high turnover, we had 3 different managers in one year there, probably because the company treats its employees as well as its tenants. Many times there was no one in the office during normal business hours and on weekend days. Not worth the price.
Probably give this place a 1.5 stars, instead of 1. Our lease is ending and we were on the hunt to find another place to live. We stumbled upon Saybrook Pointe online and decided to give them a call. We called them on Sunday and scheduled their next availability to view the 3bed/2bath for Tuesday at 5:00pm. When we arrived, the lady printed out all availabilities and realized that the one we were looking for had been recently leased out. We asked how did this happened - why/how did they not inform us? They should have known that they had an appointment booked to view their ONE AND ONLY available 3 bedroom. This is very unprofessional, unorganized, and a waste of our time. The lady apologized and said that the place was leased out MINUTES upon our arrival. There were no other 3 bedrooms for us to view and they were unsure of the next availability. If they knew that they only had 1 of the 3-bedroom, shouldn't they be on TOP of it? We did receive an email from the lady a few hours later regarding the for that I guess. Anyways, we continued our search again and guess what?? YUP, their ad is STILL up for the 3 bedroom.
At first this complex was great the staff was very friendly and the maintenance was great! I lived here for 3 years and it has all just gone down hill from around year 2. both my cars were broken into. And just three weeks ago the apartment was broken into and everything of any value was stolen! The break in happened at 5:30 pm and supposedly no one saw a thing! The new management that took over about a year ago is absolutely useless they will not help at all with anything! They are rude most the time when you can actually get them on the phone and have no compassion whatsoever for anyone that lives here! The neighbors come and go and can either be great or keep you up all night like it is a party spot! Forget about security it is non existent oh of course unless they are towing your car for the ridiculous parking arrangements that they have set up! Also forget about having visitors there is NO WHERE for them to park! They charge extra for each parking space! The rent increase is crazy every year but none of it seems to be put back into the community to make things nicer! The Mailboxes get broken into on a regular basis so you can go weeks having to go to the post office to pick up your mail because they can't deliver it to you! I mean really the list could go on and on for days about how crappy this place has become! Funny the rent just keeps going up and up though! The only reason I gave one star is because the first year wasn't complete hell and the location is great! Just have very low expectations if you plan on moving in here!!!!
I have never had such a difficult time getting in touch with staff members at a complex like I have here. I will call over and over and wait an hour for someone to actually answer their phone. Their email response time is even slower. When we needed to get our deposit returned they were incredibly uncooperative. You'd think when handling someone's money you'd be more considerate with communication. If you need to get a hold of these people I recommend going in or not even trying. Very unprofessional staff.
Been living here for a year and just renewed my lease through Feb 2018. On Feb 17th, I was given notice to vacate due to "construction". According to the Amico representative I was forwarded to, the leasing office is unaware of construction schedules and therefore was unable to tell me during lease resigning. As one could imagine, a notice to vacate unexpectedly can be a bit stressful and a financial burden. After this experience, I have no want or need to remain within the Amico community. While they gave those affected residence "options", remaining with them wasn't for me. My new lease termination date is April 18th. Amico refuses to allow me to leave early, even though THEY'RE kicking me out. While I'll be out of the property by April 2nd, they're requiring me to pay rent through April 18th. Can someone please advise how this is fair?!?!? Do yourself a favor and AVOID this complex. Cars have been broken into (mine personally), mailboxes and the leasing office, dumpster is always a mess, I could go on for a bit here. This post is in no reference to the leasing office staff, they've been wonderful! However Amico as a company doesn't care about you, they only care about their pocket. Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere.
I canceled my appointment because none of my inquiries were responded to after a few attempts to reach out to someone 'real' at the leasing office. Just like the most recent post, an agent named 'Joseph' also messaged me if I want to schedule a tour after I already made an appointment with them. It leaves me nothing but a suspicious feeling about this company if they only use computer-generated communication.
Rent and fees significantly increased across the board, but upkeep of the community and amenities has declined severely. The dog park is constantly full of poop, grills are broken, and pool is dirty. There are certainly better apartment options for the price.
they just recently reduced their office hours greatly to 3 days a week. don't expect any sort of speedy response (or, any response at all in some cases) from any of the apartment managers who are on site. it's a good location and a decent place to live, the management situation just isn't the best. edit: reducing to 1 star since the office has replied to me, trying to say i don't live here. very cool
We started renting in March of 2016. Was told in May of 2016 that we had to move due to construction. Shortly after we signed a new lease for a different apartment, our apartment was broken into and things were stolen. I tried to switch our renters insurance to the new apartment but since we had our renters insurance through the apartment complex, I could not change it. We moved into our new place in July 2016. Shortly after that our neighbors truck got broken into and lots of tools stolen. Then Dec 2016, the leasing office was broken into. Talk about not being a safe community. The rent a cop comes at the same time every night. I received a notice in the mail stating that we still had renters insurance on our previous place at Saybrooke. I was kind of shocked because I had an email from Elisa stating that my renters insurance was moved to the new address. Contacted Elisa and the insurance company and apparently our renters insurance was not moved to our new apartment and we had been uninsured for the past 5 months. We then got another notice saying that we had to move again in March 2017. We found a new place that would allow us to keep our dog and signed a lease there. Turned in papers March 2017 that we were leaving April 9, 2017 and was informed that because THEY were terminating our lease on May 9 that WE were responsible for the rest of the rent. Again financially hard on us especially since we have 2 months to save up money for another apartment. We find an apartment that will let us have our dog and then get told that we are financially responsible for the rest of the rent and of course financially move ourselves. If we would of stayed at the complex, the newly renovated apartments were $500 more a month. Something we could not afford especially since the upgrades in the apartment are minimal to the non renovated apartments. Talked to Dayon and she told us we are responsible for the rest of the month. I emailed the guy that keeps leaving comments on here and his email said Elisa or him would be in contact. Neither one has contacted me on this matter. Our rent was prorated in April so we physically moved out and later found out that it was entered wrong. Tried to access the portal to pay rent and was locked out. Needless to say, do not rent here. The only star I'm giving is for Victoria and the maintenance crew.
This issue was still not resolved. I was directed towards the same manager that refused to take any blame or fix their mistake in the first place.
