The Left Bank Apartments

The Left Bank Apartments Reviews

The Left Bank Apartments located in 3131 Walnut Street , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for The Left Bank Apartments
3131 Walnut Street , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States
Phone Number
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Year Built
Detailed Information for The Left Bank Apartments

Here is 15 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into The Left Bank Apartments:

  1. Ineffective Management: Multiple accounts of management being unresponsive to communications and concerns raised by residents.
  2. Excessive Fees and Charges: Reports of unexpected and excessive fees for amenities, utilities, and services, significantly increasing the cost of living.
  3. Poor Maintenance: Frequent maintenance issues with long response times and ineffective resolutions.
  4. Package Delivery Problems: A problematic package system that imposes additional fees and lacks convenience and security.
  5. Construction Disruptions: Ongoing construction causing noise pollution and other disturbances without proper notification to residents.
  6. Unreturned Deposits: Delays and difficulties in obtaining deposit refunds post-move-out, with some residents facing unjust charges.
  7. Building Security Concerns: Inconsistent security measures, with a reduction in 24/7 front desk presence, leading to safety concerns.
  8. Pest Infestations: Recurring pest control issues, including cockroach infestations not being adequately addressed.
  9. Hidden Utility Costs: Untransparent and high utility charges, including for common areas, not clearly communicated prior to leasing.
  10. Noise Disturbances: Excessive noise from other residents and the environment due to poor sound insulation and thin walls.
  11. Lease Mismanagement: Cases of miscommunication regarding lease terms, with some residents unexpectedly having to vacate or facing early move-in problems.
  12. Amenity Access and Quality: Reduced access to amenities, mandatory fees for use, and deterioration in quality and availability.
  13. Difficulties with Move-Out Process: High move-out cleaning fees and discrepancies in damage assessments leading to disputes.
  14. Water Quality Issues: Concerns about the quality of tap water, with instances of discolored or potentially unhealthy water.
  15. Unclear Renovation Impacts: Lack of clear communication regarding the scope and duration of renovation projects impacting residents’ daily lives.
Reported Hazards for The Left Bank Apartments
External Links for The Left Bank Apartments
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for The Left Bank Apartments
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1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on The Left Bank Apartments, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 50 of 50
I loved living here when it was owned by Dranoff. Since Aimco took over in May 2018, the place has gone downhill. The noise from the neighbors (even after midnight!) is bad. The additional charges added to the rent (for heating the hallways and common areas! for water, heat, and other services which under the previous owner were free) are ridiculously high. There was no mention of them in the lease we signed. These charges add hundreds of dollars to the already sky-high rent. And maintenance---forget about it! For months they ignored requests to fix the equipment in the Fitness Center. Just try to find a maintenance person. Under the previous owner, we saw the maintenance staff every day in the hallways, doing their job. Also, I never see any cleaning staff in the Fitness Center. or in the hallways, only in the lobby. They have severely cut down on the staff. Elevators fail regularly. Total neglect. There is a lot of dissatisfaction among the residents. The place is half-empty now, and it's obvious why. I've lived here five years, but I'm moving out when my lease runs out. This place has become a shabby dormitory run by a "community" manager who thinks everything is fine. It's just not worth the money.
The only reason I am giving 1 star is because I cannot give 0 star. No one is there on the front desk/leasing office forever and then they claimed to be 24hr doorman. As a former resident, I have been trying to call the leftbank concierge for almost 5days all the time. Each time, my call was transferred to riverloft instead because NO ONE was there on the leftbank concierge! Don't ever rent here unless you have no where to rent
If it's not a leaking roof, it's year long construction, if it's not that, it's 3 am fire alarms, barring that, closed theater rooms, otherwise it's non working thermostats and door locks via SmartRent. Location is great, package room and gym as well but otherwise there's always something bad going on here. If you're an undergrad student on a budget with a high tolerance for noise/interruptions, it works but if you're looking for a higher standard of living, look elsewhere.
