Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes

Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes Reviews

Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes located in 300 E Bellevue Dr , Pasadena, California 91101, United States there are many issues and complaints with this community/location, scroll down to the reviews section to see the true reviews for this location

Contact Information for Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes
300 E Bellevue Dr , Pasadena, California 91101, United States
Phone Number
Website URL
Year Built
Detailed Information for Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes

Here is 20 reasons why you SHOULD NOT! consider moving into Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes:

  1. Non-Return of Deposits: Difficulty in getting deposit refunds and unresponsiveness from leasing office.
  2. Noise Disruptions: Complaints about thin walls and ceilings leading to noise disturbances from neighbors and construction.
  3. Management Indifference: Lack of concern for resident welfare, prioritizing profits over resident satisfaction.
  4. Poor Communication: Challenges in scheduling viewings, unhelpful staff, and lack of effective communication from management.
  5. Outdated and Poorly Maintained Amenities: Reports of outdated facilities, lack of maintenance, and renovations that do not benefit residents.
  6. Unresolved Maintenance Issues: Slow response to maintenance requests, leading to prolonged inconvenience.
  7. Excessive and Hidden Fees: Unexpected charges and fees, including high move-out fees and charges for services not rendered.
  8. Inflexible Policies: Strict policies, such as the 60-day notice requirement for moving out, that do not align with tenant rights.
  9. Pest Infestations: Reports of bed bugs and other pest issues not adequately addressed by management.
  10. Security Concerns: Instances of theft and break-ins, along with inadequate security measures to protect residents.
  11. Insufficient Parking: Issues with parking allocation and availability, causing inconvenience for residents.
  12. Unfair Lease Terms: Lease terms and rent increases that are seen as unfair and not justified by the living conditions.
  13. Poor Quality of Living Spaces: Complaints about the condition of apartments, including issues with appliances, plumbing, and general upkeep.
  14. Lack of Essential Services: Inconsistent hot water supply, inefficient garbage disposal, and inadequate lighting.
  15. High Rent for Low Value: Residents feel the rent is too high for the quality of apartments and services provided.
  16. Unsanitary Conditions: Reports of mold, leaks, and overall unsanitary conditions within the apartments.
  17. Unhelpful Property Management: Property management described as unhelpful and difficult to work with, particularly in resolving issues.
  18. Inadequate Soundproofing: Lack of soundproofing leading to noise complaints and disrupted living conditions.
  19. Lack of Resident Support: Management’s failure to support residents during emergencies or urgent situations.
  20. Misleading Marketing: Accusations of deceptive marketing practices that do not reflect the actual living experience.
Reported Hazards for Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes
Bed Bug
Dog Poop
External Links for Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes
Our website exposes the deceptive practices of AIR Communities. We link to external reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, etc. but caution against trusting 5-star ratings. Many are the result of incentives for positive feedback, not genuine tenant experiences. We advise focusing on reviews of 3 stars or below for a real picture of these properties. Beware of manipulated ratings and seek the truth in the more critical, honest feedback

Reviews for Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes
Review Rating
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Your Voice Matters! If you’ve faced challenges with your living conditions on Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes, from maintenance issues like mold, leaks, or pest problems to any other concerns, we encourage you to share your story. Your honest reviews not only help others make informed decisions but also shine a light on the need for better management and living standards. Let’s work together to make the community safer and more accountable.

Showing 1 - 30 of 30
Please don't live here. Ceilings/walls are paper thin so you can hear your neighbors talking and stomping around everywhere. I can hear them right now as I am typing this. Plus, they just announced they are remodeling the pool even though they know people are still working from home. So on top of your loud neighbors you can hear loud construction noise too. This is also a building owned by a big company, meaning if you have issues help is practically non-existent. There isn't really a human landlord, it's a big company so don't expect good customer service either. The other poor reviews on here look realistic to me. Please stop giving bad places business.
Very Terrible! Never sign a lease with them! Them only care about your money and how to collect more money from you. There are a lot of tricks in the lease, and they will raise the rate when you lease end.