Saybrook pointe apartments used to be a stellar place to live until this new owner came in and brought in a new management company. What a joke it has become! It starts with a place where maintenance does not seem to be able to fix anything. I told them that my refrigerator was leaking water inside and they told me that this was normal. When I pointed out that the door needed adjusting they told me that you had to push it closed with your foot to close it. It was quite obvious that the door needed adjusting. I also had a plumbing leak under the kitchen sink that I had to repair myself because they said they could not duplicate the problem. Then they went through and changed everthing to permit parking and we were told that they were going to reassign our parking places. That was 6 weeks ago and nothing has changed. When I called and talked to the joke of a manager named Jai he told me we don't have a plan how we are going to reassign our spots and that was a month ago. The complex has also changed in the makeup of its renters. It used to be a place where professionals lived now they will rent to anybody and quite honestly it's becoming ghetto like. Weed smoke permeates the whole complex. I was going through the home buying process and when my lease was going to expire I decided to go month to month because I knew I was moving so they raised my rent from 2050.00 a month to 2650.00 a month. A 600.00 a month increase, is this even legal. I gave my 30 day notice as my house was getting close to closing and they came out to do my pre move inspection and I informed them that I might have to extend by a week incase my home had not closed. Again Jai told me that it was not a problem and I just needed to give them a weeks notice. I started calling the office 2 weeks before my original moving date and never got an answer. I left many messages and never got a return call either. When I finally got to talk to them a week before the move I was told they had already rented my apartment and I could not extend. Why would you rent an apartment when I have lived there for 2.5 years and it needed to be prepared for a new Tennant and they were warned I might have to extend. This second rate management company lies to you renter beware!!!!!
They broke our lease early due to renovations. They also offered us another apartment however the rent was significantly higher than what we were already paying. We were lucky enough to find another apartment however they told us we had to pay the last month rent even though they were kicking us out early so they could renovate. My truck was broken into multiple times during a 6 month period and there are constantly transients going through the dumpsters late at night. It would be nice if they would at least work out he last month rent since they are breaking the lease early however we were told there was nothing we could do. I wouldn't sign another lease with this leasing company.
Rent and fees significantly increased across the board, but upkeep of the community and amenities has declined severely. The dog park is constantly full of poop, grills are broken, and pool is dirty. There are certainly better apartment options for the price.
UPDATE: STILL no return phone call or email from management. These people at Saybrook Point and AIMCO rob you blind. DO NOT RENT FROM SAYBROOK!!!!
It is terrible. They are using bait apartment unit in and even their website. Most of their 2BD units have more than $2,700, but they post $2,504 and to people to visit. And they said, "This unit is only for 2 to 4 month, do you still need it? we have another units if you need long term" But I couldn't find the info about 2~4 month from anywhere. I wasted my time and really upset.
Awful service, community is shut down or broke most of the time. Here is a email and response received when I complained about the poor conditions I've been a resident for almost 2 years. I'm writing due to my continuing disappointment from the community amenities here at sSaybrooke point apartments. All of the outdoor amenities are continually shut down or when open they are non operational. I have spoken to other residents who feel the same way. I pay a premium in rent, for these amenities, as there are other apartments cheaper that have the same four floor plan as I have for cheaper. I feel I am being taken advantage of at this point. How many people live in this community? We have three grills yet only one is open and that one is non operational half the time I want to use it. They gym is not available. And there are never any equipment outside as was stated in a email some time back. With the amount that is contracted in the lease for rent, which I am expected to pay, I'm not being given any value for it. The fire pits that are suppose to be for residents are still non operational even though they can easily be socially distanced. I feel there is a failure on management to ensure we are getting our value for the high monthly rent. At this point I would like a rent reduction as I am not receiving any of the "perks" of living in this community. I don't feel any of this is unreasonable and should be accommodated. I hope to hear back regarding this email. This was the response which was obviously a cut and paste job... Thank you for reaching out. We are following the Santa Clara county guidelines in regards to our amenities. Now that we are in the Orange Tier, amenities are opening back up; some have been for a bit. There is a reservation app called Picktime that is being used by the residents. Camyll is back in the office tomorrow and can resend you the link and share the updated hours of the amenities. Matthew Josef Regional Manager | Bay Area and Seattle Cell: 657.269.7135 Susan never reached out, they just respond to give the appearance of wanting to help. This place has the worst service... it's a joke
This is purely based on ATTEMPTS to tour the place. Ny boyfriend and I set up an appointment via text. We called, tried to leave a message because no one answered and then the voicemail said they're busy and to expect a text. A random number (attached to the website from what we saw) texted my boyfriend saying sorry they couldn't speak at the moment but they could respond to any questions via text. We set up an appointment which was strange because in Saturday's the office shows as closed. We proceeded anyways, still actively texting with the bot/system and arrived and waited. And waited. And waited. The texts were ensuring that someone would be over shortly to the leasing office that was locked with no one inside and no one ever showed. After the bot saying they had reached out to Camyll and something must have come up we left and went back home. The bot asked if we wanted to set up another tour for a different day and we decided against it as it seemed like some weird scam and waste of time. We booked a tour online through the complex's actual site for a day the leasing office stated it would be open. We just showed up and went through the same exact process. And after reading the reviews while waiting for no one to show up I think it may have been a blessing in disguise. What a waste of time. It's rude and inconsiderate to waste someone's time who could be spending this time on another tour while we have a short time frame to relocate. Do better.
Tried to check out a place. Someone contacted me via text, set up an appointment with me to meet with "Joseph," the leasing agent. But he never showed. And no one ever answered the leasing office phone. Nor were any of my messages returned. I guess they don't really want to rent out the places. And if this is indicative of the communication style, I would hesitate to love in. How would you ever get help if something goes wrong??
We scheduled an appointment online and drove two hours. When we got there, no one was there. We waited for an hour. When we called and asked, they said we'd have to reschedule because no appointment was shown. That is unacceptable and not okay on their part. A waste of time and gas. We lost interest.
Hi everybody! Saybrook has it's pro's and con's. Maintenance crew is great and on top of everything. With COVID (and before, and after lol) the office has been MIA and when it was time for me to move out, the hidden charges were CRAZY. Zero service, and intentionally evil policies to make sure they get as much of my (your) money as possible. READ your lease agreement and be super careful! These guys are fraudulent (AIMCO) - and the BBB will not help you. Suing an apartment complex is costly & this company has a team of lawyers to try and screw you back. Oh, also the pure vinyl flooring is super nice & the vibe of the complex (your fellow residents) is good! Best wishes everybody and keep those masks on -
If you like being woken up by a leaf blower almost every morning at 9am this is the place for you! I work nights! The windows are so thin ear plugs don't even work!
DO NOT move or consider living at Saybrook Pointe. The noise is very extreme from the top neighbor as the structure of the building is very old. We could hear every foot steps and every thing they do upstair. The complain goes on and on, but the management has never done anything about it. If you live on the first floor, you will be suffered every day and night from the noise. If you live on the second or third floor you will get complaint every day. The bottom line is the apartment is old, but surprisingly expensive.