The apartment building has been under construction for the duration of my lease and I was not notified when I signed this would be going on. There has been constant noise for over 2 months from 7am to 3pm. This week the construction began in my apartment to replace windows, and I was displaced for 24 hours. During this time a construction worker stepped on my bed and one of them peed in my bathroom. When I returned I found mud all over the windowsills and down the walls and there were several screws on the ground. When I reached out to the leasing office they were rude and dismissive. I wish I had read all of these reviews before signing because like everyone else said (who actually lives here) this place isn't worth the $$$
Real Bad Experience. Please be alarm about deposit delay. I lived here one year, and lease end at June. It took half a year for me to sovle the deposit problems. After numerous calls and emails, the leasing employees still have not cope the deposit problem properly. It is amost end of year, I still not recieve my deposit. I am really disappointed about the ineffiency and unfriendly stuff. Be aware before you decide to lease here !!!
I've been living in leftbank for a year, it's very close to the school and seems to have a big room. But recently I am very angry for the following reasons: 1. Management. The apartment manager was very nice before the rental, but not at all contactable after the move in. I contacted the manager Andrew several times within two months by email and phone, but no response!!!! 2. Costs. Everything need extra money in Left bank There is an extra common space management fee every month, which is basically around $200 a month. And even the delivery locker is charged, otherwise the delivery will be rejected by the apartment.
I am wondering why google map does not allow giving 0 star. This place is terrible. 1. The leasing office never replies. 2. They charged for service(e.g. storage) that I have not subscribed, and they never gave it back to me. 3. I was charged for $175 late fee and they did not agree to waive it. I paid my rent on the first day of the month, but due to credit card's insufficient balance, the transaction was failed. However, they never noticed me until the 5th of the month. They played around the contract term "late day charges: the 5th day of a month" by noticing you your payment is not successful on the 5th, and told that the late fee can only be waived if you paid the rent successfully before the 5th. Living here is the worst decision I have ever made.
The rooms and building are super nice. However, since the new management company has taken over they have been cutting ammenities like 24/7 security, free use of common spaces, and rooftop access. They have also been very disruptive with improvements like running a utility truck for 4 weeks from 7am-4pm without warning units how disruptive it would be. The improvements have also caused weekly fire alarms that last around 30 minutes. The onboarding process was terrible but I was hopeful my experience here would be better. I would never live in this building or in any building that Aimco group owns again. Consider other options before coming here
This building should be called a roach building, freaking disgusted! Cant wait to move out of here, its our 4th month here and its been extremely terrible. My husband and I have spent almost a $100 on roach products and called David and his pest control team twice but nothing works. We kill 1-5 roaches everyday. Our bathroom was renovated before we moved in, but they did such a terrible job as roaches are coming out from every crack, from the drain etc. We have a 22 month old, who crawls and runs around everywhere barefoot, we are constantly watching her even in our own house so that she doesn't come across these disgusting roaches. Last week I found one in our laser printer, screwed up my ink cartridge. I always feel like there is a roach on me, completely ruined our quality of life and we pay almost $2100 per month for 1 bedroom apartment + utilities so this building isn't cheap but so ghetto! I am embarrassed to call our family and friends over, just horrible. Please go to another building, save your money and sanity! 8.5 more months till this hell is over for our family and we probably have to burn or trash all our belongings after!
I would not recommend living here. wholeheartedly, don't do it. If I could give the Left Bank 0 stars I would. Take it from me.
Just wild. Toured the property mid January. Seemed like the guy touring us around was in a rush as it was later in the day. We had looked at pictures beforehand so we wanted to see all the amenities in person. As we left the apartment he showed us to the elevator, but we noticed there was a social lounge of some sort nearby so we had to let ourselves in to see it. Then, as we are about to head down the elevator we asked "isn't there a rooftop?". His reply "Oh you want to see it?".......the rooftop and social lounge could have practically sold us on the place yet the leasing agent wasn't even going to take the time to show us. Fast forward and we are told to apply to the waitlist and "connect" with the leasing agent on February 28th. February 28th comes and we send an email. Nothing back. Three emails later, nothing back. Forward the email to the property manager asking for assistance. Nothing back. Randomly receive a call from a different guy that I have never spoken to and he is saying that he has us down for a place (completely different unit that we wanted) and for April 1st (2 months earlier than we wanted). I told him what we were looking for and he said he would look into it and call me back. Here is the good part: I receive a text in early May saying "Hi, we have your lease start date as today, is that correct?" WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ALL LIVING ON? I have not signed a lease nor agreed to a unit and had not heard anything back for months! Also, you're going to text me on the supposed day of move in confirming we are moving in AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN SIGNED A LEASE YET? I'm floored. Thankfully we signed a lease elsewhere and dodged a bullet. I had better communication when I was in grade school on AIM. G2G TTYL.