I have been leasing here since 2006 and saw this property go from ok to now "who cares". I loved the location being close to downtown Pasadena and the apartment having a gym and pool but that being said those are the only positives. I move 3 times while being a tenant there due to noise, and other reasons and it still was not perfect which is why I finally decided to become an owner. When you shell out over $2200 bucks a month for a regular 970 square ft 2 bedroom apartment, regular cheap carpets, old appliances, terrible plumbing, air conditioning/heating vents that have never been cleaned, and noisy common areas like the courtyard, people doing their laundry at 3 in the morning, We have tried to work with management which is offsite so no support if something breaks down at 5 PM on a Friday to 9 AM on a Monday. The maintenance man is great but he has no budget from corporate so everything is repaired as cheap as possible. The apartment manager lady is nice but her hands are tied as well with no support from corporate. The only objective here is to make as much money off of you with little or no investment in the property. In regards to security, there is a Security agency but they never patrol the site and good luck trying to call them. I know as i have been a victim of theft in the underground garage area at least 3 times in 9 years with bikes being stolen, car windows smashed in, and hitches gone. I have had sewer pipes break over my car with liquid pouring onto it. I reported that and was told sorry. If you live on the 3rd floor you can expect your apartment to start shaking when the roof fans turn on, and you have to leave the water running at least 2-4 minutes before getting any hot water. You can expect elevator breakdowns, and garage gates breaking down too in the open position. We should expect better service at the price we are paying but nobody cares. I'm just glad to leave this rental building.
I lived there for 3 1/2 years and I hated every minutes of it. I sincerely don't recommend this place not even to my enemy. So, Please stay away for numerous reasons: 1- The rent keeps on going up every time the lease ends. They know that they got you by the balls. You think you have a good deal but sooner than you expect you will pay a lot of money for this hole. 2- If You live in the last floor, embrace for the storm. You will hear humming of the compressor 24/7. so, I have an advice for you, buy ear plugs and good sleeping pills. 3- You sign up for a gated community, but the front door is always open and anybody can go and out " A GOGO". 4- They hire a manager that you never see and she does not care. 5- Forget about your rent deposit, you will never get anything back, I got back 2.50$ out of 500$ deposit. so, I hope I get you a clear picture of the place. STAY AWAY!!!!!
I recently moved out of Villas of Pasadena and I DO NOT recommend living there. Yes its a great area but the management company is god awful. When I first moved in, I was told to park in parking spot A and another tenant was parking there so they told me to park in parking spot B. When I came back there was someone parked in parking spot B so I had them towed. I got a phone call from Lucas, the property manager at the time and told me that I had to pay the tow fee cause apparently it wasn't my spot. The tow fee was $300 and villas of Pasadena would not do anything to help. If I refused to pay the tow fee, the car I had towed was going to take me to small collections. I paid the fee and then I was moved to parking spot C and when I moved out in March, they still showed me parking in parking spot A! The lack of communication and organization is beyond me. (this all happened within a month of living there and you'd think that they would want to start the tenant & landlord relationship on the right foot.) In addition to the parking issues that they wouldn't help with, I had numerous issues with our Apartment. When we would turn on the A/C, a raw sewage smell would come out of the vents and they kept saying to run the garbage disposal and that didn't resolve the issue (this might be due to the pipes in the garage constantly breaking and leaking sewage on vehicles.) We also had trouble with our fridge (tenants use the fridges provided by the complex.) After numerous times of telling them that the fridge doesn't keep anything cold, they said to make sure the freezer vents aren't covered. We made sure that they weren't covered after the first time and it still didn't work (our food would go bad after a day of buying it.) After several complaints, they finally replaced our fridge with a new used fridge just to find out that the original fridge was the outdated model used in the complex. We had numerous problems with the oven and stove heating, to the point that it wouldn't warm up. After moving out, we had to put a 60 days notice (lease expired March 2nd but we didn't file the vacate letter till January 12th, so we got charged for the 10 days that we weren't living there.. understandable). 60 days notice is a little absurd since you don't know if you'll be staying or leaving. If you decide to stay and someone puts the deposit on your apartment, you still have to move out, leaving you hanging to dry. But what they don't tell you is that the last months payment is the prorated rent and the January utilities. We aren't getting our security deposit back because they applied it to the February and March utilities along with the cleaning fee/painting. To me, it doesn't make sense why they charge you for a month of utilities two months later. You'd think they would charge you all payments due prior to moving out but instead they throw you a curve ball and jip you out of your security deposit. Due to the lack of communication/organization both internally and with the tenants, I'd take your money elsewhere. The complex will spend thousands of dollars making the entry way look nice, but wont replace the appliances in your apartment. All they care about is your money and when you need them the most, they turn there shoulder. P.S. If you live on the 2nd or 3rd floors, you are allowed to have hanging planter boxes but they wont allow first floor tenants to do the same cause it will "damage" the wood. Be prepared to hate your life for the next year if you decide to live there after reading this.