As others have stated below, since aimco has bought the apartment complex, it has gone nothing but downhill. I have never been so disrespected as a tenant and will never rent from them again. They only care about signing leases but do not care about the current residents. After 1 year and 11 and a half months of tenancy (a lease aimco created so I would have to pay the repainting and carpet cleaning that is legally waved after 2 or more years of tenancy) I was more than ready to leave Saybrook Pointe. The move-out process was excruciating. They only accept rent through their website portal which is often erroneous. I had a question about my last 11 days of rent so I wanted to wait to pay what I thought was an incorrect amount until I talked to someone. I called constantly and went to the office several times, but no one was there. I spent hours trying to get ahold of someone and then finally did on the 5th, after I was charged $100 for a late fee. I paid so as not to be evicted my last month, but continued to dispute it with Sandy McClure, the director of Operations for Northern California. She was also unresponsive. After 3 phone calls and 3 e-mails, it took her a week to get back to me, the day after my lease was up. She told me that I should have paid my rent even if I thought I was being charged the wrong amount and would not refund the late charge for the neglect from management. I scheduled 2 pre move-out inspections and no one showed up for either one. Later, I was told that we will be charged the $130 "general cleaning" fees essentially no matter what we do because most people can't match their standard of cleaning. But I was never provided with a breakdown of their standard. We also had to repaint but we were still charged with a $150 "touch up" fee that was also said that we would be charged this because we can't complete it to their standard. I have had credit card fraud three times in 2 months (and possible identity theft) because my mail was being stolen and the apartment complex did not do anything about it for 4 months. Even after the new mail boxes were installed, theft continued. Also after they installed the mail boxes just before christmas time, I stopped receiving package slips in my mail box. When I tried to bring the mail issue to the management team's attention, they were unreachable. They had reduced their office hours, were not around for most of the day on Saturday and closed on Sundays. They rarely answer the phone. My key stopped working in the street gates outside my apartment and it took more than a week to fix this issue. The pool gates were broken for a long time and the hot tub and heaters were out of order on a regular basis. In my lease renewal offer, I was offered a $250 increase in rent per month (15% increase) plus the parking spot that was previously free, I would have to pay an additional $60 per month. When I talked to the community manager requesting a negotiation, his counter offer was $20 off of the initial offer... Essentially a slap in the face. Shortly after this, they had an offer that started in mid-december that was free rent until the end of the year. This is much more off than my $20 off per month offer. It seems Saybrook Pointe makes money off of turnover, they don't care to retain residents.
My car has been stolen 3 times from saybrook pointe apts and broken into once. I notified the office and they didn't even care. I had to pay over $500 dollar to a towing company every time my car was stolen and take time off of work to go to the city and get my car released.They have raised my rent from $2015.00 to $2576.00. they charge $100.00 for parking if you don't pay you are forced to park outside on the street. Cars get vandalized all the time. The gate that supposed to keep people that don't live there out are always broken.the "business center" is a joke 3 out of the 4 yrs i lived there things never worked.They only give you a 3 day grace period to pay your rent God forbid you have an emergency and can't make the date they charge $100.00 and start legal papers to evict you. I was hospitalized and came back to a notice (5th of the month)on my door and I had to pay $800.00 legal fees, plus my rent, and other late charges to avoid eviction.I had to borrow money to pay those greedy people.PLEASE look at other options don't get into a lease at this place. THEY ARE GREEDY AND ARE AFTER YOUR MONEY!!! BEWARE!!!
This apartment complex is the worst place to live; It's like living in the ghetto. After moving in a few weeks, my wife's car got broken into and cleaned out while parking in the garage. After that the car got towed away by the security. The dumb ass security said they can not help us with the break in; and on top of that, the brainless security is more than happy to tow the car away. I have to pay $370 just to retrieve the car back from the towing company. The management is utterly stupid and useless; they won't help at all because it not their business to get involved with the break-in and towing. I have never seen such useless and greedy property management company. Bad security, people doing drugs on the stairway, unresponsive maintenance crew, car break-ins; Saybrook Pointe is slum housing on steroid. STAY WAY!!!
Where is the option for 0 stars? This complex is FORCING people to MOVE out of their homes due to SAFETY Issues however allowing them to relocate to another unit but this option comes with a HEFTY RENT INCREASE ( two hundred plus dollars a month) for the upgrades they chose to make while fixing said SAFETY ISSSUES. There has also been talk of BLACK MOLD & TERMITES ( I have a video of termites flying out of my master bedroom wall yet the complex charged me $25 upon move out because they had to patch the walls where my Tvs were mounted even though they are tearing out large portions of the walls and AGAIN I was forced to move) I have been living at Saybrook Pointe Apartments for over 5 years and in this time the rent has increased by over $900 which does not include water, garbage, sewer, or even a parking space. Recently I gave my 60 day notice and was then contacted by the cooperate office stating how much they valued me as a resident and offered me to stay another year with no increase in my rent but later decided NOT to HONOR this "attractive" offer because my building was being scheduled for renovations and I would soon be forced to move out with the choices to relocate to another property or another unit within Saybrook Pointe Apartments but this choice would come with a substantial rent increase due to upgrades (CHEAP UPGRADEs I may Add) This decision not to honor their offer was made after I pulled back my 60 day notice and when I asked if I could just leave at my original 60 day move out date which was 2 weeks away from them terminating their "attractive "offer I was told I would need to give another 60 day notice. They have even allowed people to move in knowing that there is a possibility the person may receive the 60 notice in as little time as a couple of weeks. As of now the following buildings may receive said notice 60 day notice at any given time: Buildings #9, 11,12,13,14, and half of building #7 and #10. Basically any balcony/patios with the cross hatch wood have not been renovated as of yet and will receive said notice within the next year. You may also notice that in these buildings the exterior paint is gray on the outside only but once you enter the walk area of door locations the color is still a brown, yellow, maroon scheme. This construction project has been ongoing for over a year and it comes with a lot of noise. Have you ever entered a construction site? (Imagine listening to that noise day in and day out including weekends starting at 8 Am every day and ending sometimes as late as 6 PM) Most recently they decided to renovate the pool and gym area so we are without the amenities that are included in the high rent we pay to live here however they are not offering any compensation for the inconvenience they have created for their residents. The pool has been closed for a couple of months and as you all know this is the middle of a HOT SUMMER! In conjunction to listed issues this complex is noisy overall and unkempt. You will often see dog poop and hear dogs barking profusely and or being allowed to run around outside with 0 supervision aggressively approaching residents. You will find cigarette butts littered right outside the gates and throughout the complex. More recently you will find spider webs everywhere and we are often visited by RATs, GNATs, and sometimes roaches can be seen scurrying about even though we pay a monthly fee for pest control. Also be advised they will soon be opening a PET park which will come with lots of BARKING Dogs. Building 7 be advised! The security is a joke and residents often find their car windows broke when parked on the street. Mail boxes and leasing office have been broken into several times. The only time security is available is when asking you for your pool pass. This might be less of an issue if your rent included a parking space but it does not. Positives: Great location The manager is phenomenal; but I would avoid some of the staff members.