Aimco who took over won't answer phone calls or emails pertaining to rent. There's better for cheaper.
------- Update: apparently the UPS issues has been there for almost half a year (basically you won't get any of your large packages delivered by UPS). Many people had tried to contact Hana to solve this problem, but she would either ignore the email or blaming UPS, without actually trying to solve the issue. All they wanted is the management team send a formal email to authorize the UPS delivery person use the package room. I do not understand how difficult it can be. Every time I wanted to purchase anything, I had to double check what carrier the merchant is using and ask my friends to receive the package for me if the merchant is using UPS. I strongly advise anyone considering moving to this apartment complex in the fall to take these issues into consideration.... not to mention the roaches problem, ridiculously high utility fee every month from conservice (for 2b, it is over $200 each month, plus about $100 electricity and internet) ------- You will never get your UPS packages if you choose to live here... the management team is not responsive and they won't help you to resolve the issue even this has been lasted for two months and affected many people. Many of us tried to reach out to the management team, but they would just pretend that was the first time they heard about it and take forever to actually take actions...Basically you just have to accept the fact that UPS will never deliver your packages if you are a resident here. You will either need to drive to 19148 for pickup or wait for them to send it back to sender.
This is the worst experience if had so far in trying to rent an apartment. Non responsive staff as well as failure to answer any of my calls. Stay away from this place and look for somewhere else.
Very bad and horrible communication with the leasing office and this company. I've made an application and was not notified that I needed to add something to process through. I tried texting or calling the office and got no replies, immediately heard back when I said I want to cancel the application. The leasing manager said I would be getting my safety deposit check back in 10 days, yet it's been a month and I haven't received them. Thank god I already found another place to live in, is there anyone who can look into this issue for me?
Don't do it! Location is all this place has. Concierge is never around, they don't answer emails or calls, elevator never works, rooftop is closed half the time because of elevator, places are falling apart. So understaffed. Once they get you to sign a lease, you'll never speak again. The place is a joke. They WILL NEVER RESPOND TO A THING. RUN RUN RUN
Super loud construction noise during the COVID period when everyone stays at home. You can hear electrical drill and saw every day from early in the morning till late in the afternoon. The community management office couldn't care less about it. This is not a suitable place for living.
Don't think about living here !! I moved in less than a week ago and I am already planning to move out. I was busy with my final exam in Canada and I needed to find a place quickly online so I never visited the place before renting and that's my mistake . Before renting the leasing consultant was very friendly and helpful but after I signed the lease every thing changed. I was trying to book the elevator to move in my furniture but no one was answering the emails They called me one day before my move in date just to make sure I will bring in the payment !!! When I arrived they only cared about the payment, they did not even said welcome! Give me a package about different payment I have to make monthly and that's it I asked if some can give me a tour in the building since I never had one but they said they are busy !! However they were giving tours to people who wanted to rent throughout the day !! They forgot to give me my mailbox key and I had to go to the leasing office many time to be able to get one ( hopefully) The package system is horrible . They charge you 50 dollars per year and they font let any Fedex, usps or any other postal service up to the apartments !! The problem is if you get a heavy / big package then it is your responsibility to get it up and no one will help you. Also they notify you about the package very late . I know from Amazon that may packages have been delivered but I did not get the notification yet !! I have been sleeping without my comforter for three days despitte the fact that myocardialtumor comforter is in the package room but I am not able to get it !! The apartment is very old . Every thing is rusty . I already called the maintenance twice in one week. The toilet is clogged !!!! And I am not able to sleep because of the noise ( from the train near bye)
HORRIBLE. TERRIBLE. NIGHTMARE. DISGUSTING. OVERPRICED. Pick your negative adjective. Lets start with how the nee management Aimco has these lockers for packages and THEY FORCE YOU TO PAY $40 PER MONTH TO PICK UP YOUR PACKAGES. No alternative. You are stuck. Either you pay the $40 a month on top of your overpriced lease or you do not receive packages. Answer me then what is the point of living in a place with a concierge and a package room? This should be illegal. Where else in this country does it COST you money to receive your mail? The maintaining virtually non existent. The hallways have never been cleaned. A rug that was installed last year is already rotting. THEY NEVER CLEAN THE AMENITIES NOR THE HALLWAYS. The noise. Read all of the other reviews. THIS IS A GLORIFIED DORM ROOM FULL OR PARTYING COLLEGE KIDS WHERE THE APARTMENTS HAVE PAPER THIN WALLS. DO NOT LIVE HERE IF YOU HAVE LIGHT SLEEP. YOU WILL NOT SLEEP. AVOID. DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER. DO NOT EVEN TOUR THE PROPERTY. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND GO. THIS PLACE IS HELL. I AM BREAKING ME LEASE BEFORE IT END. DO. NOT. LIVE. HERE. !!!!!!!