This place does not care about its residents at all, more about loud renovations that disrupt the entire building to look good for advertisement, and other forms of making more money. Please do not go here if you are an ArtCenter student, especially. Our schedules are extremely demanding and tiring already, and the loud construction with practically no insulation to mute the noise is exhausting. You can also hear everyone who lives there because on top of no noise insulation the plaza echoes LOUDLY. They have been renovating a pool, in the plaza, for more than a month now M-F 9-5 without breaks (started during our midterm week), when barely anyone had been using the pool anyway because of Covid. Besides the renovations for things that the residents don't even use, they never update things we actually use. The building smells strange because all the hallways are covered in old dirty carpet, old walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, etc.
This building and the leasing company are outright criminals. The management is horrible and won't do anything to help with the massive amounts of noise issues they have from a bunch of college and younger residents packed into one bedroom apartments. Don't live here if you value your sleep or job. I had to break my lease after two years of HELL from noise PLUS a crazy moth infestation they couldn't get rid of and they were eating all my clothes and food, does this company care? not one bit. They lie about everything and now that I was forced to break my lease, they sent me a bill for EIGHTEEN GRAND. are they INSANE? I tried to call the corporate office of Aimco and was told they won't speak to me, won't let me talk to their legal dept, and that they will come after me for the money without even bothering to research all the problems i had with rounds of turnover staff her, i was on my third set of a manager and maintenance person at this place in less than two years. Theyre even attempting to charge me for a FRIDGE when i had my OWN but they are too criminal to maintain records and would rather try to scam any tenants who can't endure the TORTURE of living here and have to leave instead of simply saying thanks for letting us sucker you out of overblown rents for as long as you stayed. The lease terms are insanely unreasonable and you will regret it forever if you move into this place. Don't be fooled by their promises of customer service- don't believe me? call Aimco's main office and see if you can get anyone in their legal department on the phone. They practice total SHAKEDOWN intimidation policies on their tenants they supposedly care so much about. HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE WORST LEASING COMPANY IN EXISTENCE. I'd give it negative a million stars if that were possible! Instead it's my new life's mission to take them to court and SUE THEM for negligence and criminality. DO NOT move into ANY AIMCO property, you will surely regret it!!!!!
While the residents are all really nice and it's a nice area the management company here has been really difficult and is not following the law. Villas refuses to follow rent control and when informing management of our rights we were threatened with eviction via email if we payed the legally allowed rent. Rent increases were 10% one year and 5% the next in violation of measure h. They also require a 2 month notice to move out, which is illegal according to state law (only 30 days is required in reality). Additionally, the apartment has multiple safety concerns. Whenever it rains the hallways leak water on the 3rd floor (and aren't repaired), a fire occurred my last week living here and the fire alarm only set off much later than is safe. Our ceiling flooded water into the bedroom floor and we weren't given a place to stay while they repaired the ceiling (weeks later). Not to mention random hot water shut offs and one week on Christmas 2021 our water shut off for over a day for no reason. Lastly, the minute the property manager found out we were giving our 2 month notice, we were constantly asked to move out early as they found a new tenant already and he wanted to move in "asap." We were also charged an excessive rent increase here our last month, due to month-to-month rent being higher than 5%. You have to sign a yearly lease each year instead of being allowed to go month-to-month after your first year here. Highly recommend people don't live here if they value their safety and rights as tenants.