Where is the option for 0 stars? Please read about the Breaks ins near the bottom of this review. This complex is FORCING people to MOVE out of their homes due to SAFETY Issues however allowing them to relocate to another unit but this option comes with a HEFTY RENT INCREASE ( two hundred plus dollars a month) for the upgrades they chose to make while fixing said SAFETY ISSSUES. There has also been talk of BLACK MOLD & TERMITES ( I have a video of termites flying out of my master bedroom wall yet the complex charged me $25 upon move out because they had to patch the walls where my Tvs were mounted even though they are tearing out large portions of the walls and AGAIN I was forced to move) I have been living at Saybrook Pointe Apartments for over 5 years and in this time the rent has increased by over $900 which does not include water, garbage, sewer, or even a parking space. Recently I gave my 60 day notice and was then contacted by the cooperate office stating how much they valued me as a resident and offered me to stay another year with no increase in my rent but later decided NOT to HONOR this "attractive" offer because my building was being scheduled for renovations and I would soon be forced to move out with the choices to relocate to another property or another unit within Saybrook Pointe Apartments but this choice would come with a substantial rent increase due to upgrades (CHEAP UPGRADEs I may Add) This decision not to honor their offer was made after I pulled back my 60 day notice and when I asked if I could just leave at my original 60 day move out date which was 2 weeks away from them terminating their "attractive "offer I was told I would need to give another 60 day notice. They have even allowed people to move in knowing that there is a possibility the person may receive the 60 notice in as little time as a couple of weeks. As of now the following buildings may receive said notice 60 day notice at any given time: Buildings #9, 11,12,13,14, and half of building #7 and #10. Basically any balcony/patios with the cross hatch wood have not been renovated as of yet and will receive said notice within the next year. You may also notice that in these buildings the exterior paint is gray on the outside only but once you enter the walk area of door locations the color is still a brown, yellow, maroon scheme. This construction project has been ongoing for over a year and it comes with a lot of noise. Have you ever entered a construction site? (Imagine listening to that noise day in and day out including weekends starting at 8 Am every day and ending sometimes as late as 6 PM) Most recently they decided to renovate the pool and gym area so we are without the amenities that are included in the high rent we pay to live here however they are not offering any compensation for the inconvenience they have created for their residents. The pool has been closed for a couple of months and as you all know this is the middle of a HOT SUMMER! In conjunction to listed issues this complex is noisy overall and unkempt. You will often see dog poop and hear dogs barking profusely and or being allowed to run around outside with 0 supervision aggressively approaching residents. You will find cigarette butts littered right outside the gates and throughout the complex. More recently you will find spider webs everywhere and we are often visited by RATs, GNATs, and sometimes roaches can be seen scurrying about even though we pay a monthly fee for pest control. Also be advised they will soon be opening a PET park which will come with lots of BARKING Dogs. Building 7 be advised! The security is a joke and residents often find their car windows broke when parked on the street. Mail boxes and leasing office have been broken into several times. The only time security is available is when asking you for your pool pass. This might be less of an issue if your rent included a parking space but it does not. Positives: Great location The manager is phenomenal; but I would avoid some of the staff members.
We have lived in our current apartment for a while now and previously lived here a few years ago and decided to come back because we liked the place and the staff so much! Boy, were we in for a change. A few months ago they hired a new apartment manager and the previous manager, Trish, left. Trish was the reason we moved in, she was lively and funny and her staff seemed to get along with her great! Along comes a new manager, Alex, she is the most frigid and rude manager i have ever come across. She pays no attention to you when you walk into the main office, even if she is the only person there. We no longer get friendly newsletters, instead, we receive a barrage of notices that are frigid and rude just like the manager. Seems like we recieve a new notice every week on something we are not supposed to do/have/mount/hang. Oh and if you do not do exactly what they say, they state that they will enter your apartment and "remove said items for you" The employees do not seem as friendly anymore and i almost dread having to go to the front office for anything. Have a complaint about huge, unleashed dogs that piss and crap anywhere they please while their owner watches? Too bad because their answer is, unless THEY see the owner/dog doing it, there is nothing they can do. Needless to say we will not stay here after our lease is up, not to mention that they jack the price up up up every year. Our apartment is currently listed for 250.00 more per month than we pay now. Alex, take some happy pills and SMILE! You are in customer service, THAT IS YOUR JOB!
If I could give this place zero stars I would. First off I had a scheduled appointment to view a 2 bed/2 bath unit that was becoming available to rent soon. As soon as I got there I stated to the leasing agent that I had an appointment to view a unit (Victoria I believe her name was) and she instantly gave me an attitude and was super rude. She said oh we dont have any 2 bedroom/2 bath units to view all smug. I'm thinking to myself okay then why was I even scheduled an appointment in the first place. Then she proceeds to say I didnt have time to call you to tell you hmmm it literally takes 1 minute to pick up the phone or send an email letting that person know. What really was frustrating is that I drove over an hour away to get there and it was all for waste. So I'm sitting there in silence because my blood is starting to boil and I go so can I have a tour of the property and she goes so you want to a view a 1 bedroom then. I end up taking a tour of the 1 bedroom because I already drove all the way out there. The whole tour was a waste of time Victoria wasn't friendly at all and truthfully seemed like she didnt want to do her job and earn my business. What really urked me was when she said oh you can tour the property online and rent from there. Like really lady who in the world wants to rent something without seeing it. I really wanted to tell her would you buy a car without test driving it, but I just kept it civil and went on my way. So word of advice steer very clear from this place!
we really like the place from their online layout but our initial viewing booking experience it's really upsetting. We travelled really far to view this place as per our schedule set by their leasing specialist but nobody showed up. When calling them no response received. I really want to urge future residents maybe the apartment looks good but if their customer service looks so unprofessional so nobody would want to join their community
At first this complex was great the staff was very friendly and the maintenance was great! I lived here for 3 years and it has all just gone down hill from around year 2. both my cars were broken into. And just three weeks ago the apartment was broken into and everything of any value was stolen! The break in happened at 5:30 pm and supposedly no one saw a thing! The new management that took over about a year ago is absolutely useless they will not help at all with anything! They are rude most the time when you can actually get them on the phone and have no compassion whatsoever for anyone that lives here! The neighbors come and go and can either be great or keep you up all night like it is a party spot! Forget about security it is non existent oh of course unless they are towing your car for the ridiculous parking arrangements that they have set up! Also forget about having visitors they are NO WHERE for them to park! They charge extra for each park space! The rent increase is crazy every year but none of it seems to be put back into the community to make things nicer! The Mailboxes get broken into on a regular basis so you can go weeks having to go to the post office to pick up your mail because they can't deliver it to you! I mean really the list could go on and on for days about how crappy this place has become! Funny the rent just keeps going up and up though! The only reason I gave one star is because the first year wasn't complete hell and the location is great! Just have very low expectations if you plan on moving in here!!!!