I tried contacting the leasing office for weeks. It took them weeks to call back or reply to my emails. Even though there were other staffs working at the office, only the manager was authorized to deal with problems, but no one could reach him. I paid thousands of dollars for rent and utilities, and this is the service I got.
Just to be clear: i post this review only with the hope that no other college student who is already tight on money/time, or any other person for that matter, has to go through the experience i did. I don't even know where to begin... 1. The ceiling leaked orange liquid every time it rained. The mgmt was obviously aware of the problem b/c the damaged spots had been painted over before move in as we later realized. As a result, water damage and rotted wood present. I even had a neighbor who's ceiling completely collapsed as a result. Many of their belongings were ruined and they were forced out of the unit. I felt so bad for them. 2. "Common electric fees": One month my electric alone was over $150 and I had been on vacation that month with A/C and lights off!! I can't even imagine what my neighbors' bills were like. The fees were not clear and couldn't be explained by the bill. 3. There were several times when I would get an email late the night before from mgmt stating they were shutting off the water or the A/C that night. No heads up and occured during hot days during the Spring and Summer. 4. The management lied to me about renovations upon touring. A month or so after move in, I get an email that they will begin remodeling the roof and facade work. I live on the top floor so that's kind of a big deal.... CONSTANT BANGING at 9am and all throughout the day. 5. The dryer vents back into the apartment so the air quality sucks, dust everywhere (and I am a clean freak) and its evident when the filter on the A/C unit becomes filthy in less than a month. 6. The water from the tap/sink is gross. (see attached picture) 7. Centipedes, cockroaches, pill bugs; just one of many occurences. This actually didn't surprise me based on all of the water and dampness. (see attached picture) 8. Maintenance is super nice at first impression but they NEVER follow up. I had to contact the manager because no one was taking my requests seriously. She tried to make it seem like it was my fault that nobody had helped me. I brushed it off even though it was super rude. She personally contacted maintenance to inspect the leaks and water damage, in which they finally came to EXAMINE but NEVER FIXED IT even after i tried to contact them again. (attached picture, taken at move out) 8. The toilet clogged after every flush. 9. Luxer One Package System: the one year i spent living here, they charged me over $400 in fees for "holding" my packages, many times for ones I had already picked up. I called the customer service several times to tell them it was a mistake and they told me there was nothing they could do. After experiencing all problems listed above, i reached out to leasing agent, Seiyla Vonn, about moving to a different unit. She answered my first email, but as soon as she asked me why I wanted to move units, she NEVER responded and ignored all future emails. And note i couldn't have been nicer and more understanding about it at the time. She also left a "fake" review on this page during that non-responsive time. In the end, even after walking downstairs myself and talking to mgmt, nothing was ever ultimately done to help me. They would not let me out of my lease early and told me they would only charge me $1000 last month rent as a "courtesy" for my troubles and then never lived up to it. Instead i was charged the full amount even though i am not living here now. YES, it was so bad that i paid for 2 apartments this month because i couldn't take it anymore. I am a very understanding person, but this is the worst experience i've ever had and I am very disappointed that a company would do business like this. The pictures speak for themselves but don't do it justice. Every week it was a new problem or disruption, or someone unexpectedly knocking on my door to inconvenience me, not to mention the fact that they deceived me and took my money in such an untruthful way. Goodbye Left Bank, I will not miss you one bit.