This is my first review. Yes, people won't say anything until they have a NEGATIVE experience. That is very TRUE in social media era. First, congratulations for Villas of Pasadena Apartment Homes's customer relation team, you did a A plus TERRIBLE job! The ONLY thing they have done well is to send your e-mails every month(yes, more than one time) to ask you to pay you rent after you've paid it. They treat this method as a "warm reminder". However, when you really need them, for example, renew lease notice before 60 days reminder . They won't send you an email to make sure you know it because they are too busy!!! And they just sent you once letter like a renew offer which they know you won't open it. Even you open it, there is no space mentioning that there is a 60 days notice. The community manager is not friendly when you talk to her.It waste time and ruin your all day. She just followed her procedures and did not care there is a response or not. Customer's own interest? None of her business. Sh is a trained-well collecting money machine. Anyway, for all the potential tenant, PAY ATTENTION! They have 60 days notice before you move out in the lease and they won't remind you. (Or remind you after one month passed) In this case, you have to pay the month-to-month rate(Quite Expensive) extra 60 days money to them no matter your lease end earlier. If you have chance, find a better home. We deserve better than that. ************************************************ (I just found their marketing team updated a 3 star review in order to make their 1 star review out of sight) See? They do not care you.
This place cares more about money than its residents, AND workers. I lived here for a while and they've completely replaced their staff members twice. No one from two years ago, or three years ago, works here anymore. No complaint is ever really solved. There are so many reviews on here about the noise and terrible insulation and its been like this forever. All they do is use rent money on renovating the lobby for visitors, since none of the residents actually use that space. All the hallways that lead to the apartments are still covered in old dirty carpet, the elevators take forever, laundry is so expensive, and the list goes on. This place never really felt like a home and more just like a temporary place to survive, while they try to get the most out of you as possible, with barely anything in return.
I lived there for almost two years and I can definitely say it's the worst apartment I have ever experienced. Outdated popcorn ceiling, old fashioned building without accessible path for disabled people. Really really poor manager to work with. Hot water often got shut off and needs almost half day to back to work. They charged you ridiculous, huge amount of move out fee even though most parts are not your fault. Especially they don't allow resident leave their furniture in garbage room for free. Poor amenities, really small gym.
This is my first review and i'm only writing it because the world needs to know, NEVER MOVE HERE!!!!. I've lived in the complex 11 months and am counting the days until my year lease ends and i can move out. All i'm going to say is how terrible the property manager is. Do not, do not, do not move in here
Lived in a 3 bedroom apartment for a year, and did not have the best experience. We were told that we would be able to get 3 parking spots because we had a 3 bedroom apartment and we never got it. The day we signed the lease and moved into our apartment, we discovered it was extremely dirty with paint all over the floors and dust everywhere. Then upon moving out we discovered that they "lost" our notice to vacate in 60 days. We are now hit with a 1000 dollar fee. Would not recommend.
Do not, and I mean DO NOT move in here. I am kicking myself for not having found these accurately negative reviews when I moved in a year ago. Rent is absurd. Especially considering the building is disgusting. You can most certainly find a better place to live for the same price or cheaper.  There is minimal safety. The front door is open at all hours of the night and cars have been stolen out of and broken into in the parking garage. I had to find this out from residents who were victims of this, because management did not alert the community, which is despicable to say the least. The apartments themselves are musty and painted white to be made to look clean. I had some drawers that didn't even open because they were stuck shut from white paint. I have come home to a puddle of water on my kitchen floor approximately 6-8 times from my sink and dishwasher leaking and probably twice in my bathroom sink. There was even water leaking through the grout in the wall in the kitchen. It's an absolute JOKE. (Side note: they said they have never had mold in the drywall but based on what I have experienced and previously mentioned, how could there NOT be?) My AC has broken. The hot water has broken and brown water has come out of my pipes for stretches of time. Watch where you step in the patches of grass out front, because they are littered with dog poop from residents that are unaware of the fact that other people live here. By the way, very strange mix of residents. The couple above me is up and, shall we say, active at all hours of the day/night. The floor must be absolutely ancient because I can hear the rhythmic creaking of their bed as clearly as if I were in their bedroom with them. The resident next to me likes to stand on his patio (which is essentially next to my pillow) and hock loogies onto the driveway. The lease agreement requires 60 days notice before moving out. On top of this, if you decide you want to get out before your lease is up because you realize it is an absolute trash place to live, you will end up paying ~5x your monthly rent to get out of the lease. Just don't move in here. Seriously. Despite how you might think things may have improved when the leasing agents talk to you, don't believe it.  I wouldn't wish my unit at the Villas of Pasadena on my worst enemy.