Avoid this place if you can!!! Don't be deceived by Seemingly new and upgraded interior of the apartments. They've used the lowest quality material in the market to create this look. This is the worst apartment complex I've ever lived in. We are currently renting a two-bedroom on the first floor. The apartment is covered with dust all the time, because of poor insulation (huge gap under the entry door) and guys with leaf blowers going around the complex several times a week. The noise from the leaf blowers is very annoying, especially for people with young children who take naps during the day. My apartment is full of disgusting spiders; there are spider webs everywhere despite the fact that I'm constantly sweeping, dusting and moping. The window sills in our bedrooms are covered with black mold, because low quality windows let moisture in and create a perfect environment for mold. My friends who are also renting at this complex have mold on their window sills, which makes me believe this might be a widespread issue throughout the apartment complex. The windows must have been like this the day we moved in. I noticed it only a few days after we brought all of our stuff in the apartment. I've been afraid of opening the windows or touching the blinds, because it will cause mold spores to spread everywhere. I'm afraid of calling the office to get this taken care of, because I don't want to expose my kids to black mold. I would have to empty both bedrooms if they want to come in and clean the mold properly. The laundry room doesn't have a door and the management have refused to install one. Their reason is: first floor apartments need to be handicap-friendly. Well, majority of people are not disabled and shouldn't have to deal with annoying noise from old, low-quality washer and dryers. They could still install a door for the laundry room, and simply remove it if they get a request from a disabled resident. How hard is that? This is a little less annoying, but worth mentioning to inform everyone: their parking situation is awful. We were given two parking spots (we have to pay extra for the second one) when we moved in. However, we haven't been able to use either one of the spots. The gar port is so tight that won't fit neither one of our two cars, and the other spot is so far away from our apartment that we never use it. Imagine carrying your bags of grocery from the other side of apartment complex to your home, not very practical!!! My husband and I park our vehicles in the open, guest parking area. And listen to this: my husband's car was TOWED AWAY because he had lost his permit that day, and hadn't had the chance to request a new one yet. That night he came home late when the office was closed and his car was towed away a few hours later. How hard is it to place a notice/warning on people's windshield? Give them a chance to get a permit or move their car. The towing company charged us over $300 to return the car. We will be out of this place soon, but if you're planning to rent for the next few years, look elsewhere. The only reason I gave this place even one star is the excellent location. But this has really nothing to do with the complex itself. The location couldn't be any better. It's right behind a large shopping center with Lucky supermarket, Starbucks and some restaurants. It's walking distance from Oakridge Mall which makes it very convenient. But the apartment complex itself is absolutely terrible.
Moved in Sept 7th today is Oct 7th and already got my car vandalized and broken into even though everyone living here pays high margin rent .... pathetic... my neighbors have also been broken into ... crime is everywhere but I never been at a gated community and had it happen to me(and so quick).
We would happily give this zero stars if possible. Owing to job circumstances, we had to sever our lease early. We paid our required lease break fee of $5,000 and to our horror the office made an error. They don't have our payment recorded and believe we are still on the hook for our lease- a sum of $18,000. The worst part is they are completely unreachable- they're not in the office, they don't answer email or voice mails. The property is beautiful- don't get me wrong. But for the horrifying experience we've had and for the legal issues that we are facing- THIS PROPERTY IS NOT WORTH LIVING AT
DO NOT LIVE HERE!!! Aimco is the worst management company I could ever imagine dealing with. When they bought the complex, they illegally took a deposit out of our rent payment even though we had already paid it to the old management. This caused it to look like unpaid rent, which we were told was just a computer error and that it had been fixed. Not once were we told it was due to how they had kept money out of our payment. However, now after move out, it's come to light that they had lied to us. It was never "fixed", they just took money out of our deposit to pay that charge. So not only did they illegally take the deposit in the first place, they then decided to keep it by applying it to charges that were CAUSED BY THEM. So now after move out they are saying we owe them hundred of dollars. If they wouldn't have been shady and fraudulent with our deposit they'd actually owe us money. Don't expect to get anywhere with their "Move Out Care Team" either if you have issues with how they charge against your deposit. The representatives will send you the same one sentence emails no matter how much proof you show them or laws you quote to them. I honestly can't believe a business can operate like this. Please please please do yourself a favor and STAY FAR AWAY from this place!! They don't follow the law and they will screw you out of anything and everything they can.
this complex is completely understaffed with "no managerial knowledge'". plants are dying and lying on the ground (one tree limb fell which could have been major injuries had someone been there. No one had cleared the debris for a month. the animal area smells so bad it is drifting into other unites. The same box where the stools of poop are placed have not been cleaned in 2 weeks. /for 3 days of July 4 the pool was so cloudy it was not safe to use. The blinds in the weight room are all broken except one and need to be replaced plus the mats are chewed up and carpet dirty . The new mgr. was affronted and given all these complaints and his answer was "could you be more specific? EXCUSE ME? If he wants more complaints we have them not to mention other tenants who are disgusted and looking to move. You need to have a conference with tenants so they can air their complaints. Wake up
The experience for the first time we came here visiting was really awesome, people in leasing office were very welcoming and helpful. Then we rented for 12 months, but afterwards, the attitude of them changed sharply. I don't know why. No response, no reply. You won't think they would say hello to you when you need help. What's more, my room is north-facing, so , no sunshine at all. One star for the location and safety.
Where do I start? Do not be fooled by the seemingly attractive appearance of this huge apartment complex, or the management staff that attempt to convince you of their sensitivity to the highly alarming number of serious and personally costly incidences. My boyfriend has lived in this complex almost 3 years now, and I lived with him in his unit for approximately one of those years. During my residence at Saybrook Pointe, I was fortunate to come away from my rental experience only slightly scathed, with only my car intenna being stolen. Did not feel at the time it was worth a report to management or calling police, as i felt it was probably an isolated incident. Move on....or so you would think. In the time my boyfriend has lived at this complex, his work truck has been broken into 4 times resulting in very expensive tools and equipment being stolen each time. His truck has also been tagged (graffiti) five different times, two of those incidents involving complete gallons of paint (negligently left out by the construction crew) thrown over most of his entire vehicle. His adult son which resides with him, also had his window of his car broke out and expensive speakers stolen. "Security gates, 24 hr security" are merely bullet points in their lengthy list of amenities they provide. Security gate, meaning anyone who waits long enough for a vehicle to go through ahead of them will gain easy access into the complex. Security guard translates to " don't you dare try to swim quietly in the pool at 10:00 pm on a rare 100 degree evening". He will be right there like clockwork to lock the gate and kick you out. Where is he when all the vandalism is happening? You would also think with the constant appearance of tow trucks coming and going through the complex at all hours of the night looking for some unsolicited towing action, would see something. The main purpose of this review is to warn future and current residents to be sure and have a sizable vehicle AND renters insurance policy in place prior to move in, because you WILL eventually need it, should you choose to risk living at Saybrook Pointe. The staff and upper corporate management will do NOTHING to ensure your vehicle and valuables are safe, regardless of how many times you report an incident.. When questioning neighboring tenants, in which we had the opportunity to talk to while they were in the process of moving out, shared a story or two about being victimized. That being one of the main reason they were leaving. Please be warned should you decide to ignore the purpose of this review, you will be a sitting duck, and it is only time before you will fall victim to one or more numerous crimes that occur at this property.