I would say it's an unpleasant experience. The apartment is definitely spacious in comparison to other apartments in University city with the same price. The staff at the front desk could be friendly and helpful. ( update: they now have cut the helpful concierge:)) Be careful, you will have to pay for the utility in the common area, which is ridiculous.The common area utility fee (steam plus common area electricity) could be up to 140$/m for 1b1b. Therefore, count that amount into your monthly rent before you sign the lease. However, their new package system is a hassle which could charge you extra for not picking up the package in time. Also, the staff here are not always pleasant. Some of them could be very friendly when they try to let you sign the lease, but indifferent/defensive when you have issues after moving in. When you submit a maintain request, it usually takes long time for them to respond. A handle is broken since I moved in, and I just moved in for 3 weeks. One update: idk what kind of people Amico hire, who are extremely unpleasant and sometimes rude. They cut the concierge at daylight and say no to everything you addressed.
In short: This place used to be great until the ownership was transferred to Aimco, the worst and greediest landlord I have ever encountered. If you are leasing this property right now, prepare to say farewell to your security deposit. Otherwise, stay away from any apartments associated with this company. Here I just list some of the complaints I have during the 11-month living experience. They charged us over $1800 because we did not send a written notice to them 60 days before we moved-out. The fact is that this written notice will not affect their business at all since the unit will be placed on market and the lease will be terminated whatsoever if you do not continue your lease 120 days before the move-out date. The two managers indeed did follow-up, but none of them mentioned this fee in those follow-up emails. They charged us $500 for the scratch on the stove and claimed that they need to replace it. We asked for the receipt, but they refused to offer it. If you want to rent a cart to move some furniture, they will ask for your ID and keep it until you return the cart. I am totally cool with it. However, on the move-out date, when I returned the cart, they lost my ID and the doorman claimed that the ID was already returned to me last night. I mean, come on, where is the logic? Till now, there is no follow-up. No apology. They simply want to wait it out. They will charge you $100/hour for using some of their amenities. Nonetheless you have already paid for the maintenance fee of those amenities. They use a system called "Luxer One" to handle all delivered packages. Unfortunately, it is NOT free ($50/year and 1st year free). If you forgot picking up your package for certain days, you are going to face another insane bill. We signed a 11-month lease. For 10 months out of these 11 months, the rooftop was under construction. The doorman is very unprofessional. I once got locked out and he demanded cash to unlock my door. That guy is probably gone now, but the new one is not much better. There are many other complaints that are relatively "trivial" and not mentioned here. When all these problems add up, the caused frustration can easily drive you nuts. The company always states that they understand your frustration but in fact they will never address it.
I would give this place zero if I could. Besides the issues of broken roof, rude management, and inefficient maintenance, this place is a total ripoff. I have lived here for 10 months, and the management here billed me around $2000 unexpected cost in total. 1) public utility monthly: most of the residents are not aware of this cost when they signed the lease. It could be up to around $150 per person per month. 2) bed bug control: I had bed bug issue during my time here. Although it's likely that the bed bug issue was generated by myself, it's not impossible bed bug issue was caused by this building in general. Anyway, bed bug control personnel told me he comes here every week. I'm not the only person had the issue. The pest control staff spay the pesticide twice, and then I was billed around $440. 3) damage fee: without mentioning anything in the pre-move out inspection. I was cluelessly charged around $550 for damaging the stove. The management here photoshopped the picture proof, making the oil mark seem more serious . I have taken picture of the stove (below) on the day I move out, but the customer care just keep denying it with groundless reasons. I know 3 other residents had the same problems. In short, this is the worst place I ever rented in 5 years. From managerial studies, they charged a lot of bad profits. They seem to gain slightly more profits in the short term, but they will lose their customers forever and more revenues in the long term. Meanwhile, I urge potential renters to walk away from all the constant unwanted surprises from the terrible management who greedily suck out of your or your parents' bank account.