The only good thing about this place is the cleaning staff. The place has extremely thin walls, floors, and ceilings, so you can hear a lot from people above/below you, next to you, and through the hallways. Not to mention the plaza space that echoes so much that you can hear footsteps from a mile away. They only ever renovate the facilities, and never where residents actually live. Submitting a maintenance request is hard and unreliable. And the place charges you for everything on top of really high rent that goes up every year. Not worth what it offers, would not recommend.
Lived in a 3 bedroom apartment for a year, and did not have the best experience. We were told that we would be able to get 3 parking spots because we had a 3 bedroom apartment and we never got it. The day we signed the lease and moved into our apartment, we discovered it was extremely dirty with paint all over the floors and dust everywhere. Then upon moving out we discovered that they "lost" our notice to vacate in 60 days. We are now hit with a 1000 dollar fee. Would not recommend.
I moved in here 6 months back and I regret the day I decided to rent it. The manager is unsupportive, unfriendly and extremely loud and rude. You will see her smiling only when you are signing the lease after that as if she don't even know you. Services sucks. There is just one building manager and one handyman working on their time slots for entire building. Whenever they need breaks, will close the office and go. Sometimes hard to find them. It is impossible to pick any package if you are working between 8-5, no weekend services at all. The biggest problem is BED BUGS. yup, they won't mention, but once you start living here you will soon find out with all the scratches on your back, tummy, hands and feet. It is clearly mentioned in the lease "Pest control to be paid by tenant" so you can't expect any help from building management . I am stuck here for few more months but I genuinly don't want any one else to come and live here. The security is worst than you can imagine. Car break ins are so common still the management is not even considering putting up camera or some security devices in parking lot. Instead, they started closing recreation room when I asked why is it not opening with the access key given to residents they mentioned at night sometimes HOMELESS people come and sleep here which they don't want so to avoid that they changed the PLEASE CONSIDER ALL OTHER POSSIBLE OPTIONS BEFORE THINKING TO COME AND LIVE HERE.
I use to really like my apartment here, until the new management company took over. It was great that they replaced the furniture in the lobby, and brought in new gym equipment, but the rent increases each year are outrageous. When I renewed my lease last year, the new company didn't even bother to mention that the policy changed from a 30 notice to a 60 day. I don't recommend moving here at all!! If you are going to pay this much rent, you can find brand new luxury apartments in Pasadena with a much friendlier staff and the normal 30 day notice to vacate.
I've been asking for my deposit back for over one and a half year and they told me they've sent out the check and we have never received it. Right now, I can't get any contact with their leasing office. They just vanished.
I moved here not too long ago and i needed service to be done for my oven. Never happened after a few emails. Terrible staff and zero customer service. Dont believe the good reviews. They are surely false just to keep a high star reviews here on yelp. A disaster!
I just moved into my apartment about 2 wks ago. The process was super easy and Christy was super helpful! Due to Covid-19, appointments are necessary in order to view the apartments. I was in town for a couple of days and the soonest they could get me in was the following week. However, Christy was able to make some arrangements and squeeze me into her schedule. We did a virtual viewing and at the end of it, I went ahead and signed my lease. I love how everything is upgraded, there's no carpet and how spacious it is. The facility is clean and we also get our own assigned parking in the garage. I really appreciated Christy for taking the time to answer all of my questions. She would reply back in a timely manner and was always very patient with me. I did have a couple minor issues moving in but that got taken care of right away. Come tour this place! I promise you, you won't regret it! 🙂 ADDENDUM----- When I first moved here, things were great. I've been living here for 7 months now so I can tell you the pros and cons. Pros: -turnaround response time from managers are fairly quick (24-48 hrs) -haven't seen any bugs -hard floorings Cons: the NOISE!!!!! There's so much noise that I can't block out. Quick advice to anyone that works nights. Do not live by the front. I'm not sure how loud it is in the back part of the apartments but I have been having problems with noise. The walls are thin, I can hear my neighbor next door playing piano 7 days a week or my neighbor to the right side of me blasting their music in the middle of the night. The worst is the people above me. You can literally hear everything. I mean EVERYTHING-----heavy footsteps, drawers being closed, squeaky bed, alarm going off, cat running around, etc. If the second and third floor had carpets then I think the noise would be reduced. I'm also woken up by birds quaking, landscapers working on the property, construction noise, etc. I have lost so much sleep because of this. So therefore, I'm rating this place a 2.