We traveled across town for an appointment with the leasing office and wanted to sign a new lease but nobody was there during our appointment time.
everyday I have a head ache of barking dogs in here. almost half of the residents have big dogs and they bark early in morning until night. at first everyone sign a contract that they are not allowed to bring large pets including dogs but here the management only cares about getting money instead of controlling the environment and other residents. very bad
Staff is unaccomidating especially Zach. Just rude and not even willing to try to help. I was forced out of my apartment and given the option to rent a renovated apartment for much higher price and restart a lease or move to a sister complex. When I asked if I could move before my 60 days without penalty because of a job relocation Zach just straight up said no. Homeless people digging in the overfilled trash bins. People parking in other people's assigned tiny parking spots. And have to wear stupid wristbands at the pool or be kicked out. So much for renovating it to have people over to enjoy the amenities. DO NOT LIVE HERE. Can't wait to move from this place
Location is great and accessible to grocery shops, Oakridge mall, and restaurants. The move in process was not what we expected. After seeing the model for an updated 2 bedroom unit (which we were looking into a 1 bedroom), we were under the impression that all units would be well kept, even without updated appliances. Upon move in, we had asked to see the exact unit we'd be going into. We expected that this would not be a problem which our prior apartment complex had accommodated for us before. It took loops and bounds to try to contact our leasing agent for more information, but we were only left with emails and a website to sign our papers. It was not until the official move in date that we were contacted by our leasing agent, after all.
Actual apartments are ok and conveniently located. Management is bad though. Work orders never get fixed because management never even submits them. Neighborhood can be a little sketchy. My car was hit twice and I've had to call 911 at 2am 3 times. 1st time some woman was running around our building screaming at the top of her lungs. 2nd time was a fight in the parkinglot. 3rd time was 4 really drunk girls 3 of the screaming because the fourth passed out on the aide walk. They eventually carried her off.
the apartments are beautiful, and the location is great BUT not enough reasons to move here!!! the uncertainty of signing a lease and NOT be guarantee a place to live in is a tremendous slap on the face, to us, their costumers! I will definitely not recommend this complex to anybody, safe yourself from the stress of giving a big deposit and get all settled into a new place to find out that later on THE OWNERS are going to ask you to move out of to renovate and increase your lease.... I'm sending this message out to the future resident, not to the business owner who's only been saying to email him at aimco@blahblahblah. So abusive!
This is only about my experience while looking for an apartment. I saw their ad in craigslist for a one bedroom posted one evening, and I went for a visit next morning. The person at the front desk was very aloof and couldn't be less interested in showing me around. They told me that there were no apartments to show and that I would just have to lease the available apartment online, without looking at the place. I guess it's too much to ask to look at an apartment, before renting it?
do NOT move here. the worst property management ever! They will lie to you, fail to return calls, never available to talk to current residents. kicking people out to perform crummy renovations and home rents. ghetto place. homeless people in and out, cockroaches and no one supervises the area. one star for nice maintenance guys.
I lived here for 3 years. It used to be an Avalon apartment. In my first 2 years I was in a 2 Bedroom, but as soon as soon as FPI Management, Inc. took over and renamed it to Saybrook Pointe rent started to go up at an alarming rate. I really liked the area and wasn't ready to leave so i downsized to a 1 bedroom. The good: The only good thing about this place is location. It is one of the only apartment complexes i've seen in south san jose that has as much walk-ability. If that's all you care about and none of the following bothers you, then you might be ok with this place. The bad: * Unorganized and slow management. Something broken? Good luck getting it fixed. I put in a work order and it will likely get lost. My AC broke once and 2 weeks later with no fix i went by to find out when i could expect it to be repaired. It turns out the printer where they print off work orders is "right above the trash can and my order just fell off into the can." Got a package you need to pick up from the front office? Well you'd better just walk past the ladies in the office and grab it from their back room your self. I think they can't read. I frequently went to pick up a package (having a slip that says "left at front office" and the women there would go in the back and look, then come out and say they didn't have a package for me. I'd stick my head through the door and see its the first one on the shelf. Deposit forget getting it back. They'll make you pay for painting and for carpet cleaning no matter what even though in your check out form it says in print lifetime of the carpet is 1 year and you wont be charged if you live there for more than 12 months. Parking: You get one reserved spot with your apartment. A second unmarked spot will cost you money and you're not guaranteed to even get one. (they're 1st come 1st serve). This was never a problem when Avalon owned the property, but as soon as FPI took over it went to hell. People would even park in your reserved space. Parking on the street my car was HIT TWICE, and a third time i came out and see boot prints down the hoods/roofs of all the cars on the street where someone had RUN DOWN THE TOP OF THE CARS. Shady Neighborhood: There is low income housing just east of the apartment on playa del ray. Not all of it is bad but some of it seems sketchy. Some times you'll see a helicopter at night flying in circles with a spot light looking for people. I called 911 3 times since i lived there: the first time was at about 2am I woke up to screaming in the parking lot. It turns out there was some crazy lady running around the building in circles screaming at the top of her lungs. Nothing was wrong she just hadn't taken her medication or something The second time was around 3am about a year later. Again I woke up screaming. This time i look out side and there are 3 club girls standing around a 4th club girl who is out cold on the sidewalk. The 3 club girls start poking the passed out girl trying to revive her. When they can't revive her they PICK HER UP AND CARRY HER OFF. We called 911 and a fire truck shows up and finds the girl They carry her off on a stretcher. The funny part was that they couldn't get the stretcher up stairs so they carried her down the stairs in a body bag. The 3rd time was a few weeks later when i fight broke out in the parking lot at about 1 am. Neighbors: they're loud and inconsiderate. The final straw for me was when we got new neighbors upstairs. They apparently have a dog and they're too lazy to walk it down 3 flights of stairs to let it go to the restroom. They let the dog out to pee and poo on the patio. Since the patios are wooden the liquid falls down from the 3rd floor on to the second floor. they also sweep the poop off and it will land on the second and 1st floor. We've asked them to stop twice and they have not. We also complained to the apartment complex but nothing happened. Video proof of the pee:
Very unprofessional. Wanted to move into this place because the first person who handled our moving was Janille. We were doing the application form and I noticed that the price was cheaper on their website compared to what was originally quoted. Janille said she would adjust the price. Unfortunately, she quit before we could finish everything. Camyll took over and she confirmed the price at 3.8k/month and we all signed the leasing agreement and paid the 2k security deposit and application fees. But she wouldn't give us our keys bec they wanted the price to be 4k. They tried to make us sign a new lease agreement at 4k and Pretended that it was never 3.8k and deleted the 3.8k leasing agreement we signed on their site. Told us to show proof. Luckily I downloaded a copy of the signed leasing agreement. They said okay they would adjust but kept stalling for days saying the person who could adjust it wasn't there but if we wanted the keys we can have it if we sign the 4k leasing agreement. Obviously stalling till we would have no choice but to take it since our current place was about to end lease. We backed out and asked for a refund on the security deposit since we didn't want to deal with management like this. We would've been okay with the 4k if they handled things better.