This place is horrible. Super expensive and very bad staff. I lived there for 2 years and they charged me for everything. My rent was $1900/m, but i was paying near $2200/m in addition to my own utility. They charged things that I have never seen in my life from a land lord. They are horrible. Never go there. In my move out they charged me $900 for cleaning and some minor scratches on the stove. It looks nice when you enter, but there are many many problem with Aimco. Never move there.
UPDATE FEB. 2019: DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER TOURING THIS DEATH TRAP. Do yourself a favor and sort reviews by Newest. And by the way, the people posting reviews that this has a piano and is luxury ARE EMPLOYEES OF THE BUILDING. This place is so bad that they have employees posting as residents about how luxurious it is. Want luxury? LOOK AT THE PHOTOS OF THE BROWN WATER COMING OUT OF THE FAUCETS. I AM SURE THIS WATER IS TOXIC AND UNHEALTHY. And the elevators, as you can see from photos are basically a death trap. DO NOT LIVE HERE. AVOID! Paper thin walls. Loud college kids! Ever since Aimco took over it's downhill. They will start charging you $10 for every day your package is not picked up. Snakes! It will cost you $500 to reserve an overrated public amenity space. Doormen are never to be seen. ANYONE can come in and out. Last week guy wasn't there for almost 30 minutes while he went to get a sandwich. No security whatsoever.
The new Aimco management is simply horrible.
Our apartment has serious cockroach problem. We have been submitting maintenance requests over the past few weeks. No one has done anything besides leaving a note. The two stars is for the lady at the front desk. If it's not her, I would leave one star.
I've been at the Left Bank for a month and have been slowly moving in before living there full time, so this is a review in progress (I'll update it if things change). The tl;dr is that, while the building has seemed pretty nice so far, it has felt difficult to trust or rely on management. Maintenance: I'm starting with this because it is the main reason for the poor review. We submitted several maintenance requests almost a month ago, and management keeps telling us somebody is coming to fix them, but nobody ever does. Mind you, a lot of these things probably should have been done before we moved in. I've tried to be patient, and have sent several follow-up emails, but when you are told by the leasing agent that maintenance usually responds to requests in a couple days, this kind of thing gets a bit frustrating. We've only been here for the month, so they could just be swamped right now, and if things improve I'll be sure to update the review. But so far it has not been good. Management: This leads me to the management and staff. I'll start off by saying that both the management and the concierges have always been polite and friendly. The concierges in particular have always answered our emails promptly and helpfully. I wish this could be the whole review. However, we have had several problems with management both during the leasing process and as we've lived here (see maintenance). About half of the things the leasing agent told us were outright false, the most impactful of which was denying the existence of community utility fees on top of normal utilities (they very much exist and they are per person). Whether this was simply ignorance (everybody makes mistakes) or outright lying, the fact is it means you can't really trust their leasing agents. It's a shame because the agent was otherwise a pleasure to work with, but if you can't trust them, there is really no point. The building: The building itself seems relatively well maintained. They have a great gym and pretty nice amenities. The hallways smell a bit, but that might just be a common city apartment thing. Even though the street outside is busy and loud, we live in an inside-facing room on a low floor and have had zero issues with noise. We also haven't had issues hearing neighbors, though we haven't been here full-time and think the building might be a little bit less populated during the summer due to school being out. I hope that helps! I know finding a place can be stressful, so I wish you good luck on your journey!
the building looks kind nice but the team contact was terrible! kept asking if i had an iphone which is fine as he needed to send me stuff via text, but he did it in such a condescending and impolite tone (and I got other people to read it and they agreed) that I felt very uncomfortable and asked the team whether I could be assigned to someone else. The contact then CALLED me (without warning me beforehand) and said he was the only one there! This was one of my top choices for apartments but ew bye
Pros: super close to campus, grocery stores and restaurants. Spacious room. Maintenance team responds fairly quickly. Cons: 1. The previous manager was the worst I have ever seen. Very difficult to get hold of and doesn't reply to emails unless upper management is cc'ed. 2. Move out cleaning fee was ridiculously high. We have tried our best to clean the unit before moving out (videos attached) and they still charged $365 for stove top+$150 for general cleaning+$70 for the bathroom tiles (they said gaps are not as white as they were). In addition, we lived in 1b1b and they charged $2*70 for 2 bathroom tiles thinking we would not notice it (same thing happened to my friend). Luckily we noticed it and requested for refund. It took over 2 months to get the refund though.