Been living here for about half a year. One of our appliances breaks at least once a month and it takes on average at least two weeks to fix. Currently, my bathroom sink and toilet have been broken for almost three weeks and the landlord has been unresponsive about the situation.
I wish I can give much positive review about Villas of Pasadena, but my four years experience with the management and some of the neighbors was very dissatisfying and unpleasant. The reason I stayed for so long was the location of the community and some hope that things might improve after some changes in the management occurred, and many false reassurances from management that they will address the issues! Pros: Great location in beautiful Pasadena! Cons: Noise! Old structure that carries every little noise to the neighbors. You can hear your neighbors conversations, steps when they walk, especially with shoes. Non- caring and non- responsive, and even rude management located remotely! They don't know what is going on in the community! The person in the onsite office does not have management authorities except sales! She is friendly and tries to help the residents but she is not a manager. Recently the community became dog friendly, and I have no problems with dogs, but the old structure is not well insulated so all the running of the big dogs in the hallways, and barking can be heard pretty loud! Also, for some crazy reason the management approved installation of many speakers in the main lobby, and the common areas and plays all day music which you may not like, but hear it in your apartment! And not only during the day, but also at night- they forget to turn it off so if you are facing the courtyard, will have to sleep with the music of the management's choice! Friendly advise: If you choose to rent in Villas of Pasadena because of the location, and you like to sleep at night- rent on third floor and facing the city not the courtyard! Expect with renewal, good amount of rent increase! Notice to move out requires 2 months in advance, not one as many other communities! I'm disappointed deeply by Aimco management! They don't make you feel at home!!!
sorry if this a long rant. stay far away from this place. the rents may seem reasonable for the area, but the apartment manager is only interested in collecting rent, and the numbers supplied for after-hours emergencies were essentially useless. She puts on a friendly front when you sign the lease but that's the last time you see it. The handyman is ok, but god forbid you need any other services (besides collecting your money) from the manager--she is rather brusque, occasionally patronizing, and generally unhelpful. --If you are unable to pick up packages between the hours of 8-5 (normal working hours the last time I checked) then they will not assist you in placing the package in your apartment. Once the manager helped me; the next time (twice in 3 years, mind you) I was informed that she had done it once before (a year prior) and she couldn't do it again. Never mind that sometimes these things are critical packages, and by virtue of the fact that you work, it may be difficult to make it home by 5. And of course, forget it if it's the weekend--no services then!!!! --One Christmas Eve while guests were soon to be arriving, I sat and watched while brown water flowed from my kitchen faucet for hours. --In addition, when I moved out, they charged me $160 for "cleaning fees" regardless of the fact that the apartment was in excellent move-out condition--no damage, but it needed to have a professional once-over prior to a new tenant (i.e. standard rug cleaning after 3 years without, standard bathroom cleaning and kitchen cleaning). All apartments do. It was explained to me that the apartment needs to be in "as-is" condition when I leave; "as-is" to most people means no major damage, all appliances etc in good condition etcetera. She then explained to me--not when I notified her of my move-out date, but when I was actually moving OUT--that it should be in the condition that someone else can MOVE IN. I think that is not only ridiculous and unreasonable, but that if that was the case and they were going to charge this much, I should have been notified when I told them I was moving out. This is how they get you to pay their cleaning charges. --In addition, I was charged a "late move-out notice fee" for being 1 day "late" in notifying them of my move-out date although their leasing/management office had been closed for the previous 4 days and there was no one to notify. I was told that I should have left a note on the office door regardless of the fact that no one was around and that if I had done that, the move-out notification date would have then have been altered in the computer. Let's ignore the fact that this defies all logic. --security was somewhat bad in regards to the cars. People had their vehicles broken into and things stolen during the three years I lived there. The only reason I stayed is because my hatred of the building was only exceeded by my hatred of moving. But you can do better before you get sucked in!!! You can find similar apartments with nicer and responsive management for comparable rents in the same area. You get my drift. The good things about it: location is decent, and the apartments, if old, are somewhat big. I understand that these are good things. But I like good customer service too, and that is sorely lacking. And I hate getting nickled and dimed on stupid stuff when I know other people renting nicer places in comparable or better areas not dealing with this stuff. If they replaced the management, this could be a 3-4 star building.