I would like to give the MINUS two star to both old and new owners and management. One of the worst management ever and i will move as soon as possible . The old ones were absolute irresponsible about tenants rights and The new management force you to pay the monthly payment into their complicated and full of problem website and when you can't solve the problem right away they charge $100 automatically your account without any body to answer your inquiries about these problems. The resident manager is completely powerless in making any adjustments and his superior, the director of operations in Irvine is completely unresponsive and irresponsible. Stay away from Say Brook Pointe and any other properties owned by Gaurdian or Aimco.
RENTERS BEWARE... My apartment was broken into and laptop was stolen... Apparently there have been 3 OTHER HOME INVASIONS as well... I called police to file police report and they said, YES THERE IS AN ON GOING ISSUE OVER THERE... It more disappointing that SAYBROOK never said or sent a notice out about suspicious behavior... I pay to live in a nice, safe gated community and these BRAKE INS have been in the early morning from nine to 3 in the afternoon... They staff maybe nice, but once you sign the lease your a nobody... RENTERS BEWARE... THIS HAPPENED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT... I went to office and the ppl acted like they new nothing. They do not communicate with each other and as a result, 7 HOME INVASIONS within 5 months...
Negatives Let me start by saying Ive lived here for 3 years now and each year has gotten worse. I used to love I hate it. This is why I am giving 2 stars, instead of just one. There used to be a different Manager. I think her name was Trish or something like that. She was very friendly, bubbly, and just overall nice. The New Manager is HORRIBLE. I don't understand how she, or the rest of the staff, still have jobs. Numerous times I walked into the front office for a package and the manager has looked up at me, looked back at whatever she was working on, and continued to do her work as though I had never walked in. I was then left standing there awkwardly until one of the other girls in the office finally comes to help me. Once I do get someone to help me, they are so unorganized that they often tell me they don't even have my package. After showing them the slip reading "left in front office," they somehow miraculously find my package. I have even had to go home, print out a tracking confirmation reading signed by (whatever the girls name in the front office is), and bring it back to show as proof for them to put enough effort into finding my package in their unorganized closets. I say closets because Ive watched them go back and forth through numerous rooms looking for packages. The office doors read "Office Hours Monday thru Friday 9:00-6:00." I had ordered a package that was apparently left in the front office for me. 4 days in a row I arrive at 5:40 to pick up my package to find the office locked and dark, with all shutters closed. On the 5th day I showed up at 5:35 to once again attempt to retrieve my package. This time there were still lights on, a couple girls sitting on the lounge area chairs right in front of the door and one of the office employees walking around. I tried the doors only to find them locked. I looked at the door which read closed at 6, looked at my phone which read 5:35, and then at the girls inside. They loked right over at me then turned back around as if no one was even standing there. I again had to leave without my package. Now, besides the horrible staff and manager... You have to pay for a second parking which has increased each year i've lived here and is now $35 a month charge. my rent has drastically increased each year. I started here at 1299 a month and my rent is now $1540 a month and will most likely go up at the end of this lease with absolutely nothing changing to my existing residence. You would think after 3 loyal years of living here you would get some sort of break...dont expect it. Notices left at the door used to be nice and friendly left by the previous staff. They are now left almost once a week of "don'ts", "NOs", and "or else" letters. Now for POSITIVES: Located close to everything. Oakridge mall, freeways, Lucky shopping center, school, etc are all right next to you. There is a decent school and neighborhood area to walk or bike in. Just dont go in certain parts near playa del ray. These are low income and can sometimes be a little sketchy...especially at night. There are two entrances..One exiting onto Steinbeck drive by the school, and another exiting right into the Lucky shopping mall. This is great to take quick trips to the grocery store or anything else in the lot. It is an easy short walk from almost anywhere in the complex. The complex is gated most of the time. Occasionally, someone will break one of the automatic vehicle gates, brake a side pedestrian entrance door, or even bend the bars enough to squeeze through. They usually fix these problems but will sometimes take a while. I don't really want to say anything bad about the maintenance staff because they are extremely nice and friendly giving waves and saying hellos as they pass by. The complex is dog friendly and provides bags and garbages as disposal stations. This is great and the only new good thing I've seen happen over the past 3 years. Some owners dont pick up after their own and this is a good incentive. Pool and Gym areas are nice. Landscaping is kept up nicely. In the end, This place used to be great. It has gone straight downhill with the management change. So, if you can look past rent going up every year and a horrible management and staff, this place is great. Besides that, try and find something better. I would sacrifice living quality to get rid of the rude staffe at this point.
This place is nice and all but for the price you paying you would think customers service would be great but no. Their office super hard to reach and trying to find them in office is even harder. They not always there and they left early. On the website said they be there until 5 but they gone home since 2-3 pm.
Management is disorganized and a bit ditzy (certain people). We got a free month's rent as a promotion for signing a year lease. I found a notice to vacate on our door today saying we did not pay this month's rent - which was supposed to be waived as part of a promotion. You'd think they would check the files before doing something drastic like that. They posted the notice AFTER office hours so now I cannot even go deal with it until tomorrow. While I like the apartment I wish the management was more professional. It seems like FPI has an "F" rating from Better Business Bureau, so I'd reconsider renting an apartment where they are the management company.
The low rating on this place is mostly the office staff. They seem so nice but have no follow through. Takes forever for them to do anything they say they will and they don't update your files. Most of the maintenance guys are nice but one gentleman actually said, "I'm busy, what do you want?", when we answered the door. I couldn't believe it!! The apartment itself was pretty nice except for the uneven floors and damage from previous tenants trapping their animals in rooms. Plenty of room and lots of shade. Lots of turn over, we didn't even make it 2 years and our neighbors changed 6 times in our building. We loved the nice neighborhood and walking distance to everything but the staff leaves much to be desired.