The only reason I am not giving it a one star was because of the location of this apartment and maintenance team and concierge. First, they messed up my lease because the residents in my leased unit renewed and no one from the leasing/community informed me that I got moved to a different unit. And if you read the other reviews here, you'd know this is not the first time they did it. Then after all the argument and I finally moved-in, the community manager Andrew Grundy is rarely responsive to any form of communication from the residents. The only two ways you will get a reply from him would be through the nice people from the team members on-site, i.e. the maintenance team or concierge; or run into him on the rare occasions that he's at the building, likely showing potential residents around. The only time I got a reply relatively quick from him was when I informed him I'm moving out. Update: a) The community manager doesn't reply his text either. It's commonly known among the residents that he's hard to find and rarely answers any of his phone calls or voicemails. b) No one has called or emailed me about my concerns as opposed to what Susan said down there. The only email I got was to remind me to pay for the last month community utility and etc.
I live on one of the upper floor, central facing apartments and I love the apartment space itself. It's well laid out, and it's quiet. Maintenance is wonderful. However, AND this is a major however, I would not recommend anyone signing up to live here. I have never seen Management so unresponsive and proud of their unresponsiveness and unprofessionalism. There are so many issues that I don't even know where to begin, so I apologize for how disorganized this review is. But please do read through it, because will have very useful information. They have cut down the security from being 24 seven at the front desk to only overnight, and I don't even know what time that person leaves. No one at the leasing office will ever respond to any questions or concerns. They are extremely rude and only care about getting more people to sign-on. They will completely forget you ever existed once you sign-on (they don't even wait till move in day to show their true colors). They didn't even coordinate move-in day, I had to come here the day before my move-in day to figure out the details (yup, no one sent me ANY information). That's how horrible they are and a harbinger of what is to come. The mail system is a complete disaster. They use something called luxor, but 15% of the packages are just left willy-nilly outside in the mail area. The locker system is supposed to be used to send out mail, but everyone just leaves it behind the front desk because none of the mail carriers use the locker system (so packages are unsafe). The amenities are average at best. The gym is decent, but all the other spaces are just OK. The amenity rooms have a TV but no cable in any of the rooms (and the rooftop and theater and broken or unavailable to use a good portion of the year). The elevators break down EVERY month, multiple times a month. And worst of all in addition to the extreme unprofessionalism and disorganization, they are very dishonest. When you sign-on, they tell you that the amenity fee is 500. But what they fail to tell you is that you will be charged anywhere from $100-$150 per month for common living area fees. And if all this wasn't enough, they will brazenly ask you to renew your lease 5 to 6 months before the end of your lease, and if you don't immediately jump on, they will prelease your apartment to other people and not even tell you. Such a disappointment living here. Would not recommend anyone signing on unless you're OK with Management that is nonexistent and a hindrance.
Great amenities including a large gym, lounge, and rooftop area overlooking center city. The location is hard to beat. Maintenance is pretty good once they get to your apartment. However, Aimco charges exorbitant monthly utility fees for the building in addition to the utilities that I pay for electricity and Wifi.
I've been living here for about a year and a half. Management (Amanda Morrissey) at this place is so awful. Tenants immediately sigh about her when I bring her up. Multiple elevators go down for part of a day about once a week, and management never emails residents about it, which is annoying when you walk across the building to use the elevator while you are shipping a large box only to realize it isn't working. The funny thing is when I email Amanda about the elevators being down, she always knows about it. One time she said that she did communicate properly with residents because she put a sign in front of the elevator. That is actually what she said. The owner charges luxury prices but manages like it's a run down apartment complex. One time our entire building's power went off for half a day, and management never emailed us when it came back on. I emailed Amanda and asked why they didn't email us when power had come back on, although they emailed us before to tell us it was going to be off all morning. She simply quit responding to my emails. That's really annoying. If there is an issue that concerns management, we get spammed emails all the time - like someone was putting clothes hangars down the laundry shoot and she emailed the entire building about it. If I were paying for this place out of pocket there's no way in hell I'd live here. Other places in the area are comparably priced. I don't know if they're better, but it's worth finding out.
