Privacy Policy

Who We Are

Our website is Air Communities Reviews, a platform for sharing and reviewing community experiences.


When comments are posted, we collect the data shown in the comment form, the commenter’s IP address, and browser user agent string to aid in spam detection. If your email address matches an avatar service, your profile picture may be shown in the context of your comment once it’s approved.


Upload images without embedded location data (EXIF GPS) to protect your privacy. Uploaded images’ location data may be accessible to others.


We use cookies to enhance your experience. This includes cookies that save your details when you comment and cookies that remember your login and display preferences. Cookies related to logging in last for two days, and display choices last for a year. Post-editing cookies expire after 1 day.

Embedded Content

Articles may include embedded content from other websites. Such content follows the privacy policy of the originating website.

Data Sharing

Your data may be shared in specific cases, such as during a password reset request, where your IP address is included in the reset email.

Data Retention

Comments and their metadata are kept indefinitely. User information is stored until the user edits or deletes it. Administrators may also manage this information.

Your Rights

You can request an export of your personal data or its deletion, excluding data retained for legal or security reasons.

Data Handling

Comments may be vetted through an automated spam detection service.