At first this place was good for the price but toward the end of my lease I couldn't wait to move out. My roommates and I had so many problems with management that we even moved out over a month before our lease - we were that miserable. Erika tried to help but her hands were tired because she constantly had to check with management or get approval from them which was a slow and tedious process at best. We heard so many horror stories about them taking our security deposit and regardless of us moving out over a month before our last day they essentially took it all. We were told 100 cleaning fee but it was 120. They tacked on all these "closing fees" we had no idea about. In the end we would rather lose the deposit then have to deal with that management company ever again. Beware of Aimco. If it weren't for Erika's attempts to make living here pleasant this review would be a one star. The other star goes to location which was in close proximity to the metro and Colorado blvd.
Great location and awesome amenities for the price, all of that deserved 5 stars. But unless you have a 3rd level (top level) apartment, the sound transmission from upstairs neighbors is painfully loud. Wouldn't be an issue if the neighbors were early birds. So the extreme lack of sound proofing brings it down to a 4. The other star comes from the "little things" I've noticed since being here. The hot water sometimes takes 10-15 minutes to warm up, bike racks full of old tenants bikes renders the rack useless, storage units are present but extremely vulnerable without a way to truly lock it up, and not much lighting in the apartments. The lack of forethought with soundproofing was highlighted when the tenant who lives next to the exercise center popped in when I was exercising in the morning to tell me it was too loud. Hope this review helps you understand the nuances of the complex. Otherwise a good spot with good management, but the soundproofing and quality of the details is what brings it down for me
The Good: Pool, great location, covered parking, safe neighborhood, and dog-friendly The Bad: Unorganized package/delivery system, right across from a school--lots of traffic in mornings and afternoon The Ugly: Poor management, even poorer communication, only available a few days a week so if you have an issue, you out of luck if they are not in.
After a call from Brandie, who was super helpful, I'm changing this to 3 stars. She even came up with a semi-solution to the issue of renewing the lease and 60 day notice issue with renewing the lease. If Aimco would change the policy dealing with 60 days required for an opt-out on a lease and make it 30 days, this place would have 4 stars. The negotiation process is painstaking, mainly because you're dealing with the policies of a big corporation. All in all, it's not a bad apartment, but the way the leases are structured makes you question whether living here is worth it. The proprety manager is off-site, which isn't a huge deal, but this means you never speak with the same person when you have an issue and when there are problems off-hours (noise, smoking, etc.) you're on your own. Arturo (maintenance) is the man and is always willing to go out of his way to help you--he does a good job at responding very quickly and doing things right. Also--the photos are slightly deceptive. They're photos of Paseo Mall (15 min walk), Old Town (20 min walk) and the apartments do NOT have hardwood floors (despite that description on the website). They're laminate wood-pattern and concrete below other words, get a rug and your feet will freeze. The carpet doesn't seem much better. Other gripes--the cabinets are painted white...who knows what they used to be, but some paint chipped off and revealed a 70s yellow or pink or something. Even worse is the fact that the countertops are painted white, too. This makes cleaning a pain and they don't look great after even normal wear and tear. It'd be a much better place to live if the leases weren't structured in the way that they are and the office was more willing to communicate with you like human beings. It's on me for not reading the lease more thoroughly (beware it's like 5 pages of fine print), but it's bad business to alienate and make life more difficult for the people who are keeping you in business. Again, you have options in Pasadena and can probably do better for what you pay to live here.
I'm perplexed by the negative reviews. I've lived here for six months and it's typical apartment living. No granite countertops, valet, or anything else fancy. The apartments themselves are very "white" - white walls, white bathroom, white carpet... So that's probably a downside, but you can paint the walls so long as they're back to boring white when you leave. I haven't experienced any vandalism or unhelpful staff. I got a kitten and emailed Cheryll right away and she was very accomodating to my work schedule and left the pet addendum taped to my door. Ok, so it sounds a little like she could not have cared less, but I let her know in advance. Also, I needed the batteries replaced in the thermostat and it was fixed quickly and to my satisfaction! I don't live facing the courtyard so I can't comment on noise coming from there, but overall I find it a very quite community. You can hear your neighbors sometimes, but only if they're being really loud (or have a small child). I recommend at least looking at this apartment complex even if you don't sign.