
Open Letter to Potential Investors of Apartment Income REIT Corp.

(NYSE: AIRC) (“AIR” or “AIR Communities”)


Dear Investors,

We hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. As a group of concerned citizens who believe in the ethical responsibilities businesses owe to society, we felt compelled to share some insights about “REIT Corp / Air Communities” (AIRC). These insights are drawn from both firsthand experiences of many individuals and our collective deep dive into the operations of this publicly traded entity.

It’s undeniable that the primary objective of any corporation is profit. However, in today’s interconnected world, corporations that thrive the most are those that balance profit with purpose. They recognize that the well-being of their customers, the larger community, and their reputation significantly impact long-term returns and brand loyalty.

Recent accounts from residents of properties managed by Air Communities paint a worrisome picture. From neglecting basic maintenance responsibilities and compromising safety to hiking fees without apparent justification and a marked lack of concern for residents’ well-being – the tales are many. While these might seem like isolated incidents from a larger business perspective, they reflect a company culture that places profits above people.

For a more detailed account of these experiences, we encourage you to visit our reviews page. Here, you will witness firsthand the frustrations and concerns of many who have had the misfortune of dealing with this company.

We urge you, as an investor or potential investor, to reconsider your financial engagements with Air Communities. There are countless other investment opportunities available that not only offer financial returns but also contribute positively to society. Companies that are people-centric tend to have better long-term prospects as they foster brand loyalty, positive word of mouth, and overall goodwill.

Moreover, as investors, you wield significant power. Your collective voice can be a catalyst for change. We encourage you to leverage this power and put pressure on the management of Air Communities to prioritize the needs and concerns of their residents. Ask them the tough questions and demand transparency.

Remember, every investment decision you make is also a vote for the kind of world you wish to see. Together, let’s ensure our investments create a world where businesses prosper while ensuring the welfare and happiness of the people they serve.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Let’s champion ethical investing as the norm, not the exception.

This letter is for Apartment Income REIT Corp. (NYSE: AIRC) (“AIR” or “AIR Communities”) along with Apartment Investment and Management Company (NYSE: AIV) (“Aimco”) Investors

Warm regards,