After requesting maintenance for my clogged tub three times, Stan came to my unit and tried plunging the drain. After about trying for 20 minutes Stan called Roto Rooters to come fix the problem. I appreciated this because I knew the problem was worse than needing to be plunged. Stan really stepped in and resolved the problem quickly.
The good: Package delivery is well run for the most part, and the maintenence personnel and concierge are great, and people keep to themselves (pretty quiet place considering how big the building is). Amenities are good too. The bad: The elevators breakdown constantly (weekly, for 2-3 days) , and there is no staircase alternative nearby, so it can be a 10 minute detour from your uber to your apartment. Not fun with groceries. This has been going on for at least 8 months. They seem not to care, as it should have been resolved by now. Im embarassed for them. I also have bugs crawling up from my pipes, and while theyve brought in exterminators, its not solving my problem. In summary, you dont get what you pay for.
Update: Recently I have finally received my $1k refund, at the aid of one of your agents, Grundy Andrew. He helped me a lot during the refund process. However, considering the overall experience, I will just give an average rating. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Staff, I am an incoming graduate student who applied for Room #453 at the Left Bank apartment two months ago. Here I am writing to request to return my $1,000 deposit. I am very unpleasant with the whole application experience. Two weeks after I have submitted my application, we sent several emails to our agent Aaron Wilmer to ask for the application progress. Unfortunately, none of the emails, at least 3 of them, were replied to. We thought this was understandable due to the high volume of applications and to the pandemic. One month after the application, we sent another set of emails, and all of them went into black holes. After that, we tried our best to connect with the apartment service. But, you ignored the message left on your official website; you never answer the phone calls. Even the email sent to the SUPPORTHELPDESK went into silence! One and a half months had passed, we received no leasing contract, no further instruction, nor the application progress. Lastly, with the aid of a current tenant (he texted to his agent), we finally realized that the tenants renewed the lease of Room #453. Disappointingly, you never informed us of the situation nor offered any alternatives. The main reason why we decided to apply for the Left Bank apartment was that we were satisfied with the condition of Room #453. In this case, we deem this an almost fraud-like action, very disrespectful to the applicants. Therefore, we request the Left Bank apartment to refund our deposit. I hope this email will be read and replied to. Otherwise, we may consider submitting a formal complaint to related regulatory agencies.
This is a review edit: I will give this place a 3 stars and I will explain why Pros: - location is great, walking distance to HUP, Drexel, CVS and grocery store - very safe neighborhood - the right amount of a busy neighborhood, not as crowded as center city but very alive even late at night - doormen are very very nice and helpful - maintenance is good and reliable - management is responsive and nice - spacy apartments - I had a major plumbing issue, management and maintenance were very responsive and they fixed it in a timely fashion with many apologies which I appreciate - it is a very safe place to live in Cons: - it is expensive with some hidden fees, you can find a cheaper place if you look - noisy, trains on both sides of the building, so if you hate the noise as I do ask to live in one of the inside-facing apartments - you pay about 70$ a month for maintenance (I thought this would be included in the rent) - covered parking is available but expensive 225$ for one car - during my stay they did a lot of renovation on the building, they were extremely noisy, I could not hear people in my Livingroom, had a newborn at the time and had to leave my apartment with the baby on many many days because the noise was terrible, they also did not give an end time for the renovation until later, of note, this renovation lasted 5 whole months - there were construction men outside my window so no privacy with no warning from management - although the noise was unbearable and I couldn't stay in the apartment during the day time, they refused to move me to another apartment away from the noise - if you want to break your contract, you have to pay 3 months worth of rent - the carpet in the hallway is old and smelly, if you have allergy like I do, this might cause allergic attacks
Its utility fee is very high. We live in 2B2B and we got $94 for the gas fee and $195 in total for the utility fee in March, in which we didn't use air condition at all. Besides, we got $78 for peco electricity fee.