This complex is pretty good value, but terrible management. The neighborhood is also not safe, my car was stolen off of the street and the management refused to assist me in any way. Also, our carpets STANK from the day we moved in, and though we asked for 9 months, we were never able to get them cleaned. The staff is very friendly when you move in, and then not very helpful or nice afterwards. Be warned.
I lived in this complex for more than 4 years. The service from the office for the last 2 years has been poor. Difficult to get somebody at the office since the complex does not have enough personnel to attend to the residents. The location and maintenance of the grounds are OK. I complained to the maintenance guy (twice) about a counter crack that started developing on my kitchen sink. Unfortunately, I did not do it " in writing". When I was moving out, the complex charged me the replacement of the counter at $5800. They said that the crack was caused by "misuse" from heating the counter with a heavy object. I am an architect. I know that there can be various reasons why crack develops ( bad installation, earthquake movement, settlement of the bldg., etc.). I offered to bring an independent expert to assess the cause of the crack. They never responded to my suggestion. They went ahead and replaced the counter and sent me the bill. I did not stroke the counter. I brought a counter installer who ratified that the crack was not developed by a stroke. Also, It is much easier to charge the tenant than deal with their property insurance to file a claim. It is an abuse. I found out later, that I was not the only one with this issue but more renters were charged the full cost of counter replacement.
Great location, but recently bought by another company and they're making changes that I don't like... First of all, they banned smoking in it's entirety... which I don't get how this can even be monitored... I'm not a smoker myself, but do you really think long-time cigarette smokers are just gonna up and stop smoking? I still see cigarette buds everywhere. Second... they removed ALL the visitor parking and made it permit only... now our guests have to go park by the Lucky's grocery store next door.. how inconvenient is that? And I see parking spaces empty EVERY day so I don't feel like the space was limited... plus they could have at least kept SOME visitor parking. Third... they once called me and said they needed to go do maintenance inside my apartment and needed my permission. I said no and that I needed to clear some personal items and that I could come from work in 30 minutes. She put me on hold for a minute, came back and said "oh sorry they just walked into your apartment." I mean SERIOUSLY? No privacy WHATSOEVER. How rude. Be prepared to have anyone just BARGE into your place at any time. Not sure if I'll renew my lease. I love the location but every month that goes by with more changes makes me love it less.
This place was fine enough when we moved in 3 years ago, but it just went more and more downhill every year we were there. The apartment was decent but the interior fixings were cheap (The floor being carpeted in the dining/kitchen table area was a short cut used that was particularly frustrating). If you are sensitive to noise, you will hear your upstairs neighbors at all points of the day. It nearly drove me crazy. The turnover at this place was constant (employees and residents). The worst part of this place was the black mold I dealt with every winter. It made me sick with allergies every year we were there. The windows desperately need to be replaced and the owners know it. The mold issue needs to be dealt with properly and not with band aid solutions like they offered me. When we moved there in 2013, we were charged $2150 for a 2 bedroom apartment. By the time we got our renewal last spring, they wanted to charge us $2749 a month and additional money on top of that for parking. In our time there, I didn't see our money go toward much. The grounds were kept nice. The pool area was updated during our time there. The pool was fine, but never regulated like it should have been. People snuck in all the time to use the facilities. Security at this place was an absolute joke. People drove in after the gate opened all the time. I watched people jump the fence weekly to use the gym and pool. That explained why everything was deteriorating quickly. I also found people going through the trash in the dumpster areas on several occasions. The wooden walkways are a hazard. I had pieces of wood fall off onto the ground from where I had been walking. I reported it but no one ever followed up. Other reviewers are correct about issues developing with getting your rent deposit back. Make sure to do everything timely and follow-up constantly. All in all, it was decent when we moved in and has since gone majorly downhill. The biggest issues are security and the mold issue that majorly needs attention and fixing. Also, if you are sensitive to noise, this place is not for you.
We lived here for a year and a half, and in general we liked our experience. The area is nice and nearby many shops and restaurants that we enjoyed frequenting. We had a lot of issues with our laundry room flooding. However, maintenance was really helpful and always quick to respond and resolve our issues. I think we'd say that maintenance was the best part of our experience with Saybrook Pointe. Our biggest complaint would be the office/management staff. There were times where we'd send emails and not get a response. We also had times where we would go to the office to ask questions and although the office should have been open, the door was locked and no one was inside. We would try coming back many times in 30 minute intervals and would often never be able to find someone in the office, which became very frustrating. We did end up breaking our lease because we bought a home in the area. There wasn't much communication from the office about next steps regarding our "rent responsible" status until someone new moved into our unit. No one contacted us to let us know it had finally been rented out. I had to do my own research and contact the after move-out rent people. They were helpful and were able to get us set up on a payment plan for what we owed from our lease. Overall, this isn't a bad place to live. However, for the price, and lack of communication/availability from management made it a somewhat frustrating experience at times.
This place is over priced. The property is not as clean ... its lipstick on a pig to be honest. You have to pay for fees typically not associated with a rental property.
We visited friends here for a birthday party. The apartment was straightforward, but also felt open and airy with its many windows. The complex might benefit a bit from better signage--we somehow got turned around and ended up exiting out the strip mall side and having to walk all the way around to get back to our car.
*This review is purely based on our tour.* My husband and I came here for an appointment to tour the complex, there's hardly any visitor parking so we had to park in the business complex parking next door. They don't have elevators for their buildings so if you're on the second/third floor you SOL when it comes to grocery day. First/second floor apartments (at least for one bedroom) only have ac in living room. Third floor also has ac in bedroom. Large porch area with additional storage (bonus!) They only have like 12 visitor parking spots, period. Pool area is gorgeous. Gym and yoga room is OK. We decided this place is not our home.
I'm torn because I like this place for some good reasons but there are some things I can't stand. Pros - full size washer and dryer, staff is attentive, maintenance guys are super helpful and friendly, quiet most days and nights, mini gym that only residents can access. Very roomy 2bed 2bath almost 1100sq ft. Right by luckys and chase bank. Cons - twice a week starting at 8:00am tree trimmers and blowers going all morning. No chance of sleeping. You have to pay extra for two parking spots even if you have a 2 or 3 bedroom. Very unorganized with packages they have 3 possible rooms your package can be in. I've had about 5 packages every time I watched them walk from room to room not being able to find it. New construction is a nightmare. They work weekends start at 6:30 am.
Water/trash/sewer is $88/month for all 2 bedrooms (you have no choice in the matter) Main issue - Ratio Utility Billing System or "RUBS" In that system, the landlord charges water use by some ratio like the number of residents in the unit, the number of bedrooms or perhaps by the square footage. All of these systems assume constant and equal water usage based on the arbitrary ratios. In fact, without sub meters for each unit, any such system used by the landlord will be inaccurate and unfair. Invariably, some tenants will overpay for their usage and some will underpay. Besides that, the rest of living here is pretty good.